
Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Nameless, Unknown, Forgotten in the passage of time. A man suddenly awakens inside a dark place, crawling out from a suffocating Coffin. With no memories about his past. Driven by an unyielding determination to survive, the man sets on a journey to recover his memory. With each step, revealing a fragment of his forgotten and dark past with the help of a being inside him contently speaking inside his head, and the people that he meets in his journey. A journey that will change the shape of the world because the man Knows one way to answer any problem. Wrath and destruction. *** Hello everyone this is Pride from Shadow Library. First I just want to tell you all, that this is my first novel and English is not my first language so there will be some mistakes. second. I hope you enjoy the ride with me as we delve deep in the story. my goal is to write a story I want to read later and I hope you share this passion with me as a reader, and always remember: The only thing that matters is a good story. One more thing, the story sometimes delves into dark themes, especially when the MC displays his brutality, so please read with caution. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/g5MxH7mkAB Contact Instagram:@Shadow_library_ Support the author: https://www.patreon.com/ShadowLibrary

Shadow_Library_ · Fantasy
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169 Chs

Chapter 147: The Eye Watches

Paying for two rooms in a nice hotel, Kasumi and Viper immediately collapsed onto the plush hotel beds. Both of them were exhausted from Aron's little experiment.

Back in the sewers, while observing the two children and the old man, Aron experimented with their magic trying to see what both girls can and can't do, and what he discovered was interesting.

Viper's invisibility, he discovered, could be extended to others, effectively cloaking them from sight, and erasing their presence completely. However, the duration was brief.

One advantage of Viper's invisibility was its minimal mana expenditure. She could remain invisible for most of a day, despite her limited mana pool. Conversely, extending invisibility to others significantly increased the mana drain, limiting the effect to mere minutes and requiring physical contact for activation.

Aron's own invisibility, achieved through Viper's ability, only lasted two minutes – hardly enough for anything substantial. Yet, in those fleeting moments, he and Viper were able to sit undetected with the old man and the children.

Kasumi's magic on the other hand was the opposite in a way. In the presence of shadows, Kasumi enjoyed a degree of invisibility to some degree; she could also bend the shadows to her will. Initially, and even now, control proved challenging. This wasn't due to any lack of skill or talent – Kasumi was once a top assassin in her clan. The true culprit was her rapidly expanding mana pool.

As the Shadow mirrored its master's strength, Kasumi's mana reserves grew at an alarming rate, outpacing her ability to control it. The chaotic flow of mana made manipulation difficult. Fearing that the rapid growth might damage Kasumi's veins, Aron had spent the past two days draining half of her mana. This was a simple task due to their soul-link. Previously, such measures weren't necessary, as Kasumi exhausted all her mana to remain concealed within Eryndor's shadow.

Back in the sewers, with only half her mana available, Kasumi effortlessly manipulated the shadows, forming a cloak of darkness around Aron, effectively hiding his presence. The concealment was near perfect in the dim environment. Only when Aron ventured close to the light source that old man Uncle Roger was able to sense him.

"Here, eat and rest," Aron said, pulling two delectable sandwiches prepared by Mia from his inventory. "We have a big day tomorrow."

One of the benefits Aron discovered about his inventory was that the ingredients remained fresh regardless of time. The sandwiches retained their original quality despite being nearly two weeks old.

"Yes, Master," the two women replied in unison, accepting the sandwiches with gratitude.

Besides Lucca, only Kasumi and Viper accompanied Aron. The little raven, despite his initial refusal, reluctantly agreed to remain at the Keep. By now, the Frostguard were accustomed to seeing the raven as the Lord Commander's pet.

With Aron supposedly undergoing rigorous training somewhere within the Keep, Raum had to stay in plain sight to maintain that illusion. Furthermore, Aron instructed him to keep an eye on things and contact him using one of Raum's magical feathers in Aron's possession.

As Kasumi and Viper devoured the sandwiches in near silence, Aron stood by the window gazing at the palace in the distance. The moon cast a soft glow over the marble-like beautiful palace, towering walls and towers stood high and proud protecting the secrets held within.

Aron, however, paid no heed to the palace's beauty. His crimson dragon eyes remained locked on sight above the palace – a gigantic, dark purple eyeball hovered ominously in the sky. Layers upon layers of shimmering energy surrounded the eye, like invisible shields guarding its secrets.

No one, not even Aron initially, could sense this colossal floating eye. He only managed to see it when he was at a certain distance from the palace when they were looking for a hotel to spend the night.

"The Eye watches," Aron muttered to himself. "Who could be behind it?"

'I need to be careful' Looking back at the two girls, Aron was glad that his companions were good at hiding.

One can hide by switching faces, another by turning completely invisible, the last one could meld into shadows. He, however, lacked such abilities.

'Perhaps I could use my Word of Power to mask myself?' The thought crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it. Utilizing his Word of Power without fully comprehending the Eye's capabilities was dangerous. Just by gazing upon it, Aron had a strong, unsettling feeling that if the Eye locked onto him, all his secrets would be laid bare.

With a heavy sigh, Aron drew the curtains, walking to a spot close to the door. He settled on the floor with his back against the wall, his eyes closed in an attempt to rest.

Kasumi yearned for Aron to join her in the bed, not on the floor. She wanted to be close to him, feeling his warmth, cuddle up to him as they drifted off into sleep.

Kasumi changed after Aron and Scarlett's night of intimacy. The feeling coming from Aron engulfed her. She experienced everything, every sensation, every touch, every shared emotion between Aron and Scarlett. And to say that Kasumi wasn't consumed by the love radiating between them would be an understatement.

'I want that for myself' A new desire bloomed within her – a longing to experience that same kind of love with Aron.

She cast aside her hesitation, becoming bolder in her pursuit of Aron's affection. Obsessive, perhaps, but her desire burned bright. As she lay in the soft embrace of the bed fantasizing about the first time that she would have with Aron, sleep finally got the better of her.

The night was peaceful, passing by quietly, much to everyone's relief, particularly Aron's. Despite his intentions to stay vigilant and keep watch, fatigue eventually caught up to him, surprising even himself.

"I was exhausted by that much?" Aron questioned himself in disbelief.

The truth was undeniable—yes, he was exhausted. He hadn't tasted sleep for more than a week, yet he hadn't even noticed it. Despite the evolution of his organs and heart into those of a dragon, his mind remained that of a human.

After waking up and having breakfast, Aron and Lucca exited the hotel, heading towards the city gate. Viper trailed behind them, cloaked in invisibility, while Kasumi remained concealed within Aron's shadow.

As they strolled, they couldn't help but sense the heavy atmosphere of the city. The streets were bustling with activity, yet there was an underlying tension in the air. Just with one quick glance at the face of one of the citizens relieved everything. There was no joy on their faces, only weariness and fear. It was clear that the tyranny of the mayor weighed heavily on the people, casting a shadow over their lives.

As they walked, Aron couldn't shake the feeling of being watched by that giant eye above the palace, he knew that he was in its detection range and he was trying to appear normal as much as possible.

"Is something wrong?" Lucca asked, noticing the furrowed brow on Aron's face.

Aron shook his head "Nothing, Just act natural and avoid drawing attention."

Lucca nodded, adjusting his straw hat. His unassuming farmer disguise blended seamlessly within the city, considering the many farmers who regularly visited from nearby towns and farms.

Reaching the city gate, Aron spotted a young boy lingering in the shadows of the city wall. The kid quickly noticed Aron and approached with hurried steps.

"Good morning, Sir Bron," the boy Jimmy greeted, bowing respectfully.

"Bron?" Both girls echoed in his mind, Kasumi through their soul-link, Viper through the magic seal.

Aron gave a curt nod at the kid "Good you're here" then he pointed to Lucca introducing "This is my friend Bucca"

"Eh?" Lucca turned to Aron, offering a confused look before quickly regaining his composure. He shifted his gaze to the kid, extending a friendly smile. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Bucca," he said, his voice warm and welcoming.

"I'm Jimmy"

"Pfffttt!!" A muffled burst of laughter echoed in Aron's mind. "Seriously master? Bron and Bucca? Pfft...HAHAHA!" Kasumi couldn't contain her amusement at her master's poor choice of aliases.

Viper, on the other hand, struggled to suppress a giggle, fearing Aron might hear her thoughts through the magic seal. 'If I reveal myself now, will he call me Biper?' she thought wryly.

"..." Yes. He was listening.

Aron's cheeks flushed slightly at Kasumi's laughter echoing in his mind, a sight not missed by the sly fox girl.

"OYA!...Master is flustered?...this is rare, I must tell the girls when I get the chance"

Trying hard to remain calm Aron instructed Jimmy to guide him where that palace captain usually stays.

The boy nodded and swiftly gestured for them to follow. Within minutes, they stood across the street from a three-story, luxurious building with expansive glass windows.

"This is Captain Winston's private restaurant," Jimmy informed them.

Aron scanned the building, noticing the unusually large front door – three times the size of a standard door. He then recalled the old man's words – 'Fat as a pig.'

From the glass windows, Aron was able to observe the interior, immediately something caught his eyes. a man seated at a massive round table, devouring a seemingly endless array of dishes. He was bald with no facial hair, and his skin bore a slight tan from sun exposure. the man was as Uncle Roger described him. Fat as a pig, yet he was odd in a way.

Typically when someone gains weight to such an extent, their features become rounder, their cheeks puffier, and their arms and legs also gain some weight, but this man's face seemed almost... stretched, and his arms and legs were thinner than they should be. it seems as if the excess weight was distributed unevenly across his frame. Gathering all in his unnatural massive round midsection.

"That must be Chowblade," he concluded, recognizing the man instantly.

"Yes, Sir Bron," Jimmy confirmed.

"Alright thank you, kid, you can go now if I need you again I know where to find you"

"Yes, sir!" Jimmy readily agreed and scurried off into the bustling city.

Aron turned his attention back to the restaurant, observing Captain Winston Chowblade for a moment longer.

"Lucca, it's time. Remember the plan." Lucca nodded, tightly wrapping a scarf around his neck, concealing his face. He then strode towards the restaurant's entrance.

"Kasumi, Viper," Aron called out mentally.

"On it, Master," the two girls responded in unison, springing into action.

Viper, cloaked in invisibility, swiftly positioned herself near the restaurant's entrance, ready to provide backup if needed. Meanwhile, Kasumi utilized the shadows cast by nearby buildings to maneuver inside the restaurant, merging with Chowblade's shadow to remain hidden.

The plan was simple. Lucca only needed to "accidentally" bump into the fat man, revealing his face. From what Aron had gathered, Winston had arranged to meet the thief in the city after his successful mission.

Aron intended to use this encounter to set a trap for the palace captain. Kasumi would remain concealed in Chowblade's shadow, monitoring his every move, while Viper would be there to support Lucca after his interaction with the captain.

Aron, however, decided to distance himself from the restaurant. He didn't want to attract attention, especially with the watchful Eye hovering above. Additionally, there was a possibility that his face might be recognized by those who targeted the Frostguard since the queen had a picture of him when she delivered her order to the Keep. There is a chance that his picture got leaked.

Just as Aron was about to leave the street, a commotion erupted from behind him.


"Huh?" Startled by the shouts, Aron whipped around to see the source of the commotion. A runaway carriage careened down the street towards him, completely out of control. There was no driver at the helm, and the horse seemed to have bolted, its reins whipping wildly in the wind.

Aron stood his ground, He activated his [Ancient Dominance] fixing his gaze at the horse. 

Instantly the horse froze to his command, its wild movements ceasing as if it had suddenly turned to stone. However, the carriage continued to drag sideways, its side wheels snapping under the pressure, sending the carriage veering towards Aron's right side.

Undeterred, Aron raised his hand, channeling his mana towards the carriage. A surge of magical energy erupted from his palm, creating an invisible barrier that stopped the carriage mere inches away from him.

'Phew that was close' he sighed inwardly

As he cautiously approached the carriage to check on its occupants, the door swung open, revealing a young woman who stumbled out and into his arms.

"Are you alright?" Aron asked, his voice calm and reassuring as he steadied her.

The young woman held her head, disoriented from the sudden stop. She glanced around in confusion, her eyes meeting Aron's. At that moment, her breath hitched, and her eyes widened in shock. She froze, speechless for a long moment.

Aron's brow furrowed in concern as he noticed her reaction. "Is something wrong?" he asked gently, his voice laced with genuine concern.

The woman continued to stare at him, her lips finally parting to utter words that left Aron utterly bewildered.

"Marry me," she blurted out.


yO! sup?

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