
Rebirth in a Webnovel

A man was setup in a ploy by his own lover and ended up dying. .. .. .. .. Now he was in a weird place along with a weird test. What will happen now? .. .. .. .. I DO NOT OWN PLAYING WITH OTHER SUPERNATURALS!! I simply love the work and decided to add my own Characters just for fun. The work for the layout of the book goes to Goyya. I ALSO DO NOT OWN BLEACH, DXD, ONE PIECE OR DANMACHI.

AzraelI · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


(P.S. This story probably isn't going to be a good one so if you are looking for a good one read the original!)

(PSS: If the original Author wants me to take the story down I will do so.)

"I've also been reincarnated."

After Amir said those words Kisuke's mind stoped momentarily. 'What?!' He asked himself.

He wanted to ask more questions but Amir beat him to it.

"Do not worry, I only know of one more person who should have been reincarnated, But before I tell you about that I want to explain somethings to you."

Kisuke nodded while him and Amir made their way back towards the living room to meet Issei and Irina.

"You two are early as always." Kisuke said when he walked inside the living room and yawning.

""You just wake up late!"" Both issei and Irina responded while holding cookies in their hands.

Kisuke stepped to the side and allowed Issei and Irina to see Amir.

""Who is that?"" They both asked.

Amir stepped foward and put a childish grin on his face. "Hello~ I'm Amir black, Me and my father just moved into the neighborhood."

"Your hair is pink!" Irina exclaimed while running towards Amir.

"To bad it's not a girl." Issei mumbled.

'This is gonna be a long day.' Amir mumbled to himself.

After a while of chatting and talking the group was making their way towards a abandoned building that Irina had picked out for 'Ghost Hunting.'

Though Issei was with Irina in the front of the group Amir was walking beside Kisuke in the back explaining everything that happened to him.

"If you don't believe me then let me tell you this, Inside of this building should be a stray Devil by the name of Vince unless something changed." Amir whispered to Kisuke as they got closer to the building.

"Stray Devil?" Kisuke asked

"It's those people with bat like wings, or devils is the correct term. But hey you will see." Amir finished as they stopped in front of the building.

"So this is the abandoned factory that you found?"

Kisuke inspected the factory and it's surrounding area, "The building itself is in a pretty good state, why would somebody abandon this? Or maybe it's for sale with no prospective buyer?" Kisuke added.

"Let's stop standing around and enter!" Irina excitedly ran for the door at the side, 'It's probably the staffs entrance.' Kisuke thought.

"Say, we shouldn't be doing this. What if something jumped at us? Look, it's too dark inside." Issei said while already regretting his decision to come with the three.

"You're such a wimp, Issei, man up will ya." Irina shot a look at Issei and saw him trembling like a newborn chick.

Then the group entered the building.

After a while of looking around they saw nothing besides a bunch of wooden boxes and metal drums placed randomly around. But to Kisuke and Amir they immediately smelled the strong stench of blood permeating throughout the air.

"Alright you two, there's nothing here, let's leave."

Kisuke said immediately deciding to leave. Even though he has the ability to these two from common dangers, he didn't want to pointlessly risk their safety and there is always a possibility that the situation is currently out of his league, in that case, he isn't completely sure he can protect them from harm.

"Ehh~? But we haven't seen any ghosts yet. Let's look around longer." Irina protested at Kisuke's proposal. While Issei immediately seconded Kisuke's decision to leave. "Irina, Kisuke is right. We should leave. There's nothing here."

While they were bickering around, Kisuke and Amir felt an evil aura enter the factory from the door they entered from. 'Too late, huh?' Kisuke thought while he glanced over towards Amir who just nodded his head.

As they turned around to leave they saw a blonde Caucasian man around the age of 30 wearing a white suit and a white hat standing by the exit door.

"Oho? What's this? Some free food came running to me at a place like this. Lucky~." The blonde man muttered while looking at the group and giving off a cold and chilling sensation that even the two kids felt. He also has this sinister smile on his face showing off his inhumanly sharp teeth.

"Issei, Irina, come look this way for a bit." Kisuke called out to the pair that was frozen in place.

That made the two awaken from their shock and call out to kisuke. "Kisuke! What is he!? What did he mean by food!? What's with those sharp teeth?!" Irina panicked while issei kept shaking and muttering. "It's a ghost?!"

Kisuke placed a hand over each of the children's faces, and whispered "Inemuri(Forced Slumber)." The two fell unconscious and collapsed to the floor kicking up a small pile of dust. Picking them up, Kisuke dragged Irina while Amir followed behind with Issei. Settling them in a corner before they turned around and went back towards the man who was wearing a confused smile.

"What did you do kid?" The man asked with confusion evident in his voice.

"Oh, That? Just a technique to force someone to sleep, not anything impressive~." Replied Kisuke in a jovial tone that didn't match the atmosphere.

'I can see why people get annoyed by him.' Amir thought.

The man's smile finally disappeared and he furrowed his brows, 'something is not right in the situation.' he thought. "Why are you happy? Is that Magic? But I didn't see a magic circle nor did you use a tool. Is it some sort of Martial Art? But you didn't touch them. Your obviously a human child and not a Devil or Angel hybrid or a human mage. Just who are you?" Vince said out loud.

"Woah, take it easy mister. I can't answer all of that if you bombard me with those questions." Kisuke said with his hands raised in mock surrender.

"Let me introduce myself first. Urahara Kisuke, just a humble primary schooler. Pleased to make your acquaintance, and this is my companion, Amir Black." Kisuke said while he stopped his hand from going to his head. 'Damn, I don't have my hat. I should make my favorite hat when I get some free time.'

"A pleasure to meet you, mister." Amir said with a childish tone that didn't match his stoic face.

"Are you mocking me?" Asked the man with veins visible on his forehead.

"I'm not lying though. You can check for my profile at Kuoh Academy. I'm first in my grade you know." Kisuke responded to the angry man.

'You are going to push him over the edge." Amir telepathically said to Kisuke.

'That's what I'm going for~' Kisuke responded in that same jovial tone.

'Haaaah…he is weak anyways so do your worst I'll watch the kids.' Amir responded while backing up slightly.

'Got it~'

After a while of Kisuke and the man looking at each other the man sighed and said.

"Haah…. Well it doesn't matter."

With a smile returning to his face he said. "I guess it's my turn to introduce myself. The name is Vince, Vince Pearce." His piercing blue eyes flashed red as a malevolent aura appeared around him, and was sent crashing down onto Kisuke. "And I'm a Devil." Vince finished.

Vince watched as the blonde haired kid with his eyes shadowed by his hair started shaking, much to his delight he believed it to be from fear but what happened next stopped that thought.

"Pu.." the sound escaped Kisuke's mouth then,

"PuHaHaHaHa, seriously!? What the hell?! Does someone actually do that in real life? How cliche, and this is obviously not your first time doing this."

Kisuke said while trying to rein in himself from his laughing but he clearly needed more time.

Vince was dumbfounded at the turn of events from three children coming to his home all the way to the blonde boy laughing at him but when he heard the boys next sentence he blanked out.

"Ehem. Sorry to rain on your parade, but a few comments on your actions just now. First, is you clearly watched to many horror movies, please don't copy those even though you thought it was cool, it wasn't. Second, what do you hope to a achieve by scaring a child? Showing that you are the bigger bully? Just so you know, there is nothing more annoying than a bawling kid, you and your shit taste." Kisuke continued trying to put on a serious face but failing miserably.

Vince listened to those crazy words and snapped. "You bastard!!! I'm going to torture you before I kill and eat you!!"

From Vince's fingertips, Three inch long metallic claws appeared. He then dashed towards Kisuke swiping his left hand downwards on to his shoulder. But as the claws touched Kisuke he disappeared from view and reappeared behind Vince.

Raising his hand he said. "Sai(Restrain)." And Vince's arm's had been bounded behind his back by a unknown force.

After a while of watching Kisuke torture Vince mentally and physically it was finally over and Amir sighed in relief then he remembered something.

'Isn't he going to blow himself up?'

"Hako Okuri(Farewell Box)" kisuke said while sending the suicidal Vince away.

from faraway a loud explosion was heard. *BOOOM*

Amir watched as Kisuke turned to him and said. "Welp let's go check on the kids~"