

The Hangover: Part 1

"Oh my god" Harry moaned out loud as his head spun like he'd been on a roundabout. It hurt to think, move or do anything else that would exercise his body. In all his years of being hurt, this had taken the crown as he brought his hand to his pain stricken head, his back screaming out in pain in the process.

"Bloody Hell" he yelped in pain, trying to avoid any more motion. What have I done to deserve this pain? His brain began to quick in at that moment, bringing memories to the forefront of his mind, some of which seemed to be blurred while others were a little more readable.

The Party, Band, Boozing.

"Argh, so stupid. Note to self, alcohol is my kryptonite" he moaned.

He lay in his position for a few more minutes, trying to get used to his environment as he used all his senses apart from sight to feel where he was.

Softness, comfort, I'm in bed

Snoring, wait I don't snore. Who the hell is snoring?

He opened his eyes slowly; getting used the light that struck him as he blinked a number of times to become accustomed to the room. As his eyes became more accustomed to the light source he was able to take in everything, observing the mess they had made as he quickly realised this was one of the private rooms set up.

The room was a complete pig sty with empty bottles of alcohol scattered all over the room. The walls had been stained in a liquid he couldn't really identify as he continued the observation. Someone seemed to have set the carpet alight as the flooring seemed scared with the scorch marks of a fire. This he could all take in, but the sight that greeted him when he looked at the bed almost gave him a heart attack.

"Fred and George are going to kill me" he gasped as he looked at the sleeping forms of Angelina and Alicia, lying next to each other under the sheets. This was not the only girls that were in the large bed; Naomi had a hand grasped over his chest while Sophia and Hayley were using his body as a pillow.

This may've not been such a bad thing if he was clothed but heck, luck was not on his side as he quickly felt a hand grasp his 'wand'. Shit! Sophia seemed to be having a nice dream as she breasts vibrated against him. Hayley was the person who had a good grasp on his manhood as she dribbled on his chest, not awake from what he could tell.

This is either a nightmare or a fantasy

"How do I get myself into these situations?" he questioned himself, trying to get of bed when Hayley relaxed her hold. Immediately when his hands contacted against the bed sheets he felt a sharp pain shoot up his arms, looking to see two marks adorning his wrist, wrapping completely around. What the hell?

Almost completely upright, his plans were ruined as he nudged Alicia to far near the edge of the bed as her frail form fell off completely, a small shriek could be heard as she flew through the air.

"Umph" an unknown person to Harry yelped out. "Bloody hell, Alicia. I'm not a bouncy castle" Harry quickly recognised the voice.

"Fred" he questioned to the unseen boy.

"Harry" Fred asked from his position on the floor. "Where are we?" he asked.

"Room of Requirement I think" he responded. "I have noo idea how we ended up here"

There seemed to be some scuffling on the floor as both Alicia and Fred tried to get covered up as they realised they were naked. Harry was finally greeted by the sight of Fred who looked bloody terrible in his opinion.

"Bloody hell Harry" Fred spoke as he looked at the girls that covered small man that was in the centre. "You lucky bastard" he sighed. Fred then caught the sight of Angelina laying on his right. "Why is Angelina sleeping in the same bed as you, and where the hell is Katie?" he sounded exasperated.

The location of Katie was announced a moment later as he felt something or someone crawling up his legs as Sophia and Hayley slid to their sides. Harry lifted the sheets slowly, only to have Katie pop her head up "Can you keep it down, some of us are trying to get some sleep" she sounded a little annoyed.

Harry nodded as she turned the glare upon him, resulting in her flopping down onto his chest, quickly falling back into her dreams as she snored slightly. "I guess that answers your question about the whereabouts of Katie"

"No shit" Fred muttered. "and Angelina" he questioned.

Harry sighed as he looked at the dark beauty that slept on her chest "I truly have no idea" he then noticed Alicia standing behind Fred, wearing a slightly shocked expression. "Are you alright, Alicia" he asked as she rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

"N-N-N-No, I'm fine. Just didn't think Katie was telling the truth when she said you could get me, Angelina and herself into bed with you...at the same time"

"Well, I suppose I should thank my tutors, Fred Weasley" he directed the praise at the Weasley who didn't seem to happy "and George Weasley" he announced as he heard a nearby moan from the other side of the bed.

"George" Alicia yelped as she ran to George, covered in only a small towel.

"Don't speak so loud" George pleaded as Alicia bent down to look at him. "I hate hangovers"

George slowly got to his feet as Fred switched his focus onto his brother. "You look like shit" Harry commented as he looked at the pale form of George Weasley, eyes sagged slightly.

"Thanks, I could say the same to you Potter" George muttered as he took in all the ladies who were scattered around the young man. "Wow, you dog" he congratulated him, giving him a childish smile. "Even Angelina, Damn"

"You're not helping brother" Fred seemed to have switched his anger onto his twin which was fine by Harry.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. He's the one who's sleeping with your girlfriend" George replied as he realised what he'd just said.

"Bloody traitor" Harry muttered quietly, getting a smile from George.

"You're welcome. Now, I'm going to get some pain potion from the cabinet seeing as my brain feels like it's going to explode any second"

"I'll come with you" Fred told his brother. Probably planning on getting me back "You better not make a move on Angelina or I swear" Fred warned him as Harry nodded in confirmation.

The twins departed at a brisk pace as Harry looked back upon his current situation. "Do you remember anything about last night, Alicia?" he asked her as she took a seat on a nearby chair.

"Not much, Harry. I can remember sitting with the girls, chatting about..." she seemed to think about it for a moment until she came up with an answer. "things in general, then it all goes blurry. I see bits which may have no relevance"

"Like" he pushed her

"Being in a pool of water but I'm not sure if it was a pool. Fred screaming out in pain for some reason and the weirdest thing I see is a string of some kind, a guitar string I think"


"Do you trust us Harry" Sophia asked in her half drunken state as Hayley stood next to her with a lustful look in her eyes.

"Not for a moment" he slurred.

"Come on Harry" Katie came up from behind him, brining his T-Shirt over his head. "It'll heighten the pleasure" she promised as she sucked on his earlobe.

"Fine" he thrived in the sensation "but not too tight" he ordered them, knowing from there looks that they wouldn't be listening to him tonight. Sophia pushed him towards the bed while Hayley went to her broken guitar, pulling and picking at it as he collapsed onto the bed.

"Now, hold your hands up over your head" Sophia ordered. Harry did just that as Hayley approached them from the corner of his eye. The group seemed to mutter as he got lost in his own world, only to be brought back as Hayley fiddled around with something next to his wrists.

"Not to tight" he moaned out as Sophia scratched her finger nails down his stomach. "Bloody hell Sophia" he moaned again, a little in pain but mostly in pleasure.

"Done" Hayley finally chirped as she began to kiss his neck. "That wasn't so hard wasn't it" she purred into his ear.

"I've been 'hard' for the past 20 minutes dear" he replied as he tried to move his hands, seeing that a small wire was connected to both his wrist and the bedpost.

"Well then, we better deal with that before you explode" Hayley responded in a husky voice as she told Sophia and Katie to begin.

This is heaven

********************************END FLASHBACK*********************************

"Harry" Alicia clicked her fingers in front of his face.

"W-W-What?" he shook his head to see Alicia there. "I'm fine, just remembered something" he fully replied as he ran a finger across his sore wrists. Alicia gasped as she saw his wrists; his skin almost looked raw as she saw Sophia snuggle into him.

"How'd you do that?" she pointed.

"I'd tell you but I don't think it's a conversation that George would want you to listen too" she seemed to understand straight away as she turned her back on Harry to disguise her blush.

Harry looked down once again at the girls that surrounded him; Sophia seemed to have moulded herself with his body while Hayley's orange hair covered her face. He began to try and get up for a second time as Sophia awoke from her slumber, mumbling a few unrecognisable words as she rubbed her eyes sleepily. "Hi Harry" she replied dreamily as she licked her lips. "What's up" she asked as she felt something nudge her thigh "apart from the obvious" she smiled as he blushed.

"Well I was trying to get up" he replied as he tried to muster some confidence into his tone.

"Don't worry darling, I can feel you're already up" she suggested with a sly smile. He quickly realised that he was only going to get out of her advances if he played along with her game so that led to his tone changing to a lustful and wanting tone.

"Well seeing as I'm 'up', why don't you hop on and enjoy the Harry Potter Roller Coaster" he kissed her on the lips as he made his way down her neck "Please keep your arms and legs inside the area whilst the ride is in motion" he whispered as she crawled up his body, allowing him to see the first set of breasts he'd ever seen, while sober.


He didn't waste any time as he attached his mouth hungrily around her right nipple as she revelled in the sensation. "Harry" she moaned. He quickly got carried away with his attack as Sophia arched her back. Meanwhile, Alicia looked at the pair who were going at it, amazed at the audacity of Harry Potter to go at it in front of her.



Sophia opened her eyes while Harry continued, lost in the moment. "Hi Alicia" Sophia greeted her as her breath became laboured. "Would you like to join us?"

Fortunately for Alicia, George and Fred returned, both holding a couple vials of pain relieving potion. "Here you go Alicia" George handed the potion over to her as he noticed her shocked face. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Fred then came into view as he looked at Alicia and the bed where Angelina slept as he noticed a person missing. "Where's Harry?" Fred asked which got the immediate attention of George as Sophia moaned.

"Oh god, Harry" she moaned, awakening the remaining girls as Harry popped up from underneath the sheets.

"There he is Fred" George told his brother as he smiled at Harry, telling the boy that he'd be telling him everything later. As the girls awakened Angelina was the first to recognise where she was as she leapt out of the bed, a towel covering her as she clambered of the bed and into Fred's open arms.

Naomi was the next but instead of running off she blushed a brilliant crimson while hiding her face in Harry's shoulder, knowing that she was screwed if she got up and screwed if she stayed in the bed, picking the bed option because at least she was next to someone she'd always wanted to be. Hayley didn't seem to give a shit as she closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Katie on the other hand seemed to be in her own world as she mumbled words that he was sure weren't in the English language. Sophia laid backwards, coming down from her high.

"I hate to do this, seeing as you look so peaceful and all but could I get up" he asked, receiving a couple of mumbles as the girls eventually backed off. "Thank you my angels" he kissed all their heads as he got up "Could you turn around please" he asked the twins, Alicia and Angelina who all seemed interested to see what he was packing.

The twins were the first to turn, grabbing Alicia and Angelina a couple of seconds later as they made no move to turn. "Thank You" he muttered as he grasped his boxers that lay upon the floor. As he looked up he broke into laughter as he looked at the backs of the twins, seeing what'd been placed upon them.

"What are you laughing at?" George seemed confused as he turned to see Harry pointing at him and his brother while he laughed his head off. "What?" he queried while scratching his head

"Y-Y-You T-T-Tattoo B-B-Back" he stuttered out as the laughter stepped up a level as George stepped in front of a large mirror that adorned the room.

"Fred" George spoke out in horror as he looked in the mirror.

"What" Fred asked as his brother called his name.

"No, Fred"

"Whhaatt" Fred seemed to slow it down; acting like his brother was stupid, or stupider than normal.

"NO" George yelled out as he pointed to his back "F-R-E-D" he spelled out. Fred looked at what his brother was looking at as he looked at his brothers back, shocked to see a tattoo that spelt his name.

"I'm Fred though" Fred declared proudly as he focused completely on his brother.

"You don't think I know that" George sounded insane as he pointed that out to his brother, looking back at Harry as the boy still seemed to be in a laughing fit but this time he was pointing to his brother. That was when he saw it,


"That's your name" Fred pointed out.

"No, look in the mirror you fool" George tugged his brother over to the mirror to see what he saw.

"George" Fred gasped as he looked at a similar tattoo that spelled out his brother's name.

"Mum's going to kill us" George made the announcement which made Fred loose all colour from his face.

"At least she won't know which one of you is which" Harry suggested as the laughter had turned into giggles as Naomi and Sophia joined the show.

"This isn't funny Harry"

"No, I think it's hilarious" Sophia responded from her position on the bed as they continued with the laughter.

"At least now you can say to a girl that you're getting twins, even if only one is present" he continued to joke.

"Knock, Knock" Sophia butted in as she thought up of a joke.

"Who's there?" Harry joined in on the joke.


"Fred who?"

"Sorry, it's George, or is it Fred. I'm so confused" Sophia mocked the pair.

"Funny" Fred blanched. That was when he noticed a bit of colour planted around the side of Harry's ribs. "Harry, could you turn around for a moment" Harry looked confused, turning as Fred twirled his finger.

"Holy shit"

"No way"

"So that was real" Alicia announced as she remembered the scene from last night.

"What are you guys talking about?" he asked as he turned back around, looking at them as they wore different looks, some were shocked while others looked in awe.

"Maybe you should step in front of the mirror, Harry" Alicia suggested as he looked at her with a strange expression, taking her advice anyway as he walked towards the mirror, passing Fred in the process. As he stood in front of the mirror he didn't see anything at first, that changed drastically as he turned around, looking at his back.

"Wow" was the only thing he could think as he looked at his back. The thing that got all the attention was a tattoo, not just an ordinary tattoo, no; this was an amazingly crafted tattoo, with many different colours and shades used. There were three tattoos to be more precise rather than one huge one. The first one was a drum set, lined with a silver and white, finally with a name gracing the side of one of the drums, Naomi.

The next was a guitar that was painted with many different colours, red, blue, yellow all adorned the instrument but the guitar strings seemed to be missing, guessing that this must've been Hayley's guitar as down the neck of the guitar was a name, graced in gold, Hayley.

The final one was a microphone, painted in a bright yellow apart from the head of the instrument; down the side a name graced the object, Sophia with a heart next to her name. He now realised why his back was in so much pain as he woke up.

"You like them then" he was brought out of his musings as Hayley spoke from the bed. He spun around to look at her as she gave him a cute smile that looked evil on her face.


"Come on George, it'd be awesome. No one will get our names wrong from now on" Fred begged his brother.

"Why have them on our backs though. Why not have them on our faces" George seemed confused.

"Because I wouldn't be happy with you George Weasley" Alicia warned him as she took another swig of the cup of alcohol she was drinking. "I like your face the way it is"

"Ahh, I thought you loved me for other reasons other than my looks" George pouted.

"Nope" she replied simply. "But a tattoo is always a turn on" she added as she gripped his thigh, making him sigh in defeat.

"Fine honey, but you better give me some loving later" George told Alicia as she kissed him happily.

"Are you ready yet?" Hayley sighed from her position, playing with her wand as Harry rested his head upon her shoulder.

"Yeah" Fred replied happily as he discarded his shirt, sitting on his stomach in the process. "Just my name, alright" he told her as she placed the tip of her wand onto his back.

"Fine" she muttered as Harry whispered into her ear as an evil smile graced her face. Hayley nodded in confirmation as she began the process, receiving a yell of pain from Fred as Angelina gave him a bottle of beer to deal with the pain.

"Quit it Harry" she tried to shake him off as she got halfway through the tattoo but Harry didn't seem to relent as he trailed his tongue down her throat making her have to deal with pleasure while trying to focus on her patient.

"You've got magnificent hair" Harry whispered. "and a beautiful neck, editable almost"

"Harrry" she moaned which made her stop momentarily leaving him the opportunity to envelop her mouth with a heated kiss. "Shit" she whispered as she looked at the messed up 'e' that'd been placed onto Fred's back.

"What's that?" Fred enquired from his position.

"Nothing" Hayley replied quickly "just admiring my work" she announced as Harry held in a laugh as he lay on the bed.

When she finally finished her work with a smirk she looked down at Harry with an evil glint in her eyes. He seemed to shift his weight as he noticed her gaze. "What" he sounded worried.

"You made me mess up my work" she sounded displeased as she jumped him, pinning him to the bed. At that moment Sophia took the moment to walk into the room as she looked at the scene in front of her.

"Damn Hayley, you work fast"

"Shut it" a face that was not meant to be messed with. "Help me take his shirt off" she ordered her band mate as Harry gulped.

"Ohh, it'd be my pleasure" Sophia replied as she made her way over to him, grasping his shirt as he tried to wiggle free to no avail.

"Flip him" Hayley ordered. Sophia did just this as she waited to see what her friend had in store for Harry. "Harry, I would suggest you don't move, otherwise I will mess it up" she promised him as the tip of her wand made contact.

"Bloody hell" Harry replied annoyed as Sophia whispered gleefully in Hayley's ear which was matched a moment later as she went to work.

"Don't worry Harry. You'll be given a treat later if you behave" Sophia promised him of treats which made him settle down.

*******************************END FLASHBACK*******************************

Shit, I did that didn't I. He thought as he looked at the tattoos that adorned the twin's backs. I'm so dead if they find out. He realised that Hayley was still waiting for an answer.

"They're pretty amazing, I have to admit. Thanks for doing it" he sighed in thought, knowing that freaking out would solve nothing, that was a job that Hermione would enjoy to have.

She raised an eyebrow in surprise, surprised he's remembered it as he seemed confused just a moment ago. "I thought it'd be nice to leave you with a memory of us"

This is going to be tough to explain to future Girlfriends

"Could I get a pain potion" he asked as he felt the pain return to his system. George took pity as he chucked a vial over to him, downing it in one gulp. "Thanks" he muttered as he placed the vial on the bedside table. He knew that the potion would only deal with the pain, not the effects of the hangover as he tried to get a hold of his bearings as his head spun momentarily.

"Are any other students still present" Alicia asked suddenly as she broke her contact as she looked at the tattoos hungrily.

"There's a few passed out. Some were leaving before they drew attention to themselves" Fred responded as he remembered the scene as he and his brother went to get the potion.

"Talking about keeping up appearances, we're going to have to show ourselves pretty soon" Harry suggested as he slung on a top and some shorts.

"I agree" Angelina agreed. "Someone's going to notice something eventually"

"What about us" Sophia pouted adorably. "Are you going to leave us here on our own?" her voice sounded so sad.

"You can stay if you want. I shouldn't take too long and then we can have some 'fun'" he suggested.

"Our world doesn't revolve around you, you know" Hayley responded as Harry could see a couple of other tattoos on the top of her arms.

Harry just batted it off "It's your choice. I would like to see you off but it's your choice" he replied as he grabbed his quickly materialising robes.

"Of course we'll stay" Sophia responded as she made a grasp for Harry, tugging him to the bed as she and Naomi enveloped him in a hug, leaving his head propped on Hayley's lap.

"Do you want to leave" he asked Hayley as he put on his best puppy dog expression. "I'd be so hurt if you left" he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "After the time we spent together" he suggested, playing with her as he didn't exactly know what'd happened the previous night.

"Fine" Hayley agreed grudgingly "but if you pull that puppy dog business on me again, I'll hire a wolf to eat you up" she told him her plan.

"Good" he smiled happily, pecking her on the cheek and departing before she could respond. "Now, we'd better get going. Get dressed will you" he told the twins and the two girls, searching for the one that'd been with him last night.

"Katie" he nudged her form on the bed.

"Urgh" she moaned.

"Come on Katie, time to get up" he told her.

She opened her eyes slightly to see her boyfriend looking down at her "Leave me here" she mumbled. "I'll stay with the band" she suggested as she buried her head into the pillow. Harry sighed as he looked at her again, seeing the top of her breasts. He finally sighed in defeat as the rest were almost ready "Can you take care of Katie for me?" he asked Sophia and the other girls.

"Of course Harry. We'll take 'good' care of here" a evil smile formed on Hayley's face as he heard the hidden message to Sophia's message.

"Yeah, she can fill in for you" Hayley added as she wrapped her arms around Katie's body.

"Damn" he heard the twins sigh as they looked upon the scene developing, Alicia and Angelina knocked them over the head to get their attention back onto them. Harry was having a similar problem as Hayley trailed a number of kisses down Katie's neck.

"Or you could stay here with us Harry" Sophia suggested as she recognised Harry's resolve melting away. He had to stop himself as he took a foot towards the bed, remembering the reason he had to leave, to keep up appearances. He knew that Dumbledore would be watching him like a hawk, missing breakfast would be a little unusual but missing lunch as well would raise some alarm bells.

"I'd love too, but I'm needed by other people" he replied with a heavy heart. "Have fun while I'm away" he chucked his robes over his body as he strolled out the door. "I'll see you later. Fred, George, Angelina, Alicia" he told his friends to follow.

I'm so going to regret leaving