
Rebirth: A new world

Sophia was sold at a very tender age to an ex-knight who had started training her as soon as she clocked 5. She was trained to fight and was also taught the mastery of different weapons... When she was 10, her master had sent her on her first mission which she had done smoothly. Her accomplishments had made her master promise her extra 8 years of servitude before her freedom. 18 years later, she was killed by her master and was given the second chance at life. *Rebirth* Yes/No NOTE: The picture on the book cover isn't mine but was on Google, I only added the book title.

Oriere_Favour · Teen
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter Two: Fourth Triangle

They walked through the woods and into a nearby town, they were few huts scattered all over the place as the town was mainly for travellers to come rest for the night or nights.

Sam walked side by side with Sophia looking around with no idea why Sophia would come to a travellers town. As they walked he saw different travellers walk past him and they all seem to know themselves as they all pass waving their hands at each other.

They walked through the streets and looking up they could see their destination. Up ahead stood an inn with few words written on it with old paint.

Travellers Inn.

"Is this where we are heading?" Sam asked

Sophia nodded.

As they walked in opening the door, a little bell sounded which attracted the travellers attention to the two youngsters who just walked in.

Thier eyes shone in amazement at the beauty that just walked in, they were all swept off their feet and exclaimed excitedly.

Sam being aware of the commotion his sister was causing seemed to be in an awkward situation as he walked beside her.

" You know they are all talking about you right?"

Sophia smiled.

" Men are always like this, they are so predictable....drooling when they see a woman like they've never seen any before"

Sophia walked towards the counter where the bartender stood waiting to serve anyone at their beck and call. She sat gracefully on the wooden stool afront the wooden counter.

" Two Ales please" She ordered

" Yes ma'am"

The bartender, a young teenage boy rushed to go get his customers order.

" So why are we here?" Sam asked as Sophia looked around.

" We didn't just come here to drink right and...."

Sam paused as he watched Sophia piercing eyes facing a certain direction, he followed her gaze and saw what Sophia was looking at.

A man in his mid-twenties sat beside the window, holding a rumpled newspaper. He was the only one hadn't looked towards Sophia's direction in the full room as his concentration was on the newspaper he was reading.

" Is that the man, you came to see?"

Sophia nodded, then tilted her head closer to Sam.

" When the bartender comes with the ale, stay here and don't move till I give you the sign" Sophia whispered to Sam.

Not quite long, The bartender came with two cups of ale filled to the brim. Sophia Collected it as she held the two cups in her hands.

" Thanks" She said smiling and winking to Sam, who had placed a few coins on the counter for the drink.

He watched as Sophia walked towards the man, who sat beside the window all on his own, engrossed in what he was reading.

As he watched her go he was also aware of the preying eyes of the other men who were looking at his sister, their eyes full of lust as they watched her.

' aren't they so old ' Sam thought as he watched those older men in disdain.


Sophia who had just gotten to the man by the window asked.

The man who was so engrossed in what he was reading gave no reply as he sat fully focused on his paper.

He was so engrossed that he didn't see the woman sitting afront him put something in his ale before placing it on the side of his table.

" What does it say?" Sophia who was already getting impatient asked, hitting the table gently to get his attention.

" There are new monsters roaming around the kingdom, some say there have been a new triangle but no one knows how a new triangle had been made . They say this triangle is what might be bringing the...." The man paused.

He had been so engrossed explaining without even looking at who he had been talking to, when he raised his head he was surprised to see someone with so much beauty sitting afront him.

" I guess I've finally gotten your attention " Sophia said smiling.

" Hello, I'm...."

"Hello nice to meet you, I am Sophia.....saw you were all by yourself and I decided to come keep you company"

" Here I bought this also" She continued looking at the cup of beer afront him.

" Thanks"

" So back to the triangle?" Sophia asked

" uh....yeah, the triangle "

" The mages say it's probably been there since the creation of the first three triangles or this one had just been created with mutated creatures coming out of it"

Before people, the continent was just an empty place with no sign of any living things. Until the emergence of the three triangles which consisted of different living things one had brought down the first living things which were humans, while the second had brought down the elements along side the supernatural beings who were considered to be different and special and lastly the third triangle had brought down Animals which roamed the continent.

Since the emergence of the first Humans, productivity began and few humans had turned to a million spreading wide along the continent living together with other supernatural beings.

Sophia knew everything about the three triangle but had no idea of the fourth triangle which was said to be newly discovered, she found it difficult to believe as she haven't had any encounter with the creatures from the fourth planet.

" Have any of this creatures been caught or are they still roaming?? " She asked curiously

"None has been caught yet, as they only roam a certain part of the kingdom" he said drinking the beer in just one gulp Sophia had bought for him, he was oblivious of the smile the woman had worn as he drank the beer.

A pretty lady had bought him drink, what could possibly go wrong?

" The knights and mages are waiting for their leader's order before venturing into the creatures land"

" I do wish I can get my hands on one of this creatures myself" Sophia said, looking around and sighting Sam still looking at her. She gave a quick wink and Sam on cue walked out of the inn.

" Shit"

" What's wrong?"

" I got to go, my master had said to come before the sunsets " she said standing up

" Nice to meet you uhhhh..."

"Bila" the man said completing her statements

" We'll see another time hopefully Mr Bila" she said rushing out of the inn.

As she got outside she sighted Sam waiting for her at a distance, he was waving at her to get her attention.

* * *

Sophia walked towards an old small hut, a smile appeared on her face.

She was happy that she could finally redeem herself.

Before she came to this world, her parents live a careless life. Her father was a die hard gambler there was never a day that he didn't gamble while her mother was a prostitute .

Her father was the gambler that never wins ,so he kept losing and each time he loses he borrows money for another game and never pays since he never wins.

Soon everyone stopped lending him money, except one man.


Hurburn was a merchant and lends out money to people, in return they give him anything but money as payment.

Sophia Father wasn't able to give him anything when it was time to pay back, as they were so poor and nothing.

Hurburn had come visiting one day and he saw that Sophia's mother was pregnant, he had requested to have the unborn child as payment.

They were both shocked to hear this but couldn't do anything as they had nothing valuable to use as payment.

When Sophia came of age, she was given to Hurburn who as a merchant that he is sold her to his customer.

D'arcy who had bought Sophia was an ex knight, he had bought her with the intention of using her as a weapon so he started training her to fight when she was five, he thought her how to be void of all emotions also. When she was 10 years he had given her first mission

Surprisingly, she got back that day with her mission accomplished.

He realized she was a child of great potential and had promised her 8 more years of servitude before she could free, so she went on several vile missions .

Sophia walked on happily as she had clocked 18 months ago, even with the lesson given to her by D'arcy to be void of all emotions she still felt it.

She was to see D'arcy today before she will finally get her freedom, so she had told Sam not to follow her as she knew the type of man D'arcy was.

She had hoped for her meeting with him to be brief.

She pushed the door of the hut opened knowing that D'arcy's door was always opened.

She walked into a single room which contained a table, two chairs and a bed at the far corner .

On one of the chairs sat a black haired man, with black beard.

' I wonder why he doesn't move to a better place' Sophia thought.

"Master" She greeted bowing.

" I see You're back"

Sophia nodded avoiding eye contact.

"Come have a sit, you see I have been waiting for your arrival"

He tapped on the empty seat beside him, gesturing for her to sit.

" I wonder what took you so long"

Her face became paler as she remembered sparring with Sam. She was so lost in spending time with her brother that she had almost forgotten she was supposed to answer to D'arcy.

An Owl flew in through the window, hooting.

D'arcy nodded.

' argh, I wish I could kill that thing now'

" I made tea for you, this is too reward you for your 18 years of servitude without being repulsive" he said as Sophia sat beside him.

" Thanks"

Sophia smiled.

She was finding it hard to respond to D'arcy as this was the first time, they were having a real conversation.

"Make yourself at home and pour yourself a cup of tea " D'arcy said smiling .

Sophia poured tea into her cup, and took a sip.

"Do you like the tea?" He asked

Sophia nodded.

" You see this tea is the finest in this continent, planted by the best farmers"

Sophia Face turned pale, she began to feel hot inside.

Her insides began to twist, it was more like all her internal organs were shredded and burning at the same time.

Darcy wore a creepy smile on seeing her expression.

" So what are you plans after today, if you make it out alive" he asked

Sophia eyes opened wide in shock.


"What do you mean master?" She said finding it difficult to respond.

" Your tea contained Brackill, Brackill as you know is a substance that acts as poison for Animals"

" Why?" She asked as the pain intensifies.

" You see after a product is being used, you dump it in the waste. Since I bought you from a greedy merchant 16 years ago and now I am done with you, I have decided to dump you"

Blood splurted from her mouth, she could feel her strength seeping away from her.

" I couldn't allow anyone enjoy what I have spent my energy on, so what do I do?.... I thought to myself "

" So I decided to end your life, since I made you what you are now" He continued smiling like he was doing the right thing.

Sophia's glowing skin began to lose its colour, she fell from her chair to the ground grabbing her stomach as she curled in pain.

Her visions became hazy, she began to find it difficult to breathe.

She had a quick flashback of one of her dreams, the flashback was vague but she could clearly remember it.

" You are destined for something beyond what you are, but for that to happen you will be killed and be reborn" She heard the voice clearly.

" Find me" the voice continued.

She had seen the owner of the voice in one of her dreams but never paid attention to it.

' is this what they meant?'

' how do I get reborn'

Her eyes began to close, she tried opening her eyes to stay alive.

She saw D'arcy smiling menancingly as he looked at her, but something has caught his attention.

" What did you do to my sister" She heard a voice.

Her visions became blurry as everything began to fade, but she could see a blurry figure running towards D'arcy.

' No' she thought, trying to call out to him but she couldn't as she was lost of all her energy.

Just as she was about to give up.

A screen appeared afront her.

"Rebirth "

Then another notification appeared

" Yes or No"

Sophia was confused as she had no idea what it was ,she hesitated for a bit.

' If my dream is real then I guess this is the only way out' she thought still in pains

Someone shrieked in pain as she hearda loud thud on the floor, she recognized the owner's voice .

' I hope you come along with me wherever I will be'

Looking at the screen notification she accepted Yes, and suddenly everything faded into blackness.


Meanwhile at the inn, a man who had been sitting at the window side began to shake vigorously.

He fell limp to the ground convulsing as whitish substance started coming out from his mouth, his eyes opened wide in shock.

The sudden situation attracted everyone's attention to where he was.

" Quickly get him to the white mages" Someone said

Two hefty men walked towards him hurriedly carrying him out of the inn.


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