
Rebirth; A second Chance of Life

Tags(R18, Rebirth, CEO, Romance, Revenge, " Hahaha, why should I save you? It's not like we are related! But don't worry, everything that belongs to you is now mine! How many years have you been stuck in prison? Your dear father made sure you never made it out!" that sarcastic voice rumbled nonstop. " Gu Ting, I beg you... Just save me, and then I will disappear from your sight completely and forever, please... " she begged just holding to her last will and breath. " Give more of that, then she will be able to serve the clients downstairs better, I never thought you would fall into these cheap tricks... Hehe... Give her... " she coldly instructed and they injected the drugs into her bloodstream and she never woke up. Did she regret her choices? Yes, she did, but life was never favorable to her and so was to everyone else.

Kim_Li · Urban
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128 Chs

Chapter 11; She left for school already?

"Just imagining a funny scene I watched in a drama last night!" she softly smirked as she ate while gazing into the streets, this time, she won't be used by anyone.

Bai Xue went along with her lie, but she knew she didn't have a TV in her room, she didn't have a laptop and she rarely watched the TV in their living room as it was always reserved for her adopted sister and mother.

"Oh, it must have been too funny..." She smiled at her wondering what was happening to her, no matter how much you looked at it, beneath that giggle, you could feel the sadness laced in it.

"Mnnh, let me finish up before we get to the school gate..." She didn't want to waste any food so she merrily enjoyed it.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

It was seven in the morning, Gu Ting who was ready for school rushed to Gu Mingyue's bedroom door and aggressively knocked at it.

" knock knock knock.... "

" knock knock knock..."

" Mingyue, open up... It's getting late..." She wasn't that smart in academics and mostly relied on Mingyue to complete most of the activities and assignments.

She couldn't hear any movements coming from inside and no one answered the door, she turned the doorknob downward before pushing it inside and the door clicked open, she rushed inside but everything was arranged neatly, and Mingyue was nowhere to be seen.

She slightly panicked and rushed downstairs into the living room, she couldn't see her anywhere else, so she rushed into the kitchen, it was the same, not even her shadow.

"Good morning Mother..." she greeted her mother while worrying about what to do with her homework.

"Yes good morning my dear, what's the matter?" She inquired gazing at that worried look that didn't escape her sharp eyes.

"Mingyue had promised to assist me with my homework but it seems like she forgot..." she softly whined while holding her mother's arm intimately.

"How dare she do that? I will discipline her once she wakes up!" Mei Lu couldn't see her beloved daughter feeling aggrieved.

"Oh, forget it, Mother... It isn't her fault and I don't think she is around, she must have gone to school early today..." she softly whined but deep down she was cursing her in her heart.

"Okay, settle down at the dining room table, I will serve the breakfast.." she kissed her beloved girl's cheeks before she went upstairs and got her school bag.

Going down the stairs, she met her father who was walking through the corridor that led to Mingyue's room.

" Good morning father, Mingyue had already left for school, so you don't need to go there..." she notified him as Gu Yun halted and turned around to eye Gu Ting.

"She left for school already? It's still so early..." he frowned as he turned around and strode over to join Gu Ting and went down the stairs to the dining room table.

"I don't know why she was up so early today..." this has never been the case, She would always be the last one to wake up and sometimes late for school.

"OK, I guess we will have to wait for her in the evening..." they settled down as Mei Lu served them breakfast.

Gu Tingyi joined the table and greeted them, Gu Ailing and Gu Feng joined next as they greeted each other and settled for breakfast.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

" There, I'm done... No wastage... " she closed the lunchboxes returning them to their bag before wiping her mouth.

"Good, don't forget that you promised that we would do homework together..." Bai Xue moved the bag to the other side.