
Reawakening of the Nameless Dragon

Nameless, Unknown, Forgotten in the passage of time. A man suddenly awakens inside a dark place, crawling out from a suffocating Coffin. With no memories about his past. Driven by an unyielding determination to survive, the man sets on a journey to recover his memory. With each step, revealing a fragment of his forgotten and dark past with the help of a being inside him contently speaking inside his head, and the people that he meets in his journey. A journey that will change the shape of the world because the man Knows one way to answer any problem. Wrath and destruction. *** Hello everyone this is Pride from Shadow Library. First I just want to tell you all, that this is my first novel and English is not my first language so there will be some mistakes. second. I hope you enjoy the ride with me as we delve deep in the story. my goal is to write a story I want to read later and I hope you share this passion with me as a reader, and always remember: The only thing that matters is a good story. One more thing, the story sometimes delves into dark themes, especially when the MC displays his brutality, so please read with caution. *** Discord: https://discord.gg/g5MxH7mkAB Contact Instagram:@Shadow_library_ Support the author: https://www.patreon.com/ShadowLibrary

Shadow_Library_ · Fantasy
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169 Chs

Chapter 145: Corruption at the Gate

Back in Larton, everything was peaceful. Most of the young women were busy working in the shops; with only one or two weeks until the grand opening, preparations had to be perfect.

Elina, with the invaluable assistance of Hanz from the Merchant Guild, had pulled off a remarkable feat by securing an entire caravan of goods before it even arrived in Larton. Through her savvy negotiations and Hanz's expertise, they had managed to procure the goods at a favorable price.

The majority of the goods acquired were ingredients essential for alchemy, ranging from rare herbs and mushrooms to exotic monster organs. With these valuable resources in hand, Elina discreetly arranged for a section of one of the stores to be filled with alchemical treasures, ready to enchant and inspire the aspiring potion-makers and alchemists of Larton.

Meanwhile, the other stores were still in need of merchandise to stock their shelves. Balin and his trusted friend worked tirelessly in the smithy, their hammers ringing out as they forged weapons and armor of exceptional quality. Their dedication and skill ensured that the armory would be well-equipped to meet the needs of adventurers and warriors alike.

Not far away, the barrier mage remained tirelessly dedicated to his craft, obsessively perfecting his barrier scrolls with unwavering focus. His determination knew no bounds as he poured his heart and soul into his work, why wouldn't he be obsessed? He was doing something he enjoyed and had an abundance of materials at his disposal for free.

As for the new workers, they were seamlessly adjusting to their roles. With the living quarters above the stores finally completed, they wasted no time moving in. Elina had made a conscious decision to hire only female workers, and exclusively through the Merchant's Guild, selecting candidates from the lower and middle classes who had applied for positions.

When it came to security, of course hiring only females made sense. The women knew that Aron would despise having men around his girls, although he had never explicitly said so, everyone knew it. Additionally, given the traumatic experiences some had endured at the hands of men like Vincent, it only solidified their preference for a female-only environment.

The only exceptions to the male-free environment were Balin, whom Aron had personally hired and with whom he had a friendly relationship. Balin was kind, wise, and a hard worker; more like a grandfather figure so the girls got along with him well. The barrier mage, however, well, he's a prisoner, so he doesn't count as a man.

Going back to security, Elina collaborated with an all-female mercenary group known as the Red Rose, recruiting its members as security guards.

Overall, everything was progressing smoothly, perhaps too smoothly. Elina, a seasoned merchant's daughter, was aware of the potential pitfalls of opening new stores in Larton. The most likely issue was that some factions or gangs might come demanding protection fees, just like what had happened to her father in the past.

Yet, to her surprise, no one approached them, even after banners were prominently displayed detailing the services offered by each store.

"Strange…very strange," she mumbled before shaking her head and resuming her never-ending paperwork.

Unbeknownst to everyone, this was the handiwork of Thyra. The benevolent mentor utilized her influence to conceal any information about Aron and the girls, knowing that Aron wouldn't hesitate to retaliate if one of his girls was hurt. Thyra took special care to ensure that any inquiries about the girls were directed to her instead

In the eyes of the Larton council, Balin's workshop and the five new stores belonged to Thyra Sapphire, and for that reason, they issued a silent warning to everyone: leave those shops alone.

After all, no one wanted to get on the wrong side of a woman who could simply snap her fingers and Larton would be no more.


"Wake up!"

"Hey!...that's cold, damn yo—...Hello, lord commander" Luca gulped down a mouthful of saliva, his gaze immediately landing on the man standing before him. He instantly forgot about the icy water that had just been splashed on his face.

"Get up, we're here" Aron ignored him, walking away to change his clothes.

"We're here?" Luca echoed, confusion evident in his voice as he glanced around, noticing the absence of snow in the area. The abrupt change in surroundings puzzled him. Suddenly, recognition dawned on him as he realized where they were.

"It's the apple tree farm," he muttered to himself, recalling its location close to the main road and about fifteen minutes away from the city.

Confusion washed over him once more as he looked at Aron, wondering how they had gotten there so quickly. Just staring at the sky and recognizing the approaching dusk, Luca calculated that the journey from The Keep to here took about an hour or two. Which was impossible unless he had been unconscious for an entire day.

Shaking his head to dispel his confusion, Luca quickly retrieved a set of clothes from the bag he had prepared the night before. Changing into a dark brown shirt and pants, he wrapped a black scarf around his waist and donned a pair of leather sandals. Completing his attire with a straw farmer-like hat, Luca adopted the appearance of a servant or low-class worker.

As for Aron, he changed into rugged-looking iron armor he had found in The Keep's armory.

Their plan for entering the city was straightforward. Since Luca was familiar with the city's layout, he would pretend that Aron was a longtime friend looking to purchase new armor and weaponry.

"Ready to go?" Aron inquired, turning to the young man.

"Indeed, my lord," Luca replied automatically.

"Stop," Aron interjected, raising a hand. "From now on, forget about 'my lord' or 'Lord Commander.' Understood?"

Luca nodded curtly. "Understood."

"Good. Let's proceed," Aron declared.

Unnoticed, they departed the apple farm and followed the main road leading toward the city Less than fifteen minutes later the city came into view. Imposing stone walls and watchtowers encircled the southern city, a massive fortress mirroring the design of the new buildings in the Frostguard Keep.

Above the towers and the giant steel gate, the majestic emblem of Avaloria's Unicorn gleamed proudly. As they approached the imposing gate, the duo observed a long line of people waiting for entry into the city.

"The security is strict, just like I remember," Luca mumbled, his voice barely audible.

 Aron surveyed the scene, his sharp eyes taking in the long line and heavily armed guards. "Seems like something's going on," he replied, his voice low.

As they inched forward, a commotion erupted near the front of the line. A well-dressed merchant, his face flushed with anger, argued with a burly guard.

"I have a business to conduct within the city!" the merchant bellowed, gesturing at a stack of trade permits. "This delay is unacceptable!"

The guard, his expression stoic, barely glanced at the permits. "Orders are orders, sir. Full inspection for everyone."

Tension crackled in the air, and murmurs of discontent rippled through the crowd. Luca tilted his head, his gaze flickering to the guard captain.

"Ah, I see," he muttered before turning to Aron in a hushed tone "See that guard captain over there?" pointing towards a heavily armored figure barking orders at a group of soldiers. "He's the worst of them. Won't let anyone pass without a 'toll.'"

Aron raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Seriously? Corruption runs that deep?"

Luca offered a grim nod, his gaze flickering between Aron and the altercation ahead. "Unfortunately, yes. And there's nothing anyone can do about it. the mayor is a tyrant and he's holding this city with an iron hand"

Aron's jaw clenched, a frown etched on his face as he observed the unfolding scene. For him tyranny wasn't a problem if you have the strength to support it, and it's also in a strange way, it could even foster a harsh environment that birthed strong and resilient people, individuals who might one day rise up against the oppressive regime.

However, corruption was a different beast. Not the corruption that existed between the ruler and the citizens which often ran hand-in-hand with tyranny, and in many cases a tyrant can exist without corruption. Smart tyrants like to rule for a long time and most of them would provide decent living conditions to their citizens keeping them in check

However, the worst one is the corruption between the citizens themselves. It's a disease spreading like wildfire, poisoning everything in it's wake.

'A perfect breeding ground for thieves and cutthroats, not warriors,' With a sigh, Aron retrieved a small leather pouch from his inventory. Inside, a few gold coins glinted in the morning light. He discreetly palmed them and passed them to Luca.

He knew that if that corrupt guard captain demanded the 'entry fee,' Aron was certain he would lose his temper and likely end up killing the man on the spot. Luca accepted the coin pouch with a solemn nod, silently comprehending his task.

As they neared the front of the line and their turn approached, Luca stepped forward towards the guard captain and 'accidentally' tripped, letting out a surprised yelp. The coins tumbled from his pocket, scattering at the captain's feet.

"Oh, my apologies, sir!" Luca stammered, his voice laden with feigned remorse as he knelt to gather the coins.

The guard captain eyed him with suspicion, then glanced down at the glinting gold. A sly smile played on his lips.

"Seems like you're a bit clumsy, friend," he rumbled, his voice laced with amusement.

Luca straightened, a sheepish grin plastered on his face. "Indeed, sir. Forgive the inconvenience. These are just a few coins I saved up to buy some... well, some things." He trailed off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air.

The unspoken bribe was clear. The guard captain's smile widened. He casually scooped up the coins with his boot, then nudged one towards Luca with his toe.

"Seems you can keep one," he chuckled. "Consider it a lesson in clumsiness."

Luca's heart hammered in his chest, but he kept his smile fixed. "Thank you kindly, sir! I won't forget your generosity."

"You may enter." With a contented grunt, the guard captain waved him through.

"Let's go," Aron muttered, his voice laced with a hint of anger.

As they passed through the gate, entering the bustling city, Aron casually extended his right hand to the side, where four leather coin purses materialized mysteriously.

"Seriously, master, that man thinks he can snatch your money just like that?" A familiar voice echoed in his mind. Viper, who had been trailing behind them all this time, invisible, spoke.

Aron's lips curved into a sly smile as he heard Viper's voice in his head. Without him saying anything, she pilfered all the coins the guard captain had on him.

"Hehehe~ Indeed, let this be a lesson to him," Aron chuckled softly, storing the pouches in his inventory before returning the small pouch to Luca.

Luca was bewildered by the return of the leather pouch, but he kept his mouth shut and accepted it, securing it around his waist.

"Let's get going. First, we need to find an inn for the night and gather some intel," Aron said, taking a few steps forward.

Luca nodded in agreement, following him. Just after entering the city, two children playing tag bumped into him, nearly causing him to lose his balance. He quickly regained his composure, shooting a stern look at the playful youngsters. "Watch where you're going, you little rascals!"

"Hmph…kids" he muttered under his breath, shaking his head as the children scampered away, giggling.


Aron facepalmed, unable to believe what just transpired. "Seriously? What's wrong with this city?!"

"Hmm? What's wrong, my lord... ahem, Aron?" Luca stammered, glancing at Aron with a puzzled expression.

Aron stared at him blankly, extending his hand towards him and saying, "Luca, hand me the leather pouch."

"Sure," Luca nodded, placing his hand on his waist to grab the pouch, or at least he attempted to, because the pouch wasn't there.

"!!!"Luca's eyes widened in alarm as he realized the leather pouch was missing. Frantically, he patted down his waist and searched his pockets, but it was nowhere to be found.

"What!... those little thieves!"

"Yeah," Aron sighed, shaking his head. "Those two kids stole the pouch."

"I-I didn't sense anything" Luca's mind raced with worry as he considered the implications of losing the pouch. "What do we do now?"

Aron stroked his chin thinking "Hmm? Let's follow them, skilled thieves would make an excellent source of information."

yO! yO! yO!

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