
Rebirth of Magitechnologist

Alan a genius prodigy who went along with his parents wishes and abandoned the things he liked the most, he lived a mediocre life and when the world faced catastrophe he became nothing but a cannon fodder for the strong and died. Reborn back to the time where everything had gone wrong he decided to change his fate.

Alan_White · Games
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18 Chs


I opened my laptop and began to check on the crypto currencies i invested and thankfully all were there, i began to sell all of them in the market as i don't want to take any chances, i invested a total of 389 million Dex (universal currency) and all these money in total add up to nearly than 6 billion Dex. When i sold all of it i released a sigh of relief, looking at the 5.5 billion in my account i felt like all my worries were gone

'huh these taxes are so annoying

I have to pay a lot on the taxes to the government but then also i was quite happy looking at my balance,

"Alan come down"

"Yes mother"

My mother's shout sounded and i put on some clothes and ran downstairs. For the next whole day I received phone calls from my friends, relatives, reporters and prestigious universities. In the evening i finally was free of them and my father came back early from the office carrying sweets, we had dinner outside and came home late at night,


"Yes Alan"

I called my Dad who was watching the news on the T.V. happily because it was my result and i was the headlines of the news,

'Come on Alan you can do it'

"W-well the thing is"


"The thing is i don't want to become a doctor"

I shut my eyes tight and spoke of my heart.

Hearing me, my father's smile dropped and looked seriously over me

"Do you know what you are saying?"

"Yes Dad i know"

I looked firmly at his eyes

"You got such great marks in the result and now you are saying you don't want to become a doctor"

My father shouted at me and my mother who went to sleep came out running and looked worriedly at my father,

It took a whole hour for me to convince my father by showing him 5 billion Dex at my account he finally gave up on persuading me.

He on his father's wish wanted to become a doctor but failed in the test and can't become one and so wanted me to become a doctor in his stead.

I transferred one billion Dex to his account at night and went to sleep.

Waking up i was greeted by my mother who just told me that she supported me on whatever I wanted to do and chose for myself.

Later at breakfast i honest told them i don't want to enter any university and not to be under any educational programme.

My mother hesitated for this and asked to change my mind and my father didn't talked to me and remained silent the whole time and left for his office.

"Mom you said that you are having stomache for a few weeks shall we go see the doctor today"

"No I'm fine it's just normal stomachache it will be alright after taking a few medicines"

"No we are visiting doctor today, and i already took an appointment for the doctor we have to be there in 2 hours"

"What But"

"No buts, i know it is very painful for you and you were hesitating at it would cost a lot of money am i right?"

She didn't say anything but kept looking at me quietly

"You don't have to worry now, your son has made so much money just to go and change"

"You have changed"


"No i don't mean anything bad it's just you seem to have become mature all of sudden"

I chuckled

'I relly can't hide it from my mother'

"I didn't change at all, i am still your same baby boy"

"Well whatever, don't mind your father, it's just his childishness he was truly happy when you showed him 5 billion yesterday"

I smiled at her knowingly, how can i not know him, after all i took care of him for 30 years i already know he is very happy and probably smiling like crazy while standing at the middle in the crowded metro.

In the metro,


A man who was smiling crazily creeping out the people nearby suddenly sneezed

'huh is someone talking about me'

As he thought he returned smiling like a crazy person making people around him feel uncomfortable and think of him as a pervert.

In the Maximus Hospital, the best private hospital in the city i took my mother here and doctors suggested a few tests which we took and due to advanced technology nowadays all the test reports came out in the evening and she was diagnosed with stage 2 stomach cancer both of my parents listening to report cried and i consoled them that we have money now, everything will be fine.

My father resigned from his job and we began to pack our things to leave to Samuel City the capital city of Aurfest in a week.