
Rebirth in Konoha: The Leaf Surgeon

"In this tale of rebirth and redemption, a surgeon exhausted by overwork is given the opportunity by a divine entity to be reborn into a world of ninjas and supernatural abilities. In his new life in Konoha, he not only has the power to continue saving lives, but also the chance to experience the camaraderie, adventure and happiness he had lost. Through his challenges and relationships in this mysterious world, he discovers what it really means to live and protect those around him, finding a new purpose and a chance to heal his own heart."

AraXiel_21 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Ch19: Lost

ARA: Readers I have made a couple of changes, cover, description and title, tell me if you prefer the old one or the current one, thanks for your attention and enjoy the chapter.


Nonoe, after having waited for a considerable time in the place where they had parted, began to feel a growing uneasiness. Yasuke had said he was just going to the bathroom, and Minato had disappeared soon after. Something didn't add up. He decided it was time to look for them.

He began his search of the nearest hallways, checking every nook and cranny and questioning any student who crossed his path. As he went on, his concern grew. Neither Yasuke nor Minato were in any of the usual places they might have gone.

Nonoe paused for a moment, trying to think like them. "If I were Yasuke, where would I go in a situation like this?" she wondered. She remembered the news about the orphanage matron and an alarming thought crossed her mind. "Would she have tried to go to the hospital?"

Shaking his head, he thought that would be too risky, for Yasuke a normally serious and coherent person that thought was out of place. He decided to head for the academy courtyard, a place where they used to gather to talk and train. As he walked, his mind worked feverishly, considering all possibilities.

In the courtyard, his search was fruitless. No sign of Yasuke or Minato. Nonoe began to feel a mixture of frustration and anxiety. She knew they were both capable of taking care of themselves, but the uncertainty of not knowing where they were or what they were doing was unsettling.

Determined not to give up, Nonoe decided to go to her last remaining option: the classroom. Perhaps they had returned without her realizing it. As she made her way there, she passed some classmates, whom she asked if they had seen Yasuke or Minato. They all denied having seen them since morning.

Arriving at the classroom, Nonoe opened the door in the hope of finding them there. But, once again, they were not there.

-Where have they gone? -she muttered to herself, feeling the worry settle deeper into her heart.

Just as Nonoe was overcome with worry, a familiar voice echoed behind her.

-Who are you looking for, Nonoe? -Inoichi Yamanaka asked, approaching with an expression of curiosity and concern.

Nonoe turned to see Inoichi, one of her friends, but also one of the heirs to the prominent clans of Konoha and known for his keen perception and mental abilities.

-Inoichi, it's Yasuke and Minato. They're gone and I don't know where they are. The orphanage matron is in the hospital in critical condition, and I'm afraid Yasuke tried to go there," Nonoe explained, her voice reflecting the urgency of the situation.

Inoichi frowned, processing the information. He knew Yasuke and Minato well and knew that both of them could take drastic measures in such a serious situation.

-Let's go look for them. They can't be far," said Inoichi, assuming a tone of leadership.

Together, they began to walk around the academy, asking other students if they had seen Yasuke or Minato. Inoichi suggested they split up to cover more ground.

-I'll meet up with Shikaku, Chouza and Tsume. They can help us search more efficiently. Mikoto might also know something," said Inoichi, showing his ability to organize and mobilize resources quickly.

Nonoe nodded, grateful for the help. They headed to different parts of the academy, each determined to find Yasuke and Minato as soon as possible.

As Nonoe continued her search, she couldn't help but feel a mixture of gratitude and relief at having the support of Inoichi and the others. At times like this, the strength of the ninja community and friendship was evident, proving that, in times of crisis, they were not alone.

The six clan heirs gathered together, concern reflected on their faces. Nonoe explained the situation and their fruitless search. Shikaku Nara, known for his tendency to laziness but also for his strategic brilliance, listened attentively and then spoke.

-It is obvious that Yasuke has escaped. And if I know Minato well, he surely followed him to support him," Shikaku said, his tone calm but confident.

The others looked at him, nodding with understanding. The idea of their friends facing this situation alone was unacceptable.

-So, what do you suggest we do? -Inoichi asked.

-Let's go after them," Shikaku replied without hesitation. Friends are not left alone at times like this. Regardless of the consequences we may face, it's the right thing to do.

Mikoto and the others nodded, each understanding the weight of the decision. As members of Konoha's most prominent clans, they had a reputation to uphold, but at this moment, loyalty and friendship were more important.

The six friends, united in their determination, began their mission to infiltrate the hospital and find Yasuke and Minato. As they moved forward, they discussed their plans in hushed tones, each bringing their unique perspective.

Shikaku, with his analytical and strategic mind, advocated a cautious approach.

-"We must assess the situation first," he said, his eyes scanning the environment. Reconnaissance first, identify any threats, and then devise a concrete plan. We can't just barge in there unprepared.

Tsume, on the other hand, had a more direct and confrontational idea.

-We could simply fight anyone who gets in our way," he suggested with a defiant tone. His combative nature was evident in his posture and voice.

-It's not that simple, Tsume," Inoichi replied, trying to balance the opinions. We need to be smart and discreet. Any direct confrontation could jeopardize our mission.

As the group moved forward, a stealthy figure followed them from a distance. It was Kushina, who had noticed the large group on the move and decided to follow them. However, her concealment skills were very basic. She was trying her best to stay out of sight, moving from one hiding place to another cautiously. Despite her efforts, it was quite obvious to any trained observer, but fortunately for her, the academy students did not yet develop a strong ability to recognize their surroundings.

Chouza, observing the dynamics of the group, interjected.

-We need a plan that utilizes our combined strengths. Something that will allow us to enter undetected, but also be ready for any unforeseen confrontation.

-I agree," Mikoto said, her voice calm but firm. We should move stealthily until we know more about the situation at the hospital.

With the plan still under discussion, the group continued their advance towards the hospital, each pondering the best way to proceed. Kushina, still following them, was trying hard not to be discovered, her heart pounding with the excitement of the adventure and the worry of what she might find.

Despite Tsume's refusal she finally agreed to do a quick reconnaissance before finally coming up with a plan.

After a partial reconnaissance of the area around the hospital, Shikaku called the others together to discuss his plan.

-Okay, here's what we'll do," Shikaku began, with his usual strategic calm. We'll split into two teams. Inoichi, Chouza and I will form one team. Nonoe, Mikoto and Tsume will form the other.

-Why this division? -Inoichi asked, curious about Shikaku's strategy.

-We, as Ino-Shika-Chō, work well together and can combine our skills for stealthy reconnaissance. We can use our techniques to gather information without being detected," Shikaku explained.

-And we," Mikoto interjected, understanding the plan, "can act as a distraction if necessary and help cover any areas that you can't.

Tsume nodded with a grunt of approval.

-I like it. We can be more... direct if the situation calls for it," he said with a defiant smile.

Nonoe, though nervous, nodded with determination.

-I'll do what I can to help," she said firmly.

-Okay, we'll focus on the eastern area of the hospital. You guys take the west," Shikaku instructed. If any of us find Yasuke or Minato, we'll use a hand seal to signal. Stay alert and cautious.

-And remember, we are academy students, so don't do anything reckless. Our goal is to find Yasuke and Minato and help them, not to start a battle," added Inoichi, reinforcing the importance of caution.

With the plan set, the two teams nodded and prepared to put it into action. Tsume Inuzuka, with his keen sense of smell, led one of the groups, while Shikaku, with his knack for strategy, led the other. They were determined to find Yasuke and Minato and support them in this difficult situation.

Each knew they had to rely on their skills and the strength of their friendship to overcome the challenge ahead.

To be continued...

Pd: If we reach 20 votes the next chapter will be released.