
Chapter 46: Mount Endou

Ray returned to the Einzbern castle and noticed the time indeed didn't move from the moment of his disappearances.

He still has to wait the allotted time he gave others to prepare. So, he uses the time to experiment on his new powers and abilities.

The first and foremost is to check the changes to his previous abilities.

Casting spells had never been easier. He basically skips all the process and directly gets the end result after inputting his mana. Though, it is only applicable to simpler spells according to the information in his mind. He cannot test it either because he has no complicated spells to test on.

Time Alter - Square Accel

Instantly the time moves four times slower around him. He walks out to the courtyard and can see the snow fall significantly slower. He also didn't feel any strain from using the ability at all due to his new physique.

"Truly. From this experience. I finally understood the weakness of my flesh." Ray said in a daze while trying to catch some snow with his hand but they melted on contact with his skin.

The spell forms a barrier that coats his body to accelerate the time within. However, it seems to be possible to expand the coverage of the barrier with what he did to the snow, including it in the accelerated time flow barrier.

Next, Ray summoned his rifles.

While previously it only max at 72 rifles. Now, Ray could increase it endlessly. Provided that he can manipulate and sustain their mana expenditures. He can even make them work independently from his control like a familiar that can obey simple orders.

Ray creates a thousand decoys in the sky and tests the multi spell casting ability.

Optical Beam, Homing Cluster and Artillery shots fired simultaneously from his rifles that cause laser beams, smaller homing laser beams and magical artillery shells fly up into the sky and chase after the decoys.

"No issue here either… accuracy is on point too." Ray commented before dismissing his rifles and taking out his recently made Mystic Code.

In Ray's hand, it looks like a person holding one of those comically big spoons. It just looks too big and probably flies off his hand once Ray shoots it.

Ray pops open the bullet chamber and traces six rounds of normal bullets into the chamber and pop them back. He shot a gun before and he followed his experience while aiming at six decoys remaining floating above.

*Bang* *click* *Bang* *click* …

All six shots reach its target and it's honestly very impressive. The amount of recoil probably snaps a normal person's arm normally. He nodded satisfyingly after evaluating each of his shots.

Ray pops open the bullet chamber again and ejects all the casings before loading a singular enchanted bullet which is just a normal bullet but a few times faster and stronger.

Pop back on and aim at a tree's trunk before pulling the trigger. His noise is as strong as a cannon and his palm feels tingly after that. For the tree, it was blasted into half. The place he aimed was vapourized into wood chips and dust by that shot while the upper section fell to the ground.

To prevent giving others more distraction. He takes a seat on a set of outdoor chairs and tables before checking out Heaven's Feel ability.

According to the new knowledge he acquired, his method of producing Wraiths is very wasteful and inefficient. The ratio is 300 souls for 1 Wraith. Even then, there is a chance of failure.

If using the new method he developed after gaining some understanding of Heaven's Feel. Not only does it only cost one soul per Wraiths, it also has a guaranteed success.

By infusing a soul with negative energy, it will turn into an evil spirit. However, the negative energy is the difficult part for Ray.

Negative energy can naturally be found in places where dead are found in abundance like graveyards, morgue, warzone or perhaps a violent death, wrongful death, etc. Beside places, cursed items or relics, certain human physiques and many more.

Choices are plenty but most are inaccessible in such a short time span. The only options he can think of are morgue and graveyard. He instantly opened a portal and went to collect negative energy.

He returned ten minutes later, robbed every graveyard he could put his hand on and returned with enough negative energy to create at least a thousand more normal Wraiths. Since he still needs to wait for a bit more.


When the one hour time was up, the group assembled in Einzbern castle's courtyard.

Kiritsugu returned to his former glory, finally regained his magecraft and abilities before he was killed by Charlotte and resurrected as a normal human.

The formation is Saber being the frontliner then Ray and Kiritsugu's in the middle to be the main attackers while Irisviel and Tanya at the back providing support. Charlotte is excluded because Ray wants her to lead the army of Wraiths for him.

"Everyone ready?" Ray stood in front of all and created a portal to Mount Endou where the Greater Grail is hidden.

Looking at his companions, Tanya is confident as always. But slightly concerned because Ray, her source of confidence, didn't look very optimistic about this upcoming battle.

Charlotte though, she is eager as always. Ready to fight any opponents that find themselves in the way of Ray. Along with five thousands Wraiths floating around her and in her body made her look very intimidating despite her cheerful and happy smile.

Saber still holds a grudge against Ray for not feeding her proper food. But, at the same time. This is the moment to be useful to her master and hopefully can regain her honor that she stained herself.

Kiritsugu and Irisviel are both prepared both physically and mentally as a magus to enter a battle. They had entered the Self-hypnosis state and were ready to battle at a moment's notice.

Seeing everyone is ready, Ray nods and creates a portal to Mount Endou. It's time to end the hidden threat called All the World's Evil.

"Failure is not an option. Fight and do whatever you can to win. Let's go!" Ray made his warcry before entering the portal he opened.

Kiritsugu in particular, nodded to Ray's words. Failure isn't an option for him when humanity is at stake right now.


In Mount Endou, following the leyline. They search for the entrance of the underground chamber where the Greater Grail is located.

*Zazaza* *kirk* *kirk*

The sound of critters intensifies as the group approaches the entrance. Ray ignores it as his mind and definitely everyone else, is thinking about what they will encounter later.

"Be alert. We are entering the enemy's territory. They could be lurking at any corner." Kiritsugu remembered after sensing something was lurking around but couldn't identify the enemy. Definitely not a person or anything as big as a human because there isn't any sound of footsteps.

Charlotte spread out some Wraiths to keep an eye on the surroundings after that warning.


The ambience noise intensified as if the creatures were agitated and suddenly went into a dead silence.

It was a pin drop silence.

Everyone went into alert and tightened the formation while eyes darted around, weapons were drawn and spells were casted in anticipation for the incoming enemies.


They heard a noise which made everyone look at that direction.




The sound soon identified as the noise of insects flapping their wings and by the time they realized it. The noise had surrounded them and swarming toward them from all sides and above.

"Matou's family insects!" Kiritsugu shouted to alert everyone.

Ray made a quick move and created a magic dome when he saw countless red eyes from the dark swarming toward them like a flood.

"Isn't Zouken killed? How can the insects still be alive!" Ray cursed and ordered Tanya to cast the Napalm spell. After all, the only proper way to purge these abominations is with fire. A lot of fire.

Tanya nodded and cast the Napalm spell. Irisviel also joined to cast file element magecraft to help.

The rest could only wait for a moment and when the spells were casted, Tanya aimed the spell above which caused it to rain down the incendiary mixture around the area.

The insects screeches in pain and thrashing to put out the fire but unfortunately, napalm is very sticky and viscous. They stick to the insects and as they thrash around, the substance spreads to other insects which propagate the flame even further.

"This…" Kiritsugu seems speechless that magecraft can produce this. "I didn't know she is talented with transmutation." Kiritsugu refers to Tanya able to change mana into a material and use them as part of the spell which in this case are fire element spells.

Ray shrugs and dismisses the barrier since they already have a wall of fire stopping the insects' advance. He summoned rifles behind him. A hundred rifles multitask, half cast Flak Artillery spells on the flying insects and another half unleash thousands of laser beams and pierce through the swarms of insects.

Looking at the scene, Kiritsugu and Irisviel wonder why Ray went through all that convincing talks with him when Ray and his group alone is enough to handle all these threats.

"These do look threatening but if not for protecting both of you, I would have flown up and shot Napalm spells the moment they appeared."

As Flight Mage, Ray and Tanya can do aerial combat with ease. The insects on the air can be resisted with barrier and the ones on land cannot reach them. But only Ray, Tanya and Charlotte can fly while the others couldn't. That's why he opted for more defensive battle than offensive.

After battling for a while, the number of insects dwindled. Ray advises the others to reserve their energy and stamina. He took over the battle since he had infinite mana in his disposal.

Tomorrow, there will probably be news about a great fire on Mount Endou. The entire place around them is just a blazing flame caused by copious amounts of white phosphorus gel coated a big portion of the mountain.

"We are breaking through. Flee to the cave entrance and we can continue fighting there." Ray decided once the swarm had thinned down. He didn't want to take risks and continue to fight in the open where they keep getting surrounded.

Everyone immediately starts running while Saber opens a path using her sword and Mana Burst to cut down any enemies that dare to stop them. Charlotte also provides support by sending waves of bloodthirsty Wraith that claw open and rip off any insects they could get their hands on alongside her.

Suddenly, a wave of thunderbolts washed through them but didn't injure anyone and instead cooked the insects alive.

"This! Rider!" Irisviel recognises this thunder ability and only Rider can wield as one of the sons of Zeus.

"Indeed, the one and only Iskandar."

A chariot pulled by two lightning clad bulls, crash down on the swarm of insects and release waves of lightning which turn them into a smoking mess on the ground.


The master of Rider, Waver Velvet crawled off the back of the chariot and emptied his dinner in a miserable display. He continued to vomit for a decent amount of time until Ray offered him some water and a napkin to clean himself up.

"Thank you…" Waver said and gratefully accepted it before remembering something and turning to Iskandar instead.

"You! Can't you be less reckless and gentle!" Waver grit his teeth and look like about to punch his servant in the face. Well, if he is tall enough to do so.

"I told you that gathering information is more important but you immediately dragged me here and almost killed me!"

"There is no need for information gathering, master. It's obvious what is going to happen and I can feel it for quite a while." Rider only laughed it off and gave a slap on Waver's back before looking at Ray and Saber.

"Besides, if we were to wait. They will finish it off without any chance for us to participate."

"Isn't that so, Lancer?" Rider then look at a particular tree.

"It seems that I have been found. But indeed, we cannot let Saber and her master hog all the action when they had defeated the strongest opponent around. My spear head is getting dull from all these inaction."

Lancer suddenly jumps off the tree he was hiding behind and walks closer to the group.

Seeing the remaining participants literally gathered here. Ray couldn't help but question how his moves were discovered. He didn't plan to bring any other servants because it could ruin his plan if another servant died and was sent to the lesser grail.

"Oh, if you are wondering how we found you here. You should tone down on the fire." Iskandar crossed his arms and said to Ray.

"The people are literally panicking that a forest fire is happening and Lancer's master is doing his best to stop the authorities from coming here since the Second Owner of Fuyuki and the Overseer responsible for this task was killed by you."

Lancer verified the explanation with a nod and apologized for his lord for being unable to participate while he was dealing with Ray's mess.

"I see…" Ray facepalmed that he forgot about the consequence of his action. He should have used lightning instead of fire like Iskandar.

"Let's quickly go and finish this threat before the authorities get involved." Ray composes himself while Tanya and Charlotte are holding back their giggles when Ray gets lectured by Iskandar due to his oversight as the leader.

If anything, above all. The ritual must be kept hidden from the non-magus community. If they failed to do this. Everyone involved will be targeted by the Clock Tower and exterminated.

Ray didn't fear the Clock Tower but he rather not jeopardy his future plans in this world.


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