
Rebirth Of A Betrayed Heiress

Olivia Montgomery had it all - until she was murdered by the people she loved most. But death is just the beginning of Olivia's story. Reborn with a second chance, Olivia is out for revenge against the sister and lover who betrayed her. With the help of an unexpected ally, Olivia navigates the dangerous waters of high society as she fights for justice and a chance at love with the man who never gave up on her. Experience the ultimate tale of rebirth, redemption, and revenge in this gripping novel of love and betrayal. FB Page: Unusual Write IG unusualwrite

Unusual_Write · Urban
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Oliver walks out of the bathroom to the ward where Emily is waiting for her. She has washed her face and clears any streaks of obvious tears on her face. Emily mustn't suspect a thing. Oliver feels she should be more careful with her since she knows the truth. The real her! Emily stands beside her bed with a concerned look. She looks worried and concerned for her. Oliver begins to wonder if she's been harboring hate for her now or it started later. Because if she hated her, the worried look she is pulling now is too convincing to be true.

"Are you sure you are okay Oliver? You've been acting weird." She says holding her by her shoulders tightly.

"I am. I am okay." Oliver replies and walks over to her bed. She sits on it while Emily sits beside her.

"Ethan has been so worried about you. I should inform him that you are awake." Emily says and brings out her phone. Oliver scoffs silently and rolls her eyes at her.

"No, don't. I'm okay now." She stops her by waving her hands down.

"Yes, I know you are okay. But I should inform him about your condition now. That's the right thing to do. Like, he's been so worried about you. You committed suicide because of him, just to leave that guy and go to him." She explains to her and keeps on tapping her phone. "But do not do that again. Ethan doesn't like what you did either. You could have been dead." She warns and averts her gaze from hers.

"Alexander! Is he here?" Oliver asks curiously.

"He brought you here but he left afterwards. He knows you don't want to see his disgusting face." She says.

"Stop it. He is not disgusting." Oliver defends him. Emily looks at her in shock.

"When did you start defending him?" She asks, surprised at her outburst.

"I'm okay now. Shouldn't I be discharged?" Oliver asks, ignoring her question.

"The doctor said if you wake up that you are good to go." She tells her still staring deeply at her.

"Then I will." Oliver decides and stands up from the bed abruptly.

"You can't leave like that. You have to sign out." Emily protested.

"I will sign out." Oliver replies and moves out of the room.

"You can't still leave like that. You should wait for the doctor to check you…" Emily's word is cut off by Oliver's exit. She leaves the room for her.

Emily stares at the door in surprise. Why is she behaving strangely? When she woke up, she was murmuring some inaudible words and behaving irrational to her. Now, she is asking about Alexander and defending him. She is expecting her to be asking about Ethan and be eager to see him. She didn't even talk about Ethan at all. Did the attempting suicide affects her brain.

Oh God! Emily stands up in a jiffy and heads towards the doctor's office. She will ask him that. Was it because of the suicide that made her behave irrational at first, losing memory then unpredictable. She thinks the doctor says she is alright then why the abnormal behavior.

Oliver stands in front of the big and magnificent mansion. Five years from now, this will be her home. But now, she's here to make things right, to get things straight. She opens the door and walks inside the familiar house. She closes the door behind her and walks towards the living room.

Oliver sees Alex sitting in the living room with alcohol in front of him. He looks devastated. Oliver remembers this scene well, she remembers what happened here. Right here, he let her go because he doesn't want her hurt anymore. She was so happy that she would finally be with Ethan and didn't consider his feelings that he was sacrificing for her. He let her go and apologized for forcefully keeping her by his side. He doesn't want to see her hurt anymore because of him.

"Oliver!" Alexander calls and rushes towards her. "Are… you are okay." He says awkwardly as he stands in front of her. Oliver stares at him and glances all over his body. He isn't hurt, no burn mark. He is okay. He didn't die. Oliver can't be more excited as she moves closer to him and envelopes him in a hug.

Alexander stands dumbfounded. What is wrong with her? She hugs him tightly and almost gets emotional when she disengaged from the hug immediately.

"I'm sorry. I…." Oliver stutters and tries to explain her sudden unpredictable behavior. She has to remind herself that none of them knows that she had just gone back from five years and knows what happens next. She is given a second chance after her and Alexander just barely escapes death. Truly, they will feel giddy about her sudden change of character because now she knows who truly loves her and who does not. She knows her enemy, her fake loves and her true love.

"No, it's okay." Alexander replies grinning excitedly. The smile wipes off his lips immediately as he stares deeply at her. Alexander takes her hug as been grateful for saving her from suicide but he doesn't want her to go through that again.

"I'm sorry I caused you pain and made you uncomfortable with me. You… you tried to commit suicide because of me. You are getting hurt because of me. I realize that keeping you by my side will hurt both of us. Forcefully making you stay by my side will bring no good." Alex says to her. Oliver already knows where he is going with this.

"So, I've decided to leave you alone. You can go your way and I will stay my way. I will release you from this bondage and go meet your lover, Ethan." He whispers the last part in pain. "If that's what will make you happy." He added and averted his gaze from Oliver. He can't stand her sight. It's hard letting her go but he has to constantly remind himself that she's not happy with him. Letting her go will be the best option for the both of them.

As Oliver stares at him, she can't believe she did leave him then and rushes over to Ethan to break the good news, the good news which later turned sour after five years. She can't believe she left him and fails to his sincerity, the true love he really had for her. He really did love her or else he won't die with her in the fire when he still has so many things to accomplish as a businessman. She left him and went over to that church rat who was after his grandparents' money. Him and that deceptive girl, her best friend. She had failed to see their true color.

"No, Alex. I'm not leaving you." Oliver replies to him. Alex snaps his head up to look at her with a confused expression.

"What do you mean? You are free to go meet Ethan. You loved him, didn't you?" Alex asks.

"No, I don't anymore. That was then but I do not anymore. I want to be with you now Alex. I want to stay with you." Oliver says to him and Alex's mouth is left agape.

"Oliver, are you okay?" He walks closer to her and holds her head, inspecting any injuries. "Did you lose part of your memory?" He is surprised at her character.

Oliver pulls his hands away and hugs him tightly. "I'm well. Nothing is wrong with me. I'm perfectly fine. I know what I want and in my right senses to declare it. I want you Alex." She whispers to his ear. She can see his ear turning red and Oliver can't help but giggle out loudly.

She looks at him and smiles widely. "I want to get changed. The smell of drugs Is still on me." Oliver says and walks towards the stairs. This time, she is back for revenge. She is in for revenge and they won't go Scot free. The pain she felt in the warehouse, the betrayal, she will give them twice the fold of what they made her experience. The pain, the hotness, how her skin burns, how Alexander had protected her with his body and had felt the pain first-hand even though he had nothing to do with it, she will avenge everything. They won't go Scot free from her, not this time. Not when she's been given a second chance to redeem her mistakes. And one of the gravest mistakes was leaving Alex and she has changed that now. She changed that, she stays with Alex, everything will change, things won't go like it did five years from now. It will take a different turn now.

Alex looks at her retreating figure with a dazed expression. How possible! He has always been wishing for a miracle, a miracle to happen, Oliver should wake up one day and love him deeply. He had promised to go to the church and give thanks to the lord If it did happen. He knows it's a bluff, it can't happen. She has always hated him, why will she wake up one day and declare her love for him.

But what is happening now? Oliver tells him she wants to stay with him and not with Ethan. Is this real or a dream? Has he drunk too much that he is imagining things. Alexander rubs his eyes vigorously and looks at his surroundings. It's real! He chuckles nervously and rushes over to clear the table. The mess he had made last night, blaming himself if anything happens to Oliver. But here she was, with a different character.