
Rebirth of a Hollywood Socialite.

This is a translated Chinese novel. I am not the author, just translating for fun. Translator: Doyenro (Fan Translate) Author: Zhuang Jiang Alternative universe (AU) She can produce the most terrifying horror films and also create the most profitable commercial films; she can turn artistic films into commercial successes and turn commercial films into artistic achievements. Future critiques of Laila all say that she is synonymous with the Hollywood miracle, one of the greatest directors of all time. She even unintentionally becomes the most skilled photographer and strategist. However, she knows that all of this comes from her biggest secret, which is—she has been reborn! T/N: * The Female Lead(MC) is very patriotic to her old country, so it may be annoying to some people. * The English gets better from chapter 65, the chapters 1 - 65 will be edited soon. * The actors' or actresses' characters may be different from reality. It is just an alternate universal fictional novel. * Alternate History * Contact me if a novel of the same is officially translated so that I can stop. * Original Chinese novel completed.

Doyenro · Urban
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875 Chs

Chapter 399 - Poaching

How much money can a top Hollywood star have? Some have hundreds of millions, and others even have tens of billions of dollars. If having all that wealth still couldn't win over that girl, then it could only mean that she already had just as much!

How many young girls in the world possess that much money? Among these girls, how many could he approach and make fall in love with him?

So, it was clear who he liked!

Laila Moran!

This was an answer that didn't surprise Ovitz, yet it didn't fail to surprise him either.

Just think about Laila Moran – she had the talent, looks, means, and background, and Ovitz did not doubt that this girl would hold a significant position in the future history of Hollywood. If he were thirty or so years younger, he might have set his sights on conquering that girl.

Since he knew this, he knew that his chances of success in coming here were even greater.

People don't need to be without desires; they need to be without desires and demands. That's what's truly frustrating. As long as he had desires, there was a chance that he could be brought into Ovitz's company!

"Roy, if the girl you want to pursue can't be won over by a star's fame and wealth, then you need to come to me even more. Because what I can offer isn't just turning you into a top Hollywood star but also into a real man!" Ovitz said.

Roy squinted his eyes. "What do you mean?" He didn't think there was anything wrong with liking Laila, and he didn't believe that being in a public relationship with her was a big deal. After all, the whole world already knew they were "dating."

"My point is straightforward," Ovitz said with a cheerful smile. "There's one kind of man that women can't resist. Do you know what it is?"

Roy leaned in, waiting for Ovitz's answer. "What is it?"

"A man exuding masculine charm!"

"What's a masculine charm?" Roy had many friends, but they were mostly around his age, and no one had ever discussed topics like this with him. His father was a poor guy sentenced to life in prison, so he never had any older role models to learn from.

Ovitz stretched his body comfortably. To be honest, he wasn't used to this dimly lit and noisy environment. Even the seats were too hard for his liking. He didn't try to hide his discomfort because he believed that any pretense would be ridiculous in front of Roy, a natural actor. It was better to start with sincerity.

"If I'm not mistaken, Janet Moran's boyfriend is Quentin Sanders, right?"

Hearing this question, Roy was certain that Ovitz knew he had feelings for Laila and had used her mother as an example. It wasn't something to hide, so he nodded openly. "That's right."

"So, why do you think Quentin can win Janet's heart?"

Roy's heart skipped a beat. The first time he saw Quentin, he thought he was a very charming man, but he had never thought about where that charm came from.

During their brief encounters, he noticed Quentin's erudition, maturity, composure, wit, and charm. If it was a matter of looks, Roy was confident he could compete. But when it came to the charm they naturally exuded, Quentin had the upper hand. He was a man even Roy found charming, and he knew that Laila had a favorable impression of Quentin. At least, he hadn't heard her praise anyone else like that.

With Ovitz's words, Roy felt like he finally understood something.

"Can I become a man like Quentin?"

"No, you can't," Ovitz replied firmly, shattering any illusions. "Remember, young man, never be someone else. Always remember that you are the best! I can guarantee that if you join my company, and become a signed star of our agency, you will learn how to become a mature, genuinely masculine, and charming man."

Roy's gaze flickered. "According to what you're saying, can't I achieve the same things in my current company?"

Ovitz, however, smiled confidently. "You're wrong. People always overlook what's right in front of them. Take children, for example. When they're with you, you don't realize how much they're growing day by day. But when they're away from you for some time, you suddenly see how much they've grown."

Pausing intentionally, he looked at Roy with meaningful eyes. "And, things that can't be obtained are often cherished. Don't you think some people or things only become precious when they're lost?"

Roy fell into silence and took another sip of his beer. He had to admit that Ovitz's words were persuasive, and his offer was tempting.

However, he was brought here by Laila, and he knew that she saw him as a potential asset to be nurtured. If he were to leave her now, it would undoubtedly be seen as a betrayal. What he feared most was the disappointment in her eyes when she looked at him.

"I want to think about it," he said after contemplating for a while, giving Ovitz his answer.

"No problem. I'll be waiting for your call," Ovitz said and got up to leave. From the expression on Roy's face, he could tell that this visit hadn't been fruitless. Even if Roy hadn't made a decision yet, the seed had been planted, and whether it grew into a towering tree would depend on luck.

As Robert returned from mingling with the women, he found Roy still chugging his beer. Seeing the scattered bottles around, he couldn't help but joke, "Buddy, while you're still sober, do you want to decide if you want me to carry you back, escort you back, or shoulder you back?"

Roy didn't pay attention to his joke and asked, "Robert, what do you think a real man is?"

"Someone like me?" Robert Jr sarcastically sat down opposite Roy and opened a bottle of beer for himself.

"I'm serious."

"I'm not joking either!" Robert Jr. rolled his eyes with impatience. "Do you want me to take off my pants and prove it to you?"

"Get lost!" Roy kicked at him playfully. "What I mean is, do you think people regret and appreciate things more when they lose them?"

Robert Jr. was stirred by these words, and he fell silent. "Probably," he said eventually. "After losing my family, I felt lonely. No matter how busy and tired I was before, there was always a place to go back to, knowing someone was keeping a light on for me. But I didn't cherish it back then, didn't hold onto it. Now, trying to find it again is impossible."

"Is that so?" Roy finished the remaining half of his beer, seeming to have made some kind of decision.