
Rebirth of Magitechnologist

Alan a genius prodigy who went along with his parents wishes and abandoned the things he liked the most, he lived a mediocre life and when the world faced catastrophe he became nothing but a cannon fodder for the strong and died. Reborn back to the time where everything had gone wrong he decided to change his fate.

Alan_White · Games
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18 Chs

All Prepared

" Ok, Let's do this"

Standing in the air i muttered to myself,

"Spirit Eyes"

As i said my both eyes turned pitch black, my views changed i was like standing in middle of nothing, everything was just dark and slowly a few colourful spots began to appear in my line of sight, all were emitting colourful lights and were of strange shape and sizes and below my a big black colour crocodile shaped light spot that was glowing most brightly.

'I knew it'

This is the effect of spirit eyes which can help me see normal spirits in the environment. Spirits are special entities naturally born they are present everywhere and are completely different from Spirit race. Relationship between Spirit Races and spirits are just like humans and animals, spirits are born in places which are like hotspots of certain elements, they can't interfere with any activities of the world on their own if they haven't formed any pact with anyone or haven't been commanded, the spirit eyes is a class specific skill of Royal spirit Mages and grants me ability to see spirits, i looked down on giant grey coloured crocodile spirit below me who was looking up towards me, i used my Ruler's Authority which i had upgraded to level 100 and looked down at the spirit and commanded it.

"Control your power and enter this spirit ring"

The giant spirit nodded in obedience and slowly moved towards me who was wearing a shining ring on my hand.

Outside, The barren land below Alan shooked like suffering from violent earthquake and the whole ground began to crack and a dark colour substance started to flow out of the ground by which turbulent blew all around and the green mountains at the distance changed it colours from green to yellow, the dark substance and flew towards Alan and got absorbed by the ring in his hand.

Seeing the crocodile completely absorbed by the ring, Alan breathed a sigh of relief and closed his spirit eyes.

Looking at the ground which now had a large hole and couldn't see the end of it, i activated superior spirit magic and the earth began to change its shape and the hole was filled completely but level has gone down by a lot.

It's been 4 months since the launch of the game, i am now after tired of just constantly killing and leveling i decided to do something about the Antromite mine present, in my past life even though i was weak but because of my knowledge and talent as magitechnologist i was quite respected and considered as most knowledgeable magitechnologist, i lived in URE for 12 whole years and took part in various military and private projects and finally settled in a small country for rest of my life.

For magitechnologist you need to have a lot of knowledge but for becoming famous and earn more you need to have strength which i lacked, i was definitely the best magitechnologist of the world but due to having weak strength i was suppressed by the rich, because of my talent i was granted access to secrets of spirit weapons and also for dwarven and elven technologies but never in my life i was able to use it, it was just one of my assumption in which all spirits are different and are divided based on their qualities and are not mutations. I was not a spirit user but then also I know enough that there are some rare spirits which are called mutations and i assumed that all the spirits are special and born based on type of category of an element. In simpler terms like metal spirits where you can find gold mutations or water spirits which are darker than most in colour, so to test it i did this here even though Antromite quantity is small it then also creates a hotspot for the birth of Antromite spirit which can control the Antromite being spirit emperor and having max level Ruler's Authority i was able to command the spirit and store it in my spirit ring which i made myself.

Spirit rings are special rings which uses spirit energy and only elvenfolk could use it, it is made up of spirit crystal and spirit stone by applying spce runes on it, the storage capacity isn't much and creating it is expensive even though spirit crystal and stones are common and are present in abudant finding someone who can write these runes which are very different from normal it is not very popular.

I looked inside the ring the crocodile spirit vanished because of entering the spirit ring it died but i got my hands on hundreds of tons of Antromite metal.

I opened my status

Alan White level. 530

Occupation: Royal Spirit Archmage III

Vice Profession: Magitechnologist (lvl.100)

Race: Spirit Emperor

Titles: Absolute Spirit Emperor, Nature's Favourite, True Ruler, Weapon Saint, All Knower.

Elements: All (EX)



Int: 250

Mana: 530 Million

Gold: 2.7Trillion

Attribute Points: 0

Skills: Spirit Language, Supreme Spirit Magic(lvl.100), Rulers Authority(lvl. 100), All weapon mastery(lvl. 100), ....

Equipment: Advanced Nano-Fiber Armour (platinum)...

Looking at my status i was quite satisfied i cleared all the dungeons present in the kingdom and fought all types of bosses many times, i leveled up my all skills to max, be it useless or any important skills being in game mode thanks to my high talent i was easily able to level them up, being level up to level 530 i was unable to level up more as monsters here were unable to satisfy my requirements for leveling.

In real life my mother got discharged from hospital and when i said them to enter the game she denied and both of my parents went on a world tour.

I took advantage of cyber attack and uploaded antivirus at 99 Dex per device and reached 12 billion downloads before free version was uploaded, which caused government and all major organisation in the world to come knock my door and after a thorough investigation and not finding any fault i was let go.

I also discovered a loophole in the system, in leveling of magitechnologist profession what you require is knowledge, so i just experimented it by mass producing easy products, drawing high level blueprints on which i worked in my previous life and wrote all high level theories and surprisingly my magitechnology skilled upgraded to level 100 and i got the title of All Knower i was very excited by this fact, no one has ever reached level 100 in magitechnology and after the game merge with reality i will be at the apex of magitechnologist where no one could have reach.

With this all my worries of future and all preparation for merger has been done i can just sit by and enjoy without any worry.

I teleported back to capital city through space spirit magic and began to think what I shall do now my whole mood crumpled looking at the alarm i set,


Blind Date]