
Rebirth: New Life

Rebirth: New Life is a captivating story that follows the journey of Zen Caine, formerly Prince Alex Kings, as he navigates a world of supernatural abilities, political intrigue, and looming apocalyptic threats. Zen, having faked his own death to escape the burdens of royal life, finds himself drawn into a web of prophecies, ancient powers, and secret organizations as he strives to prevent a catastrophic future. As Zen enrols in university under his new identity, he begins to experience vivid and terrifying dreams of a world consumed by darkness and destruction. Guided by the mysterious Olivia Hope, a time traveller from a bleak future, Zen discovers his true potential and the critical role he must play in altering the course of history. Joined by a cast of complex and powerful characters, including his best friend Jin Kenzaki and the enigmatic Niran Chakrii, Zen must navigate a treacherous landscape of political machinations, hidden agendas, and supernatural threats. As he uncovers the secrets of his own past and the true nature of the forces that seek to shape the future, Zen must embrace his destiny and become the hero he was always meant to be. Rebirth: New Life is a thrilling and emotionally charged journey of self-discovery, sacrifice, and the fight for a better tomorrow. With its rich world-building, intricate plot, and unforgettable characters, this story is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy and those who believe in the power of second chances and the indomitable human spirit.

Silsuki · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 14: Future II

After Olivia revealed the rough plans to gather all the "Key Players," Zen couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. These individuals were among the most formidable beings on Earth, each possessing powers and abilities that rivalled even the legendary 7 Guardians of the Awakener Association. While the world often revered the Guardians as a Godly Class, the reality was that there were more individuals classified as Godly Class than there were Guardians.


Among these powerful figures, the God Affiliation stood out as one of the most notorious and influential groups. Operating independently, they pursued their agenda, which they deemed necessary to maintain balance in the world. With multiple affiliates and leaders, they adopted nicknames inspired by gods from various mythologies, reflecting their diversity and formidable presence.


Zen realized that collaborating with these individuals would be an almost insurmountable task. Not only would they likely come after him, but they might also resort to kidnapping or other extreme measures to extract information from him. Olivia's advice resonated with him—getting stronger was the key to standing a chance against them. It was clear that they needed to level up their abilities and resources significantly before even attempting to confront the formidable Key Players.


Olivia shared with him that, in her timeline, the zenith of power was embodied in the 45-year-old version of Zen. He stood as the most formidable entity to ever exist. However, despite Zen's eventual ascension to unparalleled strength, it came too late. By the time he reached his peak, the world had already met its demise. Humanity's population dwindled to a mere 5%, too scant a remnant to salvage the world as it once was. The sobering reality emphasized the urgency of their situation—the need to act swiftly and decisively to prevent a similar fate in their timeline.


Olivia also warned Zen that the onset of the first war between the UN and The Night was imminent. This conflict would mark the beginning of the world's downfall if left unchecked. Feeling the weight of the impending crisis, Zen inquired about the timeline they were working with. Olivia revealed that they had approximately four months before the world plunged into chaos. The revelation only intensified Zen's anxiety. While four months might seem like a reasonable timeframe for preparation, the daunting task of becoming immensely powerful to avert the war loomed large before him. How could he possibly achieve such strength in such a short period?


"Fuck, how the hell am I supposed to handle all of this?" Zen's mind raced with panic and nervousness. He felt utterly alone, knowing there was no one to rely on for assistance. Even if he could enlist Han's help, stopping the impending war seemed nearly impossible.


"Zen, don't freak out. We'll figure something out. I know of a method that can help. Well, technically, it's something your future self discovered," Olivia reassured Zen, noticing his increasing paranoia.


"What? Future me?" Zen paranoia turned into confusion. Is he even that smart enough to come up with strong enough to stop the war?


"It's called 'Heavenly Body.' Your body undergoes extreme pain, but if you can endure it, you'll become perfect in every way. Your height, weight, muscle mass, eyesight, movement—you name it. You discovered this method after the world went to shit, and you were determined to rebuild it. So, you scoured the world for something that could aid you, and you stumbled upon 'Heavenly Body,'" Olivia explained, shedding light on a method that Zen's future self had discovered—a potential key to success in preventing the war.


"I see... How bad is the pain?" Zen, feeling slightly reassured, inquired about the agony he would endure to obtain 'Heavenly Body.'


"Well, according to your future self, it's like millions of needles stabbing every inch of your body non-stop for 72 hours," Olivia replied, feeling reluctant to divulge the details.


"WHAT? 72 hours?" Zen exclaimed in shock, his eyes widening at the daunting prospect.


Zen's outburst caught the attention of other patrons in the restaurant.


"Sorry," Zen quickly apologized to the bystanders around him.


"We should call it a day for now. It must have been one hell of a day for you, with Hunter's test and all the future information," Olivia suggested, noticing Zen's unease.


"Yeah, let's go," Zen agreed, feeling a headache coming on from the overwhelming weight of everything he wasn't prepared for.


As they settled their bills, both of them exited the restaurant and made their way towards Zen's car.


"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, Zen. I hope you understand that all of this is to prevent something much worse from happening," Olivia expressed her guilt over the pressure she had put on Zen.


"I wish I could offer more help, but even in my future self's state, I only managed to reach demi-god status with all the artefacts equipped. And even then, my power won't compare to yours. But I'll do everything in my power to assist you," Olivia reassured Zen, acknowledging her limitations in strength, despite their shared goals.


"And I did attempt to achieve 'Heavenly Body,' but I was too weak to endure the pain. I nearly died in the process," Olivia confessed, admitting her failed attempt to obtain 'Heavenly Body.'


Zen remained silent, feeling the weight of immense responsibility on his shoulders. He knew that failure was not an option; the fate of the world rested on his ability to succeed.

As they reached the car, Zen released a heavy sigh and turned to face Olivia, his expression weighted with sorrow.


"How did it happen? My death," Zen inquired, his eyes filled with sadness, aware that Olivia might not divulge the full truth.


Olivia hesitated, grappling with the memories before she spoke softly, "It's a complicated story... You died protecting someone dear to you. I hesitate to share more now because I witnessed it all, and it's not easy to recount." She revealed a fragment of the truth about Zen's demise, holding back important details for the moment.


"I understand..." Zen's gaze fell to the ground, his expression still heavy with visible sorrow that he couldn't conceal.


"As I mentioned earlier, it's probably best we put a pin in this conversation for now. It's not easy for either of us," Olivia cautioned Zen once more, emphasizing the need to halt their discussion.


"Okay. I'll drive you home. Here's my contact information. Feel free to text me any updates or plans for our next move," Zen offered, handing Olivia his details before they headed for the car.


That night, silence enveloped them both. Zen dropped Olivia off at her apartment, their journey devoid of conversation. With a multitude of thoughts swirling in his mind about the day's revelations, Zen headed home, his thoughts weighing heavily on him. Slowly, exhaustion claimed him, and he drifted into a fitful sleep, the events of the day haunting his dreams.