
Rebirth Begins with Rejecting My Childhood Friend

Xu Xiuwen, who was battered and bruised, was reborn and found himself back at the farewell dinner after the college entrance examination. It was the year 2005. Facing the aggressive former love rival and the childhood sweetheart he once had a crush on, he decided to start a new life. After being reborn, he not only wants to recover the white moonlight that he missed in his previous life, but also builds his own business empire. Fame and fortune, career and love, he wants them all! ============ Translation Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to this novel. I am solely responsible for the translation efforts. If you like the novel, please help me by giving a review and power stones. This series is currently being hosted on Hiraethtranslation. For advanced chapters: https://hiraethtranslation.com/novel/rebirth-begins-with-rejecting-qingmei-childhood-friend/

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299 Chs

Chapter 1: My Childhood Friend's Kiss.

Alternative Name : 重生从拒绝青梅开始

Author : 山前月古


In June 2005, the toilet in the private room of the five-star hotel.

Xu Xiuwen looked around blankly, his eyes passing from the golden dragon-shaped faucet, golden revolving door handle, gold-rimmed toilet seat, golden wallpaper, and finally fixed on the mirror in front of him.

The person in the mirror has short hair, thick eyebrows, big eyes, a straight nose, a childish face but clear and energetic eyes.

This is my eighteen-year-old self!

Xu Xiuwen slowly looked away, and he was finally sure that he was reborn!

He was reincarnated back to the night after the college entrance examination in 2005 when he had a dinner.

Thinking about what happened in his previous life, he laughed hysterically, his voice rippled in the toilet, and he cried while laughing.

His mood gradually returned to calm, he washed his face, turned off the water faucet, turned around and walked out of the toilet.

In the private room, the bright lights were bright and dazzling, and there was an oversized wine table with dozens of people standing beside it.

As soon as Xu Xiuwen came out of the toilet, he saw Cao Yu and Xiao Youran facing each other, as well as a row of classmates watching the theater behind him.

Those familiar and immature faces further confirmed Xu Xiuwen's thoughts.

"Youran, I have paid attention to you since the first time I saw you. You are beautiful, cute, well-behaved, simple, and smart. You are like a fairy in the sky, and your smile is the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen in my life. I like you very much, please be my girlfriend."

Cao Yu has a fat head and big ears, a big belly and a round waist, long hands and short legs. His upper body is an Adidas T-shirt, his lower body is Nike shorts, and his feet are wearing the latest Jordan 20.

Xu Xiuwen's only impression of him was that he was super rich.

Xiao Youran has long straight black hair, an oval face, and skin as white as snow. She wears a white short-sleeved dress, revealing her white and tender arms like onions.

He didn't know whether it was because of the heat or shyness, but her cheeks were slightly red at the moment.

Seeing Cao Yu holding flowers and confessing his love to Xiao Youran, Xu Xiuwen was stunned for a moment.

In his previous life, tonight, he confessed to Xiao Youran but was rejected.

After being reborn, I saw the scene where Cao Yu confessed.

Is this the butterfly effect of rebirth?

Xu Xiuwen leaned against the wall and squinted at the men and women in front of him. He was curious whether Xiao Youran would reject Cao Yu like she rejected him in his previous life.

Under the watchful eyes of his classmates, Xiao Youran's eyes were calm.

Cao Yu was just an ordinary classmate to her. She knew that he had a crush on her, but she didn't expect that he would confess to her in front of the whole class during the evening meal.

Xiao Youran organized words in her mind, wanting to praise the other person so that he would not lose face after being rejected in public.

But after looking up and down, she couldn't find any advantages. Fortunately, she reacted quickly enough and said, "Cao Yu, you are a good person."

After pausing for a second, Xiao Youran continued, "I don't want to fall in love during the four years of college. I just want to complete my studies. So don't waste your time on me. You will definitely meet a better girl than me in the future."

Although he knew that the success of the confession was not high, after being rejected, Cao Yu immediately turned pale, and the flesh on his face and the hand holding the bouquet trembled slightly.

The onlookers had mixed reactions.

The boys were all gloating.

Xiao Youran is the goddess of every boy in No. 3 Middle School. Although they all know that there is no possibility between themselves and Xiao Youran, they are still very happy to see Cao Yu rejected.

The girls sympathized with Cao Yu very much.

In the eyes of girls, although Cao Yu is not handsome, he has a good family background and is romantic and affectionate.

Xu Xiuwen also guessed that Xiao Youran would most likely refuse, but he didn't expect that Xiao Youran would issue the good guy card.

He couldn't help but glance at Cao Yu who had received the good guy card. His face was full of disappointment.

After Cao Yu was rejected, he felt depressed. He held up the rose and said, "Youran, I understand what you mean, but I still want to say that I only like you. I will not like other girls except you. There is no girl in my heart who can compare with you. This bouquet of flowers is bought for you, please accept it."

Xiao Youran didn't change her attitude because of his words, and didn't even want to take the rose in his hand.

But she didn't know how to refuse, and she was a little distressed. She subconsciously asked Xu Xiuwen for help, hoping that Xu Xiuwen could help her.

Xu Xiuwen in his previous life was a licking dog and would not refuse any girl's request.

But now his soul has become an uncle in his thirties.

So when the girl looked at her asking for help, he inadvertently looked away.

Seeing Xu Xiuwen's actions, Xiao Youran was stunned.

Cao Yu was still waiting for Xiao Youran to take the rose, but he still didn't see her taking the rose. He noticed the girl's gaze and followed it to see the girl looking at Xu Xiuwen.

Cao Yu's fat face suddenly became ferocious.

As long as he was close to Xiao Youran in the three years of high school, Xu Xiuwen would appear hauntingly, making all his intentions fruitless.

Now it's him who ruined his confession again!

Especially when he noticed the raised corners of Xu Xiuwen's mouth, Cao Yu felt blood rushing into his head.

He was like an angry wild boar!

"Xu Xiuwen, what are you so proud of?"

"Do you think Youran likes you? Do you think your confession will not be rejected?"

"What qualifications do you have to laugh at me? At least I dare to confess, you coward, do you dare?"

Cao Yu suddenly flew into a rage, and his ear-piercing roar silenced the box.

Xu Xiuwen was stunned when he heard Cao Yu's barrage of questions.

After coming back to his senses, looking at Cao Yu's flushed face and red eyes, he knew that he was now in a state of rage.

Xu Xiuwen was not the immature boy he once was. He wouldn't get angry because of the angry words spoken by someone towards him, so he looked behind Cao Yu and said, "Cao Yu is drunk. Who of you knows where his home is? Send him home."

Cao Yu's best friends didn't know why Cao Yu was suddenly furious. Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit solemn, after hearing Xu Xiuwen's words, they stepped forward and planned to help Cao Yu leave.

But Cao Yu pushed them away.

Cao Yu stared into Xu Xiuwen's eyes and mocked, "Xu Xiuwen, haven't you been talking about you and Youran's childhood sweethearts all day long? You hang around Youran every day, it's useless. Do you think Youran will like you? Is this a kind of three-year-old life? I remember you are from a single-parent family, and your mother is a teacher. Do you think her parents can like you with your condition? Let me tell you, even if she doesn't like me, she will have no reason to like you!"

Seeing Cao Yu, who was furious after being rejected, the students were extremely speechless.

If you fail to confess, you don't look for the reason from yourself. Instead, you blame everything on irrelevant people, and the words you say are too unpleasant.

Xiao Youran suddenly heard Cao Yu's words, and she instinctively cast an apologetic look at Xu Xiuwen.

Cao Yu was still unaware and continued to talk nonsense, "Xu Xiuwen, a person like you who has no grades, no family background, and no father will only be qualified to work in the future..."

Monitor He Yu couldn't stand listening anymore and stood up and said, "Cao Yu, please stop talking. You are drunk. Go home quickly."

Normally, Cao Yu might have given face to the squad leader, but at this moment he had lost his mind.

Cao Yu turned to look at He Yu and shouted, "Shut the hell up!" After speaking, he pointed at everyone.

"Today's meal is my treat. You are all freeloaders. If it weren't for me, would you have the chance to come to such a high-end hotel in this life? You want to see my joke, so get out of here!"

As soon as Cao Yu's words came out, everyone was angry.

"Cao Yu, you are out of your mind!"

"Do you think I want to come? I wouldn't have been willing to come if you hadn't begged me!"

"It's amazing to think you are such a person!"

"Cao Yu!"

Xu Xiuwen, who had been quiet all this time, suddenly spoke.

Even if Cao Yu scolds him a few times, he won't get angry, but Cao Yu should never mention the fact that he has no father. Xu Xiuwen has not seen his father since he was born. This is the pain in Xu Xiuwen's heart, and he has felt inferior for a long time.

If it were eighteen-year-old Xu Xiuwen, he would have already punched him at this moment.

But now, he has lost his youthfulness, and he knows how to fight back to hit Cao Yu in the face even more.

Hearing Xu Xiuwen speak, the students in the class couldn't bear to be angry, and everyone looked stern.

Cao Yu also turned to look at Xu Xiuwen.

Xu Xiuwen looked at Cao Yu and said calmly, "Didn't you ask me if I dare to confess? Do you think my confession will be rejected?"

"I wasn't interested at first, but since you said so, I'll let you understand the gap between you and me."

Xu Xiuwen walked slowly towards Xiao Youran and stopped less than half a meter in front of the latter.

The classmates seemed to have guessed what Xu Xiuwen was going to do, and they all looked confused. Could it be that Xu Xiuwen also wanted to confess?


Xiao Youran saw Xu Xiuwen walking towards him and suddenly heard his gentle voice.

When she raised her head, her eyes met Xu Xiuwen's.

Xu Xiuwen's eyes seemed to have gone through the years, but they were still affectionate.

There is a kind of magical power in the deep eyes like a cold pool, which makes people fall into it at one glance and find it difficult to escape.

Does Xiao Xu also want to confess to her?

Xiao Youran couldn't help but become nervous and a little expectant.

Of course, Xu Xiuwen will not confess!

A girl will not like you because you confess. On the contrary, a girl will agree to your confession only if she likes you.

If you want a girl to like you, the correct way is to create more physical contact and more ambiguity.

Xu Xiuwen, after his rebirth, certainly understood this truth.

Looking at Xiao Youran's pretty face, he sneered and then kissed her directly.

Kissing Xiao Youran in front of his high school classmates was something he wanted to do but dared not do in his previous life, but in this life, he felt no pressure to do it.

The girl's lips are sweet and soft, and the touch is excellent. Her body exudes the faint fragrance of lavender, which makes people unable to help but indulge in it.

Seeing this scene, the girls all opened their mouths in surprise!

"Xu Xiuwen is so awesome!" The boys all looked envious.

"How dare he!?"

Cao Yu's eyes were almost splitting!