
Rebellious wife of President Wang

"Brother Wang please be my boyfriend!" "No!” “pleaseeee.” “No.” “Brother, I beg you.” “No” “Brother you don’t love me anymore? You dote on me the most.” NiNi show her ultimate comic-sparkling-eyes moves. “hmm.. still no.” he smile stiffly at NiNi “Why brother don’t want to help Xiao Ni, Xiao Ni is sad. Heung heung…” “Whatever, I’ll just said to aunty Wang that I want to be you wife.” He said he don't want to be my boyfriend, but then he said “what fake boyfriend, I don’t like fake things. Either be boyfriend or not at all.” Edited and newest version on Good Novel apk

Snat · Urban
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147 Chs

Lose your privileges

One intruder has gone, and Xiao Ni has started to talk with him again, it put Wang Kai in a good mood to play chasing games with Xiao Ni.

"Hah... Hah.. stop it, I can't run anymore." Xiao Ni said with a panting sound. She rests both of her hands at her knee while take her to breathe.

When she raises her head and looks at the calm Wang Kai, she silently scolds herself. Xiao Ni, look at you, you should work out more, see, now in this dangerous situation you can't even run to save yourself! such a disgrace!

"Ckckck, tired already? here drink some water." Xiao Ni didn't know when the hell he took a bottle of mineral water, but the bottle has transferred to her hand now.

Xiao Ni opens the cap and drinks half of the bottle before she composed herself. "Wei, don't you busy or something? why waste your precious time to chase me, you don't have to do business or something?" Xiao Ni asks sarcastically.

"You are my business." Wang Kai answering with a calm face, boils Xiao Ni's anger even faster.

Xiao Ni rolls her eyes, "Did that line still work for you?" Wang Kai's lame lines make her even more annoyed.

"I don't even have to throw a line to catch a girl." Wang Kai answer nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulder. Xiao Ni nods her head lazily as she walks away from him.

This time, she didn't run away, walking casually instead. Wang Kai is quite surprised that she allowed him to walk beside her now. Bah, she probably too tired to run away again.

"How are your charity even going?" Xiao Ni really admires Wang Kai's ability to act like they don't have bad blood between them. "It's great, thank you for asking," she answer nonchalantly.

"When is the date, I'll tell Han Li to clear my schedule that day." Wang Kai acts like he forgot the date just to prolong their conversation.

"January 7." Xiao Ni answers directly without paying much attention to him.

Heh, look at you, hard isn't it searching for topic? eat your own medicine now! Do you think it will be easy to win me again?

Initially you are many step ahead from many suitors, but you actually take it for granted. such a disappointment. Now you had lose your privileges, I want to see, can you still acting like a big boss.

Wang Kai nods his head, tried to find another topic again. Wang Kai always thought that he had a smart brain, however, now his brain has failed him.

He tilted his head to look at Xiao Ni. Usually, when they are together, that girl never stops talking and keep the atmosphere alive. Wang Kai shut his mouth before he silently sighs.

Did she really want nothing to do with him again?


In the hospital ward, Song Qian is spending her Christmas day with her dear mother and sketch paper.

Wang fashion has decided to enter an international fashion competition where if they win this competition they would become the biggest fashion brand in the capital.

She has put this competition as her first priority and been working on it for 4 months now. She even rearranges her team and takes over the competition team herself.

"Qian Qian," Her mother's shaky voice make Song Qian raise her head and look up, a gentle smile formed at his lips. "Mom," she called and walk to approach her mom.

"Song Qian, where is your sister?" her mother asks, before she cough. Song Qian takes a glass of water and gives it to mother Guan. "She is on her way," she answers while watching her mother drink the water.

"En, that's good," mother Song nod her head, pleased before she asks Song Qian, "Qian, you've been working too long, rest awhile." Mother Song is a gentlewoman, even her movement full of elegance.

Song Qian nods her head and pull a chair and sit beside her mom. Mother Qian holds Song Qian's hand and a faint smile written on her face. "Cough... Song Qian, mother sorry, I might can't accompany you again, mother apologizes to you."

Song Qian shook her head frantically, "No mom, don't say something like that. Mom, you will live with me forever." she pulls mother Song's hand to her cheek.

"Silly girl, no one lives forever." She probably didn't want to make Song Qian cried so she stops talking. "Mom you have to leave forever, you haven't even seen our new home yet."

"You have to believe that you will be healthy again, your daughter has success now, it's time for you to enjoy life." Their eyes meet and Song Qian can see the sadness in her mother's eyes. But she silently nods with a smile, agreeing on her sentence.

"Song Qian, do you want to hear a story about your father?" mother Guan caress Song Qian's plump cheeks, her eyes filled with something Song Qian never saw before.

It feels with love and passion.

Song Qian nods her head swiftly, noticing her mother's happy face make her curious about his father figure. "His name is Fu Qian Long, he is a gentleman that save mom after Song Yun's father abandoned us."

"He's a great pianist, his love for music and art inspire the mother to realize that there is so much thing in this world other than a man. Your father is a good man."

"If he is a good man, why did he abandoned us?" Song Qian can't stop her mouth from asking.

"He didn't abandon us," mother Song stop for a second before she moves her gaze to the window outside. "Mom choose to leave him, because..."

Mother Song stop and move her sight back to Song Qian. She looks down, probably considering whatever she wants to say next. "I am a third party."

Song Qian couldn't believe her mother's word. Never it occurs to her that her mother is a third party. A mother that rather work as a dishwasher than to sell her body to feed them even though she has a pretty face and nice body in the past.

Mother Song too, looks down as her eyes filled with disgusted in herself. She felt ashamed to continued her story, but she must. Sighing and take the courage to look at her daughter once again, she delivered her message.

"Song Qian, the mother is very proud of who are you today. You, my precious daughter, I'm sorry I don't give you the best life this world could offer. I can't even send you to college, cough cough."

"Your father, he is a great man, he also holds some power. When mom is gone, go to live with your father," she holds Song Qian's hand transferring the warmth.

"Mom, I don't want. I can live on my own and you are not going anywhere." Song Qian frowns as she refuses her mom directly. She had such a good job and wedge now, why would she depends her life on some stranger.

mother Song shakes her head, "Song Qian, if you live with your father, you can find a husband with a better background, you don't have to work hard like today."

"Your sister is lucky, she can cling to a golden turtle, even have a child assurance. I can't accompany you again, go to your father, he will give you a better life."


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