

MightyRebirth · Action
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2 Chs

Her death— Where it started

" I CURSE YOU BOTH!!! under the oath of a Princess everyone who betrayed me shall perish along with me" as those words lift her lips the sky darkened, the ground rumbled and buildings shook. The sadness in her eyes as she watched her older brother, her Husband and that weak, two-faced fake princess who took the name queen away from her.

Her king-her love always said--" Anna was beautiful" or " Anna was a woman"

Aren't I a woman? Do I not have breasts, don't I have the ability to bear a child? Don't I have the right to live jealous of the love my husband didn't give me but a maid?

I could hear the nobles yelling at the fake princess-the two-faced bitch, I could hear her sobs for them to stop and bad mouth a kindhearted princess who always step forth to protect her people since a young childish age. The commoner set fires to the central city, and watch as she stood rope tied behind her back.

"THIS KINGDOM SHALL BE NO MORE! KING NOAH MY LOVE!! YOU AND THAT CHILD OF A MAID SHALL BURN!!" she cursed them once more before she watched as the guard who protected me since childhood stare with sadness in his eyes, purely I know he wanted to save me but I shook my head and smiled. " Thank you, Andrew-"

But then the head of a noble crowned princess rolled to the feet of her weeping ex-queen and Knight.


A loud gasp slips my lips before loud coughs leave my lips. My eyes snapped open upon feeling cold chills down my body. Before glancing around and noticed the dirt and munky room. 'W-wait this is my childhood room' flinching touching her neck gently she glanced around confused and let out a soft cough. Glancing outside snow littered the grounds the glowing beauty of the snow made a small smile appear on my lips but then I shook the thought away. 'Shouldn't I be dead?' questioning my lift completely confused. A mirror sat in the corner like it used to be before I stood up and walked over only to free up at the sight of a seven-year-old girl with wavy long hair.

' I'm seven again' this was confusing. Questioning my sanity I asked why was I alive once more I wasn't I lay within my passed mother's arms?

A curse that shall be spoken should be given by the one who granted it, A chance, A second at its beginning marriage is gifted to you once more? Your body shall be weak now but after your train, you shall be a Blood Queen who seeks her revenge

Clutching the cloth of the old ripped gown staring at my reflection for a seven-year-old I was dirty if I remembered correctly I was abandoned at the age of five when a fortune teller was paid to switch me and that fake princess fortune. I am the true princess yet I a thrown aside. The uncle of mine locked away within the dungeons of this castle was that two-faced bitch father.

By the looks of it outside the crowning was in a few days I could hear the maids talking of it. If I remembered correctly Anna created a dress for me but in all honesty at the ball, she faked her tears and say I stolen her dress which made me a laughing stock and a dirty lier when I told them the truth. All I have is Andrew and his father John. They are all I have, even if that Royal Guard John is a crazed Knight a well-known one he adored me as a daughter even if his days were shortened when I turned nine if I remembered correctly.

Glancing around the large one which carried dust and webs of spiders I used to it. The only clean placed was the bathroom. With the magic, I have full mastery over from my first chance I have decided to use it wisely.

Every piece of cloth I stole from the sowing room sat around my room. For the past few months if my mind is correct the king would throw anything they do not want or need into this room for me to have. Every dress my sister grew out of was thrown in here and even an old sewing machine which in my past life I used daily.

I need to make a dress one that would stand out. I don't care for that shitty prince from the Axis Kingdom what an asshole. Killing me at 24 isn't something I attention to let happen again.  Pulling out old white fabric and blue fabric walking into bathroom placing the two fabrics together before she walked away and glanced around before picking up the iron bucket and stick my body out the window fulling the bucket of the white icy substance and started to fill the tub with snow before I broke off a piece of the broken dresses handed to me and began to burn it as evil memories full my eyes because of this dresser. Watching as the fire burns carefully melting the snow before putting the fire out and began to wash the fabric carefully taking the dirt that builds up between the fabric completely out before hanging it around the bathroom using the stool as a way to do so. " why are you so small being seven once more make me feel sick and weak"

Third pov,

-Your powers may have been masters but you have been given the power truth and nature. Five powers born with and two more given. Young Ojou-san we shall meet very soon-

'Ah, that voice again' standing still hold the end of the blue fabric tightly before shaking the throbbing thoughts away.  She finished hanging the drying cloth before she covered arms shivering. "Ah so cold" she muttered as she looked at the old curtain and closed the window tightly having to struggle but she only got it closed a little before she has an idea with a watch if her hand the snow slowly melt into warm water. The water floated in the air before it started to spin a circle around the room soon it was a large water and Air tornato  which made her cover hold her bob hair from her eyes as she watched calmly it wasn't the first time she's done this in her first life she used this move to clean this room a few times after she got married.

Finally, she clapped her hand together before the water flew out the window leaving a clean yet extremely wet room.  Water dripped from the ceiling and the room was not very organized but enough space to walk around freely. Pushing aside dres-body dummies and placed them into a corner she walked to the clean fireplace as opened the gate before she started to destroy the dressed complete she found pendant as small as her eyeball that gave off a pretty glow " so this thing was what that queen wanted and almost got me killed over" scoffing irritated she glanced at the wood she pulled apart and stacked up against the wall before she placed the necklace around her neck her eyes widen as she noticed the shield wrapped around her like a cloak.

" so its Wizard Lord ranked shield" she muttered before she stuffs it into her nightgown and went back to her job.

One hour later

The fire blazed warming the room completely, the room was cleaned what I didn't need was neatly stored away while the sowing machine was placed into a corner, the clothes sat next to it while the four dress dummies sat near it also. This room was large maybe two commoner houses in one. The smallest room in this castle but it was still large.

The room wasn't completely dry but it was warm. The window was closed and locked the curtain was closed on one side while the other let in the night lights in.

" am I bad luck am I good?" that was a question I wanted answers too. Playing with the uneven ends of my hair I decided on something. Playing with it for a second more before standing up and walked towards the study table picking up the little dagger and began to evenly cut my hair letting it naturally cure and make me smile.

" Such a waste of beauty? Hmp! I'll show them who is as waste, you didn't see what's about to hit you" I spat  before glancing at the sowing machine and smile" let's get to work!"