
Rebirth of Magitechnologist

Alan a genius prodigy who went along with his parents wishes and abandoned the things he liked the most, he lived a mediocre life and when the world faced catastrophe he became nothing but a cannon fodder for the strong and died. Reborn back to the time where everything had gone wrong he decided to change his fate.

Alan_White · Games
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18 Chs

Future Profits

Opening my eyes i was inside the cabin, getting up my movements were a little stiff and groggy, it took a while for my movements to return normal and i entered the bathroom and freshed my self up and also changed nutritional drink container which was almost empty and refilled it i had bought nutritional drink in a bulk which can last for years, i replaced the waste box which contains my stool and urine and works like a disposable box for collecting our waste.

I ordered a take away and noticing there was more than 3 hours left before visiting to the hospital i decided to go to a salon and cut my hair which are grown too long and after getting ready i drove to the hospital.

Uncle Wilson and Big Brother Arthur are very nice people and i grew up playing with him and his sister Emma i don't have much feelings for them personally but in my last life when Mom was admitted Uncle Wilson provided us with all of his savings for helping us but it wasn't enough for treatment and Dad returned the money, he is one of few good people i have met in my life and in this life i want to repay him for kindness he showed to us but in this life nothing like that had happened so after merging of the Earth i will help him and his family to settle in the Arcania.

I entered the ward and my mother was busy watching her serial and father busy with his phone.

"Oh you finally remembered us"

My mother seeing me entering started to scold me about my behaviour and asked me a lot of questions about the game while persuading me for entering any university.

I sighed and after she stopped scolding i explained to her about Arcania Online, the in game profits and real life currency exchange with how future of the world will change and hearing my logical explanation she gave me permission to play the game God it took an entire hour to explain her about the game.

After that we started conversing about different things and soon after a the ward's door opened and nurse brought our guest in, it was a middle age couple and a handsome man followed by an extremely gorgeous girl.

In my last life i never personally met Wilson family after they moved and it is my first time seeing any of them.

We had a nice chat and had dinner inside the ward as i ordered it beforehand,

"So Alan what are you doing now?"

Out of sudden Uncle Wilson asked me and before i could speak my father excitedly told him about my results, how i gave up studying earned 5 billion and later 150 billion out of it. Wilson's were quite surprised by it and listen attentively as my father spoke proudly about me, whose parents didn't want to show how good their child is? I was quite embarassed by his praises but inside my heart heart i genuinely felt delighted and happy that my father is so proud of me.

The dinner went on and later adults started talking and i along with Arthur and Emma excused ourselves and went for a stroll outside the hospital, we didn't talk much just about some childhood memories and Arcania Online as they are very interested in playing.

At 10 o'clock Wilson family left the and we were alone today i stayed by mother's side while father went to his apartment, all night mother and i talked happily and slept happily.

Waking up in the morning i left the hospital and entering my house i took a shower and as the game still had one day left for completing it's update, the update isn't much of a great deal you can exchange gold coins for Dex and the monster core will become a rare drop and prices for monster cores will rise to ten thousand gold coins. The game's in game chat will add a new feature of auction where everyone can open private auction where everyone could participate and bid for items put on auction.

I looked at real worlds internet for interesting news and got to know about a dangerous computer virus which has caused a lot of commotion.

This was the beginning of the cyber attack this virus, in my previous life because of this virus many life were gone and one of them was of my mother i want to just report them to police but let me make a profit before, i already know the whole antivirus program but i will need time and let this cases reach to scarier heights.

In my previous life more than 20 billion computer got affected by this virus and the developer made antivirus free but I won't, i will let the price of this antivirus be 99 Dex the problem i will be facing will be of server issues but i know a great solution due to my programing skill that are of higher level.

By hacking into world best servers of multinational companies and running my program which will connect them and use their hardware for my purpose for hosting my antivirus soft ware, and no one could find any abnormality.

The rest of the day went by me roaming around the city and enjoying myself while thinking of profits i will make in future.