
1: Sacrifice for them

Here I am on the hospital bed donating my kidney to a man I have never seen before just to save my family from poverty.

My whole life I have been living with my step mom and step sister they have been good to me not like other step family but my family have treated me kindly. A few days ago my family company was to be declared bankruptcy if a million dollars was not put in the company I had no choice but to donate my kidney to a wealth family. I was not told the name of the person am donating my kidney to nor did I even see his face I know nothing about him

The doctor came in the door with the nurse following behind him and the Butler of the family am donating my kidney to.

The doctor looked at me worried and said " miss Qinn if you donate your kidney, you may have complications that can lead to you been left with a sickness or death. Am telling you this so that you make your own decisions whether or not to go through this operation" .

I looked at the doctor with determination and told him" I am going through this operation but Butler Willson if I die today please give the money you promised me to my family"

"I will give them the money don't worry but don't die" Mr Willson said with a slight smile on his lips.

I smiled back and said "don't worry I will make sure I live" I was determined to live this hospital with my sister Annie .

I came with Annie cause she was my best friend so I knew that she would give the money to her mom if anything happened to me.

The nurse injected something into my blood stream and I could feel my consciousness slipping away from me.

I wake up I heard my sister and step mom voice I knew the operation was successful, so I thought Annie called Mom but what I heard surprised me.

"She survived, I can't believe she didn't die after all the complications she had " I heard Annie's voice .

"Don't worry we already have the money now so we can just kill her and say she died from the operation, after all we don't need her she already signed the papers so we have all the property" I heard my mom's voice.

I wanted to run away but I couldn't stand up I didn't have the strength to stand. I heard the door opening and I saw Annie , Ketty and Mom walking in.

"Please don't do this we are family. What have l ever done to you for you to want to kill me" I said with no strength in my body.

"Ha ha ha "my step mom laughed "your stupid mother is the cause of everything if only she left all her property to you without living any to your father. We planned to trick you at first and get all the properties but we are tired of pretending and living with you. You make .e sick" she said looking at me with disgust in her eyes.

Annie came near me and injected something into me and said " your mother was evil so you have to pay for her sins" .

'If their is a next life I want to come back and avenge my death today or my name if not Camilla Aphrodite Quinn' I said before I lost my conscious.