
Rebirth: New Life

Rebirth: New Life is a captivating story that follows the journey of Zen Caine, formerly Prince Alex Kings, as he navigates a world of supernatural abilities, political intrigue, and looming apocalyptic threats. Zen, having faked his own death to escape the burdens of royal life, finds himself drawn into a web of prophecies, ancient powers, and secret organizations as he strives to prevent a catastrophic future. As Zen enrols in university under his new identity, he begins to experience vivid and terrifying dreams of a world consumed by darkness and destruction. Guided by the mysterious Olivia Hope, a time traveller from a bleak future, Zen discovers his true potential and the critical role he must play in altering the course of history. Joined by a cast of complex and powerful characters, including his best friend Jin Kenzaki and the enigmatic Niran Chakrii, Zen must navigate a treacherous landscape of political machinations, hidden agendas, and supernatural threats. As he uncovers the secrets of his own past and the true nature of the forces that seek to shape the future, Zen must embrace his destiny and become the hero he was always meant to be. Rebirth: New Life is a thrilling and emotionally charged journey of self-discovery, sacrifice, and the fight for a better tomorrow. With its rich world-building, intricate plot, and unforgettable characters, this story is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy and those who believe in the power of second chances and the indomitable human spirit.

Silsuki · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 3: Friends

As Zen navigates his way to the university, he decides to text Jin to determine his location, given that Zen is still unfamiliar with the campus. A few minutes later, Zen successfully reunites with his friends Jin Kenzaki, Anna Robert, and Jim Spanner. Zen's acquaintance with Anne and Jim stems from his friendship with Jin.

"Hey, guys," Zen greets them warmly, his smile lighting up his face.

"Yo, Zen," Jim responds, reciprocating Zen's enthusiasm with a fist bump.

"Hi there," Anne chimes in, offering Zen a friendly nod.

"Finally, you've made it," Jin remarks, glad to see Zen.

"Wow, this university is enormous. It's my first time here," Zen exclaims, his excitement palpable.

"Dude, it's just like school but on a larger scale and with fewer clowns causing chaos," Jim remarks, reminiscing about his high school days with a hint of annoyance.

"That's true. I was fortunate to have been spared from dealing with those troublemakers in my class," Anne agrees, sharing Jim's sentiments about disruptive behaviour.

"In Japan, we also have our share of antics, but they tend to be more playful than disruptive," Jin remarks, attempting to lighten the mood.

"I don't have much experience with this or with school in general, as I was home-schooled for the most part," Zen admits, opting not to delve into his academic background.

"Curious, are you from a wealthy family, Zen?" Jim inquires, intrigued by Zen's background.

"Not really. My guardians simply preferred to keep me sheltered at home, unsure if I was ready for the real world," Zen responds calmly, avoiding raising any suspicions about his past.

"Well, I think we can save the storytelling for another time. I need to show Zen which class he needs to go to next," Jin interjects, sensing the need to steer the conversation away from Zen's background before any inconsistencies arise.

"Fair enough. Anne and I are gonna head off. Don't be late, alright Jin?" Jim reminds Jin before bidding Zen farewell.

"See you later, Zen," both Jim and Anne say simultaneously.

"Take care," Zen replies, waving to them as he accompanies Jin to his classroom.

"Thanks for your assistance today, Jin," Zen expresses his gratitude sincerely.

"Zen, this is the least I can do for you. After all, you saved my family. Without your help that day, my family and I might not be here," Jin reminds Zen of their shared history.

Six years ago, following Zen and Han's successful staging of Alex's death and their subsequent escape from Unity Nation, Han accompanied Zen to the UK. On their journey, they witnessed another aircraft being attacked by a black dragon. Zen sprang into action, utilizing disguise outfits provided by Han to assist the passengers and the Special Air Force Team in battling the dragon. Zen's heroic actions not only saved lives but also revealed his true identity to Jin. Grateful for Zen's intervention, the Kenzaki family, whose inheritance included disguises passed down through generations, pledged to safeguard Zen's secret identity. Ever since then, Han has remained vigilant, ensuring Zen's true identity remains concealed. The Kenzakis solidified their commitment by forming a pact with Zen and Han, alleviating their concerns. Thus, the foundation of friendship between Jin and Zen was established.

"Yeah, the entire situation seems rather coincidental, doesn't it?" Zen muses to Jin.

"I prefer to view it as fate," Jin responds optimistically.

"Anyway, we're here at your class. Make the most of it, Zen. This is what you've been striving for," Jin encourages Zen with a smile.

"Thanks, Jin. I'll catch up with you and the others later," Zen says, reciprocating Jin's high-five before heading into his classroom.

After several hours of classes, Zen concludes his day and informs Jin that he's on his way to meet them for a meal before heading home. As he reflects on the day, Zen senses that things are progressing smoothly, perhaps too smoothly. A premonition gnaws at him, hinting that significant events may be on the horizon.