
Rebirth: New Life

Rebirth: New Life is a captivating story that follows the journey of Zen Caine, formerly Prince Alex Kings, as he navigates a world of supernatural abilities, political intrigue, and looming apocalyptic threats. Zen, having faked his own death to escape the burdens of royal life, finds himself drawn into a web of prophecies, ancient powers, and secret organizations as he strives to prevent a catastrophic future. As Zen enrols in university under his new identity, he begins to experience vivid and terrifying dreams of a world consumed by darkness and destruction. Guided by the mysterious Olivia Hope, a time traveller from a bleak future, Zen discovers his true potential and the critical role he must play in altering the course of history. Joined by a cast of complex and powerful characters, including his best friend Jin Kenzaki and the enigmatic Niran Chakrii, Zen must navigate a treacherous landscape of political machinations, hidden agendas, and supernatural threats. As he uncovers the secrets of his own past and the true nature of the forces that seek to shape the future, Zen must embrace his destiny and become the hero he was always meant to be. Rebirth: New Life is a thrilling and emotionally charged journey of self-discovery, sacrifice, and the fight for a better tomorrow. With its rich world-building, intricate plot, and unforgettable characters, this story is a must-read for fans of epic fantasy and those who believe in the power of second chances and the indomitable human spirit.

Silsuki · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 10: First test

"Hey there," a voice called out as Zen walked alongside other Awakeners towards Area 1, catching his attention.

Turning around, Zen was met with the sight of a girl around his age, sporting a bright smile. "Oh, hi," he responded, a hint of confusion in his tone.

"Sorry if I startled you. I just wanted to say hello. I think I've seen you around the university earlier," the girl explained with a friendly tone.

"Yeah, you probably have. Nice to meet you. I'm Zen," he introduced himself, opting not to conceal his identity since she seemed familiar with him.

"Zen, huh? That's a unique name. I'm Olivia. A pleasure to meet you!" Olivia replied warmly, extending her hand for a handshake.

Before exchanging a handshake, two burly individuals rudely shoved Zen and Olivia aside.

"Move it, losers. This isn't a lovey-dovey spot," one of the guys sneered, mocking Zen and Olivia.

"Yeah, save the romance for somewhere else. We're here at the Hunter Hub, not a dating site," the other guy chimed in, his tone dripping with contempt.

"Hey, cut it out. Can't you see they're just trying to be friendly?" a man clad in knight's armour intervened, his voice commanding authority.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? This doesn't concern you," one of the guys retorted, glaring at the armoured man and telling him to butt out.

"You better scram before things get ugly," one of the guys warned the knight menacingly.

"Scared of the likes of you two? I've dealt with worse," the knight retorted, unwavering in his stance.

Just as tensions were about to escalate further, a voice boomed over the speakers, interrupting the confrontation. "Please refrain from engaging in combat within non-combat zones, or you will face consequences," the stern warning echoed throughout the area, directed mostly at Zen's group.

"Fortunate son of a gun," both guys grumbled simultaneously before sauntering off.

"What a jerk," Olivia spat with irritation evident in her tone.

"Are you both okay?" the knight inquired, stepping forward to check on them.

"I'm okay," Zen assured the knight. 

"Same here," Olivia replied, her voice tinged with frustration. 

"I wish we could chat more, but we should head off. The test is about to begin," the knight advised them.

They wasted no time and navigated through the crowd, finally reaching Area 1 where approximately 50-60 participants had gathered. A palpable tension hung in the air as everyone wore a serious expression, uncertain about the nature of the impending test. The Hunter's tests were notorious for their unpredictability; depending on the day and the overseeing instructor, they could range from relatively easy to nearly impossible. This variability was intentional, designed to prevent participants from relying on strategies or advice from previous Awakeners-turned-Hunters, as such information wasn't shared online to maintain the integrity of the tests.

Suddenly, a man emanating a powerful aura emerges from the shadows, catching the attention of a select few, including Zen, who could sense his approach. This indicated that the man possessed the Shadow Force and wielded significant power.

"Greetings, Awakeners. I am Robert Enos, your instructor for the first test today," the man introduced himself with a commanding presence.

"For the first test, your objective is to last at least 10-15 seconds against me in combat. And please, do not hold back, as I am compensated for this," Robert informed the participants of the test's rules, setting the tone for the challenge ahead.

"While some of you may consider this a simple task, bear in mind that my Hunter rank is Legend," he added, dropping a bombshell that sent shockwaves through the room. They were tasked with enduring against an opponent deemed nearly unbeatable.

"Fear not the possibility of injury; we have 20 healers on standby, all of whom are at least at the pro-class level," Robert reassured the participants regarding the potential risks of the fight.

"One final point I must emphasize is that if you have any doubts about your ability to succeed, I encourage you to withdraw from the test. I have no desire to come across as a bully. Additionally, please be aware that there is a fee required to sign up for the test," Robert informed the participants, offering them the option to opt-out if they felt uncertain about their chances of success.

Following Robert's announcement, seven individuals left Area 1 with downcast expressions, opting out of the test before it even began.

"What a bunch of losers," remarked one of the individuals who had previously mocked Zen and Olivia.

"Yeah, seriously. Why bother showing up if you're just going to chicken out?" chimed in the other.

"It appears that a few participants have decided to withdraw from the test. That's to be expected. Without further delay, who among you would like to step forward and challenge me?" Robert announced, officially commencing the first test.

Zen and Olivia stood side by side, exchanging a proper handshake this time. With a moment to spare before their test, they chatted and got to know each other better.

One by one, participants stepped up to the fighting area to face Robert, and as expected by many, most of them were swiftly defeated by him. Only a select few managed to hold their ground against Robert and were deemed worthy of progressing to the next test.

"Alright, I suppose it's my turn now. Get ready, Mr. Instructor, because I'm going to give you a run for your money," declared one of the individuals who had previously mocked Zen with confidence.

"Participant 32, Aaron Cobell, correct? I admire that confidence," Robert acknowledged, referring to the participant by name.

"Yeah, remember our names because my brother Eric and I are destined to become the next Godly Class Hunters," Aaron boldly proclaimed, standing firm in his declaration.

Laughter erupted from the onlookers at Aaron and Eric's bravado. Standing amongst the crowd, Eric felt his face flush with embarrassment, clearly caught off guard by his brother's boldness.

"What a pair of fools," Olivia muttered, her annoyance at the Cobell brothers evident.

"Don't fret. They won't make it past this test anyway," Zen reassured her, his tone reflecting a hint of confidence.

"Hey, laugh all you want! I'll show every one of you doubters what I'm made of!" Aaron shouted defiantly at the crowd, his determination unwavering as he prepared to face Robert in combat.

"Whenever you're ready, Mr. Cobell," Robert calmly invited Aaron to begin.

Without hesitation, Aaron surged forward, channelling his energy into a powerful punch aimed at Robert's head. The sudden attack caught everyone off guard, eliciting gasps from the spectators. Yet, amidst the shock, Zen and a few others recognized Robert's calculated demeanour; he was merely toying with Aaron.

With a triumphant grin, Aaron stepped back, confident that he had passed the test. However, his confidence was short-lived. In a blur of movement, Robert remained unfazed by the punch, swiftly extending his hand to Aaron's chest. In an instant, he executed a one-inch punch, sending Aaron hurtling backwards into the wall with bone-jarring force, rendering him unconscious. The abrupt conclusion of the encounter left the onlookers stunned, their expressions a mixture of awe and disbelief.

"It seems that I've shattered a man's dream," Robert remarked, his tone devoid of sympathy.

"Brother!" Eric rushed to his unconscious sibling's side, concern etched across his features.

Laughter erupted from the onlookers as the Cobell brothers unwittingly became the subjects of ridicule.

"You bastard! How dare you hurt my brother!" Eric's rage boiled over as he directed his fury at Robert.

"Mr Cobell, please understand that this is a test to become a Hunter. Your brother simply isn't strong enough to pass," Robert explained, his words cutting through Eric's anger to convey the harsh reality of the situation.

"And rest assured, the healers will tend to your brother," Robert assured Eric, gesturing to the approaching medical staff as they attended to Aaron and removed him from the fighting area.

"Fine, then. I'll take you on," Eric declared, his fury fueling his determination.

"Whenever you're ready," Robert replied calmly, bracing himself for Eric's assault.

With a primal roar, Eric unleashed a barrage of punches, each strike aimed at Robert with unbridled fury.

However, Eric failed to realize that his blows were merely striking shadows, leaving Robert untouched despite the ferocity of the onslaught.

"It seems I'll be shattering yet another man's dream," Robert's voice cut through the air as he appeared behind Eric, delivering a single, powerful punch that sent him crashing to the ground, unconscious.

Both brothers lay defeated, their dreams shattered in the blink of an eye by Robert's effortless prowess. The healers swiftly moved in, carrying Eric away from the combat zone to tend to his injuries.

"With only a few participants remaining, let's bring this to a close," Robert announced to the remaining participants.

As the tension mounted, the knight from earlier stepped forward into the combat zone.

"Oh, it's you. Participant 44, Leo Jackson," Robert acknowledged the knight.

"Wait, isn't that the guy from earlier?" Olivia whispered to Zen.

"Yeah, I think he's the youngest brother of Sam Jackson, the leader of the Crusaders Of The Steel Guild," Zen confirmed, his surprise mirrored by the reactions of those around them.

The realization that they were in the presence of one of the youngest siblings of one of the era's most renowned figures sent shockwaves through the crowd, marking Leo Jackson as a notable presence in the room.

"Come on now everyone I'm not as strong as my brother" Leo was humbled and told everyone that he wasn't as strong as his brother.

"Whenever you're ready, Mr. Jackson," Robert prompted Leo.

Leo unsheathed his sword without hesitation and launched himself at Robert with determined speed. Despite Robert's attempt to evade, Leo managed to land a slice on his leg. However, Robert swiftly retaliated, utilizing his Shadow Force to restrain Leo and propel him backwards with a powerful blast. Leo withstood the impact but bore visible signs of the damage incurred.

"Enough for now. You've passed, Mr. Jackson. Congratulations," Robert declared, acknowledging Leo's performance.

"Thank you, sir," Leo replied with a respectful bow before exiting the combat zone and approaching Zen and Olivia.

"Best of luck to both of you. I'll be keeping an eye on things from the infirmary," Leo wished them well, his tone supportive.

"Alright, I'll go next," Olivia announced to Zen before striding confidently toward the combat zone.

"Participant 57, Olivia Hope. Whenever you're ready," Robert affirmed, indicating his readiness to commence the test.

With determination gleaming in her eyes, Olivia activated her Forces, causing the gravitational field around Robert to intensify. With a swift gesture mimicking a handgun, she conjured a powerful fireball and launched it towards Robert. Despite his restricted movement due to the increased gravity, Robert opted to absorb the attack head-on.

As the dust settled, Robert knelt on one knee, visibly affected by the force of Olivia's assault. The onlookers watched in astonishment, impressed by Olivia's remarkable display of power. It was a feat none had managed to achieve against Robert thus far.

"Wow, impressive! If this were an actual battle, it would undoubtedly be intense. Congratulations, Miss Hope, you've passed," Robert declared, acknowledging Olivia's exceptional performance and confirming her success in the test.

"Thank you," Olivia expressed her gratitude to Robert before making her way back to Zen's side.

"Olivia, that was incredible. I had no idea you possessed such strength," Zen remarked, genuine astonishment evident in his voice.

"It was nothing. Let's not forget, he's been battling all day. I'm sure fatigue played a part," Olivia humbly attributed her success.

"Well, looks like it's my turn now," Zen announced, steeling himself as he stepped into the combat zone.

"I'm sorry, Participant 60, Zen Caine. I need a brief respite, if you don't mind," Robert apologized to Zen, requesting a short break before their match.

"No problem, sir," Zen responded graciously, understanding the need for Robert to recharge.

After a five-minute interlude for recovery and healing, Robert was prepared for his final bout. Despite initial doubts from the spectators, who assumed Zen would stand little chance against the refreshed and formidable Robert, Zen remained determined to give his all in the upcoming challenge.

"Whenever you're ready, Mr. Caine," Robert prompted, his tone calm yet resolute.

"Understood," Zen acknowledged, his voice steady as he prepared himself for the impending confrontation.

Activating his Shadow Force, Zen's sudden manifestation of the rare power surprised the onlookers, who hadn't anticipated encountering two Shadow users in the same vicinity.

"Another Shadow user? Remarkable. These final participants never cease to amaze me," Robert remarked, genuine admiration evident in his tone.

With no further exchanges, both combatants surged forward with astonishing speed, their movements a blur to most observers. Zen conjured a shadow sword while Robert materialized a shadow katana, the clash of their weapons generating shockwaves that reverberated throughout the area, sending both Zen and Robert hurtling backwards.

Undeterred, they quickly regained their footing, preparing for one final clash before time expired. Charging their powers to the fullest, they propelled themselves toward each other at breakneck speed. The collision between them erupted in a thunderous explosion, engulfing the surrounding area in a cloud of smoke and debris.

As the dust settled, Zen rose to his feet, bearing an injury from the fierce exchange, while Robert remained unscathed, his form a testament to his enduring strength and resilience.

"My goodness, congratulations, Mr. Caine. That was truly impressive. It's been a while since I've had such an exhilarating match as an instructor. I only wish it could have lasted longer," Robert praised Zen, genuine admiration shining in his eyes as he spoke.

"Thank you, sir," Zen replied, his smile reflecting the satisfaction of his accomplishment as he made his way back to the crowd. The spectators were left in awe, their expressions a mix of shock and admiration at Zen's prowess.

"Wow, Zen, you were incredible out there," Olivia exclaimed, her smile radiant as she offered him a congratulatory pat on the shoulder.

"Thanks, Olivia," Zen replied warmly, appreciating her support.

"Attention, please. I want to extend my gratitude to every one of you who participated in today's test. Congratulations to those who passed, and to those who didn't, don't be discouraged—there's always another opportunity. For those who made it through, please check your email for details regarding the next phase of the assessment. You have two weeks to complete it, so be sure to act promptly to avoid disqualification. Once again, thank you all for your time and dedication today, and best of luck moving forward," Robert addressed the gathered participants, his words conveying both appreciation and encouragement.

"Zen, you should go see the healers now," Olivia insisted, concern evident in her voice.

"I'm alright. I have a self-healing Force," Zen reassured her with a smile.

"Wow, you've got more than one Force? That's pretty cool," Olivia remarked, impressed by Zen's abilities.

"Alright, then. Let's go find Leo," Olivia suggested, motioning for Zen to follow her.

"No need to, Miss Hope. I'm right here," a voice chimed in, and Leo appeared beside them.

"You sure do recover fast," Zen remarked, noting Leo's swift return.

"It was just a minor injury, so the healers patched me up quickly," Leo explained to Zen.

"By the way, both of you were amazing out there! I can't believe you both held your own against Mr. Enos like that. Have you considered joining any guilds yet? I could talk to my brother about joining his guild once we all pass and get our Hunter's licenses," Leo suggested to Zen and Olivia.

"Well, I've always envisioned myself as a solo Hunter, but I wouldn't mind collaborating," Zen replied thoughtfully.

"That's fair. What about you, Olivia?" Leo turned to Olivia, curious about her thoughts.

"I'm not entirely sure yet, but I'll keep your invitation in mind. And please, call me Olivia," she responded with a smile.

"Got it. It's been a pleasure meeting both of you. I'll head off now, but here's my number in case you ever decide to join the Crusaders Of The Steel," Leo said, offering them a small slip of paper before bidding them farewell and walking away.

"Take care, Leo," Zen bid farewell to their newfound acquaintance.

"See you later," Olivia echoed Zen's sentiment with a smile.

"Well, I should get going too," Zen remarked, preparing to leave.

"Wait," Olivia interjected, stopping Zen in his tracks.

"Could I speak to you for a second?" Olivia asked, her voice tinged with a hint of shyness.

"Of course, what's on your mind?" Zen responded, curious about Olivia's request.

"Well, I'm feeling quite hungry right now. Would you like to grab some food together?" Olivia asked, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Sure, I don't see why not," Zen replied with a smile, pleased by Olivia's invitation.

"Great, I know a place not too far from here," Olivia said, her excitement palpable.

"Sounds good. Let's head to my car then," Zen suggested, gesturing towards the parking lot.

As they made their way to the car, they noticed the Cobell brothers emerging from the infirmary, their expressions contorted with anger. Ignoring Zen and Olivia, they stormed away from the Hunter's Hub.

"Those jerks deserved it," Olivia remarked, her tone tinged with disdain.

"Yeah, oh well. That's their problem," Zen shrugged, unfazed by the Cobell brothers' behaviour.

"Let's not allow them to spoil our mood. Come on, let's make the most of our time together," Zen suggested, flashing Olivia an encouraging smile as they headed towards their car, eager to indulge in some delicious food and enjoyable company.