
Rebirth In the 1970s

After looking at suggestions of viewers it's acomplete rewrite better story and plot without any system. "I find myself at a crossroads in my writing journey. The pacing in the current storyline feels rushed, leaving little room for a proper introduction of the main character. Additionally, the timeline is disarrayed, prompting me to consider scrapping the existing concept and starting afresh in the 1970s. The new narrative would involve substantial plot development, transcending the current shitty Hollywood and the world as whole and exploring deeper themes. Making much better wish fulfillment story. Introduction of older actresses (females) without the system in place, I envision a tale featuring fundamental superpowers like longevity and super genius. ***Synopsis... "Have you ever wondered what a person will do when he finds himself on alternate earth?" In a realm teetering on the edge of chaos, our protagonist is bestowed with an extraordinary opportunity. Armed with the intellect and experiences of Norman Osborn from Earth-616, they embark on an ambitious journey to build not just an empire but a utopia. As the architect of his destiny, He navigates the intricate web of power, ambition, and innovation. However, with great potential comes great responsibility, and the choices made in the pursuit of this grand vision will shape not only his destiny but the fate of the world. Can he transcend the shadows of his past, break the shackles of ordinary existence, and truly forge a legacy that stands the test of time? Join our visionary protagonist as he navigates the challenges of building an empire and strives to create a better world against the backdrop of intrigue, ambition, and the relentless march of time people of dark kind. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Harem, Pretty Big Harem, and world-hopping with a twist, no ntr, yes stealing girls, very lustful and pretty aggressive MC. Not really his fault though. He's not dumb either. I am doing this for fun, and it's fantasy just all books on this platform but it's going to be filled with realism. Love all the reader's thanks for your support And if you are very good at English I need an editor but no payment because even I don't earn A single penny from this thanks love you all

GodOfGreedAs · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

CH: 9 Identity Revealed

9 Identity Revealed

Since the day Henry applied to be an intern at DEC, he gradually became busy with various tasks from DEC and various courses at Harvard. Henry rapidly absorbs knowledge and experience that DEC provides to him at a horrifying pace. In just 2 weeks, he already mastered most subjects that DEC offered to him and integrated them into his understanding.

Harvard autumn exams are approaching too, and Henry is so busy that he sleeps late every night lately. Henry thinks this will not work as he is too busy studying! Harvard knowledge has been absorbed entirely except for a few subjects that are not worth mentioning. So he thinks he must advance his plan.

Henry walked in a corridor while surrounded by many women. He basically looks like a playboy right now, except he didn't! Henry's reputation in the university is so famous that it has even spread to all nearby universities like MIT, Boston, and many more as a Genius! Learning Madman! Maverick! Prince Charming! Stronger than many professors!

Henry has even been personally invited by the HR director of DEC to be their formal employee with an annual salary of $500,000. Of course, Henry rejected it as he plans to resign as an intern in 1 week as now DEC had nothing that it could offer to him.

Every night, Henry is basically invited to a party by many girls. Henry accepted it occasionally as he needed to relax too. But up until now, no woman managed to gain his attention as he simply isn't interested in them. Maybe there is one, Susan Miller, who offered him a bottle of water for every morning exercise. But Susan too just managed to gain Henry little attention.

Henry then walked into Economic class while surrounded by many girls. When the professor that teaches the class saw Henry and his group, he just ignored him as he knows Henry is a genius. Genius deserves special treatment, so many professors basically ignore Henry if he did not make any major mistakes.

Henry then sits in his usual seat while he begins to write something in his notebook. The girls that sit besides him are curious about what Henry writes in his notebook as basically she saw Henry write something every day. But she didn't try to peek as she knows Henry will be angry if he knows.

Henry's notebook contained invaluable insights and plans that could potentially reshape industries and economies. Recognizing its immense worth, he took precautions to safeguard its contents. Each entry was written in a meticulously devised language known only to him, rendering the notebook incomprehensible to anyone else.

With a level of intelligence comparable to Tony Stark's, Henry had crafted a unique set of symbols and words tailored to his understanding. This ensured that even if the notebook were lost or stolen, its secrets would remain inaccessible to unauthorized individuals.

He was writing this because he knew a simple fact as they say human memory is as reliable she the weather report.

The notebook stood as a testament to Henry's strategic foresight and innovative thinking, holding the potential to unlock unparalleled opportunities and influence in the world.

Henry's plan to register a company in the Cayman Islands as a tax haven was a strategic move. He chose the name "The Umbrella" for his company, drawing inspiration from the powerful Umbrella Corporation in the Resident Evil franchise, which symbolized control and dominance. His vision was for The Umbrella to become a conglomerate overseeing various ventures, much like its fictional counterpart.

Additionally, Henry intended to leverage the popularity of Resident Evil by launching games and movies under The Umbrella's banner, adding an element of intrigue and conspiracy to his enterprise. By consolidating the rights of existing companies like Wizards of Cost under The Umbrella, he aimed to streamline operations and maximize efficiency.

Moreover, positioning The Umbrella Corporation as the primary shareholder of his future ventures allowed Henry to not only minimize tax liabilities but also maintain a veil of secrecy around his vast wealth. With numerous smaller companies potentially worth hundreds of billions, Henry sought to avoid unnecessary attention and scrutiny while solidifying his position as a formidable player in the business world.

Of course, Henry did not expect this move to hide eyes from the elite as this is easy to check for them. But that is a later thing as in the future, he already prepares a countermeasure for it. As that was future him problems for now he was focused on establishing his empire.

The time now is 20th June 1973, it's been 3 months since he came to this era. On 1 March 1973, he transmigrated from 2030 to 1973. Since more than 3 months he came to this era, he has already made over $30 Million with his 2 novels: 'Devotion of Suspect X' and 'Fellowship of the Ring'.

'Devotion of Suspect X' has sold over 8 million copies all over the world. It brought him a sum of over $7.3 Million. But the large part of his wealth comes from the 'Fellowship of the Ring'. Which is still pretty hot in the market.

''Fellowship of the Ring' has sold over 18 million copies all over the world. It sold well because the subjects of the book were very unique. It brought him a shocking $30 Million.

The sales of 'Fellowship of the Ring' have brought shocking news all over the world. You must ask me, how can it sell for that much?

The majority of the 'Fellowship of the Ring' buyer came from the United States. You must know the United States in 1973 entertainment source is very little compared to the future.

Basically, entertainment in this era is just some classic film, tv show, and the book! Many entertainment modes in the future like games, internet, and many more have not appeared.

So when a hot book appears, it becomes trending. As it was a frost of its kind with many species concepts never seen before.

Many people just buy the book for vanity as they feel they are following the trend! Moreover, many young people will be ashamed if they did not see the 'Fellowship of the Ring'. So under the impetus of entertainment need and trend, the 'Fellowship of the Ring' can be fired.

With a huge sum of $37 Million USD, Henry has become one of the richest in the entire United States! And he is the richest author in the entire world. And there were many rich people in the country but it wasn't Henry's net worth but the liquid assets.

He even got calls from his bank asking him if he likes to become a VVIP customer of their bank and through them, some big banks got his info so they didn't back down and dialed his number many times.

Many people have gone crazy to seek Henry's true identity. So under pressure of public opinion, and many higher-ups knowing his identity. John & Son, as the publisher of Henry's book, knowing full well that they didn't do it now, someone from higher-ups will leak his identity. So they finally could not hold it anymore. So they release Henry's true identity to the media.

In a newspaper office.

A young man hurriedly walked away in the office as he held a paper. He then opened a door and quickly said, "Director, John & Son finally could not hold it anymore. 'Henry William' true identity has finally appeared." The young man excitedly said as he handed the paper to a fat man sitting in the room.

"Haha, I know they could not hold it." The fat man laughed as he read the paper content. After a while, his eyes bulged as the content was shocking enough.

He then exclaimed, "QUICK, instruct the news department to disseminate the news as swiftly as possible and print as much as they can. This is going to be very hot news."

The young man was terrified but promptly responded, "I will do it as fast as possible." He then dashed off, fully aware of the importance of the task at hand.

The situation in many newspaper companies was essentially the same. Even major newspapers like the New York Times, Washington Post, and USA Today were covering it.

"Shocking: the true face of the author of 'Fellowship of the Ring,' the fantasy masterpiece, turned out to be a teenager in his 18s!!!" - New York Times

"True Face: author of 'Fellowship of the Ring'" - Washington Post

"The richest author in the world turns out to be just a teenager." - Wall Street Journal

And it means he is one of the top richest people in the United States now. The United States is always a country of capitalism that worships money, so topics that involve money always sell well.

Not to mention, this 'Henry William' is just a teenager in his 18s!!! At just that tender age, he has basically created a wealth myth with ease. He has released only 2 books and is already worth this much, so many people can imagine if he continues down this road, basically, a spot of the top richest men in the world is reserved for him.

But the most frantic ones are not ordinary people as this matter has little to do with them, but the publishing house! The total sales of 'Devotion of Suspect X' and 'Fellowship of the Ring' have brought revenue of John & Son over $80 Million USD!!! This number causes many publishers to breathe heavily with greed.

Not just the money, originally John & Son is just a small publishing house in the entire United States, but with just 2 books, they have gained much reputation as they can already compare to a large publishing house reputation in the folk! Many people already know Henry is a super genius author, so his next book basically would sell well if he did not make any major mistakes. And the book wasn't too mediocre.

Based on the above reasons, many publishing houses begin to search for Henry to talk, even large publishing houses like Hachette Livre, HarperCollins, and Simon & Schuster search for Henry too. After knowing real information about Henry, they already know he is now studying at Harvard. So, many helms of the publishing house want to personally visit Henry to show their sincerity. So they take the fastest plane that leads to Boston Airport as if they take one step late, they fear others already rope Henry in.

Harvard University.

Harvard University inhabitants are shocked as the recent hot news seems centered on one of their students. Many professors and students are shocked as they know who this person was. And because of that, it became more shocking as that person is already famous in the entire Harvard, who else if not the Devil Prince of Harvard, Henry William.

That title was recently acquired by Henry as he is too popular right now in Harvard. And now with this piece of news leaked out, it can already foresee Henry's reputation will skyrocket again.

Henry already anticipated this would happen sooner or later, so he was not too shocked. Of course, he knows this can cause him a bit of trouble, but it will be nothing serious to threaten his security. Even Henry already knows many people will visit him soon as this is predictable. Henry is ready for the talk as this involves his layout in the literature industry.

Soon enough, there are people visiting Henry. Now it is afternoon, and it is time for lunch. Henry is eating in the cafeteria while surrounded by many people, of course, all of them are girls trying to flatter him. At this time, a man in a black suit came over.

When the man saw Henry surrounded by girls, his eyes slightly twitched, but he came here with a purpose, so he politely said to Henry, "Hello Mr. Henry, my name is George Hilton, I'm the CEO of HarperCollins publishing house. Do you have time to talk right now?"

When Henry and the girls heard that, the girls stopped the conversation as they know this is Henry's business. Henry then said to the girls, "Well, I guess the business is coming, Girls, you heard that? It seems our conversation ends here today."

All the girls then stand up from their seats as they know Henry's business is coming. They said goodbye to Henry as they kissed his cheek face one by one.

"Well, now I'm free, but if you want to talk about business, you can wait for others to come too." Henry leisurely says as he knows many people will come today.

When George Hilton heard that, his face slightly red as he held his emotion. But he knows Henry is the one who takes the initiative, if he takes any rash moves, he knows the business is done. So he just politely says thank you and takes the seat.

The situation here has been noticed by many people as they already know Henry is the author of 'Fellowship of the Ring'. This further deepened envy and hatred from the male students as they knew Henry's reputation was getting bigger and bigger. Now he is rich, his account was stacked, something that will attract more girls than anything before.

This can be seen from the girls before that surrounded Henry, basically all the girls at Harvard like Henry unless they have special circumstances.

After waiting just 10 minutes, another person came over.

When he sees Henry already sitting with a man, he already knows he is a little late as he knows who the man is. But it didn't matter as he feels confident about this business. He then stepped forward and greeted Henry.

"Good afternoon Mr. Henry, my name is Frank Russell, I'm CEO of Simon & Schuster, I come here for..." Before Frank finishes his sentence, he is interrupted by Henry, "Hello Mr. Frank, I already know what you came here for, so please sit down with Mr. George as I guess you guys already know each other, we will wait before our companion arrives so the business can start."

Frank already knows what happened as he can see his competitor George too seem to wait, so he can already guess what Henry wants to do. So he just sits down and begins to prepare the plan to win this business.

After waiting for more than 40 minutes, basically all the large and medium CEOs of the publishing house had arrived.

Henry then stood up from his seat and said, "Gentleman, it seems quite informal if we start out the discussion here. So I invited you to the conference room as they are more conducive to our negotiation." Henry then begins to walk away to the conference room as the Harvard side already prepared it.

After arriving in the conference room, Henry then sits in the main seat while the CEO of all publishing takes their seat too.

Henry rose from his seat with a commanding presence, addressing the gentlemen with a firm yet composed demeanor.

"Good afternoon, Gentlemen," he began, his voice carrying authority. "Let's dispense with the pleasantries and get straight to business. I understand the purpose of your visit, so let's not waste time with unnecessary formalities. Lay out your terms clearly, and I will consider them carefully before making my decision."

With that, Henry settled back into his seat, his gaze steady and unwavering, as he awaited their response.

When all the people in the room heard it, they already know this so they begin to say,

"Mr. Henry, my HachetteLivre can provide you with the best publicity for your later book. HachetteLivre too has one of the best influences in Europe. We can provide you with 39% royalties."

"My Macmillan too has the best influence in Europe. We can even provide you with 43% royalties."

"HarperCollins can provide the best publication in the US and give you 44% royalties."

"Random house can give you…"

After a while, the entire conference room became like a vegetable market as the CEOs started shouting their conditions.

Henry just kept silent as the conditions raised by all of them have not yet reached his satisfaction. So he decided to keep waiting and waiting as eventually one of them must raise the best condition.

10 minutes later, the conference room noise began to reduce as now just the large publishing houses like HachetteLivre, Macmillan, HarperCollins, Simon & Schuster were still fighting. After a while, the 4 publishing house CEOs seemed to reach an agreement as the conditions they raised seemed to have already hit their bottom line.

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