
rebirth as a Justin Bieber

"Just a normal dude who tried to save a kid from an accident, and he got three wishes. He was then drawn into the body of Justin Bieber in 1990. As a kid, he created his own legends." "On a 5-month vacation, bored in the house, creating novels for the first time, having wars, and yawning. Vinny, if you have any suggestions, just comment. I will read them and try to correct as much as possible. And if there is a problem or mistake, please point it out. Don't give me one star, please. "The story is full of romance, humor, and songs. Recommend as many songs as possible."

Ilesh_Saru_2157 · Celebrities
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47 Chs


Selena's mom and Taylor's parents were busy unpacking the picnic basket, laying out the checkered blanket and arranging the delicious spread they had prepared.

The aroma of freshly baked cookies and ripe fruit filled the air, tantalizing their taste buds and adding to the excitement of the day.

Selena and Taylor, their eyes sparkling with anticipation, couldn't contain their enthusiasm as they chattered excitedly about the animals they were most excited to see.

"I can't wait to visit the lions!" Selena exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement. "They're so majestic!"

Taylor nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed on the colorful balloons floating above the entrance.

"And the baby elephants!" she added, her voice filled with wonder. "I hope we get to see them playing!"

As they approached the ticket booths, Pattie and Selena's mom exchanged warm smiles, their excitement mirrored in their eyes.

"It's going to be such a fun day," Pattie remarked, her voice filled with anticipation. "I'm glad we all get to experience it together."

Selena's mom nodded in agreement, her hands busy adjusting the straps of the picnic basket.

"Me too," she replied, her voice tinged with excitement. "It's not every day we get to go on a zoo adventure with such wonderful company."

James, Bruno's dad, ruffled Bruno's hair affectionately as they waited in line.

"Are you ready for some animal adventures, champ?" he asked, his voice filled with warmth.

Bruno nodded eagerly, his eyes shining with excitement. "Yes, Dad! I want to see the monkeys and the tigers and the bears!"

As they finally entered the zoo, the air buzzed with excitement, and Justin couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Today was going to be an adventure they would never forget, filled with laughter, joy, and the magic of the animal kingdom.

As they approached the ticket booths, the sun cast a golden hue over the zoo entrance, illuminating the colorful banners adorned with images of exotic animals.

The gentle rustle of leaves accompanied by the distant chirping of birds added to the anticipation of the day ahead.

Pattie and Selena's mom exchanged excited glances, their eyes alight with anticipation.

"This is going to be so much fun," Pattie remarked, her voice filled with excitement.

"I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see the animals!"

Selena's mom nodded eagerly, her hands gripping the straps of the picnic basket.

"I know, right? It's going to be a day to remember," she replied, a hint of excitement lacing her words.

Meanwhile, Taylor's parents were busy double-checking their camera equipment, ensuring they captured every precious moment of their zoo adventure.

"We have to get a picture with the giraffes," Taylor's dad exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face. "They're Taylor's favorite!"

Taylor beamed at her dad's words, her excitement palpable. "And we can't forget the elephants!" she added, her eyes shining with anticipation.

As they finally reached the ticket booths, the ticket attendant greeted them with a warm smile, her enthusiasm infectious.

"Welcome to the zoo!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with cheer. "Are you all excited to see the animals?"

The group nodded eagerly, their excitement bubbling over as they handed over their tickets.

With tickets in hand, they entered the zoo grounds, greeted by the sight of colorful balloons and the sound of children's laughter echoing through the air.

Justin's heart raced with excitement as they passed by the first animal exhibit, his eyes widening in wonder at the sight of a majestic lion lounging in the sun.

"Whoa," he breathed, his voice filled with awe. "He's so big!"

Selena and Taylor gasped in unison as they caught sight of a playful group of monkeys swinging from tree to tree.

"Look at them go!" Selena exclaimed, her eyes dancing with delight.

Taylor nodded enthusiastically, her gaze fixed on the adorable baby monkeys clinging to their mothers.

"They're so cute!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement.

Bruno, his eyes shining with wonder, marveled at the graceful movements of a family of giraffes grazing in the distance.

"They're even taller up close!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.

As they explored the zoo, their excitement only grew, each new animal exhibit bringing fresh wonder and delight.

From the playful antics of the otters to the majestic beauty of the tigers, they were captivated by the magic of the animal kingdom.

After a full day of adventure and exploration, they found themselves at the tranquil picnic area, surrounded by lush greenery and the soothing sound of a nearby stream.

With appetites sharpened by their zoo adventure, they eagerly unpacked their picnic basket, ready to enjoy a delicious feast surrounded by the ones they loved.

As the group settled onto the soft grass of the picnic area, Pattie spread out a checkered blanket with practiced ease, creating a cozy space for their impromptu feast.

The aroma of freshly baked bread mingled with the crisp scent of apples and oranges, tantalizing their senses and whetting their appetites.

Justin eagerly unwrapped the sandwiches, his eyes alight with anticipation.

"Who wants turkey and cheese?" he asked, holding up a platter piled high with neatly cut sandwiches.

"I do!" Selena exclaimed, reaching eagerly for a sandwich, while Taylor nodded in agreement, her mouth already watering at the sight of the delicious spread.

James grinned as he reached for a sandwich, his gaze warm as he looked around at the happy faces surrounding him.

"This looks amazing, Pattie," he praised, his voice filled with genuine appreciation.

Pattie beamed at the compliment, her heart swelling with pride. "Thank you," she replied, her smile radiant. "I'm glad you all like it."

Bruno eagerly reached for a cookie, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"These are the best cookies ever!" he declared between bites, his enthusiasm infectious as he passed the plate around.

As they ate, the conversation flowed freely, punctuated by laughter and the occasional playful tease.

They shared stories of their favorite animals from the zoo, recounting funny moments and marveling at the wonders they had seen.

Selena's eyes danced with mischief as she regaled them with tales of her encounter with a mischievous monkey, while Taylor's face lit up with joy as she described her awe-inspiring encounter with a majestic lion.

Justin listened intently, his heart swelling with gratitude for the precious moments they were sharing together.

Amidst the laughter and chatter, he felt a deep sense of contentment, knowing that he was surrounded by the people he loved most in the world.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the picnic area, they lingered a little while longer, savoring the last moments of daylight.

And as they packed up their picnic basket and made their way home, their hearts were full to bursting with the memories of a perfect day spent together.

*** Author note***

I think make story way to longer

*** End***