
Growing Aliances

## Chapter 3:

With the looming threat of internal betrayal, Jacaerys Velaryon knew that solidifying alliances was crucial. He began to observe and engage with those around him more meticulously, delving into the thoughts of key retainers and minor lords to gauge their loyalty. It was a delicate dance, requiring finesse and discretion.

One such evening, Jacaerys attended a dinner with various bannermen and their families. Among them was Lord Cregan Stark of Winterfell, a man whose loyalty and honor were reputed throughout the realm. Seated beside him, Jacaerys broke bread, cautiously extending a telepathic tendril towards the young lord's surface thoughts.

To his relief, he found Cregan's mind filled with straightforward loyalty to his family and a determination to uphold justice in the realm. Respect grew within Jacaerys for this northern lord, and he decided to confide in him, at least partially, hoping to gain a staunch ally.

"Lord Stark," Jacaerys began, careful to cloak his true intentions behind a veil of casual conversation, "what do you think of the current state of our realm? Of the throne and its future?"

Cregan's grey eyes, piercing yet thoughtful, met his own. "The realm needs stability. Too much blood has been spilt over ambitions. True leaders must ensure peace and justice, not chaos."

A subtle smile touched Jacaerys's lips. "And if Rhaenyra were to claim her rightful throne, would she find a friend in Winterfell?"

Cregan's gaze didn't waiver. "As long as she upholds justice and the North is treated fairly, she will have our loyalty."

Jacaerys nodded, satisfied. "May the bonds we forge today strengthen the realm, Lord Stark."

### Testing the Limits

Back in Dragonstone, Jacaerys continued to hone his powers. His telekinesis grew stronger with every passing day. He practiced on increasingly heavier objects, moving them with precision and grace. He kept his abilities hidden from the untrustworthy, revealing them slowly and carefully to only those he trusted most – his mother and Ser Harwin Strong.

One afternoon, while practicing in a secluded chamber, his brother Lucerys stumbled upon him. Lucerys's eyes widened as he watched Jacaerys levitate a stone carving effortlessly.

"Jace! How are you doing that?" Lucerys asked, awe and confusion mingling in his youthful voice.

Jacaerys lowered the sculpture, his heart racing at the unexpected intrusion. "Luke, you must promise me not to tell anyone. This is our secret. Can you do that?"

Lucerys nodded eagerly. "I swear it."

Drawing his brother closer, Jacaerys explained, "I have abilities that I don't fully understand yet, powers that I'm still learning to control. They can help us, but only if they remain a secret for now."

Lucerys's eyes sparkled with admiration. "You're like a hero in the old tales! Can you teach me?"

Jacaerys smiled, ruffling his brother's hair. "Perhaps one day, Luke. But for now, we must be careful. There are many who would misuse such power."

### Confronting Ser Criston Cole

Amidst the training, Jacaerys kept a close eye on potential threats. One name consistently surfaced—Ser Criston Cole, a knight whose allegiance to the Greens made him a significant danger.

Using his telepathy, Jacaerys delved into Cole's mind during an opportune moment, sifting through layers of loyalty, ambition, and disdain for Rhaenyra's claim. He sensed the knight's plans brewing, aimed at sowing discord and undermining their cause.

"The time has come to address Ser Criston," Jacaerys confided in Ser Harwin. "We need to curtail his influence before he causes irreparable harm."

Harwin agreed, arranging a meeting where Jacaerys, under the guise of a diplomatic conversation, confronted Ser Criston. Navigating the discussion with calculated caution, Jacaerys sought to gauge his adversary's intentions directly.

"Ser Criston," he began, "what is it that drives your loyalty? Is it to the realm, or to individuals who might not share the same vision for its future?"

Ser Criston, ever cold and calculating, responded with measured words. "My loyalty lies with those who would see the realm governed rightly. Many would say the same."

Jacaerys met his gaze, his telepathic senses picking up on the underlying hostility and ambition. "A noble sentiment. Yet, we must ensure our intentions truly serve the realm and not personal vendettas."

Criston's eyes narrowed, but he remained aloof. "Indeed, young prince. We must."

### Strengthening Bonds

Later, in a secluded room, Rhaenyra and Jacaerys discussed the day's events. His mother's worry lines deepened as he recounted his encounters and observations.

"You've taken on great responsibilities, Jacaerys," she said, her hand gently brushing his cheek. "But know this: you are not alone. We stand together, always."

"Thank you, Mother," he replied, feeling the weight of her words and the warmth of her affection. "We will prevail. For our family, for the realm."

In the nights that followed, Jacaerys often found himself by the hearth, his mind racing with plots and calculations, but also with an unyielding determination. He knew that each step he took, each decision he made, was leading him closer to ensuring that his family's claim would stand firm against all who opposed them.

### The Path Forward

The trials ahead were many, and enemies both seen and unseen threatened their claim. Yet, with his powers, his family's strength, and the deepening bonds of loyalty and friendship, Jacaerys Velaryon felt a growing confidence.

"Things are set in motion," he whispered to himself one night, standing by a window that overlooked the vast sea. "And I intend to see them through."

With telekinesis and telepathy as his secret weapons, Jacaerys braced himself for the storm. The power within him, combined with the unwavering support of his family and allies, would be the key to navigating the ruthless dance of dragons. And in this dance, Jacaerys Velaryon would not merely be a participant; he would lead.