
Rebirth: Back to 1991 to Become the Richest Man

Returning to 1991, confronted with an era where golden opportunities lay everywhere, Chen Jianghai swore that in this lifetime, he would live for just three words: Lin Wanqiu! This is the tale of a reborn individual who forged an electrical empire and ascended to the pinnacle of life. For announcements or to report mistakes, please join my Discord: https://discord.gg/2sZy2YcYSB

Grand_Etudes · Urban
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76 Chs

Chapter 21: A Classic

TL: Etude

The next day, after having breakfast, a cheerful Chen Jianghai pushed his bicycle out the door, humming a merry tune.

He had quite a few things to do today; the first was to get a closed-circuit signal installed.

Television had become widespread by now, so applying for a closed-circuit signal was relatively straightforward.

Chen Jianghai arrived at the Post and Telecommunications Bureau and told the front desk his request.

Currently, radio and telecommunications were still under the same umbrella, managed by the Post and Telecommunications Bureau.

After confirming the address, the front desk took Chen Jianghai's payment and then informed him that someone would come to install the system in the afternoon.

Chen Jianghai had initially planned to pick up some repair work in the afternoon, but it looked like he would have to wait at home now.

However, he still had quite a few radios at home, so he wouldn't be idle.

Once back home, Chen Jianghai began tinkering with the radios he had collected.

By the time he had disassembled the old radios and sorted the useful parts, it was already afternoon.

Chen Jianghai stood up, stretching his stiff body with a long yawn.

Just then, someone outside suddenly shouted, "Chen Jianghai, which house is it?"

Chen Jianghai instantly realized that it must be the person coming to install the closed-circuit signal.

He quickly ran outside and called out to the man, "Master, over here, over here!"

The installer had a loud voice, and the neighbors around had also heard him.

After Chen Jianghai invited the installer inside, several neighbors stepped out of their homes.

"Who was that just now?" someone asked.

"It seemed like someone looking for Chen Jianghai, don't know what for."

"I saw it! Looks like someone from the Post and Telecommunications Bureau! He even had a toolbox..."

"Is it not a delivery man? Could he be here to install the closed-circuit signal?"

"No way? Wasn't the TV that Chen Jianghai received yesterday broken?"

"Why guess? Let's go and see."

Finding this argument reasonable, the neighbors began to gather in front of Chen Jianghai's home to watch the excitement.

As soon as the installer walked in, he noticed the pile of radio shells and various parts in the corner.

"Oh, what's all this?" the installer asked, slightly surprised.

"It's a personal hobby," Chen Jianghai casually replied.

Hearing Chen Jianghai's answer, the installer didn't continue on this topic and asked directly, "Where are you planning to place the TV?"

Chen Jianghai pointed to the only cabinet in the house and said, "On this cabinet."

The installer looked and found that the cabinet was a bit far from the window; he frowned slightly.

"Master, let me trouble you," Chen Jianghai said with a smile, then handed the installer a pack of cigarettes.

The installer didn't stand on ceremony; he glanced at the pack and skillfully put it away.

"Alright, I'll get it sorted out for you right away."

His furrowed brow smoothed out, and he set down his toolbox, quickly getting to work on the installation.

"Chen Jianghai, are you getting a closed-circuit TV?"

A neighbor walked in, his face showing surprise.

"Yes, my wife Wanqiu wants to watch TV, so I got one for her," Chen Jianghai nodded and replied.

"Isn't this the TV you got yesterday? Wasn't it broken?"

Someone scrutinized the second-hand TV on the table, which had already been repaired, and asked in confusion.

Chen Jianghai replied with a smile, "It's already fixed; you can watch it now."

Upon hearing Chen Jianghai's words, the neighbor looked incredulous.

When did fixing a TV become so simple?

"Chen Jianghai, are you just bragging?" someone couldn't help but tease.

"You'll see in a moment," Chen Jianghai maintained his smile but didn't elaborate further.

With the extra income from a pack of cigarettes, the installer worked swiftly, and in no time, he had the closed-circuit system set up.

"Jianghai, turn the TV on and let's see!"

Someone impatiently spoke up, seemingly eager to confirm the situation.

Others still wore skeptical expressions, sarcastically remarking, "Jianghai, what if the TV doesn't work?"

To these reactions, Chen Jianghai continued to smile, "The installer needs to test the TV, so you all can watch."

Having said that, he went up to the TV and connected the power supply.

The installer connected the closed-circuit head and then began to tune the channels.

Soon, a familiar melody emanated from the television: Dun-dun-dun-dun ... Dun-dun-dun-dun, it was the 1982 version of "Journey to the West."

Seeing this familiar scene, Chen Jianghai couldn't help but be sentimental. Who would have thought that these cheap special effects would become an unsurpassable classic for future generations?

The neighbors, initially eager to see Chen Jianghai embarrass himself, were now completely engrossed in the television.

"All set, I'm going," said the installer, lacking any desire to linger. He left immediately after placing his tools in order.

Chen Jianghai enthusiastically escorted him to the door before returning.

"Everyone, was it a good watch?" Chen Jianghai asked, his face beaming with a smile.

"Jianghai, did you really fix this TV yourself for only forty yuan?" someone couldn't help but ask, eyes filled with both astonishment and anticipation.

Chen Jianghai knew exactly what was on the questioner's mind and smiled, "The forty yuan is just the cost; it doesn't include the price of numerous parts, nor the repair fee!"

"If I bring a broken TV to you, can you fix it?" someone began to ponder.

That was the reaction he was hoping for!

Chen Jianghai smiled slightly, "Of course, but the fee would depend on the extent of the damage. Since we're all neighbors, a small service charge should suffice."

"We understand, we understand," the neighbors quickly nodded in agreement.

Chen Jianghai gave a fist-and-palm salute to everyone, "Sorry, but I have to step out."

The implication was clear; he was ushering them out.

As Chen Jianghai turned off the TV, the neighbors felt reluctant to leave.

Television was their only form of entertainment these days.

Finally having a working TV yet only getting a glimpse was truly frustrating!

This time, Chen Jianghai primarily wanted to see if there were any suitable shops on Pozijie Street and went to investigate.

Upon arriving at Pozijie Street, the crowd had visibly increased, and business on the commercial street was not bad.

Chen Jianghai looked around and found several shops for rent, but none seemed appropriate.

Either the space was too small, or the landlord was asking for too much, none met his criteria.

Just as Chen Jianghai was about to leave, he spotted an empty shop not far away; it was devoid of anything.

The location of the shop was decent, and the space was rather large.

Chen Jianghai looked at it from outside for a while, but there was no rental information, nor did he know who the landlord was.

After strolling around, Chen Jianghai finally ended up next to that empty shop at a small store.

"Boss, give me a pack of Da Qian Men (cigarette)," Chen Jianghai called out as he placed the money on the counter.


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