
Rebirth Of Love

While Stephen was in an unconscious state, he felt like he was a great warrior and was trying to train thousands of his soldiers for a big war against his big antagonist. On the other hand, Catherine similarly mourns a lot in her heart with the emotions same as Stephen, like she was a queen for a dynasty and the maids were helping her bathe and dress up. Everyone around her offers a lot of respect and conviction tilting their heads towards the floor without directly staring at her face. But this is not for real, he felt these all occurrences while he met with a big accident and there he met Catherine who was a doctor in the hospital. Whenever she touched him she felt something strange from the inside of her heart that they both are made for each other and their acquaintance is a more elongated one.

sun_writer · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Book

Stephen and Scott reached their room where they lived in New York working for a private company. The two paid for the taxi and went inside the room, they were opening the room's lock very eagerly to find out the thing which was packed in the sealed bag.

On the way inside, there is a sofa in the hall, a tea table in front of it, and a beautifully decorated flower vase placed on it. At once the two collapsed on the sofa. After the accident, the two become very lethargic and slip back on the sofa, close their eyes for a while, and think of something very deeply for themselves without speaking to each other.

"Why did that accident happen to us at all?" "We are going very carefully right?"

Meanwhile, the two of them opened their eyes at once and looked at each other's faces as if remembering something. Immediately they started opening the thing in the sealed cover very carefully. The two were thinking that it was very precious so it shined like gold. They taught that if it is gold, then their life would be going to turn a twist. All the debts would be solved with this. So very eagerly, the two moved a little to the front of the sofa, twisted their legs to adjust the length of the distance from the floor to the tea table, and started loosening the sealed bag.

The whole thing was taken out very carefully, feeling it was a very precious thing. They look at it very eerily, strangely, and are very curious to know about it. But since it was completely covered with mud, it had not made any sense to them so they decided to clean it neatly.

One of them rushed to the kitchen which was opposite the hall, even though they were bachelors, the two kept their house very neat and clean with a lot of furniture. Scott opened the staircase and went inside immediately to take out a large tub from the garret.

Stephen was trying to search for a brush to clean the thing in the desks which were placed outside the house to clean the garden area and pipes used for watering the garden. There is a very big garden in the front of their house to keep them energetic. They grow a wide range of plants in it and take care of those every day by watering them daily even though they were busy enough to do that…

Finally, the two gathered all the necessary things to clean the thing and started immediately without any delay. They placed the thing in the large tub and filled it with water. Stephen holds the thing in his left hand and the brush in the other hand. He was brushing it continuously, but his fractured hand was hurting a lot, so he handed over this job to Scott and he started brushing it very hard like it would be damaged by brushing.

After a few minutes of cleaning, the thing was completely clear and shining like gold, the two wondered whether it was gold or not. It was a book made up of gold, but it was locked it seems. The two tried very hard to open it, but they failed to do so.

"I think we need the key to open this Scott. Unless we could not open it" Stephen looked at it very seriously by holding it in his hands and suddenly dropped it on the floor at once as he felt something very strange in his mind after touching it.

"What is this Stephen? Be careful" Scott picked up the book from the floor by reprimanding him.

"Sorry" Stephen holds his ears with his hands by looking at Scott

"But, where do we find the key, and what does this belong to?" Scott tensed to open it and wondered what it might be.

They wondered by looking at the book, something was written in it in a different language and they were not able to read it. Because they don't know the language and decided to search on their mobile phones for the information regarding this.

While Scott searched for the information of the book on his mobile, Stephen picked up the book once again and looked at it very carefully. He noticed the year written on the top of the book - 1066.

Stephen then immediately searched for the year 1066 in google, "What happened in that year? "Who ruled the dynasty that time?" For whom it belongs to etc. because it was very clear that it belonged to a king and the year 1066. Upon seeing it anyone says it belongs to a king

The two searched very deeply but they did not find any information about it, so they decided to move towards a library which is the biggest and oldest library in the city. The two safeguarded the book in their locker took out some pictures on their mobile phones and rushed to the oldest library.

The two stepped into the library, it was very big, clean, and silent. Even the breath coming in and out from their bodies and the heartbeat of the two could be clearly audible to them. Stephen rushed to the librarian and gathered information about the year 1066 and also the king who ruled at that time. But the answer from him is nothing.

As per his instructions, the two moved to the rack which contains all the information about the year 1066 and started searching everything in the library forgetting the world. The librarian announced on the mic that it was closing time so everyone should leave now.

But they both deal with their confidence in searching for the information as they choose to embark on their work activities. Everyone came out with his instructions except them because the information did not reach them. He thought everyone was out and so locked the library forgetting about the two and left the place.

The two were still searching for the information, forgetting about the surroundings because they were in a closed room and they were not visible or audible to others now. Because the library placed the information that belonged to the oldest history in a closed room and no one moved inside it. So he forgot about the two and locked the library.

Even though they were continuously searching, they could not find anything useful. It is now 11 o'clock in the night when Scott accidentally sees the watch. He was shocked and went outside the room to check the librarian, but it was completely dark and no one's presence is known.

He rushed to Stephen and informed the situation as they got stuck in the library. Stephen was too shocked to check the situation and wondered what to do now. Nothing else to do and they could not get out of it, so they continued their search.

Did they find the information about the book in the library? Let's wait and see…