
Rebirth of a Hollywood Socialite.

This is a translated Chinese novel. I am not the author, just translating for fun. Translator: Doyenro (Fan Translate) Author: Zhuang Jiang Alternative universe (AU) She can produce the most terrifying horror films and also create the most profitable commercial films; she can turn artistic films into commercial successes and turn commercial films into artistic achievements. Future critiques of Laila all say that she is synonymous with the Hollywood miracle, one of the greatest directors of all time. She even unintentionally becomes the most skilled photographer and strategist. However, she knows that all of this comes from her biggest secret, which is—she has been reborn! T/N: * The Female Lead(MC) is very patriotic to her old country, so it may be annoying to some people. * The English gets better from chapter 65, the chapters 1 - 65 will be edited soon. * The actors' or actresses' characters may be different from reality. It is just an alternate universal fictional novel. * Alternate History * Contact me if a novel of the same is officially translated so that I can stop. * Original Chinese novel completed.

Doyenro · Urban
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875 Chs

Chapter 505 - Escape

The flight time was always boring. Roy put down the magazine he was reading and looked at Laila, who had already fallen asleep, leaning on his shoulder. He couldn't help but sigh for her hard work. Only at moments like this did he see her as a 23-year-old girl, rather than the high-and-mighty corporate boss and Hollywood director.

Standing up to lay her down flat, he knew that this was the only time she could rest. There was a lot of work waiting for her in the United States when they returned.

He wanted to cover her with a blanket, but to his surprise, the flight attendants who had been diligently serving food and drinks had disappeared. After calling out a couple of times with no response, he decided to search for something to cover her himself.

As he stepped out of the cabin, he was shocked to see several people opening the plane's doors and parachuting out like dumplings being thrown. Roy's eyes widened in disbelief. What on earth was happening? Parachuting at a time like this?

The people preparing to parachute had the same shocked expression when they saw him emerge. Two of them were even muttering something to each other.

Roy wasn't sure what they were saying, but their expressions made it clear that they were surprised to see him. When he saw someone in a pilot's uniform preparing to jump, it suddenly clicked. If the pilot was jumping too, who was flying the plane?

In a split second, he figured out what was happening. Combining the ongoing events, it was clear that Miss Faiza had given them a deadly journey, willing to crash the plane rather than let them escape!

Realizing this, Roy rushed over, hoping to restrain the pilot. If he could hold onto the pilot, they might not reach the United States but could at least make an emergency landing somewhere safe, much better than crashing into the desert!

Unfortunately, he was a step too slow. By the time his hand reached for the pilot, the person had already jumped. "Damn it!" Without giving himself any hesitation, Roy turned his attention to the nearest flight attendant.

"Let me go!" The apprehended flight attendant screamed and struggled, trying to call for help from the others. However, at this moment, who would come to his rescue? Seizing this moment of distraction, one by one, the others leaped out of the plane even faster.

With no one coming to his aid, the flight attendant had no choice but to struggle on his own, attempting to break free from Roy's grip. However, who was Roy? He used to fight in the streets as a thug, and later, when he followed Laila, he spent a few years learning martial arts. He was not going to let this guy escape. He met the man's fist with a punch of his own, breaking the flight attendant's nose.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Roy stepped on the flight attendant who was writhing on the floor.

"It's all Miss's orders. Let me go!" The flight attendant, in pain and panic, spilled the beans. He didn't want to die on the plane.

"What exactly did she order?"

"Miss ordered us to serve you drinks laced with sleeping pills and then jump out of the plane!"

"Damn it! Who's flying the plane now?" Roy desperately hoped that his earlier suspicion wasn't true, but the reality was cruel. Why did this woman hate Laila so much that she was willing to go to such extremes to kill her?

"No one is flying it now; it's on autopilot. But the plane is running low on fuel, and it will crash soon," the flight attendant admitted, fearing for his life. He didn't want to die along with the plane.

Roy grabbed his collar and picked him up. "The parachutes? Where are the remaining parachutes?"

The flight attendant shivered and then pointed to the rear of the plane. "They're in the cargo hold."

Roy grunted in acknowledgment and dropped the man. As the flight attendant was about to jump out, Roy swiftly punched him in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.

Roy was an actor, and he was particularly skilled at reading people's expressions. The flight attendant's face had shown that he was lying, and Roy wasn't going to give him a chance to deceive them. There was no way the parachutes would be placed so far away.

Without hesitation, he unstrapped the parachute from the unconscious flight attendant and put it on. Roy immediately headed to the rear of the plane. To ensure their safety, he also checked the cargo hold, but unfortunately, there was no sign of the parachute or anything related to it.

Although not surprising, this fact made him furious. He and Laila were two people, and he hoped the parachute he was wearing could support both of them.

"Laila," he returned to her side, gently patting her face. But she showed no reaction.

At this point, he could confirm that she had indeed been drugged. It was likely due to the two drinks they had been served earlier. At the time, he saw how much she enjoyed her drink, so he gave her his own. In retrospect, he was grateful and frightened at the same time, realizing that if he had drunk the same beverage, they might have been left in the desert forever along with the plane.

Without wasting any more time, Roy collected items that could be used to secure Laila to his body, making sure she was fastened securely in front of him.

He couldn't afford to dally any longer, as he knew from the flight attendant that there wasn't much fuel left on the plane. It could crash at any moment. If the plane's altitude was too low when the parachute was deployed, their combined weight could pose a significant problem during descent.

So, without any hesitation, he picked up the still-sleeping Laila and jumped out of the plane's door. As for the flight attendant he had incapacitated, he was never one to show mercy, and he had no concern for the man's fate after what they had done.

The howling wind rushed past his ears as Roy held Laila tightly. The wind goggles he had taken from the flight attendant's head proved to be quite helpful in the strong winds. Without them, he wouldn't have been able to assess their current position.

In a previous movie shoot, there was a skydiving scene, and even though he wasn't the actor required for the scene, he had gone along and done a few jumps himself. He was grateful for this unexpected experience. Otherwise, he would have been fumbling around due to a lack of experience.

Below them stretched an endless expanse of dazzling golden sand, the desert extending to the horizon. The undulating dunes were incredibly picturesque, even though it was arguably the most hostile environment for life on Earth. It remained stunning and awe-inspiring.

However, despite the beautiful scenery, Roy couldn't spare the time to appreciate it. He deployed the parachute, and the sudden surge of upward force halted their freefall. Then they began to descend slowly. It was only at this moment that he finally felt a sense of relief. At least this parachute could support both of them.

But new problems arose after they landed. During their descent, he had already scanned the area nearby, and as far as he could see, there was nothing but desert. He didn't know when the rescue team would arrive, but he was aware that if they didn't find a safe place soon, they might be trapped and perish in the desert. Who knew when the hidden dangers of the desert would come upon them, unaware and defenseless?