
Rebellious wife of President Wang

"Brother Wang please be my boyfriend!" "No!” “pleaseeee.” “No.” “Brother, I beg you.” “No” “Brother you don’t love me anymore? You dote on me the most.” NiNi show her ultimate comic-sparkling-eyes moves. “hmm.. still no.” he smile stiffly at NiNi “Why brother don’t want to help Xiao Ni, Xiao Ni is sad. Heung heung…” “Whatever, I’ll just said to aunty Wang that I want to be you wife.” He said he don't want to be my boyfriend, but then he said “what fake boyfriend, I don’t like fake things. Either be boyfriend or not at all.” Edited and newest version on Good Novel apk

Snat · Urban
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147 Chs

I am the father

Ah... big boss is out of his mind a?

Working for him since he graduated until now, apart from dating a few times for business purposes, when did he had time to date?

"Should... I write a report about it?" Han Li raised his left eyebrow, through his spectacle, his eyes meet Wang Kai's sharp eyes.

Wang Kai squints his eyes before his lips turn into a little frown. Wang Kai shook his head, lazily answer him, "Nevermind, you never even date any girl."

Han Li: "..." Should he call it out loud? Never date is a sin ma? why he had such a heartless boss?

Han Li hides his deep displeasure and smile instead, facing his forever straight-faced boss he politely bows and excuses himself, "Then, I excuse myself to prepare jet to coax back your EX-Fiance boss."

Wang Kai glared at Han Li who has run to save himself. Shifting his eyes from the door, he picks up his phone and slides open it.

Subconsciously he talks to the Xiao Ni in the picture, "Tsk, hate me that much? not even want to pick up my call now?' He knocked Xiao Ni's nose hatefully.

"I'm the man of my word, I'm not coming to see you, I just happen to need a suit for an event."

"Sigh, when will you forgive me?"


Daytime at C Nation means it's night time in Italy. Xavier's mansion was huge and luxurious, dominated with dark wood color.

Sitting in the big dining room under the room chandelier, the usually cold place filled with laughter. Placing another pizza on little Siena's plate, Xiao Ni teases the little girl again.

"Hahaha, I think that little Tom like you~"

little Sienna blush and shake her head frantically, "Impossible, he annoyed me to hell every day, how is that like?"

"That what boy do when they like a girl, trust auntie, aunty had a lot of experience.' Xiao Ni said proudly, showing her gummies smile.

Hearing Xiao Ni's shameless remarks, Annita laugh and said, "You are the carbon copies of your mother, this kind of self proclaims, only you, pair of daughter and mother can do."

Xiao Ni laughs along with Annita before her corner of eyes noticing Xavier's frowns. Turning her head to look clearer Xavier's expression she really can find Xavier's frowning.

He didn't get angry because she was spouting nonsense to his daughter, didn't he?

Xiao Ni suddenly felt uneasy and guilty. Xavier notices how the temperature of the room suddenly drops, noticing Xiao Ni has starts to play with his nail, he had a faint smile on his face.

"Siena is a father's girl, no boy can like her, the only papa can like you." He said with a protective tone.

Siena replies to her father with a pretty smile and quickly nodded her head. "Siena too, want to be with papa forever."

Turning her head to Xiao Ni, the innocent child slightly pout when she remembers that Xiao Ni has to go home eventually, "Sienna want to be with Stephanie sister forever too."

Xiao Ni's heart melts, when she heard Siena words. The feeling wanted by someone is indeed very satisfying. Xiao Ni felt she like Sienna even more.

"Awe, baby you can come to aunty house anytime, don't be sad." Xiao Ni raises her hand to hug little Sienna who sat beside her. Siena raised her eyes that filled with gleaming hopes at her father, chirping "Can I?"

Xavier who had a soft smile on his caucasian handsome face, nods his head, "Of course you can visit aunty Stephanie when the school break time comes."

The smiles on Sienna's face broke again, turns into a deep frown. "That is another 6 months," she complains and looks at Xiao Ni, "Aunty why don't you marry Papa If you marry him I can be with you forever~"

Xavier who drinking water, splash out when he heard Sienna's words. He helplessly looks at her daughter, 'Daugther, don't be so direct, you might scare your future mom away.'

Annita and Xiao Ni giggles, Xiao Ni ruffled Sienna's hair before she asks, "Pretty Sienna, you want to be with aunty so bad?"

Sienna nods her head with bright smiles, creating another smile at three other adults' faces. Xiao Ni nods her head once and asks her again, "Then why don't you spend your rest of vacation with aunty? Aunty will take you to see a real panda!"

Sienna's enthusiasm rose again when she saw Xavier smile and nod his head this time, she screams and jumped out from her seat. "YES! I CAN SEE REAL PANDA!"

Xiao Ni also had her grin when she saw Sienna's enthusiasm, she stands up to join Sienna celebration.

After dining, Xiao Ni back to his room and refresh herself. When she did with her bathing and night routine, she heard someone knock the door.

Expecting Annita come to had a little chat with her, she rose up from her seat and head to the door.

"Hey, what do you need?" Xiao Ni ask directly when she saw Xavier standing on the door instead. Xavier raises his hand and revealing her phone on his hand.

Xiao Ni grins as she said, "thank you," to Xavier. Phone resting on her hand, she notices lights from her phone, didn't she had her phone switched off?

"I find it on Sienna playing room and had it recharged," Xavier said with a friendly tone, he looks like he wanted to ask something but doubting to speak his mind.

Xiao Ni nods her head casually, didn't bother to ask him what is bothering him and prepared to get back to her room. "Err..." Xiao Ni makes uneasy, dropping hints for Xavier to go.

"Then I'll go first, see you in the morning," Xavier said and nod his head before he heads to his own room.

Xiao Ni closes the door and sits on the edge of the bed, opening her phone and notice that Wang Kai has to stop harassing her. Hmph, give up so easily, I thought successful people always tried until they succeed.

How the heck this man became the president of big Wang Corporation? Certainly because of collusion.

Wang Kai's image in Xiao Ni's eyes has collapsed to the point where he didn\t even have good merit left. No matter what he does now, Xiao Ni can't see any good out of it.

People say just how much you love someone, when it turns to hate, you will hate them the same amount.

Just when Xiao Ni wants to ignore Wang Kai's call and text, she read a sentence that makes her eyes widen completely.


Xiao Ni furrow her eyebrow and look at the text weirdly, cursing him, "Gone lunatic a?"

**** Secret screen****

When the jets have steadily flown on the big sky, Wang Kai connected his phone to the jet's wifi. With one leg crossing another, he lazily tried to call Xiao Ni again.

Han Li, doing his own job, sitting not far away from the great god peep to observe his boss expression. When he saw a faint frown still pestering Wang Kai\s face he felt satisfied.

Open his secret Weibo account, Han Li began to fanboying for Xiao Ni again.

Betraying my boss for Xiao Ni: Ah, only Xiao Ni can help me beat my boss, feels so satiesfied!

He quickly immersed with his Weibo while Wang Kai faces suddenly lifted up when Xiao Ni answers his call, finally. However, the ray of sunshine turns into great storms when he heard a man voice from the phone.

"Hello, who is this?"


After hearing the man's voice and record it on his brain, Wang Kai planned to confront the man before he heard faint of Xiao Ni's voice.

"Ah, How I wish you are my daughter!" she said with fluent English.

"Aunty, I also want you to be my mother!" Wang Kai can guess that it was a little girl from her voice.

"It settles then, from now on I'm your mother!" after saying this, Wang Kai can hear Xiao Ni and the little girls giggles. Deep displeasure has shown on his face.

Turning his focus back to the man on Xiao Ni's phone, Wang Kai with his usual icy tone question the man identities, "Who are you?" he said through his gritted teeth.

His breathing was stable and calm but the temperature in the jet has dropped a few levels lower. It was fine, Han Li was used to it, but after hearing the man answer, everybody on the jet regretted setting their foot on the jet.

"I am the father."


The trio of 'family' planned to have a nice picnic at the public park. Annita makes sure they have everything prepared before they off to go to the park.

Xavier was driving, while Xiao Ni sat beside him and Sienna smiling happily at the back seat. Holding her favorite doll, the grin on her chubby face never disappears.

"Aunty, do you think my papa is handsome?" Sienna's childish question surprise the adults sitting at the front. At Sienna's question, Xiao Ni reflect look at Xavier.

Well, great jaw and nose, bushy eyebrows is a plus point, lips somewhat sexy and his grey eyes were extremely attractive. She would be lying if she said Xavier is ugly.

Xavier raised his eyebrow, looking at Sienna through the reviewing mirror, little girl still playing match matching for his father. He knew Xiao Ni is staring and judging, it makes him nervous.

He tightened grip on the steering wheel while he ignores Xiao Ni's daggering stares. "Well, looking at the beautiful daughter you papa had, Aunty must admit that your papa is handsome."

Sienna was pleased after hearing Xiao Ni thought, she nods her little head and raises her thumb. "Me too I think Papa is very handsome, Although your friend is handsome too."

"My Friend?" Xiao Ni furrows her eyebrow and turns her body to look at Sienna. She saw Sienna nod her head happily, raising her phone to show Xiao Ni the picture she was seeing.

It was a picture of her and Wang Kai at the news with headlines 'GUAN'S COMPANY HEIRESS DUMPED AGAIN BY THE CEO OF WANG CORPORATION!' It was not written in English, thus little Sienna didn't understand the meaning.

"But my Papa looks nicer, aunty is this your boyfriend?" Sienna's curious face was extremely cute, Xiao Ni can't resist the temptation to pinch her chubby cheeks.

The chubby girl, however, was used to be a pinch on her cheek that she felt nothing, but nevertheless, she still pouts and brushes her cheek. Xiao Ni patted her head before she fills the little girl's curiosity.

"He is not my boyfriend, boyfriend is a nuisance and a waste of time, understood Sienna?" Xiao Ni kisses Sienna's cheeks when she saw that Sienna nods her head innocently.

Thinking that she had answers Sienna's curiosity, Xiao Ni turns back her body to look at the front road. She never expects that she would be shot her own foot when she heard Sienna said to her father, "Father you will be a nuisance and a waste of time."


"Sienna why don't you sing your favorite song to aunty?" Xavier salvages the moment, change the subject to divert Sienna's attention. When Xiao Ni heard Sienna started to sing her favorite princess song, she silently praised Xavier's ability.

The two adults acting like they heard nothing from the little girl, laughing and clapping their hand every time Sienna finish one song until they arrived at the park.

"We've arrived," Xavier exclaims with excitement on his voice. Xiao Ni and Sienna too, cheer loudly and get down from the car.

"Aunty see, there are so many butterflies today!" Sienna run to take a closer look, worried about Sienna, Xiao Ni wanted to tell Xavier that she will go with Sienna but the man is in the middle of the conversation on the phone.

Right, a businessman never had a vacation, moreover a workaholic like that Wang lunatic. Not wanting to think about Wang Kai and disturb Xavier, Xiao Ni quietly ran to chase Sienna.

"Sienna! wait for aunty!" she called and run forward only to feel that she has been grabbed and pulled by a strong hand. Xiao Ni's body flung into a hard chest with a familiar scent.

Sniffing a few more time again, Xiao Ni mumbles, "hmm, this is not right, let me sniff one more time."

The owner of the scent quietly watching Xiao Ni's mini dialoge without moving an inch from his position, pulling Xian Ni into his embrace.

"Still not right a, this is the scent of a bastard, let me see who is the bastard that has guts to hug me." Xiao Ni raised her head slowly, to look at the man.

That man is handsome, he even has that male lead effect, that shining background highlighting his handsome face. but there is a little frown on his lips.

Xiao Ni push the man chest and glare at him widely, showing a clear frown on her pretty face she snapped, "What are you doing here?"

Wang Kai is expressionless, clearly not going to answer Xiao Ni with her usual narcissistic playful answers. Not letting Xiao Ni hand go he answer Xiao Ni with a flat tone, "Go home, make a daughter."

Xiao Ni was in shock for a while after hearing Wang Kai's answer, when she returned to her sense Wang Kai has dragged her away. Xiao Ni tried to break loosen the grip on her hand, yet it didn't make the grip loosen up a little bit. In fact, he holds her even tighter.

"Jerk! let me go, I have to look after Sienna, what if someone kidnaps her?" Xiao Ni wasn't making any excuses to break free, she is really concern about the little girl.

Wang Kai iciness that initially has slowly dissipated awaken up again, Staring at rebellious women, he sneers "You don't have to worry about other people's daughter, you only need to care about our daughter."

Well, at the mention of the daughter, it makes Wang Kai's gloomy mood brighten up a little bit. A mini Xiao Ni but a little chubbier is perfect, his little girl doesn't need any gene from him, the more she looks like Xiao Ni, the more he will be pleased.

"Are you crazy?" Xiao Ni is on the verge of collapsing due to anger. This man suddenly appears and demanding for daughter out of nowhere!

Wang Kai furrows his eyebrow at Xiao Ni, Is he crazy? can a man stay sane after hearing another man claiming to be the husband of his future wife?

If that man we're sane, he would be insane like him!

"What? angry because I interrupted your family play?" Wang Kai throws his dagger look at Xiao Ni. "I give you freedom does that mean you go straight to become somebody step-mother!"

Xiao Ni jaw dropped, she felt very insulted at Wang Kai's accusations, she even forgot that they are on public eyes now.

She raises her middle finger up and says, "F*ck you."

She left him alone in the park.


Xiao Ni said "Please support our author by reading this novel only on Webnovel, don't forget you comment, rate and have fun~"

Xiao Ni : Please read this only on Webnovel to show support for our author >.<

Oh no, a late post, btw I finally back from my vacation

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