
rebirth as a Justin Bieber

"Just a normal dude who tried to save a kid from an accident, and he got three wishes. He was then drawn into the body of Justin Bieber in 1990. As a kid, he created his own legends." "On a 5-month vacation, bored in the house, creating novels for the first time, having wars, and yawning. Vinny, if you have any suggestions, just comment. I will read them and try to correct as much as possible. And if there is a problem or mistake, please point it out. Don't give me one star, please. "The story is full of romance, humor, and songs. Recommend as many songs as possible."

Ilesh_Saru_2157 · Celebrities
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**Justin's Lucky Raffle Adventure**

**1995 - Texas, USA**

Justin had just turned five this month and was on his way home after finishing another long day at kindergarten. He hated kindergarten, finding it the dumbest place to spend his time. The only reason he went was because Selena always picked him up, ensuring they both went together. Despite his disdain for kindergarten, Justin pretended to be excited to go there and learn something new. In reality, he had already learned everything before he was even born, finding the lessons pointless and stupid.

As he walked home, lost in thought about which music labels to sign with and which music school to attend, Justin heard a loud sound coming from one of the shopkeepers.

"Step right up! Buy a $1 ticket for a chance to win a limited edition Spider-Man figure!" the shopkeeper announced.

Justin's eyes lit up. The Spider-Man figure was his favorite superhero, and he had wanted that limited edition toy for a long time. When he arrived near the shop, he noticed a glass box containing various superhero figures used for a raffle. To participate, you had to buy a $1 ticket. The Spider-Man figure in the box was priced at least a few hundred dollars, which Justin didn't have.

He rummaged through his pocket and found two one-dollar bills his grandma had given him for his birthday. He had planned to spend the money on chocolate, but now he decided to use it for the raffle instead.

Just then, Justin heard familiar voices behind him. He turned around to see Bruno, Jamal, and Max walking towards him.

"Hey, Justin! What are you doing?" Bruno called out.

"Look, they're having a raffle for this awesome Spider-Man figure," Justin explained, pointing to the shop. "I'm going to try my luck."

**POV: Shopkeeper**

The shopkeeper had a plethora of tickets and was extremely greedy for money. Recently, ticket sales hadn't been good. So, he devised an idea to exploit children by luring them with superhero toy figures. He could buy the figures cheaply and sell the tickets for $1 each, making a profit of thousands of dollars from this raffle alone. Children are easy to fool with money, and even if they don't win the first time, they might return and try again.

**POV: Justin**

Justin approached the counter, holding his two dollar bills tightly. "Excuse me, sir. Can I have two tickets, please?"

The shopkeeper, a middle-aged man with a cunning smile, nodded. "Sure thing, kid," he said, handing over two tickets. "Good luck."

Justin smiled, grateful that he got both chances. Bruno, curious, also bought a ticket. "I'll try too," he said, handing over his dollar.

"Alright," the shopkeeper said, giving Bruno his ticket. "Good luck, kid."

Justin and Bruno walked over to the glass box. Justin noticed that the papers were much thicker and didn't seem to reach the bottom of the box. He stuck his hand inside and felt around, eventually finding a piece of paper taped to the side.

Bruno, Jamal, and Max watched with anticipation. "Come on, Justin! You can do it!" Jamal cheered.

Justin pulled out the paper and opened it, his eyes widening with excitement. "I won! I got the Spider-Man figure!" he exclaimed, running back to the counter to show the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper's smile faltered as he read the ticket. "Well, looks like you did, kid," he said reluctantly. "Here's your prize."

He handed over the limited edition Spider-Man figure, and Justin's face lit up with pure joy. "Thank you so much!" he said, clutching the figure tightly.

Then it was Bruno's turn. He reached into the box, pulling out a ticket. He opened it, his face falling when he saw the prize. "A Barbie doll?" he groaned, holding up the doll.

Max and Jamal burst out laughing. "Nice one, Bruno!" Max teased. "Maybe you can trade it for a Superman toy!"

Justin, feeling a bit guilty that his friend was stuck with a doll, offered, "Hey, Bruno, I still have my second ticket. How about we trade if I win something you like?"

Bruno's eyes lit up. "Really? You'd do that?"

"Yeah, why not?" Justin said, handing over his second ticket. "Go for it."

Bruno eagerly took the ticket and reached into the box again. This time, he pulled out a ticket and opened it. "I got the Superman figure!" he shouted, showing the ticket to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper sighed and handed over the Superman toy. Bruno handed the Barbie doll to Justin. "Deal's a deal."

Justin grinned. "Thanks, Bruno." He looked at the Barbie doll, knowing exactly who would love it.

**POV: Justin**

Justin couldn't wait to tell Selena about his adventure. He imagined the look on her face when she saw the Barbie doll. Despite hating kindergarten, moments like these made his days worthwhile. He might have had to endure boring lessons, but he knew that exciting adventures awaited him outside the classroom.

With his prized Spider-Man figure in hand, Justin felt like a superhero himself, ready to take on the world and all its challenges.

Bruno patted Justin on the back. "That was awesome, Justin! You really outsmarted that guy."

Max nodded, his eyes wide with admiration. "Yeah, you're like a real superhero now!"

Jamal grinned. "Let's go show Selena. She's going to flip when she sees this!"

As the four friends walked home together, Justin felt a strong sense of camaraderie and excitement. With friends like these, every day was bound to be an adventure.

When they reached Selena's house, Justin proudly handed her the Barbie doll. "This is for you, Selena."

Selena's eyes sparkled with delight. "Thank you, Justin! I love it!"

Seeing Selena's happiness made Justin's day even better. Despite the ups and downs, he knew that with his friends by his side, everything would always turn out alright.