
Chapter 71: The Towering Giant



[Ding… Host has entered the Sacred Bounds of the Phoenix God.]

[Ding… Initiating Main Quest – The Phoenix Legacy.]


Quest Brief:

As fate would have it, you find yourself nearing the village nestled within the hallowed realm of the Phoenix God, as described in the novel. Your mission is now clear, and the destiny of the village and its people rests upon your shoulders.

Recommended: Level 50



Objective 1: Locate the village under the benevolent protection of the Phoenix God.

Objective 2: Embark on the trial that shall ensure the village's freedom to thrive and cultivate.

Objective 3: Seize the rewards bestowed by the Phoenix God, hidden within the crucible of the trial.



Upon successful completion, you shall reap the following rewards:

Experience Points (XP): 150,000

System Points (SP): 35,000

Additional rewards are concealed within the heart of the trial, waiting to be unveiled.


Achievement: "Feathered Fiend Friend"

Description: Complete the Phoenix Trial.


"The Phoenix Legacy, the next thrilling chapter in this ever-unfolding tale," Yun Che mused to himself, a knowing smile gracing his lips. According to the original novel's plot, this was the point where he and Cang Yue were meant to be pursued relentlessly by Xiao Zaihe from New Moon City. She had unwittingly brought them to this specific region, oblivious to the fact that they had ventured into the perilous Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range—a high-level area that posed a considerable challenge to his former self.

With Retsu having obliterated Xiao Zaihe, it was safe to say they were now traveling in relative peace after leaving the city. Their disguise forms, Kuchiki Ginrei and Kuchiki Hisana, had left their mark on the city, ensuring that the names of Yun Che and Retsu remained unscathed. It seemed that they had already stirred up enough trouble and could now let the Kuchiki grandfather and granddaughter take the blame.

Amidst his contemplation, Yun Che made a curious discovery. His bankai transformation, which had previously caused a colossal whirlwind during his first use with Retsu, now triggered no such disturbance. In the past, the transformation had drawn the attention of the entire continent. According to the system, Zangetsu had played a significant role in this event. It had occurred only once, as the other spirits had presumably learned to control their energy output after witnessing Zangetsu's initial display. He couldn't help but think that Zangetsu had become something of a scapegoat back then. Nevertheless, he was relieved that they had mastered the art of subtlety, sparing himself from unwanted attention.

However, one lingering question weighed on his mind: what about the spirits who would join him in the future? Would they learn this crucial skill as well, or would the world's eyes fall upon him once more? The uncertainty of what lay ahead hung over him, a reminder that the journey was far from over.

"Rascal, where are we headed to? Is it another high-level area for you to cultivate?" Little Fairy inquired, her tone laced with curiosity. She had moved closer to Yun Che, occupying his personal space alongside Cang Yue and Retsu. This proximity was something relatively new, and Yun Che couldn't help but wear a sheepish smile in response.

He cleared his throat before answering, "Not exactly. We're headed towards the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. It's a profound beast paradise, with violent Nascent and Earth Profound beasts inhabiting the mountains. There's even a rumor that three Sky Profound beasts dwell there."

Yun Che then delved into their main destination, saying, "There's a village within those mountains, a clan protected by an ancient power. I intend to claim that power to free the village from its curse."

"Curse? What kind of curse could be so powerful that it affects an entire village?" Retsu's curiosity got the better of her.

"Have any of you heard of the Phoenix Legacy?" Yun Che asked, receiving puzzled looks in response. He began to explain, "According to the archives from where Retsu and I came, the phoenix arrived on this star thousands of years ago, seeking individuals to inherit its power and establish a colony of successors before its eventual demise. The phoenix appointed two spirits to aid in its search, and generations later, the Phoenix Clan was born, eventually growing into a large sect."

"But how did a sect dwindle down to a single village?" Cang Yue questioned, her interest piqued.

Yun Che continued, "Well, here's the twist. The Phoenix Clan was attacked by a coalition of rival sects. In a desperate attempt to repel the invaders, the clan's ancestor activated a forbidden phoenix art, inadvertently causing the deaths of numerous allies alongside the enemy forces. This included the inhabitants of a city with a population of thirty-two thousand."

Gasps filled the air as the group absorbed the shocking revelation.

"Countless innocent lives were lost due to friendly fire caused by their own ancestor," Yun Che elaborated, his voice tinged with gravity. "He inadvertently killed tens of thousands of innocents while trying to protect his sect. Ironically, the very flames he unleashed to thwart the enemy ultimately consumed his sect as well."

Little Fairy chimed in, expressing her intrigue. "It's almost unbelievable."

But Yun Che had more to reveal. "It gets even darker. Only a few hundred people survived the catastrophe, and the once-mighty sect was reduced to a mere settlement overnight. Enraged by the misuse of its power, one of the appointed spirits placed a terrible curse upon the ancestor's bloodline and the survivors, branding them as 'cursed' individuals fated to remain trapped below the Elementary Profound Realm for thousands of years. To prevent further catastrophes and to keep their existence hidden, the clan employed a powerful array to conceal themselves within the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range, ensuring they would remain undiscovered for years to come."

"Ah, how pitiful..." Retsu commented, her voice tinged with sympathy for the Phoenix Clan.

"I assume there's more to the story," Little Fairy interjected.

"I am afraid it's true, mum." Yun Che nodded with a teasing grin, only to receive a snowball thrown directly at his face.


Undeterred, Yun Che continued, "As you were saying, Little Fairy, you're absolutely correct. There's more to the tale. The Phoenix Clan didn't simply fade into obscurity. The spirit that condemned them was at odds with the other spirit, which believed the ancestor's actions were justified in preventing the enemy from overrunning the sect. In the end, the second spirit decided to split its legacy in half, taking one part away from the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range to establish a well-known empire in the Profound Sky Continent."

Yun Che glanced at Cang Yue, letting her connect the dots. After a moment, she responded, "The Divine Phoenix Empire."

"Exactly!" Yun Che confirmed. "The other half of the Phoenix's legacy thrived, creating another trial zone within the current Divine Phoenix Empire. The curse, however, remained upon the Phoenix Clan within the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. And that, my ladies, is the tale of the village, or the Phoenix Clan, we're headed to."

"Rascal, how do you know all of this? And why didn't Retsu know about it?" Little Fairy inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Little Fairy, Cang Yue, you are both our trusted companions, so we can share this with you," Yun Che began. "We come from a secret realm hidden from this world, a realm that keeps a record of this world's history to ensure the survival of its people once they complete their training and venture into the world. As for Retsu, well, she was so eager to see me that she skipped history class and was immediately dispatched to my side."

"Teehee…" Retsu playfully rubbed her head as Yun Che chimed in, "So, please go easy on her if she doesn't know much about the Profound Sky Continent's history."

Little Fairy nodded, trying to grasp the extent of Yun Che's powers. "Is this secret realm where you gained your powers? The snake, that black form of yours, and Retsu's bloodied sword?"

Yun Che confirmed, "Yes, we originated from that realm. Our cultivation differs significantly from normal cultivators. Instead of cultivating Profound Strength, we cultivate Spirit Energy. It's something ordinary people can't hope to achieve. Our strength isn't easily measurable, which is why we don't emit the usual aura. To blend in with normal society, we have to modify our aura to match our displayed strength."

He continued, "However, the realm can't be accessed by ordinary mortals. Its air is saturated with spirit energy, making it lethal for anyone who enters without prior permission. Someday, if we can, we'll take you to visit the realm where we originated."

Cang Yue's curiosity grew, and she asked, "What is the name of that realm?"

Yun Che nodded toward Retsu, who began to explain further. "We call it the Dead Spirit Realm."

Both Little Fairy and Cang Yue were taken aback by the revelation. This meant that the individuals within the Dead Spirit Realm possessed powers similar to Yun Che and Retsu, unrestricted by Profound Strength. They wondered if countless more formidable beings like them were awaiting the opportunity to enter their world.

"We draw our strength from a different source compared to ordinary cultivators within that realm, Sister Yuechan," Retsu clarified. "What you witnessed earlier is indeed the final evolution of our powers. My bloodied blade represents the culmination of my abilities, just as Young Master's giant snake and compact snake do."

The group fell into contemplative silence, their understanding of Yun Che and Retsu's origins deepening, and the prospect of further encounters with the Dead Spirit Realm filled them with intrigue and curiosity. "Even my black form that I used to beat you. Remember when I transformed my sword into a small sword as well? That was one of my evolved weapons. I hope you two can keep this one within our small group as the powers isn't something to have the world sets its sight on us."

In the end, both Cang Yue and Little Fairy exchanged nods, marking a newfound level of trust between them. Yun Che and Retsu were genuinely pleased that they had entrusted this profound secret to the two women, despite knowing each other for only a few months.

"I see. Staying with you two has certainly broadened my horizons. Thank you for confiding in both me and Cang Yue," Little Fairy expressed her gratitude alongside Cang Yue. However, the latter's eyes widened as she remembered Retsu calling Yue Chu by a different name earlier. "Sister Yuechan? Why do you call her that? Isn't her name Yue Chu?"

Retsu gave a sheepish smile as she revealed the truth. "Sister Yue, her real name is Chu Yuechan. Yue Chu is just a disguised name."

Cang Yue pondered for a moment, and then it hit her like a bolt of lightning. "Chu Yuechan? Her name is Chu Yuechan?!" She remembered the name from before—it was a legendary name that resonated everywhere she went. The renowned cold beauty of the Frozen Cloud Asgard.

"Yes, ma'am. Little Fairy is just a nickname I use for her," Yun Che explained with a shrug, confirming the truth, while Little Fairy nodded in agreement.

"The Frozen Cloud Asgard's fairy?" Both Yun Che and Retsu, as well as Little Fairy, nodded in unison. Cang Yue's brain seemed to short-circuit, and she was silent for a moment before fainting.

Retsu quirked a sheepish smile and remarked, "This might take a while."

Little Fairy, on the other hand, wore a slightly guilty expression, realizing that she probably should have revealed her true identity earlier, especially considering how close they had all become.


Cang Yue, on the other hand, experienced a remarkable enlightenment after her so-called issue about Little Fairy's identity. Nevertheless, both still converse like normal friends. It was fair that she is the Imperial Princess and Little Fairy is the Fairy Guardian of the Frozen Cloud Asgard. Yun Che had fed her the Mark II Profound Pill he had cultivated, the same kind he had given to Xiao Lingxi in the past and some to Little Fairy. Using his profound spirit force, he meticulously purged any impurities from her body and unlocked all her profound entrances, allowing her to attain the coveted Heavenly God Spiritual Veins, much like what he had done for Little Fairy. All in a single day.

To her astonishment, Cang Yue's body and cultivation had surged to levels surpassing her previous state. She executed her profound arts with newfound ease, and her power was palpable. However, it was evident that she lacked combat experience, a consequence of having never taken a life before, just as in her previous life. Yun Che knew that he'd have to take drastic measures, much like he had done in the past, to expose her to the harsh reality of battle and teach her to fight effectively.

As they made their way through the mountainous terrain, Yun Che's culinary skills had come to their aid, providing them with a much-needed meal and a chance to catch some precious sleep. Eventually, they reached the outskirts of the formidable Ten Thousand Beast Mountain Range. Despite Retsu's formidable presence, the title "Ten Thousand Beast" seemed somewhat exaggerated. They had managed to frighten off only a few creatures, and then an eerie silence had settled over the mountains, as if these once-ferocious lands had fallen into an unusual hush.

As the eagle soared above the land, Yun Che narrowed his eyes, sensing the odd stillness below. "It's eerily quiet for a place dubbed the beast's paradise," he mused.

Retsu looked around, frowning. "Indeed, it's like walking through a ghost town."

The realization struck Little Fairy, and she extended her senses, trying to detect the presence of beasts. Finding none, she turned to Yun Che with suspicion. "You sure we're headed the right way?"

With a confident nod, Yun Che replied, "Absolutely. Everything matches the description from our realm's archives." He then tapped into the system's world mapping feature, reconfirming their location.

While he pondered, he suddenly felt a pressure that sent shivers down his spine. He noticed Retsu was also eyeing him with concern, and he received a nod of confirmation from her. Both Little Fairy and Cang Yue, being human, couldn't feel this pressure to the same extent as Yun Che and Retsu.

"This reiatsu, it came from the direction we're heading, Young Master," Retsu spoke quietly.

Yun Che replied with a serious expression, "By the looks of it, they've come in numbers. Looks like we need to make haste."

Little Fairy, sensing the urgency in their voices, inquired, "What's happening, you two?"

Yun Che's face grew even more solemn as he explained, "Something is happening at the clan. We have to hurry."

Cang Yue nodded and urged her white eagle to fly faster in the direction of the clan. As they arrived in the skies above the clan, they saw not just one, but hundreds of hollows, or white-masked beasts, surrounding a small village. Cang Yue, having fought hollows before in her contribution missions, wasn't surprised by their presence. However, she was taken aback by the sheer number of them and their relentless attacks on the golden dome-shaped barrier protecting the village.

"Looks like they're trying to break through the barrier," Retsu noted, observing the hollows' attack patterns.

Seeing the barrier still holding, Cang Yue said, "As long as that barrier remains intact, the villagers should be safe."

"Yeah, but it won't withstand the assault of hundreds of hollows for long," Retsu replied with a hint of concern.

"Hollows?" Cang Yue inquired, unfamiliar with the term.

"We call these white-masked beasts 'Hollows,'" Yun Che clarified, earning a nod of understanding from Little Fairy, who had picked up some knowledge about these creatures during her time with them.

"Young Master, it seems the barrier's integrity is starting to weaken," Retsu reported as she used the system's interface to monitor the barrier's status. She noticed the percentage of the barrier gradually decreasing.

Yun Che's face turned even graver as he replied, "Something is amiss. We need to act quickly."

Cang Yue nodded in agreement and guided her white eagle higher into the sky. When they reached the highest point, Yun Che turned to Retsu and grinned. "Retsu, I assume you haven't completed our kido partner mission yet, right?"

Retsu's eyes lit up with excitement. "Hai~~ I was waiting for you to ask me."

Seeing her enthusiasm, Yun Che continued, "Well, I managed to purchase a few Destruction Kido in New Moon City. Want to give them a try? You were quite skilled with them back in our realm."

"Yes, let's do it!" Retsu exclaimed eagerly.

Little Fairy couldn't help but wonder what Yun Che had in mind. "What's your plan, rascal?"

Yun Che's grin widened as he replied, "Something quite spectacular. Cang Yue, take us high into the air and perform a rapid dive towards the hollows below."

"What exactly are you planning?" Little Fairy asked, intrigued by his mysterious plan.

"Don't worry," Yun Che assured her. "It's the safest plan yet." Cang Yue began their rapid descent towards the massive crowd of hollows, leaving Little Fairy to wonder what surprising move they had in store.


In the heart of the ancient ruins, a small clan clung to their existence, surrounded by relentless white-masked beasts that had plagued them for months. The village was on the brink of despair, its leader burdened with the grim reality that their once-mighty Phoenix Clan might be destined for extinction.

A villager, concern etched deeply into their face, approached the clan leader, voicing the dire situation that loomed over them. "Clan leader, those white-masked beasts have been attacking for months. If this continues, our protective barrier won't hold much longer."

The clan leader's countenance bore the weight of their dire situation, his expression etched with gravity. His attire was simple, but it held an air of quiet dignity, and his furrowed brow spoke of a profound sense of responsibility. The fiery emblem upon his forehead burned with a unique intensity, as if it symbolized not just a clan but an unbroken spirit.

Beside him, his wife stood with equal poise. Her clothing mirrored his simplicity, yet her demeanor exuded a quiet strength. A fiery emblem, identical to her husband's, blazed upon her own forehead, a testament to her unwavering loyalty to the clan.

He spoke with solemnity, his voice carrying the weight of their shared destiny. "This is as I feared. It seems that the Phoenix Clan is destined to meet its end."

Amidst the shadow of impending doom, he took a determined step forward, his unwavering resolve piercing through the shroud of despair. He turned towards his wife, standing steadfast beside him, and addressed her with an earnest plea. "Caiyun, take the children and depart. Leave this clan behind."

Feng Caiyun, with unwavering determination, embraced her children tightly and replied without a hint of fear, "No, we'll face our fate as a family, together. If you're fighting, I'm fighting alongside you."

The man's eyes brimmed with concern as he tried to persuade his wife, desperation evident in his voice. "Caiyun, listen to me. Those beasts are at least at the Nascent and True Profound Realm. I won't be able to find peace if you and the children meet the same fate."

Caiyun remained resolute, clutching her children protectively. "Say what you will, I'm not leaving. I refuse to let our children grow up without a father."

The village had been protected by a unique array that manifested as a barrier. A year ago, the ominous, white-masked creatures, known as the hollows, had descended upon them, initiating the relentless siege. Initially, the attacks had been sporadic, lasting only a few days before retreating, but the hollows returned each month with greater numbers. Over the course of the year, the village's protective barrier had steadily eroded. The hollows encircled the village, launching relentless assaults from all directions—by land and from the skies. The clan's strength was insufficient to confront even one of these formidable adversaries.

As hope seemed to wane for the village, a sudden shout echoed through the skies, disrupting the ominous silence that had gripped them for so long.


"Let's go, Retsu!" Yun Che's voice rang out with an eager grin directed at his companion, and Retsu responded promptly with an enthusiastic, "Hai~~~."

Little Fairy clung to Cang Yue as they heard Yun Che and Retsu exchange words in an unfamiliar language, something alien and otherworldly to their ears. Both man and woman suddenly chanted in unison, their voices blending into a haunting melody. The energy within them harmonized, creating a focal point of power.

"Sanzai suru, kemono no hone! Sentō, kōshō, kōtetsu no sharin," they chanted in Japanese. The words seemed to resonate with a hidden power as a ball of lightning formed in each of their palms.

"Ugokeba kaze, tomareba sora. Yari utsu neiro ga kyōjō ni michiru!" they continued. The incantation reverberated through the air, a declaration of imminent reckoning. The two lightning balls merged into a single, brilliant point of energy.

Then, as if their will commanded it, they combined their power into a massive lightning strike. Standing back to back, arms extended forward, they shouted in unison,

"Hadō #63. Raikōhō!"

The power surged from their hands, casting forth a furious bolt of lightning as if it were summoned from the heavens.

The impact was devastating. The lightning strike descended upon the hollow swarm, obliterating them in an instant. The force was so immense that it left behind a colossal crater, dust and debris filling the air for kilometers. In their first use of the spell, they had yet to fully control the output, and the system's chant amplification had been overpowering.

Little Fairy and Cang Yue watched in awe as the two unleashed a lightning strike from their very hands, decimating the white-masked beasts and carving out an immense impact zone. Cang Yue's earlier assessment proved true—Yun Che and Retsu were full of astonishing surprises.

Cang Yue's massive white eagle descended with controlled grace, landing in the middle of the crater.

"That's how you make an entrance!" Yun Che exclaimed as he dismounted the white bird, Retsu following suit. He turned to face Little Fairy and Cang Yue, standing tall like a pillar among them. "Little Fairy, you and Cang Yue handle the hollows from the left, while Retsu and I will take the right."

The stage was set for a fierce battle against the relentless swarm of white-masked beasts, and they were determined to face it head-on.

Cang Yue expressed her doubts, concerned about the large number of hollows below. Little Fairy reassured her, holding her gently. "Don't worry, Sister Yue. I won't let you get hurt."

With Cang Yue entrusted to Little Fairy's care, Yun Che nodded at Retsu, and they both braced themselves to complete their daily missions. Yun Che's determination was unwavering as he said, "Let's go, Retsu. We still have four more paired spells to use."

Retsu responded with a resolute "Hai~~!" as they prepared to face the overwhelming odds before them, ready to execute their kido spells and complete their missions.


"Clan leader, what is that?" The man who had spoken earlier inquired, still clutching his wife's hand, his apprehension evident. He feared that another calamity might befall them.

"I don't know," the clan leader responded, his gaze locked onto the silhouette of the approaching figures. His expression was a mix of curiosity and trepidation. "If that man arrives with ill intentions, there may be little we can do."

The two children, who had been consumed by fear just moments ago, now watched in awe as the heavens themselves seemed to part. A man and a woman, like deities descended from the celestial realm, unleashed a formidable lightning blast upon the encroaching beasts. In their young eyes, the boy saw a hero worthy of immortal legends, while the girl, her fear now replaced with wonder, fixated her gaze on the man with perfect features descending gracefully upon a majestic white eagle. It was as if their arrival heralded not just salvation but a new chapter in their lives.

Yun Che and Retsu pressed their backs together once more, a well-practiced synchronization that signaled the launch of their formidable kido technique. For this dual pair kido technique to work, their backs needed to touch, allowing their energies to converge into a single, potent force before being unleashed with four times the power of a single caster.

"Way of Destruction #31 – Red Fire Cannon!" Yun Che and Retsu roared in unison, their voices harmonizing with raw power as they channeled their kido. A colossal explosion, a fiery inferno of red energy, erupted behind Little Fairy and Cang Yue. The sheer magnitude of the display left them both awestruck, their eyes wide as they witnessed the cataclysmic power unleashed before them.

"Alright, Retsu. Sunny side up!" Yun Che issued his command with a grin before he pressed his palms together, his voice ringing out with determination. "Hado #2: Raitoningu (Thunderclap)!" He clapped his hands together, producing a deafening sonic blast that reverberated through the air.

The second variation of the Way of Destruction, Raitoningu, generated a powerful sonic boom and unleashed a shockwave of concussive force, accompanied by a thunderous clap that could disorient and temporarily stun opponents. Under Yun Che's manipulation, the spell's power became potent enough to send the hollows staggering into the air with a single thunderous clap of his hands.

Seizing the opportunity, Retsu unleashed her own kido spell. She pressed her hands together and then spread them to her sides. Instantly, two razor-sharp flaming discs materialized in her hands as she shouted, "Hado #6: Enkosen (Flaming Disk)!" With precision, she sent the flaming discs hurtling toward the disoriented hollows, slicing through their ranks with ease. Wherever the flaming discs passed, they left behind a trail of scorched earth and burning embers.

She swiftly launched the flaming discs toward the staggering hollows, each spinning with deadly precision. As the discs sliced through their targets, they left behind a searing trail of scorched flesh and ignited a blazing inferno on the severed bodies of the creatures. The fiery wheels of destruction followed an elliptical path, generating intense heat as they closed in on the enemy. Upon colliding at the end of their trajectory, the discs erupted in a spectacular display of pyrotechnics, showering the target with burning embers and engulfing it in a wave of fiery devastation.

Yun Che and Retsu exchanged smiles as their combination attack unfolded, a testament to their seamless teamwork and ingenuity. They had honed these maneuvers by merging their kido techniques, creating a choreographed pattern that served them well in completing their daily missions. Whether it was Yun Che initiating a staggering attack or Retsu delivering the finishing blow, their partnership was a well-oiled machine.

The "Sunny Side Up" combo, born from the fusion of Hado #2 and #6, featured the thunderous clap that lifted the hollows into the path of the flaming discs. It may not have qualified as a Dual Partner Cast mission, but it certainly fulfilled the requirements for Attack Combo missions. What made it even more astounding was that this was just one of their many teamwork maneuvers.

The duo's teamwork was impeccable, and their combo moves were executed flawlessly. They had developed these techniques through a combination of kido attacks, creating a pattern of cooperation that allowed them to complete their daily missions effectively. Whether Yun Che initiated a staggering attack and Retsu followed through or vice versa, their synergy was undeniable.

As the hollows converged upon them, Retsu seized the moment to test the spells she had learned from Yachiru. With a swift motion, she unleashed her signature technique, the Light Bonding Stripes, immobilizing the hollows with ethereal ribbons of energy. At the same time, Yun Che capitalized on the opportunity, casting a Pale Lightning spell through the incapacitated creatures. The combined attack obliterated all the bound hollows in a single, devastating strike.

Yun Che and Retsu launched into a hollow-killing frenzy, executing combos and partner dual casts with their kido arts. Their attacks decimated the encroaching hollows, leaving behind a trail of destruction and energy blasts.

Little Fairy arrived moments later, her eyes widening as she witnessed the mayhem Yun Che and Retsu had wrought. Their seamless teamwork was nothing short of incredible. They attacked in harmony, creating openings for each other, immobilizing foes, and delivering finishing blows. Deep down, she wondered if she could ever coordinate with them in such a manner. Perhaps, once this ordeal was over, she would be willing to humble herself and learn how to coordinate her attacks as part of a team.

Meanwhile, Cang Yue had initially been fearful when confronted by hundreds of hollows, but she refused to be a burden to Yun Che and Retsu. She leaped into action, facing the weaker hollows and dispatching them with ease. Though the hollows were numerous, they were only at the True Profound Realm, and she handled them much like the contribution missions she had undertaken before. Occasionally, she would fall back to allow Little Fairy to thin their numbers or lure the hollows toward Yun Che and Retsu, who would eliminate them with their unique arts.

Yun Che had decided to add more intrigue to their battle by testing a newly created self-developed kido art on the hollows. Using the system's creation mode, he had delved deep into the essence of kido, tirelessly working to create a unique technique. The results had been fascinating.

He began by rapidly tapping the heads of the hollows, leaving behind small spirit circles on each one. Then, he leaped from hollow to hollow, repeating the process. Each tap left behind a circle on the hollow's head.

Yun Che grinned mischievously as he snapped his fingers. All the spirit circles on the hollows' heads ignited simultaneously, creating a cacophony of explosions that engulfed them. The simultaneous detonations resonated like a cosmic symphony of destruction, leaving destruction in their wake.

"Wow, just like the Thanos snap," Yun Che mused while inspecting the spirit circle on his hand. He had yet to come up with a proper name for this new technique. However, he couldn't help but notice the draining of his spirit force and the increasing heaviness in his arm after each touch. After tapping nearly two hundred hollows, executing the snap had become progressively more challenging. It seemed that the backlash of creating so many spirit circles was taking a toll on him.

The battlefield was a chaotic mix of energy blasts and explosions. Villagers and the clan leader watched in stunned amazement as blue energy arcs and red-blue explosions illuminated the sky. Simultaneously, shards of ice and slashing energy attacks filled the air from another direction.

The villagers were left gaping at the astonishing display of power and coordination unfolding before their eyes. It was as though they were witnessing a battle between gods and demons.


Amid the settling dust and receding chaos, Feng Caiyun's voice trembled with disbelief, "Husband? Can this truly be real?" Moments ago, they had been on the brink of devastation, their protective barrier threatening to crumble under the persistent assault of the hollows. But now, the tide had shifted dramatically.

"The heavens have shown mercy!" The clan leader's voice rose above the din, thick with gratitude. "The gods have sent guardians to our aid!" His proclamation spurred jubilant cheers from the villagers, their spirits lifted as they witnessed their adversaries fall, one after another.

From his vantage point, Yun Che looked at the diminishing numbers of the hollows. These creatures, unless vanquished by Soul Reapers, would keep returning. For now, though, they had bought the Phoenix Clan some reprieve. He sighed in relief and, tucking his hands into his coat pockets, remarked, "It feels good to stretch the legs and shake off some rust after days of quiet."

According to the system, when hollows were defeated by Soul Reapers, their souls were purified and sent to the afterlife. So, when hollows were slain by ordinary mortals, they would simply disappear, only to be reborn in Hueco Mundo. In other words, they would continue to return unless Shinigami intervened, as Yun Che and Retsu had. It might take some time to summon enough Shinigami to locate the Garganta and seal it. For now, hollows might remain a recurring threat on this continent. Nevertheless, cultivators could manage them with ease, given their relatively weak strength. The true concern lay in the hollows' ability to amass in numbers, as they had witnessed today.

Retsu giggled beside him, her eyes shining with the thrill of battle. "Indeed, young master. It was exhilarating to put those Kido spells into action."

Praising her, Yun Che said, "Great job on those daily missions, Retsu!" and affectionately ruffled her hair.

As the dust settled further, a voice rang out. Cang Yue approached, her vibrant fuchsia hair flowing gracefully behind her. "Yun Che! Sister Retsu! That was incredible. I've never seen such techniques before. How did you two manage? Are you masters of lightning? Or fire? I'm astounded by your prowess!"

Little Fairy, ever composed but with a spark of curiosity in her eyes, joined them. "I've always been intrigued by your Kido arts. Seeing them in action today has only deepened my interest." She had been curious about Kido ever since Retsu had shown her a glimpse of it. Kido appeared to be versatile and didn't require adherence to specific laws of cultivation. She had once asked to see more, but Yun Che and Retsu had explained that they hadn't learned many yet. Now, having witnessed some of their Kido in action, such as the red cannon and lightning blasts, her interest was piqued. Could there be Kido arts related to ice and water laws as well?

Hearing the unfamiliar term, Cang Yue's eyebrows knitted in confusion. "Kido?"


[Ding…. Intermediate Reaitsu detected]


A sudden, immense reaitsu surged, bearing down on the area like an oppressive weight. Yun Che, Retsu, Cang Yue, and Little Fairy all felt its overwhelming presence. Even behind the protection of the barrier, the villagers sensed the extraordinary force and braced themselves.

Retsu's voice cut through the tension, "Young master, this pressure is unlike anything we've encountered before, especially compared to these low-rank hollows."

Yun Che's expression darkened. He knew what this increased pressure meant. "No, it can't be..."

Little Fairy, her eyes filled with unease, pressed for answers. "Rascal, what's happening?"

Before he could respond, a ripping sound split the air, and all eyes turned skyward. A gaping hole in the sky expanded, and Yun Che recognized it immediately—a small-scale Garganta was opening before them. Everyone watched, gripped by a mixture of fear and curiosity, as something slowly emerged from the rift.

"Heavens! What is that?" The villagers erupted in questions and gasps as a massive, nightmarish head emerged. It was shrouded in black with a grotesque, white mask covering its face. Fiery red eyes, a long, pointed nose with three holes, and a gaping maw large enough to swallow humans whole adorned its terrifying visage. The creature's appearance alone sent shivers down the onlookers' spines.


Cang Yue's voice trembled with disbelief as she exclaimed, "What in the world is that thing?!"

Yun Che summoned Zangetsu from his inner world and spoke with a hint of familiarity in his tone. "Hmph, I've been wondering when you'd show up. This is my first time seeing a real-life Menos in the flesh."

The Menos continued to tear the sky apart, revealing more of its grotesque form. Half of its massive body had already passed through the rift, with a row of thin white spikes encircling its neck.

While Yun Che and Retsu remained composed, Little Fairy and Cang Yue were filled with unease. Hollows were a known presence in their world, but Menos-type hollows were exceedingly rare, and their appearance was cause for alarm.

"What in the world is that?" Jasmine's voice echoed in Yun Che's mind, mirroring the bewildered and fearful thoughts of everyone present.


[Ding…. Gillian Ranked Hollow detected.]

[Name: Menos Grande]

Rank: Gillians (Lowest Great Hollow)

Cultivation: Spirit Profound Realm – Peak Sky Profound Realm


Signature Skills:

1. Cero: Menos Grande can shoot powerful energy blasts called Cero from their mouths, causing widespread destruction.

2. Kūmon: They can create rifts to move between dimensions, making them unpredictable.

3. Negación: Menos Grande can form protective barriers to resist attacks and retreat when needed.


"Jasmine, feast your eyes. This is the hollow even normal Shinigami in our world had troubles of fighting. The great hollow realm hollow, Menos Grande," Yun Che announced with an excited grin in his mind, leaving Jasmine surprised and intrigued. This was her first encounter with a Menos Grande, and she was eager to learn more.

"Menos Grande?" Jasmine inquired, clearly unfamiliar with the term.

"Menos Grande, or Lesser Great Hollows, are unique and formidable creatures," Yun Che explained, eager to share his knowledge. "In our world, they are created when hundreds of hollows fuse together into one powerful entity. However, in this world, hollows can evolve by consuming strong beings, breaking through the True Profound Realm boundary to enter the Spirit Profound Realm. This explains why the demonic beasts have been disappearing in this area."

Jasmine began to understand the concept but had more questions. "So, its strength is only at the Spirit Profound Realm?"

Yun Che clarified, "Well, yes and no. While they reside in the Spirit Profound Realm, Menos Grande are divided into two classes: Lesser Gillian and Evolved Gillian. Evolved Gillian are essentially Menos Grande that have broken through to the Earth Profound Realm. The main difference between them lies in their masks."

Jasmine absorbed this information and summarized, "So these are Gillian class hollows?"

"Exactly," Yun Che confirmed. "Gillian class hollows can be further categorized as Lesser Gillian and Evolved Gillian, or Menos Grande. Despite their classification, their strength in the Spirit Profound Realm allows them to pose a significant threat to even Earth or Sky Profound Realm cultivators. These creatures may seem mindless, but their raw power is not to be underestimated."

As Yun Che continued explaining and observing the Menos Grande, the ladies moved closer to him, ready to defend against this formidable threat. Retsu, although experienced in her previous life and born a clean slate, was equally captivated by her first encounter with a Menos in this world.

Little Fairy unsheathed her sword, eyes fixed intently on the looming figure in the distance. "Rascal, what monstrosity is that?" she questioned, her voice laced with uncertainty. She'd never seen a creature of such magnitude and eeriness before.

"It's a Menos," Yun Che responded calmly, his gaze unwavering from the towering being.

"A Menos?" Little Fairy's eyes darted to Yun Che, her surprise evident. She wondered how he was so well-informed about the creature. His nonchalance was both reassuring and alarming. "You seem to know a lot more than you've let on," she thought, curiosity piquing.

"We'll discuss it later. Right now, we need to ensure that behemoth doesn't breach the barrier," Yun Che stated, his voice firm with urgency.

Cang Yue, eyes wide with fear, hesitated before asking, "How powerful is it?" Her voice quivered slightly, revealing her apprehension.

Before Yun Che could answer, the Menos edged dangerously closer to the barrier. As it emerged fully, the gaping hole at the center of its body was starkly visible, sending shivers down the spines of onlookers. Little Fairy and Cang Yue could only stare in disbelief. The white-masked giant, standing a towering 2-6 stories tall, almost rivaled the height of the barrier itself. Its grotesque mask, elongated nose, and the dark, cloak-like covering that draped its form gave it a spectral appearance. A row of bone-like white spikes adorned its neck, and its massive feet were bound in white wrappings. Its long, sharp-nailed hands were concealed within its cloak, a terrifying reminder of the unknown power it wielded.

The villagers, unaccustomed to such formidable sights, reacted in sheer terror. Some fell backward, paralyzed by fear, while others murmured prayers, hoping for a miracle. The presence of the Menos cast a grim shadow over the village, as everyone waited, breath held, for what would come next.



The Menos loomed like a dark titan over Yun Che's group, casting its ominous shadow on them. "Never thought I'd find myself face to face with such a massive Hollow," Yun Che murmured, his eyes assessing the creature with a blend of respect and anticipation.

Cang Yue's breath hitched in fear, and she instinctively sought protection behind Retsu. Little Fairy, always poised and composed, summoned the cold power of her Frozen Cloud Arts, her eyes alert and ready. But amidst this tense tableau, Yun Che's spirit surged with excitement. Here was a foe worthy of a true test of his skills.

Jasmine's voice echoed in his mind, "Its size alone is a testament to its power."

He nodded internally, replying, "Its stature is indeed grand, but the true danger lies in its mask. Break it, and the giant crumbles."

As if sensing their conversation, the Menos fixated its blood-red gaze on Yun Che and his companions. A palpable wave of energy began gathering, pulling at the very air around them. Yun Che instantly recognized the impending danger. "That's its Cero," he whispered, his voice tinged with urgency.

"Retsu, take Cang Yue and get away from here. Little Fairy, follow her," Yun Che ordered urgently. Retsu complied without hesitation, lifting Cang Yue and making her way to a safer distance. Little Fairy, however, hesitated, her concern for Yun Che evident in her voice.

"Rascal, what are you planning?" she inquired anxiously, her eyes glued to the growing energy ball in the Menos's mouth.

"I need to stop whatever it's about to unleash," Yun Che replied resolutely as he leaped forward. He understood the potential threat posed by the Menos's attack on the barrier's integrity.

"But we don't know its current strength," Little Fairy protested, her gaze locked onto the charged red energy ball. She realized that intervening at this point might prove disastrous.

"It's approximately at the third level of the Spirit Profound Realm, but don't underestimate it. That energy ball can even harm an Earth or Sky Profound Realm cultivator. Just go. I'll handle this," Yun Che reassured her as he positioned himself in front, brandishing Zangetsu.

"Rascal," Little Fairy began to say before following Retsu's retreat. "Be careful," she whispered, before soaring away. Yun Che's warning about the Menos's attack precision lingered in her mind. Attempting to help now could result in catastrophic consequences.

Yun Che watched as the two retreated to safety. He knew that when a Menos unleashed a Cero, it did so with unparalleled accuracy, regardless of its mindless nature. Even if Little Fairy wanted to assist, she wouldn't have the time to react if the Menos directed its attack at her.

Yun Che tightened his grip on Zangetsu, steeling himself. The Menos's charged energy ball had shrunk, indicating its readiness to release. "Come on then," he challenged, his voice dripping with defiance.

Without warning, the Menos unleashed a searing beam of red energy, a direct assault aimed squarely at Yun Che. The very earth trembled under its force, but Yun Che stood his ground, Zangetsu raised as his shield, ready to meet the onslaught head-on.

The force of the Menos's cero washed over Yun Che, and he bore its overwhelming power with unwavering determination. His body quivered with strain as he held his ground, using Zangetsu to cleave through the onslaught. It was like parting a torrential river with a mere sword, separating the destructive energy as though it were water.

Little Fairy watched from a distance, her heart pounding with worry. Her eyes darted between Yun Che and Retsu, seeking reassurance. Retsu, however, remained unperturbed, her expression serene. She knew Yun Che's capabilities were far from ordinary, and this display of power only confirmed it.

The Menos continued to unleash an unending barrage of energy, each strike aimed directly at Yun Che. But rather than fear for his life, he embraced the challenge. In the midst of the chaos, he relished the opportunity to gauge the true extent of the Menos's might, determined to test his own limits.


[Ding…. Great Way of the Buddha Experience points +5000]

[Ding…. Great Way of the Buddha Experience points +5000]

[Ding…. Great Way of the Buddha Experience points +5000]


As the Menos's relentless cero energy continued to assail him, Yun Che couldn't help but wince from the persistent stinging sensation. The energy might not have been as overwhelmingly powerful as a full-powered strike from Little Fairy, but its ceaseless assault was taking its toll.

With gritted teeth, he glanced at his mental interface, where a notification was blinking urgently. The experience bar for the Great Way of the Buddha was gradually inching upwards, filling with radiant light as it absorbed the relentless energy of the Menos's cero.

Finally, after enduring the onslaught for what felt like an eternity, the experience points reached their maximum threshold, and...


[Ding…. Great Way of the Buddha Experience body cultivation state level up. Host current body is now Sky Profound Realm Second Level]


The village lay shrouded in an eerie silence as the thick cloud of smoke slowly began to dissipate. The villagers watched in despair, their hearts heavy with fear, hoping against hope that the powerful cultivator who had bravely faced the Menos hadn't met his demise under that devastating attack.

Then, as if emerging from the very depths of the smoke itself, a lone figure strode forward, his sword casually resting at his side. He appeared unscathed, and an air of serene confidence surrounded him. The villagers couldn't believe their eyes as they witnessed this man defy the odds.

With a self-assured grin, he leaped into the air, landing on the same level as the Menos's head, his words taunting and bold. The onlookers were left dumbfounded, their shock evident on their faces. It became clear that this man had faced the Menos not out of recklessness, but with a cunning plan in mind.

As the Menos charged up another cero, its crimson energy gathering ominously in its maw, it fired the deadly blast toward Yun Che once more.


[Ding…. Great Way of the Buddha Experience points +2500]

[Ding…. Great Way of the Buddha Experience points +2500]

[Ding…. Great Way of the Buddha Experience points +2500]

[Ding…. Great Way of the Buddha Experience body cultivation state level up. Host current body is now Sky Profound Realm Third Level]


The echoes of a weakened Cero reverberated through the air, a testament to Yun Che's relentless determination. He knew there was no time to waste. He pushed his body to the limit in pursuit of yet another breakthrough.

As Yun Che felt the newfound surge of power coursing through him, he muttered to himself, "Its Cero is waning, likely due to my enhanced state. But waiting for it to weaken further is a luxury I can't afford." Without a moment's hesitation, he infused his sword with spirit force, unleashing a dazzling Getsuga that cleaved through the Cero like a hot knife through butter. The energy slice continued its relentless path, slashing a deep wound into the Menos's monstrous shoulder.

The villagers, who had been passive spectators until now, watched in awe. To them, Yun Che appeared as a living legend, effortlessly conquering the beastly hollow. Victory seemed within grasp, but then the creature unleashed a thunderous roar that shook the very earth beneath their feet.

The Menos's next move was nothing short of astounding. It reached into the air, as if tearing open a curtain, revealing the ominous, swirling vortex of a Garganta. Yun Che's heart raced; the hollow was attempting to escape to Hueco Mundo. Fueled by adrenaline, Yun Che lunged forward, poised to deliver the finishing blow. Yet, in the blink of an eye, his blade met an impenetrable, shimmering yellow barrier.

"Damn it!" Yun Che cursed in frustration. "I was too slow. It managed to use Negacion on itself." His disappointment was palpable. He knew that if he had acted faster, he could have dispatched the Menos before it opened the Garganta and employed Negacion to save itself.

"Too late," Yun Che muttered under his breath, watching helplessly as the Menos vanished into the depths of Hueco Mundo. He hovered in the air, the remnants of the intense battle still electrifying his senses.

Jasmine's voice interrupted his reverie. "What was that protective barrier?"

Yun Che explained, "It's called Negacion, a counter-membrane. Gillians use it to escape. The only way to slay a Gillian is when it closes the Garganta. That's why I hesitated earlier. The portal must be sealed for a successful attack, or they become invincible. They can't attack us when they first arrive either."

"So, they're invulnerable at the gates?" Jasmine inquired.

Yun Che shook his head. "No, only at the gate. If we can enter their realm, I can finish it off."

"Don't worry," Jasmine reassured him. "We'll get them next time. If these creatures are growing stronger, we might face even more formidable challenges in the future."

Yun Che wore a grave expression. "It's worse than you think. If that thing escapes, it could become an unimaginable threat."

"Hollows may start weak, but they evolve and become formidable," Yun Che explained. "Next time, I won't hesitate to strike." He sheathed his sword, Zangetsu, and descended to the ground.

He was soon joined by Retsu and the others. Retsu naturally did the same, but she can learn them later using the system's information. Little Fairy and Cang Yue was the one who bombarded him with questions about the Menos. Yun Che provided a concise explanation, omitting the details about Hueco Mundo. He shared insights into Spirit Profound Realm hollows and their fearsome Cero attacks. The information was eye-opening for the group, and they learned how to potentially counter these Menos Grande should they face them again.

Little Fairy couldn't contain her curiosity and asked, "Did this knowledge come from the Dead Spirit Realm too?"

Yun Che grinned and replied, "Yes, we studied these creatures as well. They attacked our realm just as they did the Blue Pole Star."

Cang Yue chimed in, "So that's why you know so much about hollows?"

Yun Che nodded, keeping his true source of knowledge, the hidden data from the system, a well-guarded secret. "Sort of, Come. I bet the villagers are dying to meet us."


With a collective sigh of relief, Yun Che and his companions gracefully descended into the village, their path through the protective array expertly cleared by the clan leader. The village, while not particularly large, was perched atop a gentle hill, affording it an exquisite vantage point overlooking the majestic mountain. The sight was nothing short of picturesque, and although reaching the hill's summit on foot would have been a considerable journey, Cang Yue came to the rescue by summoning her trusty eagle, which whisked them to their destination in the blink of an eye.

As Yun Che and his companions descended upon the village from their majestic eagle's vantage point, a scene of breathtaking beauty unfurled beneath them. The village lay nestled atop the picturesque hill, its buildings adorned with vibrant red and gold rooftops that glimmered brilliantly against the lush, verdant landscape enveloping it.

From the eagle's lofty perspective, the village appeared as a serene oasis amidst a sea of emerald. Neatly arranged houses, with their traditional architecture, created a harmonious and quaint atmosphere. Delicate wisps of smoke gracefully spiraled from the chimneys, serving as a silent testament to life thriving within each dwelling.

At the heart of the village, a central square beckoned, acting as a communal gathering place. This square was adorned with ornate statues and a large, intricately carved phoenix emblem, which stood as a proud symbol of the village's rich heritage.

The hill itself provided a natural protective barrier, and the village seemed to be strategically situated to maximize the advantages of its elevated position. The villagers had cultivated vibrant gardens, bursting with a riot of colorful flowers and aromatic herbs, further elevating the village's already enchanting charm.

As the majestic eagle continued its descent, the villagers below gradually came into view. They had congregated in the village square, their faces filled with a mix of eager anticipation and profound awe as they witnessed the majestic bird's graceful descent. The moment Yun Che and his companions alighted from the eagle, it seemed as if their belief that these newcomers were celestial beings was further solidified.

In summary, the village, as viewed from the eagle, was nothing short of a breathtaking and idyllic masterpiece—a place untouched by the clamor and chaos of the outside world. Here, nature and humanity coexisted in perfect harmony, creating a scene of serene and unparalleled beauty.

Upon their arrival, the villagers greeted them warmly, their eyes filled with admiration and wonder as Yun Che and his companions gracefully dismounted from the white eagle and set foot in the village square. Some villagers even went so far as to consider Yun Che's group a gathering of immortals, a belief fueled by their extraordinary skills and striking appearances. After all, where else could one find a charismatic young man surrounded by three peerless beauties?

"Greetings, immortals. I am Feng Baichuan, the Phoenix Clan head of this village," the clan leader introduced himself with a respectful bow. He was accompanied by his wife, Feng Caiyun, and their two children, Feng Zu'er and Feng Xian'er, who mirrored his gesture of respect.

"No, please, there's no need to bow," Yun Che protested, attempting to prevent the clan leader from lowering himself. "We are just ordinary cultivators passing through. We're not immortals."

However, the clan leader remained unyielding in his belief, his eyes brimming with unshakable gratitude. "How can you say you're not immortals? You descended from the heavens to aid us in our time of need. You must be the saviors sent by the heavens to us." His gaze turned skyward, as if envisioning their arrival as a divine intervention.

"We're really just regular human beings, sort of," Yun Che sighed, feeling exasperated by the villagers' unwavering belief in their divinity.

"Thank you, immortals," the clan leader expressed once more, refraining from bowing but still addressing them as immortals.

Yun Che pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out another resigned sigh. It appeared futile to try and alter their perception. With that, he and his companions followed the clan leader to the edge of the village, where they could once again take in the breathtaking view.

As they walked through the village, they couldn't help but notice the adoring glances from the villagers. Females cast surreptitious glances at Yun Che with flushed cheeks, while males did the same for Retsu, Little Fairy, and Cang Yue. Their radiant beauty eclipsed even that of the local women, making them the undisputed center of attention. It wasn't bothersome, per se, but it did create the occasional, somewhat awkward atmosphere.

"I never knew such a place existed within the empire," Cang Yue whispered, taking in the tranquil surroundings.

"There are many hidden gems like this, Cang Yue, if you look deeper," Yun Che replied, his hands idly resting behind his head. As they strolled through the village, Yun Che decided to inquire further, aiming to divert Little Fairy's curiosity away from his own secrets.

"Clan leader, you and your people are cultivators as well. Why couldn't you defend against the beasts attacking the barrier?" Yun Che suddenly asked on behalf of his group.

The clan leader suddenly halted, his eyes reflecting despair that had been forged through years of hardship. Feng Baichuan had seen his fair share of despair during his long life. The village's protective barrier was their sole defense against external threats, and it had shielded them from the clutches of greedy cultivators, thanks to the Phoenix Clan's secrecy. He took a seat on a nearby rock, his expression weighed down by the gravity of their situation.

"Sigh, it's not that we didn't want to fight, immortal," he began. "We simply couldn't. Those creatures are far too powerful for us. I've watched them tear through our village's men as if they were nothing. We couldn't venture outside to gather resources. Demon beasts have been disappearing for the past year, and we couldn't obtain any meat because of those creatures. Thankfully, the village had a small farm that sustained us. But a year ago, those creatures began their relentless attacks. Initially, they couldn't breach the barrier, but in the following months, their numbers increased. The highest cultivation level we've reached in this village is the tenth level of the Elementary Profound Realm. There's no way for us to defeat those in the Nascent and True Profound realms."

Yun Che listened intently, his heart heavy with understanding. The villagers' plight was dire, and it was evident that they had been living in isolation, cut off from the outside world. Yet, now, with Yun Che and his companions on the scene, there was a glimmer of hope that their situation might take a turn for the better.

I have changed things up and merge the two chapters together as well as following what most readers think the right thing to do. Thanks. Rewrite 2023

Nora_Danishcreators' thoughts
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