
Rebirth of a Tyrant: The student's vengeance

In "Rebirth of a Tyrant: The student's vengeance," the lives of two vastly different women, Amelia Brown and Serena Blackwood, collide in a twist of fate that defies comprehension. Amelia Brown is a timid high school student, perpetually overshadowed by the cruelty of her siblings and classmates. Bullied and abused, Amelia struggles to find solace in a world that seems determined to crush her spirit. But when tragedy strikes and she is killed by those she trusted. Serena Blackwood, on the other hand, is a force to be reckoned within the business world. As the head of a powerful corporation, she rules with an iron fist, crushing anyone who dares to challenge her authority. But beneath her cold exterior lies a secret vulnerability, a darkness that threatens to consume her from within. As Serena strives to come to terms with her altered existence, she finds herself entangled in a labyrinth of power struggles and deceit. With peril lurking at every turn, she must tread carefully, lest she fall victim to the machinations of her enemies. Yet, as hidden truths come to light and loyalties are put to the test, Serena discovers that her destiny is intertwined with that of others in ways she never anticipated.

NoisyGhost_99 · Teen
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Amelia's Struggles at Home

Chapter 3

It was another long day at school for me, and I couldn't wait to get home. As soon as the final bell rang, I quickly gathered my things and made my way to the bus. I tried my best to avoid any attention from my classmates, knowing that any interaction would lead to teasing and bullying.

As I approached my house, my heart sank. I knew what was waiting for me when I walked through that door. My three older siblings, Thomas, Charlotte, and Olivia were all there, ready to make my life a living hell.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, steeling myself for what was to come. I could already feel their eyes on me, their taunting whispers filling the air. But I kept my head down and made my way to my room, hoping to avoid any confrontation.

But of course, that was wishful thinking. As soon as I crossed the threshold of my room, Thomas barged in, a menacing look on his face.

'What took you so long, worm?' he sneered, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt and slamming me against the wall.

I winced in pain but refused to show any signs of weakness in front of him. 'I-I had homework,' I stuttered out, hoping it would appease him.

But Thomas only laughed, tightening his grip on me. 'Don't give me that bullshit. You're just a pathetic little coward, Amelia. Always hiding in your room, too afraid to face us.'

His words stung, and I couldn't help but feel tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. But I refused to let them fall in front of him. I clenched my jaw and glared at him defiantly.

Thomas must have sensed my resistance because he suddenly let go of me and walked out, muttering something about me being a waste of space.

I let out a shaky breath and sank to the floor, my body trembling with a mixture of fear and anger. I hated that I was so weak, that I couldn't stand up to my own siblings. But I knew that if I did, the consequences would be far worse.

I spent the rest of the evening in my room, trying to escape into the safety of books and music. But even that couldn't ease the pain that I felt inside.

As night fell, I knew I had to face them again for dinner. I mustered up all the courage I had and made my way to the dining room. But as soon as I entered, I wished I hadn't.

Olivia was already there, a wicked smirk on her face as she saw me. 'Look who finally decided to join us,' she said snidely, gesturing to the empty chair next to her.

I sat down, my hands shaking as I reached for my fork. I knew what was coming next, and I braced myself for it.

'Why are you so goddamn useless, Amelia?' Olivia spat, her eyes flashing with anger. 'Can't you do anything right? Can't you at least try to be a decent human being?'

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks, and I could feel the tears finally spilling down my cheeks. But I refused to make a sound, gritting my teeth and forcing the sobs back.

The rest of dinner passed in silence, the tension in the room palpable. I couldn't wait to escape to my room again and hide from the world.

As I lay in bed that night, I couldn't help but wonder what I did to deserve such treatment from my own family. But then again, maybe I was just a coward, as they often said. Maybe I deserved to be treated like this.