
Chapter 205: Vague Youth

On the way here, Jiang Xuening couldn't help but think about what it would be like to see the young man of the past again. After two years of hard work and hibernation, without the noble status of the brave and resolute Marquis Crown Prince, would he suffer, be sad, and what exactly would he become?

This life is undoubtedly better than the previous one.

No matter how much she depicted it in her mind, she couldn't imagine the appearance of the youth. On the contrary, the face of the young general who was still in charge of the previous class teacher occasionally emerged from the depths of her memory, making her sweat profusely.

That is a person soaked in worldly emotions and hatred.

Back then, he followed the long road in the capital from afar, supporting Shen Zhiyi's coffin and returning to court. He was dressed in plain clothes, but had no sadness as he should have. He was covered in the fierce aura of swords and soldiers. His eyes were calm and cold, cold and heavy. When he looked at someone who didn't speak, he seemed to have prickles, sharp and piercing. So even though the contours were familiar, Jiang Xuening couldn't recall from this face what the young man in his prime looked like in his prime.

But now, it seems like nothing has changed.

Even as he grew taller, his previously noble and fair complexion was darkened by the sun. The corners of his eyes and eyebrows reflected the changes and landscapes he had experienced in the past two years. However, these bright starry eyes, fiery and warm like the scorching sun in the sun, candid and sincere like the bright moon in the sky, only made people's hearts boil when they heard the familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar and deep voice.

The fabric he was wearing was a bit rough, and he had a slightly shaved face.

But he was originally a young marquis in the capital who lived a luxurious life and wanted to be well mannered.

Jiang Xuening raised her head and looked at him for a long time. Her throat became sore before she shouted "Yan Lin". Her eyes couldn't help but heat up, and she choked up.

Two years have passed, and the girl has become more and more beautiful.

Her figure is graceful, with snowy skin and dark hair.

But when he gazed at someone with a damp and moist eye, he still felt a soft patch in his heart, reminding him of the little deer in the mist of the forest. Yan Lin wanted to carefully lift her up, coax her to laugh, play with her, and make her face burst with a heartwarming smile.

The moment he held her in his arms was an unprecedented moment of comfort for him in the past two years.

An incident occurred in the Marquis's Mansion, resulting in family theft and migration.

He and his family traveled all the way from the capital to Huangzhou, and even encountered several assassinations along the way, all of which were secretly protected by someone. After arriving in Huangzhou, he felt guilty and engaged in heavy corv é e labor. My father's health was already not good, and he suffered from a cold wind on the way, which didn't improve for a long time.

Going up and down, treating a doctor, all require spending money.

At this moment, he realized how heavy and heavy the box that Jiang Xuening had secretly sent someone to deliver was.

===Kunning Section 255===

Not long after, Mr. Xie's letter arrived.

Later on, the so-called "Ren Salt Field" also received assistance.

The sky is high and the road is far, and it will take some time for those letters to be delivered.

In the days spent counting the hours in Huangzhou, it was like a pot of hot liquor boiled in the cold winter, making people grit their teeth to maintain the faint hope, until it grew deeper in the barren soil and slowly took root. Even ignoring the adversity of wind, snow, and thunderstorms, it gradually sprouts and branches, like pine and cypress in a crevice, with an exceptionally strong and resilient power.

He didn't roll in despair.

Every day is filled with hope for the future.

Until today, she has finally arrived.

God knows how happy he was when he received the news that she was coming with Xie Wei.

I was even looking forward to it two days earlier.

Even when it comes to military affairs, there is a rare sight of Huang Shen.

Until now I see her.

The full anticipation completely fell to the ground, turning into a pulse of ironing, and he couldn't help but feel happy. After tightly holding her in his arms, he realized his impoliteness.

Teenagers have grown up.

When I caught a glimpse of the surprised gaze of the soldiers around me from the corner of my eye, although all my actions were sincere, it was not the time to indulge in reckless behavior back then. I couldn't help but blush, cough, and let them go.

So, I finally saw Xie Wei in the car who had been watching them for a long time.

At this moment, it was a bit quiet.

Yan Lin only realized at this moment that Jiang Xuening had just come out of this carriage, and the two of them were riding in the same carriage. I suddenly felt something strange in my heart, but at this very moment, I didn't think deeply.

After a moment's pause, he gazed at the other person, but instead restrained Meng Lang, who had just arrived, and bowed solemnly, saying, "I have seen Mr. Xie."

Xie Wei lowered his gaze lightly and said, "Let's enter the city first."

Yan Lin also knew that this place was not a place to speak, so he answered "yes" and ordered a team of soldiers to escort the vehicles and drive forward, driving all the way to the city. Others were riding high horses and asked Jiang Xuening if he wanted to ride a horse.

Jiang Xuening also has a big heart.

Since Xie Wei received the imperial edict, he has been riding on the carriage all the way, rushing day and night towards Xinzhou. His bones are about to fall apart, and he has been stuck in the carriage without any chance to catch his breath.

Suddenly arriving at this place with vastly different scenery, I couldn't help but feel playful.

She readily agreed, carefully flipped over and rode on a small horse led by a soldier, following Yan Lin's horse and entering the city together.

Xie Wei only watched in the car and didn't stop her.

The city of Xinzhou is not large, and the buildings in the city are not as bustling as the capital. The exquisite Jiangnan exudes a roughness everywhere, and the walls are relatively thick, which looks very sturdy.

There are more soldiers walking in the city than ordinary people.

Just observing the appearance of the people around me, it seems that I have seen more of them, without any discomfort at all. I still set up stalls and sell as usual.

In this place, feng shui is not very nurturing.

Most local girls have rough skin.

Jiang Xuening, a girl raised in the bustling city of Beijing, has been immersed in the elegance of Jiangnan for two more years. She is truly charming and charming, and is sandwiched among a group of rough and fleshy soldiers. Riding on a horse, everyone who sees her is amazed wherever she passes by. Even the naive child holding a steamed bun in his hand and chasing after him, shouting "Fairy Sister", is truly amusing.

Yan Lin pointed to the things on the roadside and talked to her like when he first took her to play around the capital. However, his voice sounded thicker than before, and he was no longer completely carefree like a noble young master.

He has seen ups and downs and clarified the world.

It means that every Congee and meal along the road has a kind of compassion that is different from the old days. They know when these ordinary people will make and stop, how many meters they can get once the grain is beaten, and whether there is a lame old woman in the blacksmith shop on the East Street

Jiang Xuening listened and couldn't help but turn her head to look at him.

The silhouette of the young general is profound and persevering.

For the first time, she felt that the cold and never-ending time brought a touch of gentleness, sculpting the youth in her memory into such a moving appearance, so she couldn't help but laugh.

The soldiers accompanying along the way were both surprised and confused.

General Yan has just arrived, and his methods can be considered swift and decisive. Although he often eats and lives with his soldiers when studying defense, he doesn't seem like someone who used to be a young marquis. He is very approachable, but no one has ever seen him treat people like this.

This pretty girl, where exactly is sacred?