
Rebirth of a Hollywood Socialite.

This is a translated Chinese novel. I am not the author, just translating for fun. Translator: Doyenro (Fan Translate) Author: Zhuang Jiang Alternative universe (AU) She can produce the most terrifying horror films and also create the most profitable commercial films; she can turn artistic films into commercial successes and turn commercial films into artistic achievements. Future critiques of Laila all say that she is synonymous with the Hollywood miracle, one of the greatest directors of all time. She even unintentionally becomes the most skilled photographer and strategist. However, she knows that all of this comes from her biggest secret, which is—she has been reborn! T/N: * The Female Lead(MC) is very patriotic to her old country, so it may be annoying to some people. * The English gets better from chapter 65, the chapters 1 - 65 will be edited soon. * The actors' or actresses' characters may be different from reality. It is just an alternate universal fictional novel. * Alternate History * Contact me if a novel of the same is officially translated so that I can stop. * Original Chinese novel completed.

Doyenro · Urban
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875 Chs

Chapter 397 - Citywide Manhunt

Upon hearing this news on television, Keira, with a pale face, dialed Faaris's number again. "Save me! You must save me! You're the one who told me to do this, you can't let me go to jail!"

Faaris chuckled coldly, "Did I ask you to fabricate a love story with Roy?" Originally, he intended to create a scandal to disgust them a bit, but he never expected this woman to be so audacious. She didn't care about anything and fabricated such a ridiculous lie in public. Did she think that between Laila and herself, anyone would choose her?

"You can't deny that if I had succeeded, Roy would have been in big trouble, and his company too! I'm still useful!" Keira screamed. Perhaps she had said some things influenced by camera lenses and flashes, but that couldn't negate her role in this. If everything had gone smoothly, she would have received more rewards by now!

"But you failed!" Faaris couldn't be bothered to talk to her any longer. "Don't call me again." He had rejected her last time, and he couldn't believe she dared to call him again. It was no wonder she could do such a brainless thing; she was simply a woman without a brain.

Sensing that he was giving up on her, Keira's face twisted into a sinister expression. "Faaris, if I go to jail, I will definitely confess about you! I will say that you sent me to frame Roy and his company. Are you willing to see that happen?"

A glint of coldness flashed in Faaris's eyes. "Are you threatening me?"

"No, I'm pleading with you! Just give me some money and get me out of the United States, and I promise I'll never appear in front of you again!" Keira cried, "Apart from you, there's no one else who will help me. You have to help me!"

Faaris's gaze darkened for a moment, and then he said, "Fine, I'll get you out of the United States and give you some money. But you have to remember that there will be no connection between us!"

"I understand. I swear I'll never show up in front of you after leaving the United States, and no one will recognize me!" Keira replied hastily.

"Very well, in an hour, leave from the back door of the hotel. There will be a taxi parked nearby with the money and a fake passport inside. Follow the driver's instructions and leave the United States by boat."

"I understand. I'll be there in an hour!" She hung up the phone and began to hastily pack her things. Clothes and other items were too much trouble to carry, and she could buy everything again as long as she had money. So, she took only some cards, cash, and a few personal belongings.

An hour later, while the corridor was empty, she quietly went downstairs and followed Faaris's instructions, using the kitchen passage to reach the back door. She hadn't walked far when she saw a taxi parked not far from the back door.

Meanwhile, when the court received the notification to inform Keira of the lawsuit, they found that she had disappeared. The police searched her room and saw that her clothes were still there, but her cash and cards were gone, leading them to conclude that she had left.

Reviewing the hotel's surveillance footage, they saw her sneaking in the kitchen direction, but there were no surveillance cameras at the back door of the hotel, making it difficult to track her further.

As a result, the police immediately issued a citywide warrant for Keira's arrest. Unfortunately, despite turning the city upside down, they still couldn't find any trace of her. The police were left empty-handed despite the $500,000 reward offered by Laila.

Meanwhile, as the police created chaos in their search for the escaped Keira, Roy drowned his sorrows in a bar.

"Cheer up. I think your boss values you a lot, and she won't hold this against you for such a small matter," Robert Downey Jr. patted him and tried to console him. He didn't know how to comfort him properly. He only knew that if he were in a similar situation, he would be disgusted and devastated, too.

"Let me be alone for a while," Roy said and continued to drink beer as if it were water.

Robert Downey Jr. sighed, "All right, I'll go sit at the bar over there. Call me if you need anything." With that, he moved to sit with two attractive women at the bar. Despite being a washed-up star and a notorious bad boy in Hollywood, he still had a lot of charm in the eyes of certain women.

Roy deliberately chose an inconspicuous corner and intended to drown himself in alcohol to forget the images that kept swirling in his mind.

He had thought for a long time before saying "break up" because he felt that standing by her side right now was only a burden and a stain. But when he heard her calmly suggesting a breakup date during the promotion of their next movie, it made his heart ache so much that he could hardly breathe.

He didn't understand why, even though they lived under the same roof all the time and constantly crossed paths at the company, she didn't seem to feel any reluctance. Had she never held him in her heart? Had she never regarded him as a real man?

In the past, he would have thought about how to melt her heart, but now he didn't want to think about anything anymore. He felt heartbroken and could only see himself as a joke.

Was this what it felt like to give up?

He poured down another half bottle of beer, letting the liquid spill over him.

At that moment, a figure sat down across from him.

"Robert, I told you I wanted to be alone..." he began, but before he could finish his sentence, he looked at the person sitting across from him and realized it wasn't Robert Downey Jr. Instead, it was a middle-aged man dressed in a sharp suit, looking like someone who belonged in a high-end restaurant, exuding an air of upper-class sophistication.

"Who are you?" His vision was a bit blurred from the alcohol, but he squinted at the man's face.

The man reached into his pocket, took out a business card, and placed it in front of Roy. "My name is Michael Ovitz."

"Michael... Ovitz..." Roy murmured the name and felt like he had heard it somewhere before. "What do you want with me?" Even in his slightly inebriated state, he couldn't believe that this man was sitting in front of him just to hand over a business card.

"I want to save your future," Ovitz said with a confident smile.

Roy chuckled. Even in his laughter, there was a lot of anger and helplessness. "Who needs saving? Do you even know who I am?"

"I know exactly who you are, and I know more than anyone else. You are Roy Seasonstar, the man who will stand at the pinnacle of Hollywood in the future."

"Haha." Roy laughed heartily. However, his laughter was tinged with a lot of anger and frustration. "Maybe, but what does that matter?"

He had made such a big fool of himself in front of the woman he liked, and he didn't even know if he had the face to appear in front of her again, let alone worry about whether he would stand at the pinnacle of Hollywood in the future.

"I know you're facing some trouble, and I believe that through this incident, you might see some other things," Ovitz said confidently.

Roy furrowed his brows. "What are you trying to say?"

"I want to suggest that you consider changing your agent."

"Heh." Roy laughed bitterly. Even though he was a bit drunk, he couldn't believe that this man was sitting in front of him just to suggest changing agents.

"I mean it," Ovitz continued with a confident smile. "I believe there's a better path for you, Roy."