
Rebellious Warriors

summary updating finally a cover owned by the author kinda

Waveandsmile · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Histories and present

The world was in panic there was bloodshed everywhere several false treaties, true and all this started with the emergence of elements. Elements are superpowers which are only applicable to earth.

When it first sprout out it was considered a curse and the first element to sprout was fire element it raged across everywhere the building was on fire except thinking of it as an accident everyone started to accuse him of it The second was water and it goes on and as the saying goes 'Humans become cruel when they are scared'. The saying became a fact and then they started the war. There were three types of elemented people they all made their own organization. One organization thought of going through the legal way, the human rights. The other where a bunch of teenagers who started a superhero team, the third were the negate people. Their negativity towards people were so much that they started slaughtering. It was not totally their fault they were actually the outcasts of the society before the sprouting of elements and the sproutness just made it worse. Now the normal people were having a hard time Political events and chaos in one country was one thing but international war, civil war, riots, Political wars was other thing and alas! it was the later. All this happened and at last democracy was taken down and military government was adopted.

The superhero team were first to do fun but they didn't know that they will be going to live the life of an adult, they didn't know that they would have to kill for that matter. After having experienced it they made an organization and started giving training to people who wants to become heroes and from here our protagonists come into action at the graduation day they were given an S-class mission. They were given the location and here the actual story starts

From the portal our protagonists come out and see a typical villain lair. The brown haired boy asks, "hey strangelight have you confirmed that this is the actual location?" "Yes, why?" the now said girl responded "Dunno" "Hey here I come from the portal." "leader!?" "Then who might make a cheerful voice like that atom." The brown haired boy was named atom and the boy coming from the portal was named the leader aka wave. "I dunno but not me." "Yeaah" "So ready for the mission" "Yes, sir" "Atom the most unpredictable person I have your weapons right here." He takes out a pouch where all kinds of knives and swords where there but no shield. "I love my weapons." "So now let's go into the warehouse in style." As they went inside the blue haired boy used his element waves to look around, strangelight used her element void to look around while atom used night goggles to look around in the pitch dark. "Why don't you use your element?" He rolled his eyes towards her "Oh right elementlessness" "Hey I will find where the switches are" and runs away "What kind of leader—" "hush! we got company" Then came the flashing reflections.

To be continued.....

This is my first story so yeah like it if you liked it

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