
Rebirth in a Game World

"In 'Rebirth in a Game World,' Alex's lonely life takes a twist when he's reborn into the very game world he used to play. Armed with game knowledge and a mysterious system, he embarks on a magical journey of self-discovery and power."

Pranish_Puri · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 9

**Title: Rebirth in a Game World**

Scene 1: Rapid Ascension

After receiving the ornate staff from the prince, Alex was more motivated than ever to continue his training. He spent the next five days diligently practicing under the guidance of his master. With each passing day, his control over mana improved, and he reached the halfway to 6th circle.

**Master:** (impressed) You're making remarkable progress, Alex. Keep it up.you may make it up to 6th circle and then to 7th circle of you keep it up.

But Alex was not content with just the 6th circle. He knew he had a higher goal. With the help of the system, he continued to train hard, pushing himself to his limits. Within three weeks, he achieved the 6th circle, shocking even his master.

During this time, he stored the prince's gift, the staff, in his system inventory for safekeeping.

News of the prince's rapid progress also reached Alex. The prince had reached the 9th circle, and the challenge he had posed to Alex was still fresh in his mind.

**Alex's Mother:** (worried) Our son is pushing himself too hard. He hasn't eaten properly in days, and he hardly sleeps.

**Alex's Father:** (calm) We must believe in him. Remember, he has always been determined.

Scene 2:The leave for 7th circle

Alex's father decided to visit the school and request a leave of absence for Alex's continued training.

**Headmaster:** (curious) A leave of absence? Your son wishes to reach the 7th circle within five to six weeks?

**Alex's Father:** (confident) Yes, he has the potential. I believe in him.

The headmaster, though surprised, granted the leave, knowing that Alex's father had unshakable faith in his son.

While the prince struggled to reach the 10th circle, Alex was in isolation, training relentlessly. His determination knew no bounds.

After 5 weeks and 2 days of grueling training, Alex finally achieved his goal—reaching the 7th circle. He called upon the system to display his status.

**System:** (displaying status)

- Name: Alex

- Circled: 7th Circle

- Magic Affinity: All Elements

- Mana Control: Masterful

- Achievements: Rapid Ascension

- Reward: Infinite Mana

Alex hair had turned white, and he felt a surge of strength coursing through his body.

As he emerged from his room, his mother couldn't contain her joy and hugged him tightly. He cleaned up and enjoyed a hearty meal prepared by his mother.

His father and master soon heard the news of Alex's accomplishment and congratulated him with pride.

The prince, too, learned of Alex's achievement. He smiled and chuckled, realizing that the young boy he had met as a 5th circled magician was now a 7th circled magician.

Word of Alex's incredible journey spread throughout the kingdom and reached the ears of the great magician. The magician, becomes interested and impressed, and looked forward to the day he would meet this young genius who had surpassed all expectations.

**Chapter 9 Ends: Rapid Ascension**