
Perfect alignment

So, why did you wait until now to tell me everything, Li Na wondered?

The guardian's gaze met Li Na's. "Time has its own purpose, my dear. The paths we cross, the challenges we face, all serve to shape and prepare us for what lies ahead. Your awakening was not a matter of delay, but rather a perfect alignment of cosmic forces guiding you to this crucial moment."

"I understand," and with a sigh, she continued, "Are these powers now a part of me? What else am I capable of?"

The guardian's voice carried a sense of mystery. Yes, they are already a part of you. "As you grow and learn, you will uncover new abilities, and the secrets of this realm."

The guardian gazed at Li Na with a knowing smile. "Your first release of power was when you helped the old lady from colliding with the cyclist. It was a subconscious act, driven by your innate compassion and genuine concern for others, that activated this power within."

Li Na's eyes widened. "I... I didn't realize I had done anything extraordinary. It just felt like the right thing to do." It just happened instinctively." she murmured, her voice tinged with wonder.

"Earlier, didn't you notice how the old lady appeared younger? That transformation was all thanks to you. Unknowingly, you channeled your magic into her, helping her relax, resulting in a more youthful appearance."

Li Na's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, so I made her look younger? Does that mean I can also use my magic to make myself look younger?"

The Guardian nodded. "Yes, indeed. With your power, you have the ability to enhance and maintain your youthful appearance. As you grow older, you need not worry about wrinkling skin. Your magic will preserve your beauty."

The guardian continued, "Anyways, that act of kindness was a test, a measure of your worthiness for the second chance at life bestowed upon you. Human compassion, dear Li Na, is a divine essence that illuminates the world with its grace."

The guardian's words echoed with a grave undertone. "You were fortunate to pass, for your story could have taken a darker turn."

That's good to know, Li Na thought, she couldn't even imagine the aftermath. "Can I harness these powers to defend and protect myself when the need arises?" she asked. "Or are there limitations to their use? "

The guardian met her gaze. "Indeed, you may utilize your powers to protect yourself," she replied. " Please bear in mind that these abilities you possess are not to be used to kill anyone. However, should you find yourself in a situation where self-defense is necessary, you may wield your abilities to protect yourself."

"However, If someone tries to attack or kill you while you try to protect yourself without purposefully provoking them, their death does not count and you will not be punished.

Li Na breathed a sigh of relief; she would never stoop to the level of wanting to murder a person, so she was safe.

"Remember, the powers you wield require a balance of responsibility. Use them wisely and with pure intentions, for the gift of healing must not be corrupted by selfish desires. Seek not to inflict harm upon others, for violence begets only further darkness."

"Once you return, dear Li Na, your senses will be heightened beyond that of an average person. However, it is crucial for you to conceal your gifts to protect yourself from the greed and harm that may befall you at the hands of those greedy humans."

Suddenly, Li Na playfully slapped both sides of her cheeks, causing the guardian to be startled. Curiously, the guardian asked, "What are you doing, Li Na?" Li Na grinned and replied, "Just trying to confirm if I'm dreaming or not."

She continued, pondering about the guardian's presence, "Will you always be in my head, talking? How will that work out?" The guardian reassured her, "Fear not, Li Na. You can call upon me whenever you need my help, and I will be there to guide you."

Li Na's mischievous side emerged as she asked, "Even when I need someone to get me food?" The guardian shot her a glare, causing Li Na to quickly retract, saying, "Just kidding!"

Li Na's curiosity persisted as she inquired further, "But how will I call upon you when I don't even know your name? How should I address you?"

The guardian smiled, radiating a warm and reassuring presence. "Names hold power, Li Na, and in the realm of magic, I have many names. But for you, you may simply call me Meilin."

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