
Rebirth in RWBY

Akai was a soul forgotten by the Gods was given a chance to be reborn. Raised as prince of bandits he is soon given a choice when he meets someone familiar yet unkown to him.

WolfxofxDemons · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


Seven years have passed since Raven took me when she left Tai. In this time she has raised me as a smart and strong but level headed kid and of course I do prank some of her subordinates occasionally. They get a good laugh out of it especially when i'm caught in the act by Raven, my worst punishment was when she would tie me up and throw me in a cage saying my time out will end when I break free of my ropes. It's at the point that I can escape almost any form of binding in minutes, and while I was at it I learned lockpicking so I could leave the cage before she sends someone to check on me.

I have asked about my dad a few times, but all she says is he's an idiot and made his own choice. She also would mention my sister Yang occasionally, but said to not worry that I'll meet her one day so I don't worry about it. She also mentioned another named Ruby who is my half sister. She gave some pictures of both Yang and Ruby so I would recognize them if I ever met them.

One day while I was outside the camp (of course I sneaked out) I was playing I the woods nearby when I heard some growls and screams. I ran to check on what it was. When I saw them I froze in shock and fear and a little awe it was Grimm. They were attacking a nearby village we traded with. I knew I shouldn't stay there so turned to run back and tell mom or the guards but when I turned around I was shocked to see a 8ft giant of Ursa looking at me with deep red eyes that screamed of hatred and rage. So I did the only thing I knew and ran.

It caught up to me within minutes and slammed me with its paw. I crashed into a tree while screaming. *Crack* I felt something break probably my arm and maybe a rib. As I fell and lay on the ground I heard the screech of a raven and then I heard a voice screaming my name.

"Akai!! Get up and run i'll cover you!"

So I did as mom wanted I pushed myself up using the tree to stablize I started running towards the camp as i heard the roars and clashing of a blade against claws. this went on till i was out of earshot. By that time some of the others were there and one grabbed me and started to run back with me slung on his back. On our way back I felt something was wrong as i looked around I noticed we had headed slightly to the west away from camp. I said, "Hey the camps back there!" He just ignored me and when started to struggle he just dropped me and said, "kid this is nothing personal, but this is all to lure your mother away for bit." he then proceeded to knock me out.

My last conscious thought was 'Holy fuck of course there would be a traitor.'

When I woke up I was tied to a bed and bandaged. Looking around I noticed I was in a room with a barred window and locked door. I thought, 'Oh great kidnapped and locked up but at least i'm being treated for my injuries.' As I was thinking the door unlocked and a man stepped in. He was short and fat but also looked slightly muscular with a bald head and full beard. He noticed i was awake and said good your awake. I'm the doctor here im just checking to make sure everything is ok. I said, "When my mom finds us she wont spare anyone." He just chuckled and said, "I'm sure she won't no need to worry about that when she arrives our mistress will deal with her."

As he was laughing suddenly a red portal opened and woman wearing a white Grimm mask weilding a sword came through. "Mom!" I yelled, out in joy! She just looked at me and said, "When we get out of this mess i'm having a serious talk with you young man." I looked away in guilt. Meanwhile she just charged the Doctor and stabbed him in the gut then ripped the sword through his side spilling his blood and guts on the floor, she then cut my bindings off and grabbed me running back into her portal before it closed. Then the door slammed open and I caught sight of someone wearing a red dress with amber colored eyes and some flames on them. By this time the portal had closed and we were back in her tent.

After a few days of rest I was back to health. Mom was really pissed these few days as well, just thinking about it gave me shudders. The first thing she did when we got back was to yell at me about how stupid and foolish it was for me to leave camp on my own especially when Grimm are on the prowl. Then she walked out and gathered everyone in the clearing.

"Today was disappointing day for me. I discover my son gone missing and getting kidnapped then a traitor appearing in our midst!" At this point she motions and someone drags my kidnapper out and places him in front of Raven. She continues,"Our tribe has few rules but they are necessary for our survival and protection. The most important however is our continuation. Thus whenever our children are involved in affairs they are protected at all costs until they are of age 16. At which point they are no longer protected. This scum has abandoned that rule abducting my son and giving him to those who would seek to end us. Therefore by tribe law he will die!" She then unsheathed her sword in a flash and his head slowly fell from his shoulder.

"Let this be a warning and a reminder to all. We may be bandits but we are still family and a tribe and so must put everything towards the benefit of the tribe!" With that she walked back into the tent.

At present we are standing in a small clearing behind her tent. "Today we shall unlock your aura and begin your training." She then walked forward and placed her hand on back and released her aura while chanting "For it is in passing we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all. Infinite and distant unbound by death. I release thy soul and by my side protect thee." With this I felt a strong force awaken deep within. I felt a lot stronger, faster as well.

From now on you practice meditation for 2 hours in the morning and 1 at night. In between that you will also laps around the camp 5 times for starters at full speed. That's in the morning after meditation. Then you will break and eat, after you will do strength training and core practice. Then self study on different books. She then walks away while I stand there with my jaw hanging thinking I'm gonna die aren't I.

Thus my hell began.