
Rebirth: Back to 1991 to Become the Richest Man

Returning to 1991, confronted with an era where golden opportunities lay everywhere, Chen Jianghai swore that in this lifetime, he would live for just three words: Lin Wanqiu! This is the tale of a reborn individual who forged an electrical empire and ascended to the pinnacle of life. For announcements or to report mistakes, please join my Discord: https://discord.gg/2sZy2YcYSB

Grand_Etudes · Urban
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76 Chs

Chapter 66: This Feeling, It's Wonderful!

TL: Etude

"Not to make too much of it, let me see what the issue is," Chen Jianghai waved his hand dismissively.

Xu Damao welcomed both men into the house, "Come in, come in, let's go inside."

Chen Jianghai nodded without saying much and, upon entering, his eyes immediately fell on the television positioned at the center of the room.

This was very much in line with Qiu Jinfeng's character.

The woman was known for her strong jealousy, meanness, yet she loved to show off.

She usually liked to leave her door wide open, for fear that others might not see that she had a television at home.

Their family was among the first in the vicinity to own a TV, which gave Qiu Jinfeng a significant sense of superiority.

That was why she couldn't stand Chen Jianghai, with his television and gas stove.

Because a gas stove, let alone in her house, was a rarity in the neighborhood as well. Mainly because the cost of gas was too expensive, and it was more economical to burn coal.

"This TV, I don't know what's wrong with it; it keeps showing these annoying white lines from time to time," Xu Damao hurriedly explained the problem.

Chen Jianghai turned on the TV and at first, everything appeared normal. But after a while, sure enough, several white lines started scrolling from top to bottom of the screen.

Xu Damao, eyes full of hope, asked, "How about it? Can it be fixed?"

With just one glance, Chen Jianghai had already identified the issue and replied with a slight smile, "No problem, I'll go back and get my tools."

"That'd be great, thank you!" Xu Damao said politely.

Chen Jianghai waved his hand in response, "No worries, neighbors are better than distant relatives, it's only right!"

Soon, he returned with a screwdriver and other tools to start dismantling the television. Xu Damao, standing by, asked, "Jianghai, do you need any help?"

"No need, it's a minor issue. I can handle it by myself," Chen Jianghai shook his head.

The white lines on the screen were a common problem with televisions; it was usually just a loose solder joint.

Chen Jianghai took out the soldering iron and re-soldered all the relevant points. Then he plugged in the power.

Watching him work, Xu Damao couldn't help but ask, "Jianghai, is it fixed already?"

Qiu Jinfeng also looked on skeptically, clearly a bit incredulous.

Even Lin Wanqiu, standing aside, seemed surprised.

The whole process seemed too simple.

But in reality, this is a case of 'easy for those who know how, difficult for those who do not.'

Chen Jianghai, too lazy to explain, just pointed to the TV, "Whether it's fixed or not, why don't we turn it on and see?"

As the television turned on, Chen Jianghai busied himself with packing up his tools.

Minutes passed, and the white lines did not reappear.

Seeing this, even Xu Damao and Qiu Jinfeng, who knew nothing about electronics, could tell that it was certainly fixed.

"Jianghai, your skills are truly impeccable!" Xu Damao exclaimed with a thumbs-up.

Qiu Jinfeng chimed in, "Jianghai, you can make big money because you indeed have real skills!"

In the face of their praise, Chen Jianghai just smiled without saying much.

Such a small issue was not really a mark of high expertise for him.

Lin Wanqiu did not speak, but her beaming smile clearly showed she was in a very good mood.

Xu Damao then patted Chen Jianghai on the shoulder, "Jianghai, you really live up to the saying, 'a scholar should be held in awe three days after his promotion!'"

"Xu Big Brother is too kind. My skills are just enough to make ends meet," Chen Jianghai laughed.

Xu Damao shook his head, "You can't say that. My wife and I have seen your skills, and they are second to none!"

Qiu Jinfeng glanced at Lin Wanqiu, then whispered to Chen Jianghai, "Jianghai, how much do we owe you for the repair?"


Chen Jianghai raised his hand dismissively, "We're all neighbors here, let's not talk about money—it hurts the feelings."

Upon hearing Chen Jianghai's words, joy instantly danced upon Qiu Jinfeng's brows.

Saving money is the best!

Not to mention getting something for free.

It's truly more than one could ask for.

However, Qiu Jinfeng soon realized that she had been too obvious in her reaction.

Xu Damao gave Qiu Jinfeng a white look and then said, "Jianghai, emotions aside, you've put in the work, so it's only right that we pay you. Just name your price."

Chen Jianghai shook his head and said, "Brother Xu, there really is no need. It's not like we need to replace anything, there's no cost involved."

"Jianghai, how about you just name any amount? Otherwise, it's really too embarrassing for us," Qiu Jinfeng probed tentatively.

Chen Jianghai feigned anger and said, "Brother Xu, Sister Qiu, we're old neighbors. For a trivial favor, to talk about money, what would others think of me?"

After that was said, Xu Damao and his wife didn't bring up the matter of payment anymore.

Lin Wanqiu, however, couldn't quite understand it.

Why didn't Chen Jianghai take the money?

That woman Qiu Jinfeng was quite mean, she had never missed a chance to belittle Chen Jianghai before, making him out to be worthless.

Not expecting her help in any matter was considered lucky enough, let alone not causing harm.

But Lin Wanqiu knew that now was not the time for her to speak up.

After all, as men handle things outside, as his wife, she must show him sufficient respect.

Xu Damao then said, "Jianghai, if there's anything you need in the future, just let me know. I'll definitely help you out without hesitation."

"Alright, thank you in advance, Brother Xu. We'll be leaving now so as not to disturb you from watching TV," Chen Jianghai said, and then he started walking out with Lin Wanqiu.

Xu Damao and his wife saw Chen Jianghai out the door before they turned back inside.

On the way back, Lin Wanqiu finally couldn't hold back and asked, "Jianghai, why didn't you take the money?"

"It's a small matter, not worth the money," Chen Jianghai said with a smile.

Lin Wanqiu bit her lip and then said, "But that Qiu Jinfeng said some really nasty things before. Why would you help her for free?"


Chen Jianghai looked at Lin Wanqiu in surprise upon hearing this question.

Lin Wanqiu shrank her head back and with a flushed face stammered, "Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something wrong?"

Chen Jianghai now understood what Lin Wanqiu meant.

Although Qiu Jinfeng was a mean person, she didn't look mean at all. She couldn't compare to Lin Wanqiu in terms of looks, but her figure was much more voluptuous. Her presence was particularly noticeable when she walked, especially in the summer.

Clearly, the girl was a bit jealous.

Chen Jianghai looked at Lin Wanqiu with a smile and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"It means nothing, I'm just asking you..."

Lin Wanqiu stopped mid-sentence when she saw Chen Jianghai still smiling at her, her face turning even redder, and she didn't continue.

Chen Jianghai pulled Lin Wanqiu close to him and said reassuringly, "Wanqiu, maintaining good relations with people is always right. Didn't Confucius say, 'Only the women and the small-minded are difficult to deal with!'"

"If we treat someone as harsh as Qiu Jinfeng a little sweeter, we don't expect her to help us, but at least she won't continue to badmouth us behind our backs, right? Wouldn't you agree?"

"Even though I don't care, it would definitely make you uncomfortable to hear it, and that affects your mood!"

"Yeah, I understand." Lin Wanqiu's face was flushed as she replied softly.

This man, after all, was doing it for her own sake. That feeling was truly wonderful!