
rebirth as a Justin Bieber

"Just a normal dude who tried to save a kid from an accident, and he got three wishes. He was then drawn into the body of Justin Bieber in 1990. As a kid, he created his own legends." "On a 5-month vacation, bored in the house, creating novels for the first time, having wars, and yawning. Vinny, if you have any suggestions, just comment. I will read them and try to correct as much as possible. And if there is a problem or mistake, please point it out. Don't give me one star, please. "The story is full of romance, humor, and songs. Recommend as many songs as possible."

Ilesh_Saru_2157 · Celebrities
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buying violin

Next day

Justin was very eager because he was going to buy a violin today. He was excited.

Since Justin was up early, his mother had to wake up early too to make a normal American breakfast like pancakes, which Justin loves because he has a sweet tooth.

Justin came to the kitchen very eagerly, greeting his mother and grandma.

After breakfast, he went upstairs to change his clothes.

When he came back down, he started watching TV with his grandma while his mother was still getting dressed.

After some time, his mother came downstairs looking very beautiful.

Then, when grandma asked about the food, it in fridge Justin's mother decided to spend the whole day with Justin.

Justin and his mom were walking on the roadside, holding Justin's hand.

Mom asked, "Justin, who is going to teach you the violin?"

Justin replied, "Uncle's friend (meaning Bruno's father).

He knows how to play the violin, and he is an expert.

He is a professor at the university and has been playing the violin for a long time.

He also told me that if I had a violin, he would teach me after kindergarten."

Mom " He most be a nice person to teach you violin for free " Having a great impression of the professor.

Justin "Mom, you know I've learned three instruments: piano, drum set, and guitar, and I can play them pretty well, just like big brother Bruno."With proud expression

Mom very impression truffle is hair very epic movement

Justin was happy with his mom's reaction

Just like that both of them were walking in side join the moment of mother and son.

When Justin passed by a thrift shop, he saw a professional mini violin with a tagline of $1000. Excitedly, he said, "Mom, stop! Look at that place."

His mom, seeing the violin, also stopped and asked, "Justin, do you want a violin?"

"Uh-huh, that's the professional one that Uncle's friend showed us," Justin replied.

"Okay, let's check that violin out," his mom agreed.(The violin was small but a little big for current Justin, fitting in the hands of a 10 to 13-year-old Justin).

When Justin and his mother entered the shop after a long discussion, the shopkeeper asked, "Ma'am, what are you looking for?"

Mom replied, "You see, my son needs a violin. Can you show me violins suitable for kids?"

She didn't show too much eagerness about any product in thrift, pawn, or any second-hand shop.

She had experience in this area because she had bought lots of second-hand products before.

Shopkeeper: "You see, that violin is the only one in the shop." He was very excited because it was sold by a beggar, and he got it for only $20.

He knew the violin was expensive, so he displayed it in a glass box.

When the shopkeeper took the violin out of the glass box and showed it to Justin, Justin started to play it.

He thought it was in perfect condition.

"This violin must have belonged to a rich kid who didn't want it anymore or was stolen from rich people," he thought.

Justin said, "Mom, the violin is in good condition. Can we buy it, please?"

Mom replied, "But it's very expensive at $1,000, and we only have $500."

Shopkeeper: "Ahem, actually, I can give you a 10% discount on the violin."

Mom: "But even with a $900 price, it's still very expensive for us. We only have $500."

Shopkeeper: "Cough, cough, but that's the price we set for the violin."

Mom: "Then can you sell the violin for $600?"

Shopkeeper: "You see, ma'am, we have to pay rent, so it would be a loss for us. How about $800?"

Mom: "That's still too expensive for Justin. Let's put the violin down and look at other places."

Justin knew his mom was bargaining, so he put down the violin.

Mom and son were about to go outside when the shopkeeper called them back, saying, "You can take this violin for $700."

Mom: "But it should include a violin bag and tools to clean the violin."

And that's how they were able to get a professional mini violin.

*** Author note**

I don't know if this happens in the USA or not, but anyway, I don't live in the USA. If you don't bargain for any product in a pawn shop, then you must be rich.
