
Rebels respite

"In the heart of darkness, where the echoes of forgotten sorrows linger, a question hangs heavy in the air: What does it truly mean to fight for a cause greater than oneself? As the flames of conflict engulf a realm torn asunder by war, one must confront the specter of destiny and ask: Can one person change the course of history, or are we mere pawns in a game played by gods and men alike?" ______________________________________________________________________ In the dead of night, a chance encounter with a familiar face leads our protagonist, our MC, to a life-altering decision. Racing to save the girl from an oncoming truck, our MC is struck down before he can even process the outcome. Awakening in a new world as Aurelio Ignis, a 12-year-old boy, he finds himself navigating unfamiliar surroundings with a sense of both trepidation and curiosity. Despite the initial shock of his reincarnation, Aurelio embraces his new life, forging friendships and experiencing the simple joys denied to him in his past existence. However, tranquility is shattered when war erupts between the kingdom and the neighboring 6th Veridian empire. Villages are razed, innocent lives lost, and international law disregarded, yet the world remains ominously silent in the face of injustice. Forced to flee to the capital city of Meraleth, Aurelio and his family seek refuge in a crowded refugee camp, where a grim announcement awaits them: all males aged 14, 15, and 16 are to be conscripted into the army. With his fate sealed, Aurelio is thrust into the midst of conflict, tasked with reclaiming the annexed territories and fulfilling a promise made to his family: to survive until the war's end. As Aurelio grapples with the weight of his responsibilities, the echoes of his past haunt him, driving him to confront the injustices that threaten to consume his world. Will he emerge victorious, bringing justice to the innocent lives lost, or will he succumb to the same fate that befell his brethren, leaving the dream of peace a distant memory? -------------- Some info: Release frequency- No fixed frequency, whenever I get time ig? Expect some insane power scaling in later chapters (Around the end of the Dusk to destiny arc (vol 2) ) A lot of characters, places, weapons and other stuff will be based on real historical events and names and whatnot. There isn't any sort of magic, and any powerful characters will be powerful purely due to their overall physicality intelligence and whatnot.

Aruhan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

The start of a lengthy Journey

The darkness enveloped him, a shroud of oblivion that swallowed the fragments of his past. It was an all-consuming blackness, a void where time lost its meaning and reality faded into mere whispers of forgotten dreams. He drifted, aimless in the void, an ephemeral wraith lost in the abyss. There was no up or down, no sense of direction, only the eternal emptiness that stretched infinitely in every direction.

The coldness of the void seeped into his very soul, numbing his senses and blurring the lines between existence and nonexistence. Thoughts became elusive shadows, slipping through his grasp like grains of sand. Memories, once vivid and full of life, now felt like distant echoes, barely audible in the overwhelming silence.

In this boundless sea of nothingness, he felt the weight of eternity pressing down on him. Every attempt to recall who he was or where he came from was met with a suffocating fog that clouded his mind. Faces, names, and places swirled in the periphery of his consciousness, but they remained just out of reach, like stars hidden behind a thick veil of clouds.

"I guess this is it, this is the end."

Or at least that's what he thought until the distant echo of voices and the tender warmth of an embrace—hauntingly familiar—stirred him from his "slumber."

With a gasp, he opened his eyes to find himself on a bed, drenched in sweat, his body burning with fever. His eyes darted frantically around the room. After careful examination, he realized he wasn't in a hospital, as one might expect after being hit by a frickin' truck. Instead, he found himself in what seemed to be a medieval-style cottage.

The room was bathed in the soft, flickering light of scattered candles, their flames casting dancing shadows across the walls. Thick curtains draped over the windows, blocking any glimpse of the outside world. The air was thick with the scent of wood and faint hints of herbs, imbuing the room with a cozy, comforting atmosphere.

In front of him stood two striking figures, a man and a woman, their presence almost otherworldly.

To his right was a man of formidable presence, his silky black hair cascading around his shoulders, and eyes that shimmered like rubies in the dim light. His physique spoke of strength and resilience, akin to that of a seasoned warrior. He was dressed in a simple yet sturdy tunic of undyed wool, its natural hue a warm earthy tone. Over the tunic, he wore a rough-spun cloak of coarse wool, its color faded from years of wear. His trousers were of a similar material, tucked into worn leather boots that bore the marks of frequent use.

Beside him stood a woman with long brown hair tied up in a ponytail, her warm blue eyes exuding a sense of calm and reassurance despite the visible fatigue. She wore a gown of unadorned linen, its color a muted shade of cream, cinched at the waist with a plain leather belt. Her sleeves were long and loose, offering protection against the elements. A modest pendant in the shape of two mountains hung from a simple leather cord around her neck.

A small girl, who looked to be around seven years old, stood beside her mother. Her innocent blue eyes were wide with concern. Her long brown hair was tied back with a simple ribbon, framing her face in loose curls. She clutched a doll, using it to cover her mouth, her expression one of profound worry. She wore a plain cotton dress in a soft shade of pale beige, complemented by a shawl wrapped around her shoulders for warmth on cool evenings.

"Auri! You're finally awake!" The woman said with tears forming in her eyes. She spoke a language that he had never heard of, yet he still somehow understood perfectly. The language sounded ancient, with a lot of 'O's, 'I's, and 'A's, like a mix of an ancient middle eastern language and an east Asian language.

--'Who are these people?'

He searched deep in his memories to be met with two streams of memories attacking the guy's mind at once, it would appear as if he has two sets of memories, the first one being the of the 19 year old university student who died trying to save a girl from a truck, and the second being that of the current body he resides in. A 12 year old boy in a different world, Aurelio Ignis, the son to Fabian Ignis and Valarie Ignis, a renowned knight and retired healer respectively. The little girl was Haiya Ignis, his 7 year old sister.

He lifted his hands up and looked at them, shocked by how small they are.

Valarie, the woman quickly went over to Aurelio and hugged him tightly. Shocked from the quick reaction , Aurelio just sat there, his eyes wide open while he let everything sink in.

"Mom, dad...?" Aurelio muttered quietly while trying to process everything.

"How is your fever? It seems to have dropped quite a lot." The man said with a reassuring smile. 


"Don't worry, just rest a little and you will be perfectly fine" The man said.

"Mommy said that you were very sick, are you feeling better, brother?"

"I made a drawing while you were sleeping, do you wanna see it?" The little girl said.

Aurelio took a moment to gather his thoughts. It seems like he has transmigrated into another world. After some consideration, Aurelio looked at his little sister with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, Haiya," he finally said, his voice soft but filled with warmth. "I'm feeling much better now, thanks to Mom and Dad taking care of me. I would love to see your drawing." 

Even as Aurelio grappled with the bewildering circumstances of his return, he found comfort in the familiarity of his surroundings. Though everything felt hazy, he sensed the weight of twelve years' worth of memories in this world. They were like old friends, welcoming him back and grounding him in this new reality. However, his memories had a lot of gaps in them, there was a lot of stuff that he didn't remember.

The little girls eyes lit up, a huge smile appeared on her face, she ran towards the wooden door and opened it, sprinting towards her room to fetch the drawing. 

His mother, Valarie, let go of him and wiped her tears before speaking.

"Aurelio, it's a relief to see you awake," Valarie said, her voice trembling slightly with emotion.

"We were so worried about you. Your fever spiked so suddenly, and you were burning up. We feared the worst." She paused, her eyes filled with concern.

"Remember to take it easy, dear. Your health comes first, always."

Fabian, standing nearby, nodded in agreement. "Your mother's right, son. We were all very concerned. But you're a tough one, just like your old man," he said with a faint smile piercing through his stoic demeanor, trying to reassure Aurelio.

Despite his parents' reassuring words, Aurelio's heart remained heavy with the weight of his memories. The warmth of his family's embrace offered solace, but beneath the surface, an undercurrent of fear pulsed through him, a constant reminder of the burdens of his past he bore with him.

"I'm okay, Mom," Aurelio murmured, his voice betraying the turmoil within. "Thanks for taking care of me."

Valarie's eyes softened with understanding as she nodded in response. "We're just glad you're safe, dear," she said, her voice gentle yet tinged with concern. "You had us all so worried."

Aurelio forced himself to return his mother's smile, though the shadows of his past still lingered in the recesses of his mind. Despite the love and warmth that surrounded him, he couldn't shake the gnawing sense of dread that threatened to consume him. It was a reminder that some scars ran deeper than others, leaving wounds that even time couldn't heal.

After a little while both the man, Fabian, and the woman, Valarie left the room to allow for their child, Aurelio to rest. 

Aurelio was still amidst the process of taking everything in, after all, his brain was being overloaded by two different streams of conscious. After spending some time trying to process everything he finally calmed down, his high heart rate slowed down a bit and he felt like he finally understood everything.

He has been reborn into another world, a world completely different to earth, a world with the same fundamentals as the earth he knew, yet still entirely different. He made his way out of the wooden room that was only illuminated by a single candle. He walked through the long lobby of this small cottage that is now his home. 

After talking with his parents he decided to take a bath to wash off all the sweat and grime that he accumulated during the 2 days he had a fever. 

As Aurelio made his way to the bathing area, he couldn't shake off the surreal feeling that enveloped him. It was as if he had stepped into a dream, one where the lines between reality and imagination blurred seamlessly. The memories of his previous life as a university student mingled with the vivid recollections of his new identity as Aurelio Ignis, the son of Fabian and Valarie.

Entering the bathing area, Aurelio was greeted by the soothing sound of water trickling from a nearby spring. The room was warm and steamy, the air heavy with the scent of herbs and flowers. It was a stark contrast to the darkness and uncertainty that had plagued him moments ago.

As he undressed and stepped into the calming embrace of the hot spring, Aurelio felt the tension in his muscles melt away. The water seemed to caress his skin, washing away not only the physical grime but also the emotional turmoil that had consumed him since awakening in this new world.

Closing his eyes, Aurelio allowed himself to relax completely, surrendering to the gentle currents of the spring. In this moment of solitude, he found solace in the simple act of bathing, a ritual that grounded him amidst the chaos of his newfound existence.

As he soaked in the warm waters, Aurelio's mind began to clear, the conflicting memories gradually fading into the background. He focused instead on the sensations of the present moment—the warmth of the water, the gentle lapping of the waves, the soft glow of candlelight filtering through the steam.

After his rejuvenating bath, Aurelio stepped out of the bathing area feeling refreshed and invigorated. He took a moment to appreciate the quaint charm of his surroundings—the rustic furnishings, the soft flicker of candlelight, and the comforting warmth of the hearth.

After his rejuvenating bath, Aurelio wrapped himself in a soft towel and made his way back to his room. The wooden floorboards creaked beneath his feet as he walked, adding to the rustic charm of the cottage. Entering his room, Aurelio took a moment to appreciate the simple yet cozy space that was now his own.

The room was small but inviting, with a modest bed adorned with a patchwork quilt, a sturdy wooden desk cluttered with books and scrolls, and a small window that allowed a sliver of moonlight to filter through. The walls were adorned with faded tapestries depicting scenes of nature and adventure, adding a touch of whimsy to the space.

Aurelio approached the small mirror hanging on the wall and gazed at his reflection. The flickering candlelight cast soft shadows across his features, highlighting the contours of his face. His black hair, damp from the bath, fell in loose waves around his face, framing his handsome features. His eyes, a striking shade of red like his father's, glowed softly in the dim light.

-- 'DAMN! I really look this good?'

In the dim light of the room, Aurelio's reflection stared back at him with a mixture of familiarity and strangeness.

Taking a deep breath, Aurelio let go of the past and embraced the present. He was Aurelio Ignis now, the son of Fabian and Valarie, and this world was his new home. With a sense of determination, he turned away from the mirror and began to dress himself in clothes befitting his new world and time period—a simple tunic and trousers woven from sturdy fabric. As he did so, a sense of belonging began to take root within him, guiding him forward into the unknown.

Leaving his room, Aurelio made his way through the cozy cottage, the wooden floorboards creaking softly beneath his feet. He could hear the distant murmur of voices coming from the main living area, where his parents were likely preparing a meal.

Entering the bustling kitchen, Aurelio was greeted by the comforting aroma of home-cooked food—a hearty stew simmering over the fire, fresh bread baking in the oven, and the sweet scent of herbs and spices filling the air. 

"Ah, there you are, Aurelio!" exclaimed Valarie, smiling warmly as she bustled about the kitchen. "Feeling better, I hope?"

Aurelio nodded, returning his mother's smile with a grateful expression. "Yes, much better, thank you," he replied, his voice still tinged with a hint of wonder at his newfound circumstances.

Fabian, who was standing at the hearth stirring the pot of stew, glanced over at Aurelio with a proud smile. "Good to hear, son," he said, his deep voice subtly filled with affection. "You gave us quite a scare with that fever of yours."

Haiya, who just saw Aurelio, hurried over to him, her eyes bright with excitement as she held out a piece of paper to him. "Look, look, I drew our house!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm. The drawing depicted their humble cottage nestled within a verdant valley, with tall mountains rising majestically in the distance. Despite its simplicity, the sketch captured the essence of their home, complete with a crooked chimney and a garden blooming with colorful flowers.

As the four of them gathered around the table to share a meal, Aurelio couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and belonging wash over him. In the company of his loving parents and spirited little sister, surrounded by the comforts of home, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he would face them with courage and determination.

As they ate and exchanged stories from their day, Aurelio couldn't help but marvel at the simple joys of family and companionship. And as the evening wore on and the fire crackled merrily in the hearth, he knew that he had finally found a place where he truly belonged—a place he could call home.