
Prologue part 1

While the sun is still blazing in the sky, there is a lone man, wearing a corporate attire, who walks at the street without caring in his surroundings.


"So my first interview failed once again, huh?" The man couldn't help but feel grimace since even though he's already 24 years old, he still couldn't pass all his first interview.

"If only people didn't have to work... I guess I will lay down in my bed and read some light novels when I come back." This man was without a doubt an otaku who doesn't have a love life yet since he is still occupied in his hobbies.

When he pass the streets, he somehow notice a house made of wood with a moon sign and a gate that stuck between two buildings.

'Hmmm... This looks familiar, but I'm most intrigue about the house owner's mentality. Why does he have to build his house between the two buildings? As far as I know, the owners of the two buildings won't let it happen and they will destroy this wooden house.' Without thinking, he trespass the house and look inside.

Even though trespassing is illegal, his gut feeling somehow calls him that makes him to go inside the wooden house. When he pass the gate, two identical girls, maybe 12 years old base on there physiques, with a different hairstyle of pink and light blue, was staring at him devoid of emotion.

"Uhmmm... Well, I'm sorry if I trespass your house. I didn't mean to go inside but don't worry, I will go now. Please excuse me." His guilty conscience came back to him and he didn't think twice to leave immediately since he didn't plan to do this in the first place.

But before he can leave, the girl with pink hair suddenly spoke. "Wait mister! Since you're here, we can accommodate you in the living room and let you meet the shopkeeper."

"Right mister, this encounter must have a meaning. Please stay for awhile and let us assist you." The light blue hair also chime in persisting to let me leave.

This man suddenly realize that the two children was somehow familiar but he can't remember where he meet them. The two children led him to the living room that has a nice ambiance. It feels like you're at your home place.

He sits in the sofa and the pink hair girl serves him some tea while the light blue hair girl went inside of the house. Probably went to this shopkeeper or something.

He give thanks to the little pink hair girl but didn't touch the tea. He is being careful now that he invade there house and they might put a sleeping powder or whatever to abduct him.

'But this is really my fault, why would I trespass there house without thinking? Am I really that stupid? So this is the reason that I can't get a job?' He didn't voice out his lament because the pink hair girl is still here and looking at him devoid of emotion. She might observing him if he do something bad.

"Oh, a customer..." Together with the light blue hair girl, a man wearing a Chinese style green robe, with black hair and eyeglasses suddenly appears.

The Otaku observes this Asian man and he notice the color of his eyes are different. With a dark blue eye in the left and a golden eye in the right. While his hands are on his back, he carefully approach the otaku and sits at the opposite of him.

"We finally meet, Ryuuji Taiga. I guess you're my first customer this year." The otaku was astonished at the development now. Fear suddenly creeps in his entire body when the Asian man states his full name.

"Excuse me but, I know I trespass your house and I didn't mean it, really. To be honest, I'm freak out now that you know my name. Can you let me go now? I don't want a problem with you and I will promise that this will never happen again." Now Ryuuji is being desperate to leave this place since he can't imagine what this Asian man can do to him.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. You know that there is no accidents in this world, only inevitability. You, being here is your destiny, my customer." The Asian man paused for a second and continued. "The moment you enter my house, you must have a wish that needs to fulfill."

"Hey! Don't be ridiculous? Me, having a wish? Who are you exact... Wait, a wooden house between two buildings... two identical girls with a Hetero-chromatic Asian man... Something accident and inevitable... WATANUKI KIMIHIRO!" To think that he forgot one of his favorite manga, he can't call himself an Otaku now.

*chuckle* "I guess I don't have to introduce myself, now that you recognize me, our transaction will be easy." Watanuki was somehow amuse that his customer recognize him.

"Wait, you're a fictional character. How come you're in the real world?" He is confused on how this shopkeeper exist in the real world if he is manga character.

"You seem relax now." Watanuki smiles at him and continued. "Being an apprentice to the Witch of Dimension, I can make this house travel to many different alternate worlds, so that I can accommodate all my customers." Ryuuji still couldn't believe that his reality will transcends in fiction that maybe he really isn't real.

"I can see in your eyes that you're still confused." He carefully looks at him and continued. "But since you know me, you also know what I'm doing right now. And we both know that deep inside, you are not satisfied in your life." His eyes might pop out to his statement since Watanuki knows him well, even though they didn't meet each other.

"Okay, my wish is to know where are my parents. You probably know this, but I was raised as an orphan and I live my life alone." A hint of sadness in his face when he blurt out his deepest scar. If he continue to speak, tears might come out in his eyes.

"I cannot tell you that. I was forbidden to tell you your origins." Watanuki really wants to help Ryuuji, but he can't do that because a mysterious contract makes his lip sealed.

"What the!? That's ridiculous! Who said that to you? My parents?" Ryuuji suddenly become emotional that his long wish couldn't be fulfilled, even the wish granter, Watanuki Kimihiro couldn't help him.

"You are right, Ryuuji. Your parents tell me that I can't reveal your origins. The only thing that I can do is to make you compromise and think again your wish." After he said this, a sigh escapes in Watanuki's mouth.

Ryuuji knows that if he pursues this argument, it will be counter productive and the shopkeeper might not help him now. Even if anger somehow occupy in his heart, he inhaled deeply and blow the accumulated air to throw his stress.

"I understand, then my wish is to leave this place and be reincarnated again." He realized now that his parents are not normal that they can make a wish granter to sealed his lips. Being somehow bitter since his parent don't want to meet him, he is determined to be reincarnated once again to spite his biological parents.

Hello guys!

To celebrate the first release of RMT, I'm going to post 4 chapters today.

I hope you gave it a chance and look forward for our MC's development in the other world.

Have fun! ^___^

FujiTatsumakicreators' thoughts
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