
Rebirth of Internet Hegemon

Rebirth to the year 2001. It was a rather awkward juncture in time. Tencent had risen to prominence, Alibaba had emerged, and even Baidu was raking in profits... What was the point of this rebirth? Well, if rebirth served no purpose, then why not seize the opportunity to enjoy an unambitious life of comfort? But it was a pity that Chen Yu, who had set his sights solely on living the good life, accidentally ended up dominating the world of the internet. =============== The work doesn't belong to me, I'm just a hobbyist translator doing "pro bono" work just like those novelupdates guys. Enjoy this work for free, or if you really want, you can support me and donate some through the usual platforms

Shallowman · Urban
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104 Chs


High-tech enterprises could be classified into county-level, city-level, provincial-level, and national-level.

City, provincial, and national levels were beyond the scope of a small county like Xinfeng. But when it came to county-level designations, the tax department had a say.

In fact, when it came to evaluating high-tech enterprises, the tax bureau was one of the departments responsible for the review process.

After submitting an application to the tax bureau for Xinfeng's county-level high-tech enterprise designation, everything proceeded smoothly.

However, due to the evaluation process, it would still take some time for official verification. So, for the time being, Universal Technology couldn't obtain that label.

"Chen Yu, what's this?"

"What's what?"

"This, right here at the bottom of the website. I noticed that all the major websites have this, why don't we?"

"Oh, that's a friend link."

"Friend link? What's that for?"

"It's a way for major websites to visit each other."

Friend links, also known as website exchange links, allow users to quickly navigate to other websites from the current one.

For example, if there's a link to NetEase on Tencent's portal website, clicking that link will take you to NetEase's portal. Without the link, you'd have to manually enter NetEase's web address, which is less convenient.

Aside from this functionality, friend links also represent website alliances. By establishing these connections, websites can build relationships and mutual traffic exchange.

But the most important aspect is to boost website traffic. After all, not everyone is a portal, and the number of IP addresses is limited. Websites with similar IP traffic often establish friend links to increase their traffic.

Moreover, friend links can enhance a website's authority and improve its search engine ranking, among other benefits. So, while friend links may seem unassuming, their impact can be quite significant.

"Ah, I see."

Zhang Jianming had been making rapid progress recently. Although he had only completed middle school education, he was eager to learn and constantly asked Chen Yu about internet-related topics. He also devoted time to self-study and online research.

Though it was hard to grasp more advanced technical aspects immediately, his understanding of the internet was deepening.

"In that case, we can also create some friend links."

"Of course."

Chen Yu nodded. "You can reach out to webmasters of various major websites and suggest mutual friend links. Or you could contact websites like Tianya, Shuimu... these are well-known sites."

"Tianya and Shuimu? Those are nationally renowned websites. Why would they consider us?"

"Why wouldn't they? These websites are well-known nationwide, but our 5173's traffic isn't far behind. Go ahead with confidence; they won't refuse."

Chen Yu patted Zhang Jianming's shoulder, smiling. "Even though 5173 might not have the same fame as these websites, our 27th rank in terms of IP flow isn't to be underestimated. Besides, when it comes to profitability, websites like Tianya and Shuimu might not even come close to 5173."

Even Chen Yu wasn't sure whether these websites were currently profitable.

"Alright, I'll give it a try."

Zhang Jianming was somewhat apprehensive, but he felt an immense excitement within.

What did this mean?

Did this mean that their 5173 would be on an equal footing with well-established websites like Tianya?

Ignoring Zhang Jianming, Chen Yu realized it was getting late. He headed to Golden Prosperity.

This time, it was Chen Yu's treat.

He wasn't treating his own employees, but rather Li Yan and Qiu Guoqing.

Chen Yu had initially thought of going to Peach River as it had a higher class, but Qiu Guoqing objected, stating that they had to maintain discipline and couldn't dine at upscale restaurants. Chen Yu had no choice but to pick a cleaner restaurant.

"Director Qiu, Director Li, it's been a tough time recently. I'd like to offer a toast to both of you."

Chen Yu raised his glass and emptied it in one go.

"You, young man, you've learned to drink even before finishing high school."

"Hehe, I just felt happy today. I don't usually drink much."

"Well, from now on, don't drink. Wait until you're of legal age."

Qiu Guoqing and Li Yan teased Chen Yu, showing no signs of arrogance.

"Listen to your superiors."

Chen Yu responded respectfully and then said, "I initially wanted to invite you both to Peach River. This place might be a bit too modest."

"Don't worry about the modesty. We rarely come here even when we're in town."

Qiu Guoqing expressed his satisfaction with the food as he continued to enjoy his meal. He said, "Regarding the matter you brought up, the higher-ups are still reviewing it. However, there shouldn't be a problem. In another half a month, you should be able to get the license."

"Thank you, Director Qiu."

As Chen Yu spoke, he reached for his bag.

Qiu Guoqing noticed Chen Yu reaching into his bag and immediately reprimanded him, "Chen Yu, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, really."

Chen Yu felt a bit embarrassed. Today, his intention for inviting the two wasn't just about having a meal together.

In his past life, Chen Yu hadn't engaged in business dealings, and he honestly didn't understand many aspects of business. Since these two leaders had helped him out, he felt he should express his gratitude in some way.

However, Qiu Guoqing and Li Yan saw through his intentions and stopped him.

"I must say, Chen Yu, we know what you're planning. Don't give us this act. We don't like it."

"I didn't mean anything."

"What do you mean you didn't mean anything? I'll tell you this, others might fall for this, but not us. I've known Guoqing for years, and the reason we still have such a good relationship is that we're both similar in character. I know you want to thank us, but there's no need. We understand your intentions."

Qiu Guoqing continued, "To be honest, helping you isn't a big deal. It's our responsibility, after all. Moreover, if you tried to reward us, it would be a disservice. If you really want to thank us, well, ensuring the success of your company is the best way. The bigger your company becomes, the more benefits I, your Uncle Qiu, will naturally receive. That's much better than whatever you have in your bag."

"Let's have another toast to Uncle Qiu and Uncle Li."

Their heartfelt sincerity left Chen Yu with little to say.

Putting the bag aside, he stood up and raised his glass to toast both of them once more.

"I need to tell you this. Running a business in China isn't easy. Sometimes, various methods are understandable, but I suggest that you focus on managing your company properly. Don't resort to unscrupulous methods. As long as you run a clean and legitimate business, even if someone tries to mess with you, they won't find any grounds to accuse you..."

Chen Yu was genuinely appreciative and raised his glass once more to salute both of them.

If only that were so, even if you do it prim and proper, CCP itself will find troubles with you lol

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