
Rebirth : Lizard-man party leader

Do you know the one thing you should avoid at all costs? Pissing off the goddess in charge of your reincarnation. To bad no one ever told Jay. He broke the cardinal rule of look but don't touch, and now he has to survive in a fantasy world with a target on his back. Will Jay survive this world filled with dragons, demons, and the ineptitude of his party? Or will he just be vulture chow? Will have adult themes. Pic isn't mine, found it on Google.

Dracolupus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

17. First demon

As I lay in the bed receiving the

'attentions' of Amisra I thought of where to place my altars.

Any thought at all is hard at the moment, Amisra could give a succubus a run for her money.

Her transformation was quite grand for a demon hybrid if I do say so myself.

Her skin crystallized and can change color based on her mood, but is still soft to the touch.

Her tits and butt not only filled out, but seem to defy gravity.

As for her eyes, her iris' turned a violent shade of red, and her pupils turned soul crushing black.

And finally, her long forked tongue could make anyone scream for the heavens.

"Yes, yes, yes! You're the best! No one else can compare."


Well, that would ruin anyone's mood.

I signaled for Amisra to stop, and got up.

I will never understand his obsession with that cunt, he should have started obsessing over me!

I even offered to fuck him, but he turned me down so he could fuck her more.

<Maybe you're not as good a succubus as you think you are. >

Shut up! You're just a dumb whore no one cares about, and who was stupid enough to be tricked by a demon.

<Aya cares about me! As soon as I'm freed of you I'm going to her, so we can be a family again. >

Hahaha! You don't seriously believe you'll ever be rid of me, do you?

And even if you did, do you really believe a worthless whore could ever be a good mother?

Without waiting for an answer I threw her into yet another hellscape.

I figured out that if I mentally torture her, she takes longer to come back.

I left the room with Amisra following close behind.

The entire month my whore house has been open it has been doing extremely well, my power has exploded!

I can already probably handle multiple warriors on my own right now!

This abundant amount of sexual energy has already hastened my plans.

The constant flow of slaves have ensured that I'll have enough energy to start building my demonic forces!

Amisra and Folwyn have done well as my slaves.

The very next day after being transformed Folwyn went back to Slogmire with instructions for Amisra's subordinates.

Firstly, that he would be acting as her voice in the city, that they would ship slaves to Saltwater Clearing, and finally that they had a new boss.

Any who disagreed with having a new boss were killed immediately, and in front of rest.

The slaves that got delivered were separated into two groups, the beautiful ones - both females and males - who were put to work as whores fueling my powers, and the rest were turned into hybrids - ready to be possessed by demons.

I made my way down the hall, past sounds you'd expect in a brothel, to Darisyn's room.

I entered without bothering to knock, I own everything here anyway.

I notice plenty of open books strewn about, even on the bed he is currently occupying.

He is still going at it - or should I say her - strong, not even pausing as I came into the room.

Tiniyra was just lying there taking it as tears slowly rolled down her face, just like she has done since she became a hybrid.

I originally wasn't going to waste such a gift on a common bitch, but once I thought about how much she would hate it I did it without hesitation.

Elves were the product of mixing lesser vanity demons with nature spirits, to make warriors capable of fighting in terrains unsuitable for demons.

Those places where nature spirits would suck lesser demon's life dry, elves would slip by unfettered.

They were our assassins in the trees, ready and able to deal with those troublesome fae.

It was the perfect plan, up until they betrayed us and joined the mortals.

What made it even worse is the fact that they didn't betray us because they suddenly gained a conscience, but because they felt they were the superior race.

They couldn't hope to challenge us, so they aligned themselves with the mortals.

In hindsight, it probably was a bad idea to use vanity demons.

Over the many millennia they evolved into the many species of elf seen in this day and age, from the cave elves to snow elves.

However, no matter the species they all have something in common, their hatred for anything related to demons.

If they have any offspring with any visible demon part, the offspring is immediately purged.

On that note the worst possible thing I could do to an elf, I did to Tiniyra.

Even if she did the impossible and escaped from Darisyn's control, she would be hated and shunned by her people - if not out right killed.

Her demonic transformation did not do her any good in the looks department either.

She gained wooden horns, fangs, claws, and grew patches of moss on her skin.

Basically, she's even less feminine now, and yet Darisyn still desires her over me!

But enough of that, I came here for a reason.

As a master, you never want to announce yourself, instead your slaves should always be ready for your arrival and ready to obey your commands.

Unfortunately Darisyn is still pumping away without even looking up.

I waited for a few more seconds before realizing I would have to help him out.

"Cough... cough!!"

"Yes, yes!"


With that he finally pulled out, and bowed when he saw me.

"My apologies mistress, forgive my ineptitude."

"It's fine, the reason I've come is that I've decided where to place my first summoning alter."

"That is great mistress! Shall we leave right away?"

I looked at his well-toned body, glistening with sweat from a very vigorous session.

My gaze shifted downwards.

I bit my lip.

I did get interrupted before I could finish.

"I don't see why we have to leave right this moment. It looks like your big friend wasn't done."

Even after going for hours he is still hard.

"Are you sure mistress?"

He looked me straight in my eyes.

That's definitely desire in those eyes.

Yes, it's about time he wanted me.

"We both have itches that need to be scratched."

A huge grin appeared on his face.

My chest swelled with pride, also a couple of other body parts started to swell as well.

He turned his back to me.

"Thank you mistress, Tiniyra we can continue."

He went back to her and spread her legs apart again.


"Actually, this shouldn't be put off. The longer we wait, the sooner we might be discovered."

"Of course, mistress I'll leave immediately with you. Tiniyra stay here until my return."

Amisra, Darisyn, and I left, we of course returned to our human / elf forms first.

Any High-ranker of course could still notice our nature, but in this backwater town who would that be.

The first through fourth floors of my mansion are all business, while the top two floors are my sanctuary.

The sounds and smells that was noticeable upstairs really kicked in down here.

As I passed by open doors, I would peek inside.

One guy was standing eating out a whore while she sucked his cock and another licked his balls.

Another guy was tied up and getting whipped.

And the deviances went on and on the more rooms you looked into.

Each slap, lick, pump, or grind releasing the sexual energies I feed on making me stronger.

Strong enough to start summoning my army.

We went outside to one of the side cottages that once held the help.

Inside were the slaves that were too ugly to become whores, so they got turned into hybrids.

I turned to Darisyn and Amisra.

"Take six with us."


We were walking through the forest towards the spot I picked out for my first altar.

Darisyn and Amisra were pulling six hybrids by a long rope that tied them together.

Amisra's slaves were meekly following behind.

The slaves were truly top-notch, their spirits broken long before they got here - they would obey instantly.

That is kind of sad though... After all, breaking a slave's spirit is the funnest thing to do when you're a slaver.




That's weird, normally she has escaped by now and has started mocking me.

Could it be that she is finally trapped forever?

Finally! Now I can have some peace while I pl...


"Ahhh! Fuck! Ow! Owwwww!"

When she screamed like that, she startled me and I jumped up and hit a thick tree branch then fell back to the ground.

Darisyn ran over to me.

"Mistress are you alright?"

"I'm fine! Don't touch me!"

I got up slowly, while searching my mind for that cumgulper.

Surprisingly I couldn't find her.

At this rate I won't be able to throw her ba...



This time I flung myself sideways and hit a tree.

"Mistress, are yo..."

"Stay where you are!"

You think this is funny?








Why the fuck can't I find her!

I started walking again and motioned for the rest of them to follow.

We walked for five minutes in abject silence, waiting for her pop-up again so I could catch her.

I know she's still there waiting for me to let my guard do...


"Ahhh!!! Got you!"

As soon as she made an appearance I grabbed her and threw her into another hellscape.


Now I have to worry about her popping up unannounced.

"Are you alright mistress?"

"Yes, let's just get there already."


We stopped at one of the many mana veins of this world.

"This clearing will do."

"This isn't a clearing mistress, we're still surrounded by forest."


"It will be. Darisyn if you would."

The ground started to vibrate, slowly, almost imperceptible at first, then undeniably.

Trees that were thirty, forty, or even a hundred feet, shot up out of the ground and flew somewhere into the distance.

Wow! Just wow. I expected him to use his strength or spells to just knock them down and drag them out of the way, not send them flying!

"What type of spell was that!"


Even the dead-eyed slaves opened their eyes wide after that display.

"That? That was just a simple telekinetic spell I modified."

That was simple?!

"As expected of one of my slaves."

You can't let your slaves get a big head, you must always be superior.

"Let us begin."

I felt the mana leave my body in droves.

The boulders and stones left lifted up into the air and crashed into each other, melting upon contact as they formed an arcane altar.

After sizzling for a couple of minutes it cooled down.

I walked over to it pulling out skulls, organs, and jugs of fresh blood I stored in the capacity ring I got from the Dieneers.

After placing the requisite objects where they needed to be, and pouring the blood on the altar, I started the chant of the demon lords of old.

The already cold temperature dropped a couple dozen degrees.

Smoke started to seep from the altar.

I pointed to one of the hybrids.

Amisra grabbed her by the hair and threw her in front of the altar.

She didn't resist as the smoke forced its way into all of her holes, transforming her right before our eyes.

"I'm free!!!!"

The new demoness stood on her cloven hooves shouting to the heavens, and all the gods contained within.

"In a manner."

The demon turned her head towards me.

"I am the herald of Gagarlose, who are you to... aaaah!!!"

Instead of letting her finish her useless prattle, I activated the slave crest that all the slaves from Amisra had.

"I own your vessel, so I own you. Now, show me my due respect, before I send you back to your lord in hell."

I stopped the pain.

Instead of standing, she took on a more demure stance.

"I =-=-=-=-=-=-= pledge my undying loyalty to you."

With that I finally have a real demon serving me.

<Wouldn't she just betray you, like she's doing to her boss from hell?>

Oh great, she's back.

I started to throw her into another hellscape.

<Wait! Aren't you going to tell me?>

Why would I bother telling you anything?

<Because that thing I did before I can do again, except this time I'll wait for you to be in the company of a solider or an adventurer. Even if your demonic nature isn't revealed, they'll think you're crazy and lock you up. If your servants rescue you using their demonic powers, who do you think the crown would send? Knights? High-rank adventurers? Or maybe they'll just send a paladin. >

Since when are you smart enough to come up with a plan this well thought out?

<One gets plenty of time to think in a hellscape that is basically timeless.>

Point taken. So, here is the deal, you don't annoy me with that pop-up trick you did before and I won't throw you into hellscapes anymore... unless I'm bored or just want to.

<No, here's the deal, you'll tell me whatever I want to know, you won't indiscriminantly kill people, you won't throw me in those hellscapes again, and finally you won't ever talk about my daughter again - ever. If you do all of that, I won't purposefully out you. >

I can agree to those terms, except for not throwing you into hellscapes - those are way too much fun.

<Fine, so what is stopping this demon from betraying her oath - which I assume is the same one she gave garjarloose. >

First off it's Gagarlose, and secondly oaths using our real names are unbreakable unless we cross dimensions. It's like your marriage vows till death do you part, passing the threshold of the dimension - yours via death, and in our case summoning - clears all oaths and / or debts.

"Mistress shall we continue?"


His question pulled me out of my conversation with the whore.



After I was done summoning and dominating the rest of the demons, I looked over my five lesser demons - one failed.

An army they are not, but they are a start of something glorious.

"Mistress are you not going to summon demons to possess Amisra and I?"

"No, one altar isn't enough to summon demons higher than lesser. It is not my attention to waste two perfect specimens on hosting lesser demons. Once I build more altars I will summon some high demons for you two."

I left towards my mansion and my proto-army followed.


Jaxon stared up at the ceiling.

He had like an hour or so before he had to officially get up, and he rather spend the rest of that time in bed by his wife of Thirty-four years.

He looked over at her.

He has heard many a fool complain about their fat nagging aging wives, like he said - fools.

Her gained weight added warmth to their bed at night.

Every wrinkle and grey hair a memento of their years together.

And her sweet voice always telling him not to be an idiot and get home safely.

She opened her eyes slowly.

"What are you doing?"

"Watching you sleep."

She reached over and flicked his forehead.

"I thought I told you that's creepy."

"Then you shouldn't have married a


She playfully hit my shoulder.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for work?"

"It almost sounds like you don't want me to spend time with my wife."

"Well, maybe I don't want to share a bed with an old man."

I rolled over on top of her.

"Old man? I'll have you know I'm way more handsome, and virile, than men half my age."

"I can see the handsome part, but more virile, really?"

"Yes, those bucks need magic potions and powders to please their ladies, while I just need to look at you to get ready."

She raised an eyebrow.

"What happened last week then?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I decided to give you a break. Besides, if I remember correctly, you went to bed plenty happy that night."

She grasped my chin.

"You are right, all of those years of arguing have really given you a fantastic tongue. In fact, I think you'll be late today, family emergency."

She kissed me.

"Well, family first I always say."


I entered the guard-house whistling.

"Well, it looks like someone got his dick wet."

I looked over at Annys.

Her orange hair pulled into a tight bun, her guard armor haphazardly put on, fumbling with her spear.

"And it looks like someone's late - again."

I said as I went over to help her with her armor.

"You're late too."

"I'm a veteran who could retire at the end of the year, you are new."

"You aren't going to rat me out, Geoff is a bigger screw up than me and you still cover for him."

Speaking of Geoff, he's normally fumbling with his gear right here beside her.

"Where is he today? West gate?"

She slipped the rest of her uniform into place.

"He's not here today."

"Rookies don't get days off, only five-year veterans do."

"Don't know what to tell you,

he ain't here."

"There you are! You're late again recruit, you must not want this job as much as you say you do."

Barynn - the current second in command of the guard - came out of the door that leads to the courtyard and went straight to her, and started rubbing her bare skin through the openings of her armor.

"I'd normally have to report this, and you'd get fired. I'd hate for you not to get this reliable salary, especially in hard times like this where you have to support a brat all alone. A couple of words from me and that brat won't make it to his next winter, but I'm sure there is a way for you to distract me from reporting this."

I could tell she really would like to rip his dick off and feed it to him, and it would be fun to watch.

But she'd lose her job and be arrested.

"I'm sorry but the reason she's late is because I asked her to help me here, damn these old bones, and as a senior guard she has to obey me."

He glared at me.

"You live all the way across town from


"Hence the reason she is late."

He snarled.

"When do you retire again?"

"When do you?"

"Once both of you get situated come to my office, there is a mission for y'all."

He then stomped off.

"Think he's going to try to kill us, by giving us a scouting mission?"

"No, he won't risk his reputation by sending a rookie and an old sack of bones on an important mission such as scouting. Instead, he's probably just going to send us on a stupid quest in the forest that'll take all day."

"Well, thanks for saving my ass. I was about to do something I wouldn't regret, but would bite me in the ass later."

"Hahaha! Don't thank me, we loafers got to stick together. I for one plan on being late a lot in the near future, the wife has been a bit frisky lately."

She punched my arm.

"You old dog!"

"I don't think I should be called a dog... I'm not the one getting the bone!"


"We better hurry up, or his majesty will turn beet red and go pop."

"It'd be an improvement."


Minutes later we both were in Barynn's office standing at ease.

It is a small office, decorated with knickknacks, books, and a huge map of Saeria.

Not that any of that shit made Barynn seem intellectual, well-traveled, or whatever he was going for, it just made him look pretentious.

Barynn was sitting behind his desk reading a book, he made us wait like this for at least five minutes.

He closed the book and stood.

"Sorry about making both of you wait. I was just finishing a chapter in Oodinphin's new book, he truly is a war genius."

The author might be a genius, but you are not that's for sure.

Her name is pronounced Adephina, and her book is about how best to stop war.

He stopped talking, obviously waiting for us to comment on how smart he is.

"Wow, you are so well-read, and you have a unique perspective on the book."

"Yes, well, what can I say, there is a good reason I'm second in command."

Yeah, because when they asked me I flat-out refused.

No way I was going to be stuck behind a desk doing the captain's paperwork.

"Sir, wasn't there a mission you wanted us to do?"


"Yes! Um... oh right. Hunters and others have reported strange sounds in the forest at night. Both of you will stay out all night if you have to, to find these sounds. This might seem like a waste of resources, but as guards it is our duty to investigate anything that might be a threat to Saltwater no matter how small and trivial."

There was no need to use small and trivial, that's redundant.

"It is our honor to investigate this small trivial matter."

Barynn stared at me like he couldn't figure out if I was mocking him or not.

"Remember, don't come back until you find the source of the noise."

We saluted, then left.


"That fucking asshole!"

Annys and I were still in the forest looking for those elusive sounds, we've been out here for hours.

"At least we don't have to hear him bitch."

"I know, but my son and your wife are waiting for us while we're stuck out here chasing an ape's tail!"

"We got a job to do, Daryn and my wife understand that."

"I got to buy you a round when we get back. Not only do you stick up for me,

but Mary babysits Daryn for free too."

"We've all been there, trying to put food on the table for a family that was unexpected. And doing it alone is not easy, if I didn't have Mary I don't know how I could've raised..."

I trailed off and stared off in the distance.

Doesn't look like it'll ever get any easier to talk about.

"I'm sorry about your son."

"Don't be, it's been years. Come on we got some sounds to find, can't keep our families waiting forever can we?"


"Gnil, gnil zgea oepg wgniej.

gnil he zlmih ej hrl zblir ez ao ljlanli.

gnil he ljd mbb re vlh nj ao mo.

gnil zeg oepg zglldea."

"You hear that! We found the sounds! It sounds like it's a chant from a witc..."

I immediately clasped my hand over her mouth, and motioned with my other hand for her to be silent.

Once she nodded, I lifted my hand.

"That's no witch. That's ol'e tongue, which means that's a demon."

I was whispering as silently as I could.

"So, we're getting the fuck outta here right?"

"No, at least I'm not. I'm gonna take a

look. "

She grabbed my arm.

"We aren't scouts, we should head back and report what we've seen."

I shook my head.

"If I leave now, they could disappear into the forest without us knowing anything. If we have any hope of fending off a demon attack, we need as much info as I can provide."

"What's with all of this I shit?"

"Because I can do this alone. There is no shame in turning back, you're just a rookie."

"Yeah I am, I'm a rookie with a two-year-old son, your wife, and the gods only know how many others in town. Besides, if I went back without you, your wife would be pissed, and I'm more afraid of her than you or demons."

"Hehehe, as you should be."

We crept into the underbrush towards the sounds.

We slinked through the trees until we came upon a clearing that wasn't supposed to be there - according to all the maps I've seen.

A couple hundred yards in the center of the clearing was an altar.

It looked like it was made of molten rock,

rivers of blood flowed down the sides to form small pools of blood, skeletons and organs adorned the sides, and - even though it was at least fifty degrees out and the altar was steadily pumping out heat - it felt frigid.

Near the altar were ten demons, and the one who just finished chanting was obviously the lead demon.

All the demons looked really close to human, which can only mean one thing.

"We're lucky."

"How do you figure?"

"The all look human, which means that they are possessed."

"So they can be saved?"

I shook my head.

"No, once a demon possesses you it's over. But that means that they are all lesser demons because that isn't a high level altar, and they didn't open a gate. Do you recognize anyone? Once they turn back into their human form, only High-rankers can tell what they truly are."

"No, I don... wait... the leader, I think I do know her."

"From where?"

"I think she's a whore from town, I used to give her spare coins when I could. I wouldn't have, if I knew she were a demon."

"She probably wasn't back then, demons prey on the unfortunate souls of our society. She's a victim in all of this as well."

"Should we get closer?"

"No, we've identified one of the demons we should report back."


A massive demonic beast walked out into the clearing holding something in one of its paws.

"There you are, what did you bring me?"

(Lead demon)

The beast opened its paw and let something drop to the ground.

It was the corpse of a hunter.

"Good job Noah!"

She went up to the corpse, held her hand over it, the corpse became light, and was absorbed by her.

"That thing was human!"


I nodded my head.

"Optimal word is was, we have to go now!"

We turned to leave.

The beast started sniffing the air.


That's not good.

"What is it Noah?"

The beast stared in our direction, she followed his gaze and caught sight of us.

We caught her eye.

The lead demon looked in our direction for a while, then waved her hand towards us.

"Get them!"

All of the demons and the beast charged in our direction.


We took off.

We have the advantage of being more than a hundred yards ahead of them, and the foliage will slow them down.

Our disadvantage is the fact they have a demonic beast, can see in the dark, are faster than us, and out number us.

After we pulled a decent distance away I stopped in a mini clearing.

"What are you doing?! This isn't the time to be old and cramp up!"

"Go on without me, I'll slow them down."

"I'm not leav..."

"You are and you will. We aren't going to out run them, but I can give you more time to escape."

"But your wife..."

"Will understand that some things are more important than an old geezer's life."

"Isn't your ability 'Light Burst' you can't hope to beat them."


"As I tell my wife it isn't about power, it's about how you wield it. Now go, raise your kid and tell him he has to name his first-born after me - even if it's a girl."

With that I gave her a little smirk.

"I...I...I'm sorry."

She ran off.

The beast came out first sniffing the air, then the rest of the demons.

They looked around trying to spot Annys.

"You won't find her, I'm your opponent. As the young folks say..."

I readied my spear.

"...come get some."

This isn't the first time she's gotten information out of Desirae, she just got to stroke her ego.

Dracolupuscreators' thoughts