
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 32 Alex goes to Hua City

Alex shakes his head. Well, Tthis is normal. After all, his father is a well-known psychologist. What kind of perverts has he not seen?

After explaining everything, Alex begins to seek for the information about Hua City. In his opinion, most of the information on the Internet is ambiguous. Even if there is any, it is exaggerated and feels unreliable.

Alex does not hesitate and comes to Tom's house again. He plans to ask Tom about the accurate situation there, which he is supposed to know it very well.

Tom is a little surprised when he hears Alex say that he is going to Hua City. Then he asks curiously,

"Why are you going there?"

Alex smiles, "Didn't you tell me it is heaven? I'll go and feel it."

Tom stares at him with a smile, but doesn't say anything. Alex also knows that his reason sounds untenable, so he continues,

"The police are watching me closely now, so I have to go out and hide. Besides, you are here and live next door to me. Two serial killers living together are too obvious to attract the attention of the police.

Also, this City is not a place like Hua City and murder cases are a really big deal here. If the two of us commit crimes one after another, we will absolutely be caught sooner or later, so I advise you to be careful."

Tom nods and accepts his reason.

The reason why Alex reminds Tom to be careful is that he is afraid that if he stays in a place like Hua City for too long, Tom would think that this City is the same as Hua City, doing things recklessly. Don't be caught by the police before Alex finds someone to get rid of him. Otherwise, at that time, Alex won't even have a place to cry.

Then Tom carefully tells Alex about the various forces there, which really makes Alex eye-opening. Gangs, in his impression, were the product of more than ten years ago. He didn't expect that they still exist there now?

Finally, Tom asks, "Do you need me to find someone to arrange for you?"

"No, I can handle all the information I get from you, thanks." Alex refuses.

After Alex leaves, Tom shows a cold and ironic smile, takes out his mobile phone and makes a call,

"This person is going to Hua City, please keep an eye on him for me and see what he has done? I will send you the photo later, and then I will tell you when he will arrive. You can do whatever you want at that time. My only request is that I want to know everything he does. If the matter is done well, you will definitely get the benefits."

After hanging up the phone, Tom sends Alex's photo.

At this time, a young man with short yellow hair and tattoos on his arms in Hua City jumps up from the bed and screams excitedly,

"It's time for a big job!"


Alex goes back to the room and starts packing. He won't bring much stuff with him and he could buy whatever he needs when he got there. He books a flight online and checks the time. He is leaving tomorrow morning and would arrive in the afternoon. It is awesome.

The next day, Alex picks up his luggage and goes straight to the airport.

Alex's actions are also discovered by Chen. Although there is still no evidence pointing to Alex, the police still has a lot of suspicions and someone is always watching him.

Chen frowns.

"What do you think he is doing in Hua City?"

Yang thinks for a while and says unsurely, "Is he going to run away?"

Before Chen speaks, Hu rolls his eyes, "Can you use your brain to think about it more carefully? Why is he running away?"

After stabbing Yang with one ironic word, Hu immediately apologizes, "I'm sorry, there is no clue to the case. I am a little emotional and my tone is too extreme."

Yang waves his hand and says it is not a big deal.

Chen continues,

"According to Alex's information, he is a local. He even went to college locally and he has never left here since he was a child. Why did he suddenly leave now? And why does he choose Hua City as the location?"

Hu frowns,

"He must have a reason to go there, but we don't know what the reason is now, and we can't stop him. Even if we stop him now, he can still go in two days. We can't restrict his personal freedom, right?"

Chen frowns. It is true. Without strong evidence, even the procuratorate would not support them, so there is no need to think about arresting him.

"Send two people to follow him."

Hearing what Chen says, Hu reminds him,

"Who should we send? We are so short of manpower now. Don't forget that Alice and I are not from police station here. If we can't find out the results in a while, this task force should be disbanded. We can't just keep wasting time like this."

"I know, that's why I ask two people to follow him, just to find out why he goes to Hua City. It is impossible that he goes here for no reason." Chen explains.

Hu nods and understands Chen's approach. This is indeed a solution that was not a solution. What he says is just to remind him.

Seeing Hu agrees, Chen continues, "Then let's do it in this way. I'll find an experienced person and let him take Yang and Alice with him together."



Hu nods and his expression relaxes, he feels relieved with Max watching over them.

Then Chen calls Max in and tells him about the mission, who nods to show that he understands.

Then Chen turns to look at Yang and Alice and tells them,

"Be careful when you go to Hua City this time and you must know what kind of place it is. I won't say more now. Remember that your mission this time is only to keep an eye on Alex.

I will contact the local police later, but don't expect them to provide you with any help. Try to rely on yourself when you encounter problems.

I am reminding you two that you are both young people who have not been in the police force for a long time. I know you are passionate and energetic, but in Hua City, you have to listen to Max for everything. This is an order. Don't rush up when you encounter something and believe in the power of the local police. There are many examples of good intentions leading to bad results."

Yang and Alice nods heavily, "I understand."

After that, Chen turns to look at Max, "I will leave them to you, protect yourselves carefually please."