
A Struggle for Control

The sun hung high in the clear sky as I and Lance stood in the heart of the Pokemon reserve. It had been a few weeks since we had started our training sessions, and our goal was to unlock the hidden potential of Aura, a mysterious and powerful energy that connected Pokémon and their trainers.

Lance, the future Dragon Master, specializing in Dragon-type Pokémon, and he had a unique connection with Dragon Aura. I had been teaching him the intricacies of tapping into this potent force, which was closely tied to the hearts and souls of Dragon-type Pokémon.

We stood in a clearing surrounded by ancient trees, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze. A sense of serenity washed over the area as the Pokémon residing in the reserve seemed to understand the importance of our training.

I turned to Lance, his keen eyes filled with curiosity and determination. "Lance, remember, Dragon Aura is all about the deep connection you share with your Dragon-type Pokémon. It's about understanding their instincts, their strengths, and their vulnerabilities. You need to let go of your conscious thoughts and feel their presence."

Lance nodded, his expression serious. "I've been working closely with my Dratini, and I can sense the bond growing stronger. But how do I actually tap into the Dragon Aura, like you do with your Lucario and its Aura?"

I smiled, appreciating Lance's commitment. "It's a gradual process, but I can guide you through it. Close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. Picture your Dratini in your mind, its power, its essence. Feel the energy that flows through it, and imagine that energy flowing into you."

Lance followed my instructions; his breathing was slow and steady. As he closed his eyes, his connection with his Dratini deepened, and he began to sense the Dragon Aura enveloping him.

"Now, open your heart to it," I said softly. "Imagine your bond with your Dratini as a bridge. Let the Dragon Aura flow through that bridge into your own aura."

As Lance opened his heart and allowed the Dragon Aura to flow, a faint, shimmering energy surrounded him. It was as if the very essence of the Dragon-type Pokémon resonated with him. Lance's eyes remained closed, but a calm and focused expression replaced his earlier curiosity.

"Feel it, Lance," I encouraged. "Embrace the Dragon Aura. Let it guide you, and in return, you'll guide your Dratini to new heights of power and understanding."

Lance nodded, his connection with the Dragon Aura deepening. It was a crucial step in his journey to unlock the true potential of his Dragon-type Pokémon and become an even greater Dragon Master.

As Lance and I were engrossed in our training, a sudden surge of energy in the air rippled through the atmosphere. It was an electrifying sensation that caught both of our attention, and we turned to see my Dragonair bathed in a radiant aura. The tranquil clearing seemed to shimmer with a newfound energy.

My Dragonair had been diligently working on unlocking its Aura for weeks, and this moment marked a significant breakthrough. The aura was not just a connection between trainer and Pokémon; it was the bridge to unlocking untapped potential.

Lance watched in awe as the energy from the surroundings was drawn into my Dragonair, a testament to its heightened connection with the world around it. It was a sight to behold, the gentle and graceful Pokémon now radiating an otherworldly light.

I quickly activated my observation skills, a unique ability I had developed over time to analyze and understand the aura of Pokémon. It allowed me to delve into the core of the phenomenon, dissecting every aspect of my Dragonair's transformation.

My Dragonair's aura was no longer limited by its own boundaries; it had become a part of the natural world, pulling in energy from plants, water, and the very earth itself. The transformation was a true marvel, and I marveled at the profound connection my Dragonair had developed with the environment.

Lance, too, was captivated by the scene. He understood the significance of this moment, for he had never witnessed his own Dragon Pokémon reach similar heights. Our training was bearing fruit, and the boundaries of our understanding of Aura were expanding.

The breakthrough marked a momentous occasion, as my Dragonair had stepped over its first threshold, crossing into the Platinum stage.


Species: Dragon Pokémon

Gender: Female

Status: Healthy

Level: 163

Stage: Platinum

Height: 4.8 m

Weight: 26.3 kg

Type: Dragon

Potential: Light Purple

Ability: Inner Focus

Hidden Ability: Marvel Scale


HP: 845

Attack: 761

Defense: 653

Special Attack: 684

Special Defense: 684

Speed: 684


Dragon Pulse, Aqua Tail, Dragon Claw, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Roost, Dragon Dance, Iron Tail, Outrage, Rest, Sleep Talk, Dragon Rush, Surf, Blizzard, Thunder, Flamethrower, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, Toxic, Protect, Light Screen, Reflect, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Draco Meteor, Twister, Dragon Rage, Hyper Voice, Iron Head, Signal Beam, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Dark Pulse, Scald, Energy Ball, Calm Mind, Surf

The sun cast a warm, golden hue over the sprawling garden where Lance and I had been training our Pokémon. My Dragonair was performing beautifully, displaying its grace and power as it underwent the breakthrough process to reach the Platinum stage. As we observed my Dragonair's breakthrough to the Platinum stage, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. The way its graceful figure soared through the air, leaving mesmerizing patterns in its wake, was a testament to our hard work and dedication.

Interrupting our training session, Mr. Mime, my faithful butler and aide, approached with a polite cough, signaling that a guest awaited us in the living room. Lance and I exchanged curious glances before returning our Pokémon. It wasn't a common occurrence for a guest to personally wait for me at our family estate. We hurriedly made our way to the living room, slightly disheveled from our training.

Upon entering, we found an elderly gentleman seated in an ornate armchair. His finely tailored suit and dignified demeanor were indicative of his high stature within the Blackthorn family. He was none other than the elder brother of our family's current head, Elder Jonathan's grandfather, and a sense of surprise washed over me at the sight of him. He rarely made personal visits, especially to the younger generation.

Lance and I offered our respectful greetings. The elderly gentleman studied us with a keen eye, and his gaze lingered on Lance, who had grown significantly since the last time they had met. "Aron, Lance," he said, finally breaking into a warm smile. "You both have grown so much, it's almost like you've outgrown your shadows."

We exchanged pleasantries and took our seats. Mr. Mime, the ever-graceful butler, brought in a tray of snacks and tea, setting them before our esteemed guest.

After a brief moment of silence, Elder Jonathan's grandfather cleared his throat and looked at me. "Aron, I must confess the reason for my visit. It is not a matter that I take lightly, but I believe it is time to ask for your help."

I arched an eyebrow, intrigued by the purpose of his visit. "Of course, Grandpa. How may I assist you?"

The elderly gentleman's smile wavered slightly as he began to explain, "My grandson, Jonathan, wishes to attend the upcoming event in Hoenn; the upcoming auction is of great significance. However, his ego and stubbornness have gotten the best of him, and he refuses to admit that he needs help. He believes that attending this event is a matter of personal pride."

I exchanged knowing glances, understanding the complex relationship between Elder Jonathan and his grandfather. The elderly man continued, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and determination, "I remember a time when my grandson was carefree, full of life and laughter. However, the war, the battles, the losses—they all took a toll on him. His spirit was wounded, and his progress was halted. I've tried my best to help him recover, to find treasures and experiences that would bring him back to life. But nothing has worked so far."

He sighed, the weight of his concerns evident in his eyes. "He believes that this upcoming event may hold the key to mending his spirit, to finding something of value that will rekindle the spark in him."

I nodded in understanding, realizing the depth of Elder Jonathan's struggle. "I see. It's not just about the event itself, but what it might symbolize for him."

The elderly man smiled gratefully. "Exactly, Aron. He can be headstrong and difficult, but he is still my grandson. I wish for him to have this opportunity."

Lance chimed in before I could respond, "We understand, Grandpa. We'll make sure he accompanies us to the event in Hoenn."

Elder Jonathan's grandfather's relief was palpable as he nodded. "Thank you, Aron. You're more understanding than he realizes. Just promise me that you'll watch over him and guide him when he needs it."

With the elderly gentleman's request fulfilled, he thanked us once more and departed, leaving us alone in the spacious drawing room. I watched as he disappeared down the corridor, pondering the family's complex dynamics. Elder Jonathan's quest to mend his spirit was a noble one, even if his methods were often at odds with those of the family.

As Lance and I were about to leave the room, the elderly gentleman returned, holding a plain folder in his hand. He extended it towards me, explaining, "Aron, Lady Agatha had asked me to deliver this to you. She believes it might be of use to you."

I accepted the folder with gratitude, and the elderly gentleman left us once again, offering his thanks for our cooperation.

After he departed, I decided to explore the contents of the folder in my underground lab. The room was equipped with cutting-edge technology, allowing me to maintain a high level of discretion in my investigations.

Opening the folder, I discovered a wealth of information about Team Rocket's child racketeering activities and their various bases. It was an extensive report, but as I perused it, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration. The vital piece of information I was seeking—the whereabouts of the two children close to my heart—remained elusive.

I took a deep breath to quell my frustration. Despite the setback, I knew I needed to adapt and formulate new plans based on the knowledge I had gained. I had already made it a personal mission to dismantle the child trafficking operation, and now I had even more information to work with.

Just as I was deep in thought, Lucario, my faithful partner, approached me with an uncharacteristic agitation. Lucario was known for his composure, and it was rare to see him in such a state.

He made it clear that something unusual was happening in the area of my lab dedicated to the unconscious Hypno. It appeared that the Hypno was reacting to a disturbance, and there was movement occurring within the lab that had caught Lucario's attention.

I wasted no time, leaving the folder behind and following Lucario to the section of my lab where Hypno's enclosure was located. The room was dimly lit, and the eerie aura of the Psychic-type Pokémon hung in the air.

As I entered the room, I could feel the strange and unsettling presence of Hypno's abilities. The dimly flickering lights seemed to dance, casting eerie shadows on the laboratory equipment. Lucario and I exchanged a knowing glance, realizing that something unusual was afoot.

I approached Hypno's enclosure, careful not to provoke the Psychic-type Pokémon. It was as if Hypno was trying to communicate or convey a message. With a deep breath, I tried to establish a psychic connection with Hypno, seeking to understand what had caused this unexpected commotion.

As I extended my psychic senses towards Hypno's consciousness, the room seemed to hold its breath. The Hypno's eyes snapped open, and in that moment, they were nothing but pools of pure hatred. Its response was so sudden and intense that it tore through the psychic connection we had, and it lashed out with a tremendous burst of energy, breaking free from the capsule that had been sustaining its life.

The violent rupture of the capsule's restraints sent shards of glass and metal scattering across the room. The Hypno, now free, floated ominously in the air, its psychic powers radiating a palpable aura of malevolence. It regarded me with those hate-filled eyes, and for a moment, I felt like I was staring into the abyss.

As Hypno broke free from its containment capsule, it was clear that something had gone terribly wrong. The once unconscious Psychic-type Pokémon had been pushed to the brink of madness, and its frenzied state was unmistakable. Hypno's eyes blazed with an eerie light, and it perceived everyone in the room as a threat, including me.

I knew we had to act swiftly to subdue Hypno before it caused any harm to itself. With a quick gesture, I signaled my loyal partner, Lucario, to step in and protect me from Hypno's relentless assault.

As the tension in the room escalated, it became evident that Hypno's rage had rendered it uncontrollable. It regarded all of us as threats, its mind consumed by a maelstrom of anger and confusion. Lucario, though reluctant to harm the Hypno, was forced to defend itself against the relentless onslaught. It countered the Hypno's frenzied psychic attacks with calculated strikes and precise aura moves. The struggle was intense, and the room was filled with the sound of energy crackling and psychic waves colliding.

The battle that ensued was intense and one-sided, though not by choice. Lucario was determined to subdue Hypno without causing it any serious harm. Despite Hypno's aggressive onslaught, Lucario skillfully evaded its attacks, moving with grace and precision. The room was filled with rapid movements and bursts of energy, making it seem as if time itself had slowed.

Lucario used a combination of moves designed to incapacitate Hypno rather than harm it. It unleashed a powerful Bone Rush, striking Hypno's limbs to limit its mobility while avoiding any vital areas. The room resonated with the clashing of psychic and fighting types, each move executed with calculated finesse.

Hypno's attempts to control the situation through its psychic abilities were met with fierce resistance from Lucario's aura. My partner's forceful aura strikes disrupted Hypno's attempts to launch a Hypnosis attack and influenced its chaotic psychic energy.

The battle continued, with Lucario trying to break through Hypno's madness and reach the core of its consciousness. Using moves like Feint and Metal Claw, Lucario aimed to weaken Hypno's resistance without causing significant harm. Each strike was carefully calculated, with the intention of subduing the frenzied Pokémon rather than defeating it.

I attempted to reestablish a psychic link with Hypno, to calm its tortured mind, but the chaos within its consciousness made it nearly impossible. The battle continued, each move punctuated by the Hypno's roars of fury and Lucario's disciplined counters.

Despite the frenetic battle, Lucario's presence began to have an impact on Hypno. The violent thrashing gradually subsided, and Hypno's eyes lost some of their mania. It was evident that Hypno's resistance was weakening, and its psychic abilities started to waver.

Finally, with a well-timed Force Palm, Lucario delivered a controlled blow to Hypno, rendering it unconscious. The battle had been won without causing any lasting harm to the Psychic-type Pokémon. Hypno lay still on the laboratory floor, his breathing steady once more.

As the dust settled, I couldn't help but wonder what had caused this sudden outburst of rage and hatred within the Hypno. It was clear that there was more to this Pokémon's story than met the eye, and I was determined to uncover the truth.

With Hypno now safely under control, I pondered the reasons behind its sudden frenzy and what it might reveal about the mysteries that lay ahead.

Dear readers and fans,

I hope you're enjoying this fanfiction journey as much as I am. It's been a labor of love, but I'm at a point where I'm considering how best to invest my time. While this story draws inspiration from an existing world, I've been passionate about building upon it, adding my own creative touches, and sharing it with you.

I want to maintain the essence of what fanfiction stands for: a community of like-minded individuals who come together to appreciate creativity. That's why I've decided to introduce a voluntary way for those who can afford it and believe in the value of my work to support me.

I'm in the process of setting up a Patreon account dedicated solely to donations. It's not about making this a profit-driven endeavor but rather a way for those who find value in my writing to show their appreciation and encouragement.

Your support, in whatever form it comes, will help me continue dedicating time and effort to this project. It's entirely voluntary, and your readership alone is already a fantastic reward.

Thank you for understanding and for being a part of this fanfiction adventure.

Warm regards,


Patreon : patreon.com/Silent_stiele

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