
Rebirth:I become the murderer who has killed 40 persons

Alex suddenly discovers that his surroundings gets extremely strange after he woke up this morning and he realizes that he has an amazing experience of time-and space travel. There is only a diary beside him and he thinks that maybe this diary would answer his current confusion. However, when he opens that diary, he finds that the contents of that diary are extremely crazy and it is clearly a record of crimes, including at least 40 cases. And It's 90% sure that original owner is that murder, which makes Alex totally shocked. Just when Alex is about to read carefully and figure it out , the piercing siren downstairs wakes him up. Do the cops come here to catch him? will he surrender himself? Did the original owner really disappear? Or should he at least try to survive? What he should do exactly then?... Thousands of memories have come to Alex's mind...

susanlu · Horror
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68 Chs

Chapter 30 Tom was at the crime scene at that time

"I am not a beast, I am a human." Alex denies his father's words.

As if the father is extremely disappointed with him, he shakes his head and stops arguing with Alex. He lowers his head and continues to move forward.

Alex looks at his father's back silently.

Is he a beast? No, he is a human, and a normal person. The real beast was the original owner.

Alex doesn't want to continue arguing. Since he couldn't tell others about his time travel secret, he doesn't care about other people's opinions either and just wants to live his life well. He believes that time would erase everything, including the original owner.

Alex doesn't forget the purpose of his visit because of a few angry words. He catches up with his father again and asks directly,

"Who else knew about Miss Susan's death a decade ago?"

When his father hears this, he turns his head and stares at him in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Alex doesn't hide it. Anyway, his father knew everything he did, so there is no need to hide it from him. Alex briefly talks about Tom and tells the father his guess.


Hearing his father's puzzled voice, Alex frowns, "Do you know him?"

"Well, he is my student. He does know some things, and he called me before and said he saw you."

"Why didn't you tell me such a big thing?"

Alex is a little angry at this time. A person who knew his secret is right next to him, which is deadly scary.

"Tell you? Why do I need to tell you? Let you kill him?"

Alex gets silent. In his father's eyes, he is indeed such a person. He could not refute this, but what he couldn't understand is that the father incredibly believed a person who knew their secret would not tell anyone else?

Alex asks his question, but his father nods and affirms, "I believe him."

Alex just feels absurd at this time. He doesn't know what the relationship between these two guys, and he doesn't want to know. He just suppresses his anger and asks,

"Okay, you want to believe him, but I want to know what he knows? And what is his purpose?"

His father is silent, and it seems that he doesn't intend to tell him. Alex smiles, and his smile becomes colder and colder.

"Dad, are you protecting him?"

His father is still silent. Alex sees his appearance, and the anger in his heart has overwhelmed his reason.

"Dad, are you sure you can protect him?

You have two choices now. First, you choose to tell me now, and second, I let him tell me in person in some special way."

Seeing his father is still silent, Alex knows his choice and turns away.

There is a voice in his mind shouting wildly,

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him and everything will be over!"

Alex drives back home quickly, and he takes out the diary he has hidden somewhere and turns to the last page. He wants to record, to record Tom's death!

When Alex takes out the pen, he suddenly pauses, staring blankly at the pen in his hand,

"What's wrong with me? Why am I so angry?"

Alex forces himself to calm down. There must be a reason for his sudden loss of control, and the reason is his father.

When his father clearly expresses that he wants to protect Tom, he has already lost control. Why?

There are basically no much memories about his family in his incomplete memory. The only little memory is what he remembered when he went home before. The scene in his memory is very warm.

That means that their family got along well at that time, but he knew there must be a turning point here, and that point was when the original owner was discovered by his father after killing the first person.

Alex put himself in the perspective of his father. He found that his son killed someone, not accidentally, but deliberately. As a well-known psychologist, he must have seen that the original owner enjoyed the feeling of killing at that time, which means that he knew that his son was a thorough "beast" or "devil".

He thought about calling the police and letting the original owner stand trial, but because of blood relationship or family affection, he did not do so. He chose to help his son deal with the corpse and became an accomplice.

How will he face this son from then on? This shows that the original owner's life has changed since then and he is no longer spoiled.

The original owner was at a loss from being loved to being ignored now, because he did not think there was anything wrong with killing people. Just like his father said, would a beast feel guilty about the death of its prey? No.

Now the original owner found that his father's love for him has transferred to someone else. He could not accept it for a while and became angry and crazy, which in turn affected himself. All this made sense. This is why he lost control.

After figuring this out, Alex knows what to do next. He should try to have less contact with his father.

Thinking of his father's words, his father knew that Tom knew something. The first possibility was that his father told Tom by himself. Thinking of Tom's appearance, he was older than Alex, but he should be only a few years older. Did his father treat Tom as his son?

This explains why his father trusts him so much and why he wants to protect him.

The second possibility is that his father did not tell Tom, so why did Tom know?

Either his father let it slip, but who is his father? A well-known psychologist, would such a person let the secret slip? Alex doesn't believe it at all.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, when Miss Susan died, Tom was also at the scene. Tom accidentally saw it at that time, but he did not choose to call the police, but told his father.

This explains why he knew Susan. Compared with his father's initiative to tell Tom, Alex is more inclined to the latter guess.

Thinking of this, Alex narrows his eyes. It seems that he has to talk to Tom to see what he is going to do?

Without further ado, Alex gets up and goes to Tom's door and knocks on it.

After a while, the door is opened. Tom looks a little surprised, "What's the matter so late?"

"Go in and talk." Alex pushes the door open, and walks in without caring whether Tom is willing or not.

Tom looks at Alex who breaks in, his eyes flickers, and then pretends to be helpless and says, "You are so rude, you know."

Alex sits down carelessly as if he is back home, looking at Tom with a sharp look,

"Still pretending? Don't you know me? You should be very familiar with me."

Tom closes the door, "I didn't say that I didn't know you, right?"

"What do you mean by @ me? What's your purpose?" Alex asks directly.

"You are so direct but I don't have any purpose. I just want to remind you that you are a murderer because I think you almost forgot these things. This is not good, definitely."

"So you were at the scene at that time?"

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