
Rebirth of Internet Hegemon

Rebirth to the year 2001. It was a rather awkward juncture in time. Tencent had risen to prominence, Alibaba had emerged, and even Baidu was raking in profits... What was the point of this rebirth? Well, if rebirth served no purpose, then why not seize the opportunity to enjoy an unambitious life of comfort? But it was a pity that Chen Yu, who had set his sights solely on living the good life, accidentally ended up dominating the world of the internet. =============== The work doesn't belong to me, I'm just a hobbyist translator doing "pro bono" work just like those novelupdates guys. Enjoy this work for free, or if you really want, you can support me and donate some through the usual platforms

Shallowman · Urban
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104 Chs

Giving back to parents


While Chen Danian remained silent, it was Chen Tianqiao, Chairman of Shanda, who asked directly.

"Yes, that's correct."

"In Chinese yuan?"


The assistant appeared somewhat nervous but nodded in confirmation.

"Tell me the details of the situation back then."

"Chairman, the situation at that time was like this..."

The assistant recounted the situation in detail and then left the office.

"Big brother, during the closed beta, we sold a Judgment Blade for 5,000 yuan. I thought that was incredible. But now, on the third day of open beta, an unimportant horn has sold for 10,000 yuan."

"I didn't expect it either."

"In that case, big brother, I think maybe we don't need to wait until the end of the month. Perhaps by mid-month, we can break 50,000 simultaneous players."

"Do you have confidence in this?"

"If you'd asked me earlier, I might have had some doubts. But now, I'm sure."


"Jian Ge, the computer is set up here. Let's go eat something good."

With 10,000 yuan in his account, Chen Yu's spirits were lifted.

"Alright, you read my mind. You don't know, eating instant noodles for the past few days has made me nauseous."

"I thought you liked them."

"Like my foot! It's just because we were broke. Luckily, our late-night gaming sessions haven't been in vain."

They found a nearby restaurant, and Chen Yu and Zhang Jianming enjoyed a hearty meal. At that moment, Chen Yu handed over a stack of money. "Here's your share."

"What's this?"

"It's your cut."

Chen Yu explained, "The horn sold for 10,000 yuan. You get 30%, which is 3,000 yuan."

"But... Chen Yu, it seems like you were the one who obtained the horn. How can I accept payment for it?"

"What do you mean 'I obtained it'? You were there too; otherwise, I couldn't have gotten it alone. Besides, I'm taking 7,000 yuan from this, just in case you think I'm giving you too little."

Clearing financial matters between close brothers was a matter of principle for Chen Yu, even though he had a good relationship with Zhang Jianming. When it came to money matters, Chen Yu preferred to be transparent.

"No, no, how could that be?"

Zhang Jianming waved his hand repeatedly.

He knew that in this partnership, Chen Yu was the main player, and he was just playing a supporting role. Without Chen Yu's guidance, he wouldn't even be able to play the game, let alone earn money.

In fact, the game itself was a pay-to-play game, requiring a monthly fee of 30 yuan.

Getting a share of 3,000 yuan was already quite generous.

Otherwise, Chen Yu could easily find someone else to boost his account for a few hundred yuan.

Of course, when Chen Yu proposed a 70-30 split, he also wanted to see Zhang Jianming's attitude. If Zhang Jianming felt that a 70-30 split wasn't fair and insisted on a 50-50 split, it wouldn't make sense for Chen Yu.

But if that were the case, the two of them would probably only remain regular friends in the future.

Now it was evident that Zhang Jianming wasn't a money-grubbing person. The future looked promising for the two of them.

"Then I'll take it."

"I won't stand on ceremony."

Chen Yu said this, and Zhang Jianming no longer hesitated.

"That's it for today. I have something to attend to at home."

"Alright, I'll head back to the internet cafe."

"Don't stay up too late either. If you're too tired, log off and get some rest at home."

"Don't worry, my combat skills are beyond compare."

"Alright then."

Without saying much more, Chen Yu prepared to return home.


"Mom, I'm back."

"You rascal, you haven't been home for days. Feeling itchy to stay away, huh?"

"Mom, I told you I went to a classmate's house, and besides, it's still a school holiday."

"Is it acceptable to behave like this during a holiday? Does a holiday mean you don't have to come home?"

Chen Yu's mother, Zhang Wenxiu, picked up a broom and pretended to threaten, but Chen Yu just laughed and evaded her playfully.

He knew well enough that his mother was just putting on a show. From childhood to adulthood, his mother had never actually hit him.

"Brat, have you eaten? There's fish soup on the table; it'll nourish you."

"Mom, I had a big meal today; I'm stuffed."

"You had a big meal? Where would you get the money for a big meal?"

"A classmate treated me."

While they were talking, there was a clang in the courtyard, and a man pushed a bicycle inside.

"Your dad's back; hurry up and eat, even if you're full."

After instructing Chen Yu, Zhang Wenxiu went outside.

"Well, I'll have a little bit."

Although he was somewhat full, Chen Yu took a small bowl of fish soup. He appreciated his mother's care and ladled a portion.

"Hmm, strange. It seems like Mom has something on her mind today."

Holding the small bowl of fish soup, Chen Yu felt a bit curious. He approached the window cautiously.

"So, did you manage to borrow the money?"

"Relatives and friends have been asked, and I only managed to borrow a few hundred."

"A few hundred? How can that be enough? We're still short by several thousand."

"Well, there's nothing we can do. You don't know, their financial situation isn't great either. My second sister's family is even worse off than us. It's already good that they asked us for a loan."

"Should I ask my brother..."

"Don't bother. Although our eldest brother is wealthy, he once asked us for a loan when he was doing business, and we couldn't lend it at the time."

"We didn't have money at that time; how could we lend it?"

"That's what we said, but I don't know if our eldest brother thinks the same way."

"He's my brother; he shouldn't."

"Let's forget about it. You'd better look for a job, and we can think about the shop later."

"It seems like that's the only option."

"Xiaoyu, you're back. Don't mention this in front of him. The meal is ready; let's eat."

"I understand."

Listening to the explanation, Chen Yu had a general idea of what was going on.

In his memories, it seemed that when he was in high school, his father worked at a state-owned coal mine, and when it closed down, his father, Chen Simian, was laid off. Due to his father's unemployment, Chen Yu's family had lived modestly for several years. Fortunately, they later opened a small shop, and their life improved.

In this era, it seemed that his parents were considering starting a business. However, starting a business required money, and at the moment, his parents didn't have much.

Thinking about this, Chen Yu silently made a decision in his heart. In this new life, he was determined to ensure that his parents could lead a good life, no matter what.

"Dad, you're back."

"Yeah, I heard you went to a classmate's place these past few days."


"Going to a classmate's place is fine, but you shouldn't stay away from home for so long."

"Dad, I won't do it again."

"Alright, let's eat."

"I'm full, you go ahead."

Chen Yu sat on the side without saying a word, watching his parents eat.

"Xiaoyu, do you have something to say?"


"Is it that you're running out of pocket money? Here, take this and be frugal."

Thinking that Chen Yu needed some pocket money, Chen Simian took out a 100-yuan bill from his wallet.

"No, Dad, I still have money."

Chen Yu shook his head.

"Then why are you staring at your dad like that?"

Zhang Wenxiu also became curious and asked.


After thinking for a moment, Chen Yu spoke up, "Dad, did you get laid off?"


Hearing Chen Yu's question, Chen Simian, who was eating, almost choked on his food. He was somewhat surprised and said, "Xiaoyu, where did you hear that?"

"It's nothing, Dad. My classmates told me. They said Gaqiao Coal Mine closed down, and his dad got laid off too. Dad, weren't you working at Gaqiao Coal Mine as well? Is it true?"

"Adult matters, don't pry too much, little child."

Zhang Wenxiu, sitting nearby, gave Chen Yu a stern look. "You just focus on your studies."

"Mom, I'm all grown up now; I'm not a little child anymore."

"Even if you're not a little child, you shouldn't worry about this."

"I'm just trying to give Dad some ideas."

"Oh, you can give your dad ideas?"

"Of course, I'm a high school student now."

"Yeah, yeah, our high school student. Tell us, what ideas do you have for your dad?"

Zhang Wenxiu smiled and teasingly asked.

"It's simple. Since you've been laid off, why not start a business?"

In 2001, it was the golden age for starting a business. With decades of foresight, Chen Yu believed that he could definitely pave a path of success for his parents.