
rebirth as a Justin Bieber

"Just a normal dude who tried to save a kid from an accident, and he got three wishes. He was then drawn into the body of Justin Bieber in 1990. As a kid, he created his own legends." "On a 5-month vacation, bored in the house, creating novels for the first time, having wars, and yawning. Vinny, if you have any suggestions, just comment. I will read them and try to correct as much as possible. And if there is a problem or mistake, please point it out. Don't give me one star, please. "The story is full of romance, humor, and songs. Recommend as many songs as possible."

Ilesh_Saru_2157 · Celebrities
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47 Chs

Justin's Victory

In the bustling city of New York.

Justin and his varied group of friends went on a super exciting trip.

They spent a whole week diving into the lively atmosphere of the city that never sleeps.

While they were out exploring, Justin made sure to keep up with his violin practice.

He practiced every day, getting better and better for the big competition that was coming up soon.

As the competition drew closer, Justin felt all sorts of feelings—excitement, nervousness, and a whole lot of anticipation.

With his family and friends cheering him on, Justin went up on stage at the big auditorium.

Under the bright lights, he felt like a star.

Taking a deep breath, he started


playing his violin, filling the room with beautiful music.

Everyone in the audience was captivated by Justin's performance.

They listened closely, enchanted by the melody.

As he played, it felt like each note had its own magic, swirling through the air and drawing everyone in.

When Justin reached the peak of his performance, the whole room was filled with a sense of wonder.

Then, when he finished, there was a moment of silence.

But it was quickly broken by thunderous applause, everyone clapping and cheering for Justin's amazing performance.

Backstage, Justin's friends hugged him tight, telling him how awesome he was.

"You were incredible out there, Justin!" Selena said, her eyes shining with pride.

"I knew you could do it!" Taylor added, beaming with joy.

Bruno nodded, his face showing how proud he was of his cousin.

Feeling grateful for his friends' support, Justin waited eagerly for the results of the competition, his heart racing with excitement.

Host: "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please? It is with great anticipation that I announce the winner of this year's prestigious violin competition!

After an evening filled with awe-inspiring performances, the judges have made their decision. The tension in the air is palpable as we await the name of the winner... And the winner is..."

The hall fell silent, every eye fixed on the host, hearts pounding with anticipation.

Host: "Justin, come on up here! You've won!"

Justin, eyes wide with surprise, approached the stage cautiously.

Justin: "Me? Really?"

Host: "Yes, you! You rocked the house with your violin skills. How do you feel?"

Justin, still in shock: "Like I just played the final boss level of a video game and won!"

Host, chuckling: "Well, you definitely leveled up to champion status tonight! Congratulations, Justin!"

Justin, starting to grin: "Thanks! Can I put 'Master Violinist' on my resume now?"

Host, laughing: "Absolutely! Along with 'Champion of Awesomeness.' But seriously, you deserve this win. Enjoy the spotlight, Justin!"

Justin, with a nod: "Thanks you"

And with that playful banter, Justin joined the host on stage, ready to bask in the glory of his well-deserved victory.

After the competition

Organizer: "Hey there, Justin! Wow, you played so amazingly! You're like a little Mozart! How would you like to join our special violin program and play with some of the best musicians around?"

Justin, bouncing with excitement, looked up at James for guidance.

Justin: "Mr. James, can I tell him?"

James smiled warmly at Justin's enthusiasm.

James: "Of course, Justin. Go ahead."

Justin, beaming with pride, turned back to the organizer.

Justin: "Thank you, sir! But, um, I really love playing the violin, but I wanna be a singer when I grow up. Can I still sing in your program?"

The organizer chuckled at Justin's adorable earnestness.

Organizer: "Oh, you want to be a singer? Well, that's fantastic! We don't have a singing program, but we'll cheer you on from here, Justin! Keep singing your heart out!"

Justin grinned from ear to ear, feeling validated in his dreams.

Justin: "Okay, thank you! I'll keep practicing both violin and singing!"

And with that, Justin declined the offer to join the violin program, knowing that he was still on the right path to pursue his passion for music, both with the violin and with his voice.

*** End***