

~Do you believe in love at first sight? Well, I didn't, but then I saw her and I fell for her as fast as the blood runs through my veins.~ Rin is a first-year college student who studies to become a doctor. After his father's death he moved in with his sister and her husband, he thought that his life would be routine but his life turned upside down when he met his mysterious neighbor, a girl of a few words and bind by her mother's beliefs and a boy with a tragic past. What will happen to the two of them? will they be able to break the chains that bind them to an unwanted future?

EmeraldMoon · Fantasy
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Remaining Days Part 2

I woke up to the sound of the door, I looked at the clock, it was 11:18 a.m., I wondered who that could be. Whoever it was, he was persisting to an annoying level.

- I'm coming, I'm coming. Geez, I can't even relax. I said as I was going down the stairs, but the person behind the door seemed to be in quite the rush and kept knocking. Each knock was louder than the previous.

- I get it already. I said as I opened the door and to my surprise, it was Alex, my best friend, actually, my only friend.

- Rin, what are you still doing in your pajamas?

- Uum... I was sleeping until you rudely woke me up with your knocking.

- You completely forgot, didn't you?

- I forgot?... I tried to think about what I could have forgotten, but nothing came to mind. Okay, I give, what exactly did I forget?

- Seriously, today is our class get-together before every one of us goes in different directions. we're supposed to meet at 11:30.

- Aaaa, okay have fun. Goodbye. I said as I started closing the door.

- You are coming too, now go and get dressed. He said while he was trying to keep the door open.

- I don't remember agreeing to that.

- Just get ready.

- Give me one good reason.

- Samantha will be there.

- And???

- And maybe you can finally tell her how you feel.

- In case you forgot she's going out with Nelson Carter for the past year now, You're going to

need a better reason for me to come.

- I heard that they are breaking up because they are going on separate ways.

- Really now? I said with no surprise.

- You don't look surprised.

- It was expected, I mean Samantha always wanted to become a traveling journalist, and Nelson, well Nelson just wanted to graduate and take his father's garage over.

- How did you know those things?

- We did it on Vocational Guidance, remember? future plans and career days.

- I completely forgot... But see, that's your chance.

I was skeptical, but maybe Alex was right after all. Maybe this was my chance. I opened my mouth to say that I agree when a sudden realization hit me. I was moving to New York in less than a day and Samantha will be moving to L.A. if the rumors I heard were correct.

- So what is it gonna be? Will you confess?

- No, there is no point, I'm moving to New York and she is going to L.A.

- Yeah, but you could still... you know.

- If something like that was possible then she would keep her relationship with Nelson, but since they are breaking up it means that she can't keep a relationship in distance, and honestly, I don't think I can either.

- You have a point... He said with a disappointing face. Well, I better get going, I don't want to be late for the meeting. I sigh heavenly, Alex was my best friend since elementary school and one of the few people that actually knew what kind of shit was going on in our house. He helped me a lot and he was there for me, I kinda feel like I own him, I want to be there for him too. This meeting is important to him for some reason, I don't know why but since it is then I'm going too.

- You're not going to wait for me to change? As I said that his eyes sparkled.

- You mean you're coming?

- Well yeah, except if you don't want me to come.

- You know I do, anyway harry up and change I'll wait for you in the living room.

- Actually, it would be better if you waited on the bench outside the house. We packed everything yesterday and covered all the furniture.

- Ooo, okay then. Don't late.

~ ֎ ~

The place where we were meeting was a small cafeteria in the center of the town. It was decorated in a modern style which made it very popular with youngsters, that's why it was always filled with school kids.

" Hey look, it's Winterman" " Do you think he came here to pick a fight?". I heard two girls whispering, that's exactly why I didn't want to come, all the whispering, all the false rumors, all these people who think they know me when they don't, they just want a topic to cover for their boring lives in this small town where nothing is happening. They are so annoying, at least try to get to know me before you judge me.

" I can't believe that Cooper actually hangs out with him, do you think he uses him as protection against bullies or something? " " Well that would explain this weird combination, the delinquent and the nerd ". I heard from two guys, they started laughing at the last part. I hate it when they drag Alex to those pathetic rumors. I looked at them with an annoying face. Being falsely accused as a delinquent had it's privileges sometimes. " Hey, he's looking at us " " What the hell, does he have super hearing or something? " " I don't know but we should stop talking, for now at least " " Yeah, you're right that guy is scary "

" Hey, do you think he is here for the class get-together? " " I don't know, maybe, I'm sure Alex told him. " " Well, he was in our class so it makes sense ". As I was looking for a table to sit I heard three other girls gossiping. I sighed, once again I was the center of someone's conversation.

- I give up, they will never stop gossiping. I said unconsciously

- Hey Rin over here. Great, Alex found a place to sit and that was next to those three girls. I looked around hoping to find some other place to sit, but I had no luck. I should have expected that.

" You know for the last few months he didn't have any scar, do you think he stopped fighting? " " Maybe, I mean his dad died right? maybe that's why he stopped " " Actually, I heard my father saying that his dad abused him and that he was the reason he was always covered in bruises " " If that's true, then shouldn't your dad as a policeman do something " " You're kidding me right? his dad was a former general, everyone in the station was afraid of him. " " Because of his former status? " " Yeap, even retired military dudes have authority above the sheriff's " " If what you said about him is true, then that's horrible, child abuse, I can't even imagine " " It has to be, I mean it's no coincidence that he stopped coming to school covered in bruises and bandages once his dad died " Come on I'm sitting right beside you, if you are going to gossip couldn't you at least do it quieter? Not to mention all the starring.

" You know, I just realized this but Rin is quite handsome, wouldn't you agree? " " Yeah that's what I was just thinking "

- Rin, You're blushing. Alex whispered in my ear.

- That's because I'm getting flustered. They are talking about me as if I'm not here.

- Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason, not the fact that they called you handsome.

- This and that are completely different.

- Sure whatever you say.

" What do you think he's going to do now? " " He will probably enroll in the military just like his dad " " Or end up in jail... if the rumors are true and he is a delinquent that is. " " But you agreed that it was child abuse " " Yeah, and traumas like that lead to distorted personality. Perhaps he got into fights because he was used as a punching bag or something " Okay I have had enough...

- You know I can hear you right? I said as blatantly as I could and all three of them looked at me with eyes wide open.

- Aaagh, Rin we- we're really s-sorry.

- Yeah, we di- didn't mean to. Two of the girls said with trembling voice while the other was in shock.

- Yeah... Don't worry, I'm not going to hit you, I am against violence after all.

- But you went kickboxing. Alex pointed out.

- Self-defense. I corrected him. Anyway, your dad was right.

- Rin. Alex said while trying to understand what I was doing.

- It doesn't matter if they know.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah, besides I already said it, so I can't take it back now.

- Really, so all the rumors are...

- Just rumors, the only time I fought someone was in practice.

- Then your father...

- Yeah I'm not going to open that conversation, I only said that her dad was right. Nothing more, nothing less.

- Okay, but since we all staying here maybe we should get to know each other better and start hanging out. The girl that said I was going to end up in jail and that I probably have a distorted personality now wants to actually hang out with me??? Now that's rich.

- Actually, I'm moving to N.Y., Alex is staying though.

- Yeah, my University is close by, so I don't need to move.

- You're kidding, right?

- No, seriously it's pretty close. Just fifteen minutes by car.

- I meant Rin, Are you really moving to N.Y.?

- Yeah, why are you so surprised?

- Didn't you have like the worst grades, how did you manage to get into a University in N.Y. no less?

- A delinquent and an awful student... what kind of rumors have you guys been saying about Me? What's next did I rob someone?

I knew about the delinquent stuff, but the student part was a first.

- He actually got a scholarship.

- To be honest, I didn't know that straight A's were the worst grades someone could get. I've been living a lie. I said sarcastically, I was still in a bit of a shock, but I shouldn't be surprised, I guess.

- That's right he is the top nerd, not me. I still can't believe that no one noticed how good your grades were. Alex said pridefully.

- Why are you filled with pride instead of me?

- Because I can taste success through you!!!

- That's disgusting man, go away, you're creeping me out.

- I was just messing around.

- I don't care.

- So, Uhm... we really did have the wrong idea about you. Said the girl that previously was too shocked to talk.

- Yeah..., but it doesn't matter anymore, since I'm never coming back to this place.

- Except for when you visit me, right? Alex said.

- You will be the one visiting me.

- But that's... Alex started saying but was interrupted by someone

- What do we have here? The classic duo of nerd and delinquent plus Trina, Suzan, and Kathrin? those two I understand but you three? it's odd... Of course, it's Nelson, now that I think about it, he was the one that started the rumors. I can't believe that we used to be friends, I mean he has the crappiest personality so why did I hang out with him? that's a mystery even to me.

- Do you need something from us? As I said that, I looked him in the eyes.

- Yeah... I want you two to disappear just like your mother. Alright, I'm trying really hard not to punch him right now.

- Nelson, what the hell man? It was rare for Alex to get mad, but even he had his limits.

- Shut it four eyes...

- Alex, it's okay there is no point in talking with idiots. Just ignore him, like most people do. Nelson was an attention seeker, and that was obvious. He spread rumors for everyone but they never stayed people just said if Nelson said that then it's a lie but for some unknowing reason the rumors about me stayed. I mean what the hell guys?? you can't believe that our biology teacher Mr. Robert and our chemistry teacher Ms. Evans were making out in the biology class, but you believe that I beat the crap out of some older kids? I mean come on, and the real irony behind all these was the fact that Mr. Robert and Ms. Evans were actually making out in the bio. class, how do I know that? Because I saw them, multiple times, also one time I decided to stay longer because I didn't want to go home, Alex stayed too so he could keep me company, we heard some weird noises from the bio class and decided to check it out. What we saw traumatized us for the rest of our lives.

- No one ignores me, but everyone is avoiding you.

- And I should care because?

- Because you are a failure that only knows how to use his fists.

- Sure, if that makes you feel better. Just remember it's not me who's staying in this forgotten town and working for the rest of his life in his dad's garage.

- At least I'm not going to be behind bars.

- You can believe whatever you want, but I've been wondering for a while... You're trash-talking me because you and Samantha broke up, right?

- Why you...

- So like you, when you're mad you always come and find Rin to vent your anger, but somehow you're even madder, afterwards, is it because you always lose? Just like I said before, it's rare to see someone with almost eternal patience like Alex get pissed off, but when he does it's like a different person. When we were kids my sister used to call this personality of his Dark Alex, it's kind of funny if you asked me.

- You four eyes...

- Just give it a rest will ya? you need to grow up already Nelson, this is the last time we are together as a class, do you really want this last memory we have together to be ruined because you're not in a good mood?

- What are you talking about four eyes? Even if this is our last get-together we all still staying here.

- Not all of us. Said the girl named Trina

- No one is moving away, except for Sam.

- Kaitlin does, she is going to L.A. with Sam to make her career as an actor. Said Kathrin the girl that was sitting beside Trina

- And Logan too, he is going to England to work in his father's company. That was Marcus, another classmate whom I never talked to even though we have been in the same class for six years now.

- Rin is also going to New York to study. Suzan one of the three girls we were talking to. She surprised me, I didn't expect her to say that.

- Wait Rin does, What kind of school could possibly accept a delinquent like him?

- Albert Einstein College of medicine. Sorry to disappoint you, Nelson, but I'm not going behind bars, I'm going to study and become a doctor. You have to accept that people move on, not everyone is staying still like you.

That's right I'm moving on and I'm leaving my past behind me. I'm going to make a new beginning in New York, even with those fainted scars I'll find a way to move on.