
Rebirth of a Hollywood Socialite.

This is a translated Chinese novel. I am not the author, just translating for fun. Translator: Doyenro (Fan Translate) Author: Zhuang Jiang Alternative universe (AU) She can produce the most terrifying horror films and also create the most profitable commercial films; she can turn artistic films into commercial successes and turn commercial films into artistic achievements. Future critiques of Laila all say that she is synonymous with the Hollywood miracle, one of the greatest directors of all time. She even unintentionally becomes the most skilled photographer and strategist. However, she knows that all of this comes from her biggest secret, which is—she has been reborn! T/N: * The Female Lead(MC) is very patriotic to her old country, so it may be annoying to some people. * The English gets better from chapter 65, the chapters 1 - 65 will be edited soon. * The actors' or actresses' characters may be different from reality. It is just an alternate universal fictional novel. * Alternate History * Contact me if a novel of the same is officially translated so that I can stop. * Original Chinese novel completed.

Doyenro · Urban
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Chapter 731 - Soul-Refreshing Photography Collection

Publishing a photography collection was indeed an idea that captivated Laila.

With plenty of photos in her hands, she could easily compile not just one but perhaps ten collections. Pairing the photos with some insights and soul-refreshing quotes, would undoubtedly be a profitable venture – or, let's say, a way to guide people towards goodness and cleanse their souls.

The Moran family had started from a small printing press, and what they least lacked were publishing resources. Sending over the organized photos to create a book would serve the dual purpose of promoting the movie and making money. Well, let's say, it was also an opportunity to refine people's sentiments.

Excited about this new plan, Laila immersed herself in it. Consequently, during the subsequent promotional activities, Laila, who rarely appeared in the first place, became even more elusive to reporters. Except for a few photos that could be snapped at the airport, once she checked into a hotel, she rarely ventured outside.

#Turns out Hollywood's big director is a homebody#

Some found it unbelievable that she was such a homebody, while others speculated if she was working on a new script. According to news reports, she had finished filming the entire "Lord of the Rings" trilogy in one go, and there wasn't much left to do except post-production. So, why was she hiding in the hotel? Could it be that she was already brainstorming for a new movie?

Everyone knew that this young director was exceptionally prolific, almost like a perpetual motion machine that never stopped. Each time she brought surprises, making people eagerly anticipate what she would do next.

Interestingly, such speculations from Eastern media were picked up by Western media. Many thought it made sense. With Laila's abilities, perhaps she had already conceived ideas for her next film.

What genre would it be?

Horror, martial arts, musical, fantasy, superhero – she had already excelled in these genres. Would the new film break into a new territory? Would it bring something else worth looking forward to?

Just when many people were eagerly discussing these questions, a discordant voice emerged.

"New movies are still being resisted. The young director hasn't learned her lesson and is starting to create again. Isn't this exploiting the potential of cinema, maliciously chasing profits?"

This was an article published by Cooper in the latest issue of the New York Post. Readers were already used to this film critic who consistently opposed Laila. If he suddenly praised Laila someday, it would be a surprise.

So much so that every time something happened on Laila's side, someone would promptly go to his Facebook account to leave a message, wanting to see what "interesting" remarks this well-known figure from the "Anti-Laila Alliance" would make.

"In the long development of films, why have they always progressed? It's because countless predecessors have been thinking about films with their wisdom and abilities at all times, not just using films to fill their pockets!"

"As everyone knows, Moran's 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy has been receiving a lot of attention since its production.

Whether you're a book fan, a movie fan, or a fan, everyone has great interest and expectations for this movie. However, what disappoints them is that after waiting for two years, what they get is one bad news after another. First, the Eastern scenery was used in the film, and then it was revealed that an Eastern singer joined. Did we wait two years just for such a mismatched movie?

Some might say that you can't judge whether a movie is good or not without watching it. Here, I want to say that you can indeed tell whether a movie will be good or not, just by looking at the actors and scenes!

It's like making a Western movie, and suddenly a medieval king pops out from it. Who can say that this situation doesn't prove that the movie can't be watched anymore?

I am also a fan of 'Lord of the Rings.' I've read that set of books countless times, and each time, I find new things that move me. What I want to say is that after the movie is released, I will definitely not watch it. I won't allow myself to be disturbed by some chaotic things and ruin the impression of this great work in my heart!"

Cooper wrote a long article in the newspaper as a book fan. Some of the things he said made sense to some people. What does it mean for Easterners to appear in Western fantasy stories? Isn't that just nonsense?

The resistors, who had already lost a lot of support, suddenly stood tall again after seeing his article.

Yes! Who said that without watching the movie, you can't know if it's made poorly? Just look at the casting, and you can tell it won't be anything good!

Continue resisting! No explanations!

Although Laila was in the East, the waves of resistance quickly reached her through the phone.

"What? Another round of resistance? Good thing!"

Louise's mouth twitched. Before making this call, she hadn't expected to get a good answer from the boss. As expected, the boss gave her another "surprise"!

Good thing? What's good about it?

"Laila, the situation is different now compared to before. This time, it's incited by Cooper, and under his instigation, this new resistance movement is much larger than before! Moreover, it seems to be better organized. The most important thing is that our movie is about to be released in less than a month. Do you think this little time is enough for us to eliminate the negative impact?"

Louise's concern was not without reason. If a few months ago, resistance could have been addressed by utilizing time and gradually reducing its impact, then now, with less than a month left, facing such a grand movement, it would be almost impossible to eliminate the negative effects before the release.

In such an atmosphere, book fans would surely hesitate, and this group alone was a massive number. If the first-week box office was unfavorable, it would be like a breached riverbank, causing a flood!

"I know what to do. Don't worry; it's still favorable for us now. Find someone to add fuel to the fire behind the scenes, make the situation even bigger, and try to drag it until after the movie is released."

"What! Add fuel to the fire?" Louise almost fainted.

Laila chuckled lightly. "Don't worry, don't you believe me?"

Believe? Indeed, she would believe. Every time Laila said something, it was realized. But the problem was that each time it was realized in a suspenseful situation, stimulating Louise to the point where she was almost questioning her life.

"Okay, you win again. What's our next step? Igniting the flames from behind?"

Laila nodded. "That's right, try to keep it discreet. Also, help me get in touch with Anthony. Have him get ready; I want to publish a photography collection."

Louise: "..."