
Rebirth of A Dragon God

Warning: this book is satire. nothing inside should be taken seriously Shenlong has always been a great lover of women; even overshadowing the great God of Sex. Well, he's actually been cucking most of the gods in ninth heaven for a while now. Unfortunately he's a little 'too good' for his own good, resulting in the goddesses and demigoddesses flat out refuse to accept their previous masters. Using anger to mask their insecurities, several gods get together and trap Shenlong while he's having sex with the God of Sex's number one beauty. At first he was angered for being cast into the lower heavens, and forced to lose his Godly Dragon body, but once he arrived on the lowest heaven, he found himself thanking the God of Sex's generosity. Although he was cast from the highest heaven, he had fallen into an area inhabited solely by women. 35 million of them in fact. We expect Shenlong's gonna have a lot of fun. Tags: No more tags, I think my last tags got this book banned lol. This is a repost, and hopefully doesn't get banned again

Dao_of_tiddie · Eastern
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47 Chs

Pregnant?! But I’m a virgin!

Just like that, five more months passed. By now her stomach was truly bulging, and she began to think that perhaps the food wasn't what was making her fat. She was also confused about why her monthly cycle had stopped coming seven months ago, but once again she assumed this was all a result of her breakthrough and opted to not consult the ancestors; after all their cultivation was important.

It wasn't until she kept throwing up her food and was even having trouble walking and sitting, that her elders and maids begged her to go see the ancestors.

Although she argued against it for a while, eventually she rolled her eyes and gave up. Only by visiting the ancestors could she rid herself of these annoying nags.

Ecstatic that she agreed, her maids began rushing around preparing while preparing her royal palanquin so she could comfortably sit while traveling.

Groaning, she eased herself back into the seat and closed the curtains. Immediately, four maids picked her up and quickly ran her up the mountain.

First stop: Ancestor Chen; the youngest and most recent addition to the ancestors. Unable to answer the questions pertaining to the mysterious large stomach, she ushered them up the mountain.

Second stop: Ancestor Ming. Unable to answer, she followed Chen and ushered them up the mountain.

Third: Ancestor Hui. Doesn't know; follows them up.

Fourth: Yi. Doesn't know. Follows them




Twelfth: Arriving at the peak, they met with three cranky ladies. Examining the Empresses bulging tummy, one of the three women gasp and almost faint.

"Y-you damn s-slut!" She shouts as she falls onto her tight butt. This one who calls herself Ancestor Ai, really dropped a bomb on the Empress and company.



"How dare you!"

All the gathered women began shouting incoherently as they began itching to beat this disrespectful woman up. 'Sure, you're a powerful ancestor, but you still have to respect your empress' they thought.

With a dark look, the Empress glared at Ancestor Ai and ordered, "Explain yourself ancestor."

With a scornful look, she laughed at the empress. "My Empress, surely you can stop playing dumb by now right? After all, you've done the deed; you can't run away from the consequences," she barked while staring at the tummy in front of her.


"The deed?"

Several woman began mutter amongst themselves.

Seeing the women's confusion, she laughed lightly. "Here, I'll tell you. Your goddess, the Empress, has been disrespecting our ancestral teachings, and has been fooling around with men behind our backs!"

All the women's eyes went wide as they heard this, immediately looking towards their beloved empress. 'No! Surely not!' they all thought.

The Empress immediately began fuming, "Bullshit you old hag! Fooling around with men, my foot! Where do you get off accusing me of such things! If you don't know how to solve my problem, then just say so! Quit using this as a platform to attack me!"

Ancestor Ai was truly stupefied. 'Surely, this girl isn't this this dumb right? Did she not know what would happen to a woman after fooling around with a man?'

The rest of the women were equally stupefied. Their empress had never cursed before in their memory. Now that they thought about it, her emotions seem to have been more high strung and unstable since her stomach began expanding. 'They must be related,' the women thought.

Just as she was about to retort, a lofty voice flowed down from the peak of the mountain. "Ancestor Ai, lay off her will you? It's affecting my concentration…"

All the women were shocked and looked at each other. Since the voice came from the peak, doesn't that mean it was the most powerful woman in the sect, Master Lan? The woman infamous for being so lazy, she took up cultivation as a way to not do anything? And managed to reach the peak by doing so?

"Ah, great ancestor! Please explain to this girl where she has gone wrong!" Hearing Master Lan, Ancestor Ai bowed in her direction.

There was silence for the longest moment as everyone waited in anticipation.

With a lazy sigh, the voice finally spoke. "Fine. I'll tell her, then all of you will leave and not bug me for another ten years, deal?"

Ancestor Ai immediately began nodding and agreed to the deal.

"Well, congratulations Empress, you're going to be a mother."

The world froze. And all its inhabitants were in shock. Well not really. Just the people on the mountain.

Every woman present looked at the empress with either shock or disappointment on their face. The Empress herself, felt as though a stack of brick had been slammed against her face (even though with her strength, its impossible to harm her, we still needed to use a metaphor).

"Oh shut up, with your dumb faces!" Master Lan snapped. "I can tell she's still a virgin. Her yin is a pure as the day she was born." She felt somewhat bad at almost ruining the Empresses reputation toward her subjects.

With another lazy sigh she continued, "not only are you a heaven defying beauty and talent, but then go and pull something like this. Getting pregnant while remaining a virgin. That takes real talent."

All the women nodded towards each other as they seemed to agree, missing the obvious sarcasm.